V Save Mone; '' - . 'I Tlie cheapest way to . Di!!v New la to subscribe Tcar The coat u is.00 ana , j . n delivered to your addrefc. M i evening. Just figure out the sir. ill east to you for thli dUy M :.? (or twelve month! WW.. No. 125. ANCOUVER, May 29. Charging that he had been adviaed by Ut puty Chief Daniel Leatherdale "to ease up on the proaec-ci-nun ' of an bIIi km1 robbery case, R. L. Demarcos, who de- il himMelf a a former Hpecial confutable on the Vancouver imce "in an advisory capacity" to Chief of Police Long, leant the inquiry into the Vancouver police force last evening. 1'i'inarcos, who came from ( ran brook to give evidence, said he iMi on the local force from May 18 to July 15, 1926, and had instructed by Chief Long to inventigate the morale of the force. He a not sworn in hi po.ite VANCOUVER HAS POWER CUT OFF C ll.lrTIlK MAIN HTHHKT NT.VtlO llwIAt.tli U I IKK-YKHT1.KIMY AlItlt.NOON mLK. May 39 Fire this after-tin Mam Street substation ol Electric Hallway Company eu' power from the city lighting . in vr clrcbtya about two voiP, .'wtatkm power waa seoeretec .11 by the company's ateam plant iiuldown interfered . 'he re m-w transmission for a while i hi newspaper plant about edi-:i.e .: M the company's plant u ea-.)0.000 CHARGEDWITH BOND THEFT Ki .,1 It I'MKMAN AMI JMI OHO. MliT IIOTII AllKKnTKII IN C'ON- sin rioN tiimchwith ' uUVKR. May 99 -Arthur B. Per-rtndlan of tbe Vancouver Safety i ompany'a vault' in the B'jard building -' arrested and with the theft of a'JO.ooo worm - yesterday. MrD. Orosaart t also arrast-i charged with retaining the knowing them to be htolen. nd were the property ol John v :uul the alleged theft occurred . October and October JO last. STOCKSLISTED AT VANCOUVER Ml'I.K.V -IIK IIKIKI.il NKI.I.s Mill- N OI'ININCi 1IAV. Il CIIANUIM1 IIVNllH lAM'OUVHt. Mav as Three atocka iiii(i yesterday Topley-Richfield, mil Hllvrr Bar lllnca Ltd.. and i mi company Ltd. 1 i v-uichfteld waa one of tlie moat 1 stock yesterday. It being taken 17 000 aloraa at from M to M ' ' -i miIih aa high for the day. NATIONAL OFFICIALS TO COME HERE ON SATURDAY W viJlinton of Montreal fr i Iter "i 111 thi. nltv fmm VajMOUver OP -toHiner Prince 'ftupeft witurilay , l" of thl. week and mafee tna lh l to Stewart, returning here 'j"V night and prooeeduig Baat the murium, Vtv .lAt,,MtAii wrtll He umai.li u.. , i.-n.l.4 nt - . . . . ""-i. ireiani tramc manaaer ir 'mini region, and John Pullen. iiHslaUnt to the vice-president In '. of traffic Mr Pullen will be "innmiied by hl wife. A.lv ''l? In the Daily News. It paya! officer. Witnu declared that tbe advice of the deputy chief, now acting heed of the department, ih In connection with an incident in a ")oy pert or" near the southeast corner of AMott and Cordova Street. He aald be had aaen a woman forcibly take a puma from a man and -.and It to Mra Andeteon. Tbe latter, ite declared, took MO from the puree. Alter the caae came to the police ourt but before It waa completed, aald icmarcos. .be bad been advised by the leputy that "be would fare better U were' to eaae up on the) proMeuttan n atrcce aald be bad MM tbe deputy bet k -aes eajK 4e be would alnk" aa there were enough itMwt to refute all of PcmsrocaV jie.iienu Tbe ease was dismissed after defence fla.lmony wac heard declared wllncei. Oemarco aald be had complained to .tile! Long and that the latter bad old him that Mri. Auderaon tu barn n Vancouver and waa friend of tbe eputy. The chief had uld. accordtnf : Omarco.v that thl waa the reaaon Uaatberdate mi aympathetlc to her pet ore eomtng to Vancouver In 1MB. Oemarcoa aald In reply to a question, thtt he bad been with the Alberta ' v I octal police and for aome time bad 'wen engaged in breaking up communist group. ClllShftt. i:VIDKMC That detecUve Jack Person, formerly patrol aergeant. aaked him for money after the charge of having narcotics in hal pcaieaslon was withdrawn In the police court, waa the declaration of tig before the inquiry earlier in the day Wing Chtng swore that hla fattier paid MO to a Chinaman namea juu Kee to pet the case withdrawn and that Jung Kee paid the money to aomeone Witness admitted ne naa oeen m v habit of going aboard vessel from the Orient and purchasing drugs frcm mem bers of the crew and selling them to addict. Prank Calaa. at liberty on ban oi three thousand dollars on a enarge oi perjury brought by Mayor Taylor, de-dared on the stand that hla statement of last Wednesday concerning tbe mayor true. KATiiK.it ni.roitT -Part cloudy. fresh prince Rupert aoUtntaat Wind; teinpersmre. Terrace Cloudy caim. vcmy. . BoMWood Cloudy, calm. temp. in.Knrt cloudy, temp. M. aiim Arm Cloudy, calm, camp. 10. Anyox Cloudy, calm. temp. W. Stewart Raining, calm. Ump. 61. o-r. iimmoii Ught southerly wind. clear, temp 6 rtayaport Light wind, clear, temp. M. Heeeium -Part cloudy, calm. lamp. Cloudy, south wind. tmp. ElRhtli Cabin- 63 . . Lake Cloudy, aoutli wina Bcho ... lm temp. Telegraph creea A lnin clmidy. north wiii'i temp SO. t in..Hw palm. tamo. M. Whltehomc River Cloudy. 8. temp. wtll.SUwart Ci Cloudy, calm. Hemp. a; heavf ;twmii ruin in nmm MICH. J. imOM'N DKAI). VANOOUVCR. May ail.-Mra. Kate , wiiifltt of jonn Brown, nrowu, B..,n. at esshler for ine - 1 Vancouver, l dead, aged aw. ....a a tba cltv on J A HIUW ' . . . w.l.f oner wn n vesterday afternoon1 tbe !Uv buiuv -r-i Northern and VANCOUVER POLICE PROBE B Evidence in Vancouver Inquiry Implicates the Deputy Chief of Police Chinese AIo Make Statement and Frank Caisa Declare What he Said About Mayor Taylor Was True FRINGE RAIN NEEDED ON PRAIRIES lonu rtuiDi) or mtv wkatiikk U1II II Kill HIMs H.in ItlUbl) (IKOl M; NO I AI MK I OK ALARM WIHHIPIO. heavy auakuu rain would be of eeauMeraWe benefit " the crept in Western Canada, according to the fourth weekly crop report ol Hie Canadian National Railway, issued l -day. While there is still conmdcrHijlr moisture In the ground and no cause lor alarm need be felt, tlie long period of dry weather with high windi ha.-- on.-. a rap.u .ir,i.ig out -f ihc ub.vi, i,. the prairies generally and a g.'od ra.n would be welcomed. Weather condition.- have bet-n ideal lor Medlug All wheat Is now In tlx ground and the sowing ( coarse ram: practically. finished In Manitoba and Al- L-erU. Saskatecbawau will finish th- ceding of ccarse grains this week Wheat u from three to tlx Inches abovt the ground and Is healthy. There was a slight frodt In part. of Southern Manitoba during the la week but uo serious damage ha rcaulte though growth will probably be checker for a few day. Cutworms have made an appearance near Isabella. Manitoba, but no damage l reported. These pesu are not reported elsewhere. All three province repot bn Increase at about 10 pet cent In tbe average aowr tn wheat and beyond. upV aigtrg par rain laniiniriin are aald lo be " eaoeUent I Pall rye ba wintered weU and Jf In 'HsMUtrry'dawamtMni. PREMIER DUE NEXT SUNDAY Dr. McLenn to I'omc North on Catata and Visit Atlin Hiding Local Liberal are planning to t;ive an enthusiastic reception to lion. Dr. J. I). McLean, premier of Itritisth Columbia, who will visit the city and district net week. Aid. W. M. lirown. president or the Prince Rupert Liberal AaKOciation, ham heen advised by wire that Dr. McLean will arrive in the city from Victoria on the Catala nest Sunday. Koinjc through on the vewtel to vi.tit Anyox. Alice Arm and Slewart in Atlin rid-injt. The 1'remler will return to the city from the north by launch on June 6 to attend the Prince Kupert nominating convention that afternoon and ad-dreiM a public meeting in the evening. From here he will proceed to the Interior. Hon. T. I). Pattullo. minister of land, who it in expected will avain be nominated, will arrive here from Victoria on the Bt earner. Prince (ieoree on Wednesday, June 6. LOGGINTvMATOR ON WAY TO ISLANDS TlKMMe A. KHIi Arrltr Irmii Weal ClMtat of Yaiiewiivrr anil Will 'Tweed In (iieen 'lmrltle With Thorn A. Kelley. well known Queen Charlotte bland logging operator and owner of tbe veewel, on board, the dleeel powored company crtuaer Norah Jane. Oapt. W. L. Oaaa. arrived in port at 1040 this morning from Neotka Sound, weat coast of Vancouver Island, and will proceed tonight at 10 o'clock to the Queen Charlotte Island, taking Mr. Kelley on a trip to hla tateresta there which have been closed down tor aome time. After th Ulands. the NnilVai , Jane whieh la sow taled up at , the. Vancouver. WIUKI.KWt ItKI'OKT. K a.m. Oigby Island. Part cloudy, freah BJB. wind; barometer, M.M: tempera,tri. ,63; moderate well; 7 ajn. apoka Catala left Port scAKbbound. NOON Dlgby Island. --Cloudy atrong S.l wind: barometer 2B.S0. temperature, . . ... , an: rta moderate: 10 a.m. In steamer ic.vUIk southbound PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper KUPKJiTB.G., TUESDAY, MAY I- 29, 1928 ECOMES Vi IIUSUANI.) AND WIKK ARK A.li.A. : .Mi. unci Mrs. Harold Knight havi' both Im-cii honored in Loiulun by election as associates of the Ko.viil Academy English Capital is Brought in to Smithetsi for Financing of Work on Jessie Gold Mines, . Hudson Bay, ML May,29 Stnnlrj a Hutland, who is" associated SM1T1IBHS, with L.' S. McCi'lII of Smithers, has lieen ucceawful in brining in Entrliwh capital for the dcvqlppment- of th Jeawie Group on Hudson Hay Mountain, five mile from Smithers. Tills property i.s only two and a half mile from the Canadian National I tail ways and on the alope towards) the railway. Lat juramer it opened up very well under surface Work directed to showing tip the various vein on the property and ore bodies on the several vein now show continuous ore for nearly one thousand feet in length. The JeiKvIe Cold Mine Syndicate has now been organlied to carry on a full season's development this year and ample funds are provided for this purpose. The work will tart early in June and will continue to open up the several known veins on the surface from the point left off last year. Ijiter an effort will be made to prove depth of the ore by tunnel or shaft work. Values on the Jennie Group show from $6 to $15 in gold, while the galena carried value in silver and lead up to $159. Copper and ainc values are also found in some of the veins. 4 OM I ! IS Ol IO(AL ILOATS 1'KOfKSTKII On motion of Aid. Unaey, seconded by Aid. Vrudhomme. the city council decided unant-moualy last night to send a telegram direct to Bt. Hon. W. L. Mackecuue King, Premier of Canada. Inquiring anent the fact that provision for new flaber-men'i float at Prince Rupert had been omitted from tbe estimate for the ear. Aid. Unary stated that he had noticed that no uch piovlaton had been made In the estimate which had Just been pubUaned that day. As these floata had been promised. It was possible that they had been overlooked In any case, he Jelt that no time ahould be lost by tbe "council In communlrutlng with Ottawa on the matter. ! IIOI.IIIAYS riMlCLAIMHII. VICTORIA. May at Tae Provincial Government ha proclaimed Jvine 4 and luly a as holidays. I. J. Smith of tbe O. W. Mlckeraon Co. left on this morning' train for a brief bualne trip to Terrace LITTLE CHANGE HALIBUT PRICE MK.UIIMft VAIIV 1KOM ll.lo TO UN AT KACIIAMiK. Tills MOKMSU There was little change in the average price of halibut toduy on exchange, ilir hlgliest boat lelchlnk 11.10 and Tc and the lowest 80 and 6t. Bale re as follow: WIKMIt N North. 3S.0OU to Booth FUlicriea at 10 and S. Port lock jK.000 to Cold Storage at 4 and 3. Lanclug. 10.000 to Pacific Plalwrtea at 10.70 and 7. Onah 15.000 to Atlin Flahertea at 11.10 and 7. Rainier. 8.700 to Atlin FlaherMa at 11.10 and 7. CANADIAN Aiken. 12.400 to Booth FleheMce at 13 and S!. Margaret I.. 14.000 to Cold Stored at a .00 and t't- Nuba. 1.000 to Pacific nt B IO and 8 Volunteer, 7.000 to Royal Plah Co. at B.J0 and 6. Rose Spit, 14.000 to Atlin it 9 10 and 0. Nautilus. 100 to Cold Storage at and S'-i- i:t;u rlJMNt MtUPEKT LIHEHL ASSOCIATION A MEETING Will be held in the Mctropole Hall, at 8 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 10 lkiNinpga Election of Delegates to the Nominating Convention. All Ljbfrals welcome. Seats reserved for ladies. ERY COMPLICATED SUMMER BOAT SERVICE SOON -I (II III I K OK CANAMAN. NATIONAL -I I. WISIIH-M W il l, lit THE SAME As LAST YEAR TU M.mmer schedule of Canadian .iii 'iih! Coast Steamships Will liecame ll active with the sailing nrih from .nt.uifi un June 9 cl the Keaaier i r.:.: c Cliarle.s. Tlie schedule, provld- .4 tor tnree bailings a week north and . ,uih to Vancouver. will be 1 1 ,.nuli.i 10 that which appl.ed last year. in- au-amers Prince Cbarlca and Prince . Jim will share tlie Queen ch.nlot.e I - , ,.i d service. The lut boat on the , 1 .j .ci.eilule 1.0 leave prince Ru-.11 li.r the sjuUi will be the -earner i iu.ee Oeorge on Thursday nlglit. June Tbe steamer Prince Charles will arrive here lrom Vancouver direct at 10:30 a.m. Mondays and Will sail at 4 pjn. that day for Anyox. Stewart and Maese'.t Inlet ports. Southbound, the vesel will arrive here Thursday morning at 10:30 and sail south at 4 that afternoon. The steamer Prince George, later al ternating with tbe Prince Rupert, wti: arrive Wednesday mornings at 1040 irom the south and sail at 4 pjn. that :;erii'.-3ii for Ketchikan. Juneau. 3kagway and Wracgell. returning nare at 1030 ajn. llnndaya and sailing acutb at 4 pjn. the aame aliatna Starting with tbe steamer prince Ru pert ne of tats t'iiage-'boa4s rtSl- reeie - trorn- the sooth itrSO tjn Fri . aya. aatl at 4 pjn. that afternoon for Anyox and Stewart, return here at 5 m. Saturday and sail south at 6 ne same afternoon This will be the ftful :i schedule for the week end bjat : r. on June IS the steamer Prince ii.ieu. tiuitesd 01 making the trip :101th 10 Anyox and Stewart, will sail .iia: afternoon on a special run back lo Vancouver with the New England ..elegatlou of tbe Kiwanls Club, going .0 Seattle to attend a convention, which will arrive here that afternoon from the last by special train. After thl. the regular schedule will be In lorce. The steamer Prince John, which Is due here on Thursday afternoon of thl Arek. will return Mgbt to Vancouver .hat day and will be held there until June 0 when she will take up tbe ser vice between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via southern Queen Charlotte la- V.nd point. Tbe John, leaving Van couver Saturday June B. will come ' rth via the southern, bland route. and 1 due here the Wednesday morn- .us That day the John wlU return direct to Vancouver and come back ..are direct, going south at midnight Monday. June 18. from here via south ern Queen Charlotte Island ports. Thereafter, a similar achedule will be carried out on s fortnightly baal. one week north from Vancouver via the Islands and the neat week south from here via that route. The Prlnc Charles, which has been In .1ry dock here s'l winter, will go out this Saturday evening to Vancouver via ill Queen Charlotte Island point In place of tbe Prince John. Com pasting hla voyage, the Charles will remain la Vancouver until June when an will go on her regular summer achedule. MOTHER GENERAL VISITOR IN CITY Head of SMem of M. Joaeph shI feHpefttaer of m-ImnI Her In the course of a tour of western Csnada tbe Mother General of tbe Slstara of St. Joseph of Toronto and Sister Waltrudc. supervisor of the schools of the order are paying a tan day visit to tbe community of Prince Rupert and are at present guest at. the local convent. This week they will proceed to Vancouver.' ' I Both Mother OCneral kMJtnstet' wai- iruaei ere important personages' in we siatera 01 ot joaepn and their visit bare occasions much interest. FIRE AT VANCOUVER DESTROYED SAWM!LLi.hr7".0,r."o.d.Tttd 1 j Japan look the double" Saturday and SOUTH VAMCOWaTR. May 98. De- two ine ol ainyli's Friday went one trvylng a dry kiln and niont of the ruch to Japan ami Canada. This allm-nawmlll machinery, fire caused 30,000 imucn Cmind i fr mi the cup aerie and damage tn Johnson' lumber mill on the northern Fraaer River. BostonGrrill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Klvf Tent PERRY CHOSEN PRINCE GEORGE 1VI 1,1. AltAIN CON'TKNT ICIIHNU AflAINMT KKKIl I'. Ill ItllK.N, ('ONKCICYATIVl! PRINCE OIOROI, May SB. Amid .1. 1 1 .uwiuifiaiira iiarry O. Perry, alt ting ' ...e.ubfr f .r Hit Port Oeurge riding. waa again ruminated to contest the seat In the Liberal Interests at the forth- earning election, which 1 expected to ake place very -.on Por tbe past ht years Mr. Perry ha raproaented he constituency and. Judging by the sentiments of the pecple. there seems every indication that he dill be elected again. Premier McLean waa present at tbe nomination, waa the guest at dinner and also addressed ar publ.c meeting last night. Mr. Perry is oppoaed by Fred P. Bur den. Conservative V WHEAT AHEAD PREVIOUSYEAR lilt'KTUOi MILLION UVKIieLN MOKE 1UVU3I BV CN.H. THAN IN iaaa-21. WlrVrnpaJD. May With more then nine and one half million bushel of grain still In store in country elevaton In western Canada the movement of grain over the line of the Canadian National Railways since August first t exceed by more than 14 million bushels the movement of the corres- xudlng grain year of 1BM-S7. August first tm, the Canadian tlonal Railways have moved car containing 184.000 .000 bushels aa compared with 1M.00Q ears and 170.-000.000 buohels over tbe aaaae period of the corresponding grain year. Or In now in store tn country elevators amount to OJn.000 bushel aa compared wHh 3P4S.0C0 bushels for tbe corresponding period last year. Tbe quantity in store la divided aa follow: Manitoba, 1.810.000: Saskatchewan, 8.- 478.000 and Alberta 200.000 tnee August first 1037, the movement of grain to Vancouver ba total, led 28318 cars. VICTORIA AND FISH CHANGES ANTII'IPATLII THAT PACK TAX Ol' 1LHKHAI. OOVKKNMKNT IS AMILIMILII VICTORIA. .May 39 The ruling of the supreme court giving the province exclusive right to collect licenses from fish canneries waa hailed with satisfaction at the Parliament Buildings but official declined to comment until the judgment wa seen In full. The present license collected by the federal government Is 460 per cannery while the province collects lloo About 100 canneries arc affected. In addition to the cannery tax. each government collect a peck lax of four cent a cane en sockrye salmon and two cent on other varieties The federal pack tax Is prenumably abolished. What the province will do about tbe collection oi license and tanas In future i a matter for decision. JAPANESE WIN OVER CANADA y j ,t TKNMH IN IIAVIH IIP KH1! KMMIN VTIM1 THIS CHUMMY MONTRI AL. May 99 Japan won the Dtivi- cup lennla series from Canada to- put- lapnn in line to meet the c inpc'.it ,1 .