ign of Terror K ure aes Jo servicemen tule brokers, | HILL BOSS ju (CP)..Col, Willis mel tration for the) staffs Brigade Say idler omy part dve r PERT in Octobe {fence weekly (aire Japanese Canada: army the peak the ported by the wha ‘created by ' maelves of serhous crimes ommitted by OMBED ’ eeu t New industries r Old-Fashioned Bean Suppers have been a tradition since Grandmas day.. WOMEN HOLD OWE THIRD OF JOBS iN TODAY DR RDP PDI BBD NK Dede WIR PI RRS, BRIA DR Due TaD. BoD Be OD Beebe Be Be DDE ee Ri Be WHITE SATIN GIN “BURNETT'S BURNETT'S LONDON DRY ¢ displayed by the Liquor sent of British Columbia, (x es HH = MIGHT ion NIGHT s are not ar old-fashioned as they { many of them still have those eld- hioned bean suppers. They simply empty a can or two of Heinz Beans in a casserole, flip a ewitch, and in no time the family has that regular old Saturday night treat. The oven-baking has been done for them by the Heinz chefs. Of course, Saturday night is not the only Heinz night in the week, There are now live kinds of Heinz Cven-Baked Beans, two of Spa- - and two of Macaroni. If there were nine the week, you could have one of Heinz th silty main course meals for lunch, dinner or | late supper each day, and still get plenty of variety, Stock up for rushed meals during these | DDI HAD DDR WR DDD BBD BB WD Ie Be Led MRD DGD Bee Dae De Dee Dee DoD BT De Be Dede RD De De Bee De Dede BeBe Be Dee DeB A B Ds 2Bn WR WB De DDD Te busy shopping days SS Plenty of Cars Californie Shaky { Prince Rupert Daily News If you are planning to buy a Californig doesn’t look quite as ‘Puarenay. perember: 16, 1952 }i\ new car next year, you have) steady as it Gid last year, at least; —————___——_— ener . plenty of company in the view of Lloyd’s of London. | A story in the New York Jour+| The insurarice firm has ofderéd | nal of Commerce predcts that\a 100 per cent increase in first} manufacturers will produce and 1088 earthquake premiums, ac-| ; 2 ‘ sording to the New York Journal | ell 55 million autos in 196 viv shy lion autos in 1953, 4| 0° Gommerce, which should be| gain of 13 million units Over enough to cause a slight tremor this year among policy- holders. : Drive o 1952 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL AUSTIN A40 U-DRIVE 4 ONLY—FREEZERS ) Lowest Rates by the Day, Week or Month 9 cu. ft. $280.00 19 cu. ft. $498.00 ‘ 12 cu. ft. $298.00 21 cu ft. $598.00 pa Apartment size refrig’r, new’ 5'% cu. ft. $169.00. BROADWAY U-DRIVE LTD |; SQDN. LDR. A, BR. (ANDY) 5 year guarantee. Cabinets slightly marked in transit. ¢ MacKENZIE, 32, of s-ontreal an ROAD fichtar Wlot with the Phone New Westminster 1711 or |] 996 W. Broadway Vancouver 9, B.C, an , ghter plo, With the J i United States Army Air Fores write P.O, Box 460 1 Korea, has been reported - missing Fos —- results try o Daily News Classified From a farm to a fiddle—Daily News Classifieds eae bs ee dsdubdsdedadeieind. aise CRBS S RIVA PY i Be See Bi WH DW Dies BDH MRWRHT HRI Wi BD RD BHD DRT 4 GRRBRRBB BRARAAAARAABSS x2 wRRw PL DON’T LET THAT LAST MINUTE SHOPPING AND TOTING OF HEAVY PARCELS WEAR YOU OUT AND PUT,A DAMPER ON YOUR CHRIST- _ MAS SPIRIT. Come in and see the variety of Christmas Candies ... . Nuts Chocolates, Crackers and Decora- tions that are now being featured at the Independent Pood Stores —at very ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ,. You Can Get The Choicest “ Have Your JAP ORANGES Grades of Turkeys, Ducks and Delivered With Your Christmas Geese at Your ~ . Order INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES DO IT NOW! W——> FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND SAVING THESE SPECIALS GOOD DEC. 19th TO 24th INCLUSIVE canneD | MAAINCE MEATi: 53c VEGETABLES ras toicn 9g | CRANBERRY SAUCE%= = 27 2's, Faney, 15-072. vost tied ace Christmas Pudding °°" $1.29 caamentes — | BEETS wa. sy. cron 2Te sada: 46° | POULTRY DRESSING» IIc coe 88 | SAGE. He | emer [~emurr {| RITZ CHEESE CHRISTIES 24 ) rouremer ibys 20. ) | RITZ PLAIN CHRISTIES.. 22¢ | ——~ Taverne Appetizers “""° 31e¢ skin's PICKLES =~ 10-0150. ABET} 9 tor 43¢ PICKLES 0% wre tity, a0 AQe . ) Libby's, 15-oz. : | ; G NG E R A LE Part-y-Time, Quart 3 for $1 05 } | EDD AH Pe BD RM JUICES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ahi 33° ORANGE JUICE glee, | LEMON JUICE ace ee GRAPE JUICE Welch's 7 16-64. PEACHES “FRUIT PINEAPPLE Libby's, Sliced | | COCA-COLA tor 36c 35 Have all your Groceries dived. ivsence | WINES siscicicts rete 39 eee —oat your Independent DO YOUR sen" 1 Cocktail BISCUITS sx gst 9Oe | “state dacr” _ MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or o82 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS Limited. Ph. 21 LYONS FINE FOODS one 250 - Red 465 bés GROCERY Phone 656 INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES “THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE” . . 9, NN EGE NE MN EN CN IE CHECHEN ey : ETE REE EM "A 6 MME LEMME EM EMINEM EEE, : SEMEN EN NE EE ON ERNE MILNE MO NO ONNES OANENE, t ee q ot | i 2 ir 4 & ; # “ 3 t “4 ee ye Se, = e * a os, - Leo FORM Pe Pes eee a