LADIES' DRESSES mmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmimmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt Coats, Millinery and Lingerie All at Ilargaln Prices at FlItST ANNIV8KSARY SALE Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 DRY : BIRCH JACKP1NE AND CEDAK Single load $3.50 Double Load $CSi) : Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN 4 Pembina Peerless Egg' 1 12.00 Pembina Washed Iu4.-?U.2S, Alberta Bootless Kgg $12.00 Alberta Lump )?13.00 Also all other classes coal HydeTranSfer AND COAL CQ. Phone 580 139 Sccont Ave. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 83 Cartatie, Warehousing, and ' Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Pinno and Purnltum Mxilng. BLANKET Special For three weeks, commencing May 7, we will give the following prices: Single lilanketa JMfi Double Blankets rO0 All Blankets washed in Ivory -Soap and returned alee and fluffy. NEW STREET TRAFFIC BYLAW NOW EFFECTIVE Coanrtl Amends Solicitor Draft in Regard to Parking on Narrower streets The amended Street Traffic Bylaw was ilnalljr reconsidered and adopted by the eity council last night and la how in effect. The only clause upon which three waa any discussion waa that in regard to the parking of can on narrow streets. The city solicitor had made this clause to read that parking would Act be allowed on both aides of any streets except Second and Third Avenues. Aid. Rudder him maintained that the inten tion waa that only streeta' of less than twenty-feet graded width were to be Construction started last week of new. slowwalli frsm Main Staset to the United Church' ImmoeeiosnU have also been made to the bridge on Rail ray Avenue and other sidewalk to be started at once Usttude those on the scaitheely aide of Alfred Street betweon fcMaa&.asx QMta titrawts. liiiV ssialiii '-"I' Smr if I The Topaty rucniisaa mine management announces mat it will be in future impossible tO supply meals to visitors to tkej -MMe who will thus hsve to use their 'own lunches alone A steeling of the 8ml then Liberal Asportation was held last Friday for the purpose of naming delegates to a Wend the nomtnatlng convention in Terrace for Skeena riding. Owing to 111 health. Judge F. McB. Young haa been compelled to decline an invitation to address the Omlneca branch of the British Columbia Cham ber of Mine. Railway employees have been making great improvements around the Smith era station. The unsightly bog at the east side of the depot haa been filled In and terraced with tracks and win be developed as a lawn. A gravel tennis court Is under coaatruouon and will e reedy -for pray within the neat few Construction of the new High School here Is now under way with the con tractor, Thomas Oarann of Vancouver In eharge The building will be ready for occupancy In August and it will then be unnecessary to continue the use of temporary premises Satenslve Improvements have been made to the Hanson summer home at Mae Kathlyn tvhich ! one of the beauty spot In the district The grouade have been artistically terra with stone retaining wall and t lowers now planted will line the various path- James At and Al Qreenhalgh have left for Vancouver where they will be engaged with the train crews for the iummer. J. W. Russell has turned to Stew art after spending Use Winter in the south. V. 8. Moore Has been on. a business trip to Vsrieotreer. Father Leray. OJJJ. held Roman Catholic Chuteh services at Premier on Sunday. George O. Shaw, tea! druggist, is on a Business tnp to Vancouver A daughter was born last Wednesday in the Stewart Oeneral Siclpttal to Mr and Mrs. Herbert J. Lent. All material lor the balhousie tram has been de)lvrarl on the ground except the cable which la now on the way M P. McDonald formerly with A. N. McDonald has returned to tewatrt after spending the winter in Vancouver. Fred North feer. owner of mining pro perty on Teaas Creek. Is back from Vancouver where he spent the winter. Moves Segutn. one time foreman of he Premier tram, has returned to :iewart after sn absence of nine i.ontha In the south. PRINCE GEORGE E. H. BttMen has returned to Prince George after an abeenee of three and half month during which time he lade a trip to the headwaters of the umlneca River. He had a large party with htm. including a surveyor, and they did considerable prospecting and staking of claims an behalf of in crease represented by Mr. Burden. Alfred E. Piatt, discoverer of the Oetfar Creek placer gold district, died bare .recently at the age of 63 years. -ie waa a life long prospector In the Cariboo district Local ratepayers, st the polls last Monday, ratified by a narrow margin af tutte votes the bylaw authorising the serum ure of 60 for bringing about a ooatinuoaa light and power ccrviesx in the city. I. I. Lelth. eon of Jacob berth of this city, was successful in recent examina tions at the University ol Manitoba. securing the highest standing In geo- legy and winning a prise of 1100 He will spend the summer in Northern A party of about 390 New York state agricultural lata will tour Western Can- adH next month on a land seeking mission. They wUl visit the Peace River district with a view to locating There were special anniversary ser- vieea in St. Michael's Anglican Church hare yesterday, the choir rendering the jatajesn "Ood to a Spirit." Rev. P. W. a service at Woodpecker Mr. and Mrs George Kennedy left last wee for Sterling. Ontario, their childhood hone, where they plan upon taking up future wide nee. IV. 1 "fUHV. Ma ni BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMsnm .1 i M jWJ-,r HERE COME)-JIM- BVCOLl-IJ I HEU-O-OIM- 1 ( H HUE- OOWT t j UlUft SOME WI itA. . St ratfAl 'T,A1 1 ! !I JT!w ' V ,r T' Roofing and specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Itoll Hoofing Iluilding Papers and Felt&v Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 11G and 117 lii' jt- iiJi' glf-;j excepted from general parking and then parking would be allowed on these narrower streets aa long aa the ears were parked uniformly on one aMe of the treet The mayor and Aid. Prudhomme stat ed that this waa also their recollection of the amendment in question which was then changed accordingly. The mayor did not think it was advisable to impose any more restrictions than were necessary and he thought that stash treets aa SI nth, (street and McBrlde 9treet were wide enough to permit' of parking on both sides under present traffic conditions in the city. GRADING THIS SUMMER OF AMBROSE AVENUE IS REQUEST OF PETITION Eighteen resident of jAmbrjpse Ajtenl submitted s petition to the city- last night asking for the grading this summer of that street, the plank road way on which has been In a dilapidated condition and partially condemned for some time The city solicitor stated that he had not yet gone into the petition to see whether or not It was in order. The matter was referred to the beard of work for report. SMI7IIERS Four civil eases and five natural laa tion applications oompramd the docket at a session ot County Court held here last week by Judge F. McB Young of Prince Swart. L. W. Patmore. counsel from the coast town, was also in at Dig neea of opinion regarding the MaiKMH-Motarnln fight In New York last week resulted In a free-for-all. tailing paler on the main street of Snutheti. Miss Ivy Mclnnes has accepted a position as stenographer .at the government offices here. Dick Robinson left at the first of last week for Melville, Saskatchewan, to which point hs has been' transferred in the service of the Canadian National Railways. Or. and Mrs. M. C. Wrlnch motored up from Haaetlon last Tuesday. S. J. Mayer left last week tor Winnipeg and will be absent for a week or ten days on railway brotherhood bnei- The Omsbeea branch of the Brrttoh Columbia Chamber of Mines In Smith-;ra has received and la planning to cooperate with many requests that have been received from various parts of the country for mineral exhibits representative of the Skeena and Otnlneca mining districts. A map covering the mining pceslollltles of the district is to he issued by the Chamber. STEWART H W. at. Bolaton has placed D. B. Kerr In charge of his local Insurance business. A crew of men. left last week for the Marmot Me tala property to de preliminary work prior to the undertaking of nnenjanet earafltjpment operations. ttevW. kjTteler, ,tcinner1y lh charge. cf Bjt our) uagnaui Ctmrch here, has frelP ui'lBUHSU iff Victoria and Is now attached to the Cathedral in that city. cilit the service industry Ball-Bearing Motors The life of a motor It the' life of iti insulation. Hard brittle insula tion, etpcciaOy if oil soaked, send motors to the rrpair shop or to the scrap pile. Kalrbanbt-Mortc rnotort have Insulation that will not harden ar.d crack. Falrbanki-Morte ball bearing motor require greeting only once a year and eliminate oil totkrd winding, oil spotted prcdjett,oiLIop on the floor and the cWfwlM oiling. Falrbanki-Mortc motor hsve a liberal overload cepadty and are now rnode in "fully enclosed" and "ventilated" types, which can operate safely In the foulest add fume and In extremely damp and dirty placet, Qfo CANADIAN Fairbanks Morso COMVAtfY JLnlU4 A number of changes are being mode 'n the busts section here. J. B. Lambert will erect a building next to the Leith Hardware; C. C. Wright la i having a new store built east of the Bank of Commerce, and the Praear River Hvdware Is renovating thsbuUd- lng east of the Oolnrabaa Motel. M. S Buchanan has moved bis business pre mises from Third Avenue to Oeorge William DteVin has . been ' tevoai ttewts. beae by aKolamatinn. . last tits vasausev ssjumd br aha deMh ...... ..-li.'.: . 1 vr. oi ine sale j. u.'bjuian. JuJolth rwl?woo Is bulMlag a Mack smith shop on Fourth Avenue, ad- juurmni ine aw garage. O O. Boyee Is homing timbers for a it a race he Meeat building on the southwest corner of Oeorge Street end Firth Avenue). aSism the Prince oeoge HoteJ. Oeorge H. Bond hat commenced the erection of a sawmill on his property on the south side of the Neohako River at the railway eoehs. The mill will have a cutting ampacity of la.OOO feet per day Klert ion of oaBotea and Initiations took place at the regular meotlbR of the locul ReeekaJi Usage tost Mrs. Loutoe Marls tWoas, wife or H W. Qroaa. died at Mar family residence here laat Monday night following a lerrtht Illness. iTERRAG&s jMMMWr i .i ii caate a - tmm vrmBmKfmm m Bat- V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advrrtuement taken for less than SOc WANTED LOST LOST LAST WEEK. aMfORTAWT Buaineaa Letter Finder pate as return to P.O. Bos 1833. las FOUND FOUND WEDDWIO RIMO ON ACRO- Hill. Apply Dally Mews otnee HB6TAUHANTS HtiOII BAT CAFE Mrs. tmr, Proprletsass Thiol Atrnue. nrU Oood Home OotJhod MeaJa and Rome ahad Broad tMl C'lilefcm Dinner Kvery Nnnday Es awing fretn VSa. eaat on Monday. Mrs. A. Attroe returned home on Saturday tlOM a Short visit to Prince Ru- Dr. and Mrs Alexander and Mm ter mer's sister. Mtas OHelll, arrived from Prtnee Rapsrt oil Saturday and want tv. Vfn. Aihui eetawaed aa . aattir- fttay alter attending the United Church cUontaMpee in VVaaeotrver. -A AAS7aZEiut, vv, Stephen Raskins. Smitbert. district regkrtrar waa In town Friday holding court of revision of ths voters' list. N. A. Watt, government agent. Prtnee Rupert, arrived from the ooeat in Saturday and went out to Kalum Lake on Sunday. J. B. Agar returned hosne on Friday from a trip to Saskatchewan, called there by the Illness and subsequent death of his Mother. Mrs T. B. Brooks, lay delegate from the loeal United Church to the con. fere nee in Vancouver, returned home on awturday A ear load of Chevrolet truck arrived on Friday's train for ths local agent, j. B. Agar. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wilson and children of Prince Rupert, spent the week end in town. 1 Mdehton. B.C.LB. waa in town toe from Dareoa en Saturdar. urdsy sno went out to their ranoh in Mm. Smith, Port Ralnaton aehaot "" ' "' wws-t, sanveti tn iwrraee on Friday R. Ltd.. iu pom nt weea end with her Breely of the Himutaaed Material daughter, Brandt, at Hill Farm Bh. New Westminster, toft for Mm returned em feansis. smnn on aaturoay aner spenams sev- . ,crsl day m the dartrtct fn the interests T O Oamrtt was buslnasa visitor " i ai ine and of uu Mr. Lorkhsrt of the Orawforil-Loek hart Lumber Co. of Winnipeg. wa a buslreea visitor hare aad at Aiacabury Rupert on Mrs F Olapp came up from Prince ii west sou. ne mwrawo 10 in nest interests here, FOR HENT 'itACTKJAL neHBOmtt MOOtim FOR RENT - SIX BOOM MODERN espiui to finndee herring ealtoiy. For security and particulars, apply Box 10a. Dally News OSaee tf .iBLIABUi HOBtiKKtEPKR WAHTKD-Apply Dally Mews OfBee FOK SM.F, OR SALB. OOOD VI gW LOTS tH Section Two: sixty feet frontage on Orahaa Avenue. IMOvOO. Two lots tn Atlln Avenue MM each. McCaf-fery st Olbbons. Ural ted 136 OLD NBWWAPB9S MAY BS C8BD Ist- stead of bulkUng paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oct special price on large quantities Daily News. OH SALS M FOOT FUUaSTJRB boat. First class condition. Bqulp-ped with 16 h.p. motor. Phone MO. It FOR 8AXJ1.--COTTAO Salt Lakes, also row beat Shack 7TT. 1M FOR SALB. THtlsm OOsVTC AT SlaVOO each. Apply Olsii Jonason. Oaisnd BC. 1M FOR SALS FOtto DUMP-TRTJCX tN gcod condition. 1150 XX) Phcane Green MS. 196 OR RENT FIAMOS. PLAYER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Machines Walker's Music Store. FLAT FOK RENT SIX ROOMS AND bath, on Kith Avenue, W- Pnone M3 or Black 32S: tf FOR BHNT FVBNI8HEO ROUSEKEZP- lng rooms by the day. week or month. Phom- Red l07. tf PDRNBBRBD ROOMS TO LET S3 Al week up. Richmond Rooms, corner Third Avenue FOR RENT MODERN FURUSHTD Suite also bed sitting room.. Phone Oreen 660. tf FOR RENT. FURBISHED APART-raonti Apply Muasallam Orocary. AUCTION SAF E Armour's Deck, the Rsbost "OWL" length 90 feet, beam 9 feet, draft 4 feet, equipped with 10 h.p. Palmer Engine, together with other equip- It. (i. J. lYtWBft Auctioneer. in SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert SaJvaxe & Towimc Co. Ltd. HA) RtsMlAIVM IN UAH BOAT. Small Safe and Typewriter for Sale Aawnta for last nope Engines. Ooolldge Propeller, and Tuxlube Oil Hearts of all devcrlptlae) for r barter Halt Lakr Perry. EXCHANGE smw .tun second hand n r-niti'Wi bowgtvt snd sold and exeharseee) Player Pisno and Two Cash fteitlrtert in stock PAPtnOPt I.OH MtRAft Stn TTllrlt ir Phone S4S AUCTIONEERS. PBIWrS RIPRRT AITTIOS MAHT federal Rinrk Furniture of all kind houRht. sold or exchanted. CraUng and packing done. Oooda sold on Commission WEdfleieWr: G. J. DAWES, CHIROPRACTIC DM. R. p.. tvoi.rsoM, CMlowapBat . , Rhsr Its Telephone for SDonlntment now to Bin SB Residence nhone Black SSS. Acute and Chronic Disorders fuooees- fuilv treated. Batahltuhed IMt PRINCE HUt'BItT TIDES ., 4 TI'KBHAY, MAY tt High m as s.m is.e ft. 33:48 pjn 19.3 " ko 4:S ap m. 7.3 ' ' 16:83 pjn. T.4 " MMiNrmiiAV. MAY 90 H'Kl' 11 17 a-m. 17 1 ft. 33:18 p.m. 19 J " Low 5:80 ajn. 9.1 " 17:06 pjn. li " Tni'liniiAV. MAY 81 H'sh n:oo am. ha ft. 33:6S pan. 90S 5:88 an. S3 - 17:44 pajn M tM,h . iAttom ".. Lo -S.ja.ajn. 4.S th vf .. i97 a.m. 30.7 ft. 18:18 pjn. ISO " low 7:07 a.m. Efl " I6 7 p.m. 79 SI'NII AT. Jl li 1 Hth 1:00 a.m. 91.0 ft. lSIAS. p.m. 189 " tow 7:40 jn. 3.1 18:a om. 7.9 " MONDAY, JIKE 4 H'ah i,-98 ajn. 31.1 ft. I 14:81 pm. 183 " I Low 8:13 o:m. 37 I 90:07 pjn. -9,1 " STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS house. aSS Sixth Avenue West after or vsnrcew June 1. Phone Black 788 evenings XDR RBNT. CLAPPBRTON HOTJSB, Ninth Avenue Boat. Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf Sunday-aa Prlnr,. u Tuesday es Caiaia I nursoay-a prlnu i.v J Friday -as. Princes H,,y.,; 10 1J Saturday as Cam, May 17 hs. Prime: May 37 -a Prlnr tf.lrom Vanrttaver Sunday a Cnil.i Wednesday s P.- ,i: Friday as Garden:, Friday as. Prlnrev k.v Saturday as Pr it May 12- -as. PrinrY- a. May 13 sa. Prmm a:.. Sunday es. Cau: Wednesday Pt. . . Prom Aayos Tuesday a cut u Thursday- w Vr.i lor ejtewaTl and IVmniw -Sunday . Cat Saturday -s ; ON MONDAY. JUNE THE 4TH, AT J.SO, ram Mr-wart nn.1 n.mi.. pjn.. 1 will sell st Public Auction at, Sunday as. Prmc It Tueedsy a r.: or Ujue rhaflntlr 'May !-- Prin. .). Iws Qoeen rharloit.-May 17 ss Prinrr I : IMsy SVeos. pmim Joi n or Alaska ' Wsdnasday a Pnn-. i"r May IS es Prlnrev May SS -as Prinr. - a - Thursday as. Pr May 17 -as Prin . Msy 27- e Pr n MAIL SCHEDULE Iwr the kat Mondays. Wednni close tram the East- Tuesday. Thni'iiu mail due . . Ve taaieaurer undsys Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays op r.- May 6, m ' Trains. Mondsyi Saturdays ... pre Vsewoeief- Sundays Wednesday . Fridays Saturday . , q.R.--Jay la Trains. Btindsy i :" days Tb A ay st and Aiirr Am 'Snnrtaya Wedrtexdays . From Anyox and All May 6 ami IB rrarn Qaeen t'hrint! Ith Ave A Sherl.r:' 1 1th Ave. It Conmil Ith Ave. A Hnv t " Ith Ave. Hsv '"" 9th Are, at Cotton h th Ave. A Oreen H' 1 9th Ave. A MeBriri. n rrov. oovt BuiMni Prov. Oovt. Whnrr OT.P, Wharf OTP. Station 9nd Are. A 3nd 8' Srd Ave. Aj Fulton fl' 3rd Ave. A) 6th Nt Bundnys One ro pjn. oolltetlon. Ha Tuesdays Thursdays or Htewsrt and Pnnii" Sunday Saturday ram Stewart and rremier- Bundaya Tuesdays T Haas lllver lolnt- Friday rm Naas Him Mln To Alaalui l"nlnl May 13 snd a.i Prwm AMMra mini a:7 e. ifl md ' TO qneH Ch rfMlf I1'""' A"' CP I' Hip'" "a lOMtaj 3 10 J(J LSj r Port lUMpsoii unit Nil- Rim, rriosy carte n.. iM raw Pert MmpMui n,i sn. 1 Saturday a tar'i -. , u sj If Isrll ins i to :t l u a 1 sjcer 4 . M1 UK U ..(riciKUP mini Arm - i in i a . : Smm 11 nri SI ..ul Oraham Atlln Av 1st Are. Bth 8t 9th Ave. at Fulton h Ith Ave. & Thnmi- r1 lJst tH'l i 9S UN l ,51 f 0 " 100 .n IS ,1V