i Wk0 fAOB FOUK -THel uAILT KEV7S By George MciV- BRINGING UP FATHER Plaster . . ( THAT1 WHY I TOOK IT IT eT-MACClE' LOOKIM' TOOK fl'h 1 "YOU A L WAV 6 Mt'jE.O OUT SS Efe THEVORUT DID ARE fOU IfeRME A,H I OUT OF THE VLL MIS5IT- J IT- I'M t)lCK AND TIRtU O- Wall Board J AM AROUND WANOERIMQ ELEPHANT L!KE. 5UN PARLOR- V V fjlWeEPiNCTHE FLOOR v, p ' ensures a lifetime of saiis-faction 1 PY-iQ t 1 when used for walls and ceilings; fi.a true and stands fLrm durinjr the life tor of the bpildlru?. . WAKP CItACK Woo j CKUMI1LE i. ItUUN or WEAK OUT Is damp-proof, verminJproof and a perfect insulator, en-surlnp cool In summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Bare Troushing Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows .Metal Hoofs and Siding Ihone 340 Iiox 4G7 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want tnink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx We have large, orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if yon want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue FISHERMEN ! for Pumpernickel Bread Rye Crisp and other Breads, come to The Rupert Bakery Baked in an oven, heated by oil which injures a well baked loaf and one that will stay moist. Place your orders now for HOT CROSS HUNS for Good Friday Phone 643 J. Garon C Hlggert Proprietors World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS frflnrpeira wf It.O.P. Poultry -Breedene-AwNi. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpington, IUack Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order " Now. Reasonable Prices. For Priee List write Secretary. Prof, Lloyd, University of B.C., Vanfquver.jBX. PORT CLEMENTS f-'2 iTtr hill F..iur. ,.,. lm Cwi Biii iJ.i. BMml,' PL4YERS GIVE ENTERTAINMENT POBT CLEMENTS. April 7-On Fn- day. "The Plavers." under the direction of Mrs. N. L. Jones, gave a very enjoy- able play entitled "Not So Bad After : All." In the Haatie Hall. The following was the caste (in the order of coming .upon the aUget: Sally Maybud Mlaa Louis Chapman amert Mrs. N. L. Jones Jaatee Bank Noel Lewla Jones Mrs. Marchmont Mrs. C. B. Brtgiey Captain Marchmont Jack Hewlaan Dr. Brunt W. P. Haatie Lieutenant WorlbJngton C. B. Srlgley Mrs. Brunt Mrs. W. P. Has tie Mrs. PVJppett Mrs. W. J. Rennje Captain Poppet t E. Johnson Mlaa Clara aneaton MUs Mildred Pel ton I The play was proceeded by a cur- Uttermost Quality Always tfcin raiser a butterfly dance by little i Miss Beatrice Srlgley. who made ii delightfully dainty and falry-llke butterfly. When the curtain drew apart on eculd almost bear on gaap or wonder irom me astonuned audience, it was beautiful! A garden with an apple-tree In full bfysMtu. and borders of clumps of tulips and daiTcd.K The garden pailir.K was broicsii oy a uel- .. U unhwjy ..-. which clamper; I a F " ' .Y..111 : r rows. Trio Jitt'e f:ii:y tUnced to the dainty mu;. oi :lii:e :ird oivni and ended by scatiornm ai)ple-b:jss;.r.i petals amonKat the at (iieiice. Mrs Oscar Dunlap was ipspousibl: for the production of the mass of flowers whilst Mestm C. B Si.gley miJ ! N. L. Jones arranged the state settings, j Mr. Bellowea kindly ran his eifclne to supply the electricity and Mr. Mallory j lent the electric light bulbs. Mr. Haatie did the wiringfootlights were ceruln-: y a great addition tothe scenic r-ffacf Whilst the scene was being changed to an tndsMr one a program was given under the direction of Mrs. R. T wil - llama. Mr. Crocker and Mrs. Williams played Rubensteir.'s "Melody In P." in Fashion-Craft Clothes ; Greer, If Wrl i AGAIN It's Here! The Qreater Value we promised youl lie . (OUR KNOCK OCT) THAOS MA UK MSC'O. Worsted Suits Tailored by E55r!ToN-PrWT, $O".50 4. F hi lively styles for young men,fresh busi-ness-likestyles for the middlc-ayed, and conservative 6tyles for the elderly and each the very latest Iryant k Limited QUALITY MEN'S WEAR Your new Easier Hat is here BROCK 1J0RSALINO STETSON A Mass of Sores No Sleep-Unhappy Days Three, years see nr reck, arms and chert wtre Ilk raw beef. When 1 applied D. P. V. I was immedl-stely relieved. Three battles entire It bssled my ess, even though t was la such a terrible state. I am so thankful to have found out about V. D. D.. It Is worth II OS a bottle." Ellaa R. Clower. Krlowna. U. C Why not see If D. D. D. will relieve pour case of akin disease. Itrklss; atopa on the -slant. i.oi a bottle. Try J). D. D. Soap. too. H. 4. MtVl TfllEON 1)1(1 ti NTOIIE. OKMCS. LTD. ll'iute ana organ) delightfully: songs wTe sun8 by Mrv Gilchrist. Prani. "arce and Xhe Rev C. O. Darby. Mttr tne play refreahmenu were terved and a most delightful dantt i'0"0" - PREPARATIONS MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT BY TERRACE PEOPLE VMtlng IfctoaHlnll Teams ITmn Km III.-ers to be (liven Kanl of Krents TIRstACC. April T. A committee compsetd of the mothers of the loci: basketball players, the local teacben nd these at whose homes the vlslton will be entertained, met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs C. A Oil- bert and arranged detaue In eannec-jtlan with the? recaption and entertain ment of the kea It hers taaeawthall team's visit here next week. Arriving at noon on Thursday, the visitors will ft taken for a motor trip around the district and thence to tea at the heave1 of Mn. C. R. Ollbert FUlowlne; the game Thursday evening a house pen has been arranged for the local and anal ting teams at the home of Mm. W. a. Burnett. On Friday afternoon a recaption will be held at the horn of Mrv Oeo. Little. PrMay night's gaaae wUI be Mtawed by a public dance in Q.W.V.A. Hall. The vlalton will return to the ulterior on Saturday's train Accommodation in private homes has been arranged for the girts while they are in town. TERRACE Mia. T. J Marsh event a few dsn with Mrs. A T. Wilson at Bemo during the week. Mrs. A. H. Barker was an afternoon tea hostess oa Monday In compliment to Mre. R. Randall of Victoria. Tenders for the sidewalk from town, to the track andj lot a new bill board ejere opened by councillors during the week. T C M. Turner was awarded the contract for the billboard, at t'W Parr futaaitted the krwvat for the aMrwatk and recelveaja'rt vIJJJKUlEiNT-'Mt tne contract for the turn of sl47 O. H. Pethick, antltbera. asaistant dla-trtet engineer visited this part of his district on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs R Randall was guest of honor 'at an afternoon tea given by Mrs. O. 'Seamen on Tuesday 'afternoon. J. Brealey of the Laminated Materiala Ltd.. New Westminster, returned south on Tuesday. The road to Copper City, la now open for motor trattc. Mr. and Mrs L. Sklnaer hsvntg aude several trips over It during the Gordon Little left on Thursdsy to spend his Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen la Prince Rupert. L. W. Warner of Swlthers. who was a vlaltor here during the wek in Board of Trade Interests returned to the In- on W Mr. su 1 MM. R Randall left Thursday for their home In Victoria. MlM Olsdya Ktaney arrived home on Wednesday to spend her Easier vacation at her home Mr, and Mre. J. Anderson who have peat the winter la Terrace returned on Monday to Useir home on the prairie. W. II. Watt of Ameabury Ieft Tuesday for PHnee Rupert. j ' B Ericsson Of the Amesbury mill waa brought to town on Monday ulglit wlth -i . V antedE For Sale DAILY For Rem per word in WANTED PIJCATION8 WILL Bl RECEIVED by the iiiidorsigned up to April 14. for the position of nlht orderly. In the frlnce Rupert t eneral Hospital. Applicants must state experience and qualifications. Salary MO 00 per month and meals whilst on duty. Secretary Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, as 30UMISMON AOCNT WAMTCD AL-ready calling naming camps and groeera. Address letter "Vlaltor," Motel Prince Rupert. 82 WANTED HEAR PROM OWNER OOOD farm tor sale. Cash prtos. particulars, j D. P., Buab. Minneapolis JJlnn. FOR SALE ROLLER PAR BALE. -4S POOT BOAT. ' 12 hp. engine, power gurdy and 1 everything complete. This la an ex-1 oeptlonally fine boat aad can be hut at an attractive prtee for eaah. Moored at Ketchikan. Alaska Address. H a uter. EM Holly Street, Portland. Ore. aCTTINO BOOS I1TJ0 PER SETTXNO from bred-to-lay thoroughbreala; S C Leghorn and Barred Rock. R OP. ' tock. The Royal Pur aad Poultry Ranch. Pacific. BO. l OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE OSED IN- stead of buUdlng paper or to lay beneath earpeu on the floor. 0et apeelal price on large quantiHes. Daily News. MU6KRAT8. NOW BOOKINO OAD4RS tor suauner aad fall delivery, finest dark muakraU. The Royal Pur and Poultry Ranch, Pacific. B C 11 PC SALE. SOME OOOD BUYS IN trolling boats, packers and seiners. See Pleid. Northern Exchange, Cow Bay. M POR SALS. THE "BRANDT" CABIN at Salt Lakes; good location. Apply to M. M. Stephens or 8 A. mdrer- POR BALE - CREAM WICKER EAST carriage; in good condition. Parkers tarage or phone Black 188 88 UNUSUALLY LA ROB WILTON CAR-pet for Bale. Apply PuUea. Dally News. tf POLLY MODERN bouse for aale. or rent. Phone Blue is. as FOR SALE. -SEVEN ROOMED bargain. Apply 848, Seventh Avenue Mommouj poturtTORE for sals. Ftawat Rrd 80. tf : ViV POR RENT - HOUSE. FIVE ROOMS and bath: newly papered. Oaod location. 884 Beoond Avenue. Phone 848. 84 POR RENT. FURNISHED APART-menta. four rooms and bath. Water paid. Phone M7. tl POR RENT PURN1SHED HOUSEKESP-Ing rooms by the day. week or Booth Phone Red 807. tf por Rrarr -out ROOMS WITH OR WITH-Central board. location. Phone Blue 188. tf POR RENT. - -- PURNI8HED HOUSE -keeping rooms Apply Mussallern Oroeery FOUR BOOMED HOUSE FOR RENT; not and aold water. Phone Red 388 s broken shoulder bone. He was given first aM here and left Tuesday for Vancouver, from which place he will :me in Finland. I INYESJjGATE ' iuhu iu ah anon TERRACE. April 7 The board 1 trade at 1U meeting thla week reported receiving a reply from the provincial public works department stating that Die possibility of building a road through to Alyanth would be Investigated. d. MeLeed returned to tl.e rlty on ThuriMlay afternoon ' train liom n brief tilp to the interior. "1 h ) Ml. NEWS CLASSfFlB AlS. advance. No Advertisement Uk?r or !r a lian f (.V IIUILD1NG MATERIALS Km HI i.i Milt h i-:ih i 2x4 Cntn. Sijied, a ."od urud- " 1x6 8hlplap. No. 2 Ha Kr V. Joint no i' I in or 4 In Floo'!.:g or Joint ! o If in Wall Shingles -. . . 18 in. Hoof Shingla. No 2 P.'tf ? o H In. No. 1 Sliiplnp ajiy wlj.ii to 12 in tv.1 i Rough Pir BoardK. rolled widths , 4 Light Sash, ea-h . i ;.' 6 Light Sash . Inilde doors. J ft 6 in x 0 ft. am 4t Back Doors. 3 ft 8 in x 8 ft X 8 in. (glass) fit) Piont Doors, ditto 8 5 7," Aim a big stock of .'Irish lufli -always on hand, as wll : U.nv i wall board, veneer, etc Writ us' ror rtrlnee. K.rKIIOK Lf 'MBRR A lll;! f Co., United Pt. of Victoria. - Vacouv" c TUITION 3. AT McPHEILSON Teacher f wiMiivc n o r i-iii"!! i " . Pot tePms-Pktine Blue s:: SCOWS TOWINU Etc C. KKT III M A i n. Sand and Oravel for 8ile Scows for hire Il Oeneral Tow trip Prion Egeredlng M -aerate. "71 and Wiie Vt. AUCTIONEERS. PRI.CE RIPEMT ACCTION MMtT Pederal Blork Purnlture of all kind bouelit. j id or exchanged. Crating and pr.rir done Ooods aold on ConuiiUsioii G. J. DAWES. Aartieaeer. Ph-m, t-. CHIMNEY S Wi ll t. ZtNKfllR Oefteeal Handy Man PUrnaere and Btoves Cleaned snd Repaired. Ontmales 8wept. CensMary Piota Csrrd Por Phone Red 88. Prlnre Rupf-t ir exchan(;k ! W ANI aRTftD liN, rt ltMTI Rl bought and void and exhanaed Pmvar Piano knd - Tw hU ' RPglsters ji atoek PtPArrflPHIXM A MAR A A MS Third Ave. Phnne t CHIROPRACTIC !)H. R. P.. r VOI i HON Chrra praetor 888 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now to Blur 88. Residence phone Black 2r3 Acute and Chronic Disorders nucw- fully treated Eatabllabed IBM. For Six Years PIMPLES Covered Her Faoe Mra. Albert Btubbs, Newhnry, Ont., writes: "My face was covered i)i pimplrs aad waa so bad I was ash a int. I to ka seen. I suffered in this war fur aix years, until one day a friend tuM ins to use Pi EE anl after I had used two !t t I.h pfmplet were all gone and my i-km win ai eleaji and amouth as out " Tut op only by The T. Mill mm (.i., Limited, Toronto, Out I'M. CttCV; Light D'ii ; t i-r, T...1 . ! HOHti tlT !(iufiter it. ii , TonrihK Coupe .... i . Coafih Sadan Cabriolrt , IhipeWaJ !. Kin ... ; ! "'M'. met'i i .: McJf!. 'iuipn.f n' Cahriol.-t . 1 ' . mmlel ii Sare Tire extra. fen H. S. WAI.I A' SILK p it V Chifi'-in a' ' -' ill fill"; phere, 'u . Hh . i 1 Prom- - $1.75 lo The Ilmae ri H.S.Wi.'b: Ihort "r.! Am . DRY Ja' u -If ! i 'r-Ubl I. . I . . Ijiriro :ii k ... ' 'IAI. I'!'.! ' I "I'lill'i I I It Ml. II. 1 ; n Ailrr.- !. ' . !,.r ti II. I AND -T TT- r i iAtrii!.--." '' Ii'mu lor . . 7 'ji'Mvt . for ''eh !; .M.'lti I,!., 'v ct Vale : ; ,