-CLASSIFIE ' ee eee ee oe ag eer one — ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Classitied Rates PERSONAL Closure time 4:36 p.m. day pre- DRIVING to Vancouver. Leaving vious to publication on the 19th ving Vancot Classified, 3 cents per word per ver Jan. 2 on insertion; minimum charge 50 the 5th. Anyc a cents eall Jack, Finnings D (297p) Birth Notices, 5@ cents; Cards ~ of Than) Death Notices.’ wanTeD— Babvsitter for Box Funers| Notices, Marriage and ing night and New Year's Eve Engagement, Announcements,| Middle-aged woman pre ferred £2.00 Green 714 P.O. Box 577 Special Display double price, (298p) ANNOUNCEMENTS CARS FOR SALE Eh ail, Fri- FOR SALE—52 Chev deluxe se day, D 19tt t f dan, 13,000 heater,-seat tickets { ‘ Men overs Rea y cash oF Wea terms Apply <¢ McEwen a Prince Rupert Hotel 300p) CA Dance, Car 1 Legior " accol NWIARTS Dec. 18. Ey " |PURLIC ACGOUN TANT come ‘ D Tax ane 'atat . rk ee - , " Stone Building. Red 593. :20m) 28,, « ‘ othe BATTERY SEKVICE Sor of Norw Christr dines - tree xi dance } ber RUPERT Battery Shop. 234 East 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 128 Re- CARD OF THANKS Ss, rechargit.. and rebuil4- , : ing. Work cuaranted *) Those v dly contributed . on to the su f the Credit LOST AND FOUND W ! Breakf ( Chil drer Party wer xi, Bi LOST—East®rn Sta Re Parker Li ! Ac ward. Blue 859 296) Product Broadway - ( M I v Rupe FOR SALF M Li f ) Ser . “ATR : r ndline St r Mr W A Bowe Vw FOR ‘ \LE D - al ‘ — Ta I Presbyter ne Alberta Foothill oa ‘} ec Ds delivery. Phone T.M.¢ Ch h, the United Chureh 64/ jin} North Star Bottling Work it — 7 R SALI ine 1 FUNERAL NOTICE SS ae ' BURDETT Ir Mon d coal tove day, De ] a. Ka- Overlook St tinka, age I ved wife savy sing a oa 7 F SALE—One Remington 18 of Mr. Frank N. Burdett. 1447 FOR ALE yn Ret ington | . . j typewriter. Phone Black 240 6th Ave. East. Rev. H. O. Olson 298 wii conduct services at Gren- E savin’ ; Chapel at 2 Dm. POR SALE—Stromberg-Carlson ) erment t like new: 6 tubes, plays tt w Cemetery. N speeds. Phone Green 438 b f RC ner tween 6:30 p.m. and 8 pn charge Os " 298) . So : FOR SALE—Three-piece mohair BUSINESS PERSONALS hesterfield suite with end EXPERT Watch and Jewellery b 1 od rondition ‘ E . a4,.% ae thr hout Apply to A. ( a a a oF 32 lith St 298) Block, phone B 36 / 301 navies a ~ FOR SALE Baby play pen yv’s i STI lis ; OIMITROV'S PHOTO STUDIO © ana lady's coat. Sulte Ita 2) 4195 = “0 oo taken Levin Apts 300) Reasonabi lip) FOR SALE—Pair boy’s skis and poles. Phone’ 107 (296) t vely inexpensive , Visit © ti VARIETY FOR SALE=Bed chesterfield 297) reasonable. Green 315 after 6 pn 297 FOR SALE—Fir “flooring, Clay- burn brick Apply P.O. Box 1396 296) 1909 enn *~ FOOTHILLS (aeutiess) coal MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie’s Phone 651. Philpott, Evitt & New tand ie) Co. Ltd (c) NEARLY everybody uses 99. (¢) FOR SALE—Full size spring and mattre and bed chesterfield NATIONAL Machinery Co, Lim-, pg sonable. 1 2nd West ited, Dist lors for: Mining, (2986p) Sa i Con- oo Enquir- FOR SALE—Red fox fur jacket Island e 16-18. Phot Blue 913 (tf 296) FOR RENT ! CH} : FOR RENT—Three-room suite Gr 9 (297) fully furnished. Adults only Box 575 Daily News 297Tp WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER FLECTROLUX Ph. Green 960 FOR RENT—Double room sep- | for nar rvice (e) irate beds. Close in. Phone esi Black 977 298p PLUMBING, automatie oil heat- | - ———— - ~ | ing, sheet met work. Phone WANTED TO RENT 43, 630 6th West. Letourr CALL US to have { expertiy and taHed py & inded boxes in- Sons Lid. Phone letter Bive 156 (208) FOR SAI Xmas Trees natur or Aluminized, Order deadline De { Don’t be disappointed Phone now. 640 (298p) WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- tor ( t re nd and repaired (tf) NORTHERN GLASS CO. Glass for all purpose Phone 426 (301) The Variety Store WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY to 9 p.m MONDAY to 9 p.m TUESDAY to 9 p.m WEDNESDAY to 6 p.m 4 iS a service to our ° friends ‘ (300) ; weil ¢A WELL-ESTABLISHED taxi ‘ firm will now receive appli- “cations from ambitious per- sons interested in going into business for themselves. Sub- mit qualifications to P.O. Box 802, Prince Rupert, B.C, (298) NAME “ADDRESS “a oer we porta 864 ble machines “WANTED “(tf) SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent ; Phone {c) CASH for serap brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Cal) 630 6th Avenue West City TMC... WANTED - (tr TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, teel, brass, copper, lead, ete Honest grading Prompt pay- ment made Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St Van- couver, BC Phone PaAcifie 6357 (H) LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 22364-1 to Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten | 0 Block Fort (46), Oub- division of Lot even Hundred nd Forty-Six (746) Queen he District, Map 1079 satisfactory proof of|/ expirat date of the first publication hereof iss ‘ Title ir tion be * name of Horatic ove Certificate of Title >» Ros filed in this office, notice is | iven that I shall, at the | on of one month from the Provisional Certifies ate of) 1 lew of said lost Certificate, | in the meantime valid objec- made to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Office Prince Nevemt Rupert, B.C yer, 1952, A.D this 10th day of ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy’ Registrar of Tities TO ADVERTISE (298p) | | i HOME CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST | Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce and Art Murray’s Menswear. Dec. 17. Decision of judges is final. Contestants in the home decorating contest are asked to fill ‘and submit to the Daily News office not later than Dec. name, house number, and street address clearly. This co ae C F p R 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL Sabject to Change) Pe TARANTO THU''SDAY i PM 5:00—UN Commentary ):05—At Home With the Lennicks 5 30-—-Musical Program i. i. EMERSON, 65-year 6:30 Musical "Varieties head of the Senate Hansa 7:00—CBC New which reports debates 715—CBC News Roundup committee hearings, is retirir 8 . re ne See i Jan. 1 after 35 years’ serv 8:40—Ferum News Mr. Emerson first becam: 8:30-—Organ Recital Hansard reporter in 1906 : 3 — ert Orch.| whe staff of the House a ae W ou a , ’ Commons. He joined the Se Bt ale Hansard when tt Was Be ganized in 1917 M I ew 0 Nox ‘ W er Report Seen | Burnaby To Get RIDAY > : . eee! Musical ¢ k CR W Weather Report VANCOUVER CP) — Constr Mi lu Clock tion of a $1,000,000 oil pipe! 8:00—CBC New 10-—Her Bill Good system in Burnaby will Mor 301 junder way in the spring, Car Mor Devotior dian Bechtel Ltd, agént ne mentary Trans Mountain Oil Pipe 1 Company, said teday ee Missouri \ Canadian | f Winnipeg h been awar the contract to build three ef a0 Sisinat Wie cee oi! pipelines in the municipa 00—Kindergarten of the to supply efineries and 15--Roundup Time loading dock The lines s0-——Weather Report start from the tank farm at I Message Period 1 :33-—*Ree. Int terminus of the line from } 11:45—Scandinavian Melodies nonton PM - 12:00---Mid-Day Melodies CBC New Sccnmmnnnnnnnitiibtesemmenmeennee nai al 2:35—-Program Resume 12:30. C. Farm Brow Al PICK OF ) d Interlud THE MARKET 1:45 ip 1949 Plymouth Sedan —Smart nw gra reconaivoi mou si good tire Real family car ee Only $1435 4:15 1950 Ferd Fordor-.New paint $ t radio, hea overdrive, Tr asa it, you'll Luy it at $1845 ‘ i 1951 Pontiac Peur Door—Nic: Today's Stocks Potircuznoss tury a: sees (Courtesy & DV. Johasten (% Lie, Truck Department semen, (Qi ne light trucks are moving Ss Se fast mily re del VANCOUVER 196 Dodge Panel — Wotfld make an ideal hunting American Sta.dard 06 truck $835.00 raiorne 4.50 BR x 02 Heavy Duty Cariboo Quartz 125 (91946 176" Cab and Chassia Congress 0514 New mot t year, ready Cronin Babine ll', to work SH5 Giant Mascot 40 B h p l Indian Mines 06 td : Pioneer nm £2 0 ar er e Premier Border vias 12 “The home of friendly Privateer 04 service” Sheep Creek 1.05 Phone 93 Silbak Premier 29 Vananda 1 Spud Valley 09 Silver Standard 1.34 Western Uranium 3.55 Sil-Van 55 Oils— Anglo Canadian 7.10 A P Con 35 Calmont 1.49 Central Leduc 3.70 Home Oil 12.00 INTERI E Mercury ‘eit 19 W Okaita . panini 2.95 Royal Canadian 1745 NOW! +. TORONTO Athona Al If you haven't dene so Aumaque iin ware already, NOW is the time to Beattie Duquesne 34 come, down and get that Bevcourt 83 winterizing done to your car. nie i soe oa Have you got Winter-grip Content 410 Tires, Chains and. Anti- analha 43 freeze? If not. Eldona 36 mae East Sullivan 6.05 —SEE-— Giant Yellowknife 10.40 God's Lake 57 SUPERIOR AUTO Hardrock 1215 SERVICE LIMITED Harricana T 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 Heva 05%, — Duvex % Joliet Quebec 33 Little Long Lac 68 Lynx 3 | Announcement Madsen Red Lake 158 | ; McKenzie Red Lake 35 McLeod Cockshutt 2.55 All Oil Companies Moneta 38 Negus 18 s Noranda 75.50 Will Be CLOSED Louvicourt 17 Pickle Crow , 1.38 Petrol Oil & Gas 68 December 25, 26, 27 Sherritt Gordon 4.90 ‘ Steep Rock 730 and 28, inclusive. Silver Miller 1.03 Sweet Grass Oils 66 Golden Manitou 2.91 Landover Oils 30 * Rix Athabasea 1.50 Nesbitt Labine 1.50 i A ale e by Imperial Oil Limited Standard Oil Co., Ltd. Home Oil Distributors, tta, | } Shell Oil of B.C., Lta. | peiilvkj hoe B.A. Oil Company, Ltd, Fred i in this form re - Dowdie 17. Be sure to print] = OpTomeETRIST ntest cloges midnight, Room 10, Stone Building ) Phone Blue 593 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 18, 1952 It mace of this contract, by Miss Brash which Usual Reasoning Doesn't Govern Miss Brash’s Play wasn't the opening lead but the second lead guaranteed the downfall BLACKWOOD on 7 ridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD | Fly MONDAY . WEDNESDAY Departs Prince Rupert 2:3 ROUND TRIP ELLIS AIR Contact QCA . . . of your loco! PRINCE RUpE To KETCHIK - SATURD 0 p.m, Arrives Ketchikan 3-15 p.m $27 LINE travel age Phone 476 Shovels Taek «thew , ith dealer ? a , . en! boo ne x Both side vulnerable ds Pc or ) } na M \ pu North ? . , Mi Keen let th (Mer. Abet) — usiness c ro SStOnY the cha at Mi J 4 rR ‘ vit} ird H 4 cette ; ; 4 ; . cc Mr. M ‘ turne x wuenTre DELUXE PRE 5 JOHN t} M " Hast Destetner H, (Mies Brash) (Mr, Masters) +10 9 K Q Duplicating p U L G . A H HK ” { Br tha ther heart D : DB os 62 Cireular Letters -'Monthiy Ma ; the batence |: °~ C-K i 4 Bulletins any kind of B WAL pr se ‘ ae. Kee Business forms. Direct mail ( Molomelrs . ae , ca : § "’ a rs advertising, etc, WO + 46 le : ; F ; , HK 3-9 than regular printing e . D-—A K ' f nd C033 Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 } i at if t or “— Moree Pert |) 738--2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert John Bul H ‘ I , ger ‘ ‘ all All t BC. Give ‘us your mailing Hot Third as Mr. Master We do the rest oe : ; ; everything depended On the club LL « ’ w thir nn uit shipping and Genera i , : siesta Apparentiy there was an ex Moving, Packing, Crating John F. | Hughes * , cellent chance that the king of Cartage and Storage CHIROPRACTOR Mie Koen Clubs Was in Miss Brash’s hand His, 10:30-12:30, 2-04 a See Maem brag 8 She had overealied with no Complete, Reliable and Erfi Eve 3 pp \s to di : SCH ROC | nigh honors in spades and dia tlent Service: Aliso agents for ol - 23 Be y ! } : , monds and = only the ace in/] Canadian Liquid Air Co Ltd Phone ’ . , heart But such reasoenine for Oxygen, Acetylene und all Tt lap : pace Sul.” doesn't apply to Miss Brash She | Welding supplies sia i K the tOP doesn't need much wo overcall . Sat Mik die ee te. Mrs. Keen took the club n- | MINDSAY’S CARTAGE H...G. HELGERS : ee a : : eas TE - esse and Mr Masters won with & STORAGE LIMITED LIMITED © the best shot. the king and cashed another|! Gor. sna and Park Avenues ' came the 10 of apades "Pade trick for down two Est. 1910. Phones 0 and 68| | REAL ESTATE & INSU es ao hs Note that if Miss Brash had Phone 06, Ev -nings Bi a ns . a a Ke awl niy re ture d ta heart at renee: \ Ni ey ¢ i OUT . . a nd was pernitted win. He! ick three, Mrs. Keen would|| G@@ER & merpaapenty —_ ned fe and again have had plenty of time to set — eapaituaen” daa LING THE TA! K r won the her clubs while she still had a Foundations and Re-Roofing Tailoring ~ Alterat , vs : | w spade stopper {| 215-Ist Ave. W, Phone 909 and i P.O. Box 721 Clothes Made-to-M } 220 Sixth st Phy osname POR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SCOT! McLARS 4) EVERY JOB GUARANTEED CHARTERED ACcoU ES We Pour Ceinent For Less James Block 608—3rd - Phone Blue 939 Pritice Rupert, B i vine 347 POH ALLAN E. BARR — Contractor | ene Clam and Dragline-—Crane—Rutidoser—tow -hex | Ww ; Sc Traiter—Dimp Trek Sir Comp oe at : oo ‘ pci ee PRECISION SA FILING Train he a Th PH say on ing ald Contratiey * a Hlasting-—Pile Driving-sand ang Rock Delivered pee Nard, | All Types of Saws STANDARD TIM Werk on hourly or contract basis—Estimates given. Sharpened a 4 —_ : mily except Su OFFICE AND HEADQUARTERS — 247 EAST FIRST AVENUE @) 15 ist Ave. W Phone 4 Fro the Bast— BOX 452 PHONE BLUR ema PRINCE RUPERT. me ee : : Daily except Monday prock \fount A cial Old ee a ee ee OF TIE SEASO\ Rock CANADIAN RYE WHISKY acoth and Mellow se pte 8 Loe cnn he —— \1) COMPLIMENTS Mount E LONDON DRY GIN » Vhoed of apelin | : aint foose A Ted / mail Colpo | Meek yf (ofilion ALBERTA DISTILLERS LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the I Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. > BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Luxury Steomer PRINCE RUPERT dbAILS FOR Vancouver | and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY -MIDNIGH1 Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY CR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, CANADIAN NATIONAL DINING PLEASUR SPARKLING NE SURROUNDIN Commodore ( NT | aU VANCOUVER via Waypoints SUNDAY umosun 8 pn FRIDAY . serittaly 5p 88 Coquitlam, °} ALICE ARM and STEW Friday, Camosun Mid Ss. ( BC. Der 88 Coquitian ' ror souTH QueEE Jquor DAGWOOD -- my ( TELL HIM im} "IN THE TUB | 14 ” \\ SHAMPOOING y MY ; HAIR Ce 10 GET OUT OF A « \ TUB AND COME DOWN j * 4 STAIRS TO ANSWER GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 CHARLOTTE ISLAN | 88 Coquitlam, Midnig Dec, 24, Jan 7 and FRANK 4. SKINNE! prince Rupert a Third Avenue —He's Always Thinking of His Comfort! ~~ 4 f HE SAID HE KNOWS T'S A NUISANCE Sara “So SVs Nos: ~~ py CHIC YOU enceaicemmainacccicncimmcmmteny 1H T ( But HE SAID. HE SAID HE REALIZES } bie YOU DONT | {T WOULD BE AN Par ane. 4 IAPOOTTION BO toned + C youre FiRe0} YOU DRY u ‘ a AND PUT Or A ROBE .| —~- } AND COME ‘ 0 DOWNSTAIRS y) i, of