.' '!1 TnaA.... PAGE SIX TTTK DATTjY NRWS 4:.' 29, 192, I 1 Wi II II If III Worth I Up NO matter what amount your budget sets aside for washday expense, you will find that we offer a laundry service comfortably within it. And, more important, a checkup over a period of time will convince you that laundry-washed clothes last longer, save money, guard , health . . and are cleaner! Call us on the 'phone . . . we'll gladly help you arrange for this new-era method of handling the family wash. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT REST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Make Your Own Cakes Here are a few attractive prices: Seedless Raisins, 4 lbs. for 05f Currants, 3 lbs. for . . ."Of C. & B. Orange & Lemon Peel, 2 lbs 55 Fresh Shelled Walnuts, per lb 40? Fresh Shelled Almonds, per lb 0p 2 lbs. for .51.15 Swansdown Flour, 2 pkgs. for 8.10 Cryitalized Cherries, per lb. 70 Glacier Cherries, per lb. .'Of Dry Figs, 8 lbs. for ... . Xif Dry Apricots, 3 lbs. for 70f Blue Ribbon Peaches, 5 lb. pkgs $IA Prunes, per lb. .... UO I Br and lUttf Dri-Pack Del. Prunes, 5 lb. tins, 2 for Sj&i.OT Fresh Cookies, 3 lb. for .$1.00 Don't forget the Green Vegetables and Fresh Fruit arriving on every boat at lowest prices. Mussaliem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 PATRONISE THE Montreal Importers CHEAT BARGAINS in SI ENS ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S Running Shoes Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up 68 Prince Ruperl Feed Co. CITY ENGINEER TO HAVE CLERK KIXOMMEMiATION OF IIOAKII Of HOltKS ACCEPTM) IY COUNCIL AFTER CONSIDERABLE DISCISSION I The 'Hy engineer will be provided o4erk to assist him with his ofljbe work while more important duties (take him outalde. A report making tbla recommendation was adopted by the city councU laat night. Applica tion will be called lor a young man for such work at a suggested salary ol 100 per month. He will be required to have some knowledge of typewriting and book-keeping-. Aid. Orear. obairtnan of the Board of Works, stated that the city en gineer's duties took him out of bis office a great deal. It was desirable that somebody should be left to keep the office open and. for tbla purpose, It was felt that a boy would fill the bltl. Is It necessary that the suggested employee should have a knowledge of bookkeeping?" inquired Aid. Dlbb. The mayor took It that what was re quired was somebody to handle the engineer's accounts. "It seems to me." said AM. Llnzey. tbat the department has got along nicely for the past year or two without extra help. Now that little work la go ing on. I do not see where an Increase of staff Is warranted. I will have to be shown." Aid. Brown did not agree with Aid. - SYNOPSIS OF L '.NO AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over li years of sgs. and by aliens on declaring Intention to become British suujsels. conditional upon residence, occupation, nd Iraprorement for agricultural purposes. Fuli Information concerning regulations regarding prs-emptlens la given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. "How to Pre-empt Land." copies of trhteh can be obtained free ot charge ly addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Qov-ernment Agent Reoords will be granted covering only land aultable for agricultural purposes, and which is not timber" land. I.e.. carrying over 1,800 board feet ter acre west of the Coast Rangs and 8.900 feet per acre east of tbat Range. Applications tor pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Com mlssloner of the Land Recording Dt , vision. In which the land appUed far la situated, and are made on printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be ooeupled far five years and Improvements mags to value of 110 per acre, taeludlag clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed Information see the BuUetln "How to Pre-empt Lead." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlniberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum for first-class (arable) land la ?rtoe ( per acre, and seoontf-elasa (erasing) land f 1.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given in BuUetln No. 10, Land Berles. "Purchase and Lsase of Crown Lands." Mill faef ry. or Industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the eon-dlUons including payment of etumpage. HOMESITE LIASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding II acres, may be leased aa homesltea, conditional upon a dwelling estng created in the first year, title being obtainable after residence and improvement oondltlons are fulfilled and land baa been surveyed. LEASES Fee grazing and Industrial pw poses areas not exceeding 140 ecrea may be leased by one pereoa or a ampany- QRAZIMO m Under the O rasing Act the Pro-ince la divided into gratlnx districts and the range administered under a Orexlng Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued bamed es numbers ranged, priority being gives to estabuahed owners Stock-owners say form aeolattons tor range management. Free, or partly tree, permits are avallabla tor set tiers, avnpere and traveikra. ma is tea AreYouWell? If you want to be well but are discouraged because health is denied you if you have tried everything else, then this little messagb conveys a BAY OF HOPE Nearly every kind of disease is being permanently corrected through the new druglelr science of CHIKOPKACTIC When the cause is removed, Nature can do her work. Consult W. C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange Block Telephone Green 2U Itesidence: 1037 1st Avenue. LMB STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS opined the alderman. MAKE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD Unify. He had had occasion to call .it the office of the city engineer many tunes and often there had not even been anyone there to answer the tele phone. As far as that waa concerned. AM. Linzey stated that he wm satis fied. Aid. Call art wanted further explana tion. 'If Aid 'Prudhomme has any proposition for tbe reorganisation of the department. I would sujgest that he bring the whole thing forward right now and not piece ruicJ," He (AM Collart) understood that tbe superin tendent cf utilities had a young maa on his staff part of whose duties ware to answer calls of tbe public works department. "Why not try to hare such co-operation between the de partments and keep down espeneeer" inquired Aid. Collart. NO STA1T IM'KCASE Aid. Brown pointed out that there had formerly been a girl working between the utilities and public works offices while the assistant engineer had been engaged part time in reading meters. The recommendation woultl iius mean no Increase In staff. Mayor McMordle ielt that the city erg inter had been very lair in counec-l tlon with the matter He had been1 Tying or several months to get along without help and. consequently, had been engaged much of the time in do-trig work, such as making up payrolls, etc.. that could be done for lesser salary while he (the engineer i wm engag ed In more Important work outside.' It hsd aUo been necessary on many oc-CMkr. to leave the office closed when be wm outside. The Board of Work had decided to furnish the city engineer lUi a clerk in order to relieve him of certain minor duties while he was outude The department wm aow understaffed and. In fairness both to the engineer and tbe public, he fait, that someone should be left In tbe office. He thought that the recommendation was a move along tbe light lines and would be glad to see the council adopt It. The city engineer, be remarked, wm too expensive a man to te carrying on certain work which. under present conditions, it wa TIM UK U SALE X9W1. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the eighteenth llBlhl day cf July. IMS. In the otTlee of the District Forester at Prince Supart. the Licence X9b01. to cut ran. Spruce, Balaam. Hemlock anC Cedar n an area ccvering a portion of Lot 306 at the head or Kynoch Lagoon Kynoch (Bast Mussel) Inlet. Mag Coast District. Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at tbe hour of auction ana treated as one bid. further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B C . or District rot ester Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT NJfTU E ill' IMKXTIOV TO APPLY TO in mace stupert Land Beoordlna trict and situate adjacent to AHlford ay, lecmsby island, hldsgatt rwsro vnanoive isianm. TAKX NOTICC that Pacific Limited. "61 Vancouver. B.C.. nrir nnsiaan Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to appiy tor a leaae 01 tne following described lands: Commencing at a Dost nlanted on tbe high water mark of an Island: thenar following the high water mark around the island to Dolnt of maaimaiiieemil and containing one acre, mora or leas. PACIFIC MOLfl, LIMrTSD. Applicant. Donald Wilbur lloaedon. Agent for Pacific Mills. Umited. Dated May t. 1WS. LAND ACT notice or Hg In Prince BOpert Land fl(l niHSITLV TO LlMflMn tr.ct ana situate adjacent uy-Anord Bay. Mtreeby IMsnd Bit negate m aarimie isianu. TAKE NOTIC that Pacific Die- Inlet Inlet. Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends V" apply for a leaae of the fotlowtae de- Commencing at a ooat planted on tbe high water mark of an isisnd: thence following the high wster mark around thf inland to pol:it of rnmmencement uid oontalnlnK 0.M acre, more or less PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED Applicant IiiHld Wilbur H'KlMlon Awt f"i P. ilk- M:1U, L.mited. Date Ui i, MM). sary for him to do. Aid. Dlbb inquired If the city engineer's clerical wort could not be (done in the general offices downstairs Mayof McMordle replied tliat the making of estimates on bylaw work was purely something for the city engineer's department to carry out. aome-, tbat could be belter done under the ! direct supervision of the engineer. Aid. Dlbb stated that be understood ' there was duplication of work In the offk'e of the 'city engineer and down- m airs ;He 'Would use to hea.-whn.tba; engineer himself had to ? about this. OKy Engineer H. A McLean explain- ; rd that It was necemary that his department should have some check on I accounts so It would know where it stood. It wm necessary to keep sum-clent reoords always available to control expenditure Otherwise. there might be over-expenditures and tbe de partment would never know where It ktcod. The 'engineer explained tbe system that Mi followed and expressed' doubt as to the possibility of tfaej work being earned on in tbe general j offices. The finance department would know best what the capacity of the general office was . The engineer test that there wm little duplication under' the system now followed. 1 OTIIEK AMiLEri Therl were other angles to the case as well, stated Mayor Moltordie. The .ngtueer had considerable running of lines and taking of levels to do. In this the young man could assist htm., there bad been an assistant engineer There wm also the matter of Umekeep-until quite recently. i.'ig which wm now in the band of the Aid. Prudhomme pointed out that it general foreman and which put him waa the idea of the Board of works n au unfair tnaition. The young nun to have a clerk to help tbe engineer oould take a check on the time early with Inside work while he (the en- in tbe moraine nd late In the evening gtnecr) was outside. "This will help and thus it would be assured tbat the to make the department more efficient,- city wm getting good service. He felt that, on the whole, it would be good ')Ualness for the council to accept tbe recommendation Tbe recommendation wm then adopted., with only Aid. Collart opposing Its presage. ADMIRES JASPER AND TALKS ABOUT CHINA Orient MM in a Muddle list Kdwtttten by Kadio to be Tried, Says V JA8P8R, May SB. Out of the turmoil of China wfcere he went to install radio broadcast lag psnU for on of the governments. B. A. La port of Springfield, Mass.. oame to Jasper for a little quiet teat and wont straight out to Maligns Lake He wo tbe first trail rider Into Maligne this-year and before be went east this morning on bla way home, he declared that tbe trip wm all tbat he anticipated "I should have gone back to Springfield by way of Europe " he said, "but ray chief ambition for tbe Mat three years, ever since I read about I in the National Geographic Maaaatae. wm to see Matigm. He spent "the night at Brewster's Chalet and during the day tock stem-optlcan photographs ot tbe lake and its magnificent atountaln reflections. There wm some ice in the lake, be said, but It wai being splintered into needles by the tun and wm going rapidly Chins. La port says, is still in a mud- ale, but there is seme hope because the government intends using the radio t the education of the masses. The aai unified system throughout the countr) la the postal aervloe. be states. There Is sb arrangement for this between tbe different factions and battles are stop ped to let the post through. Market Prices Prtoas current am as follows: LAKU Breokfteid. Ib. ..... E.C.D , Ib. EOOS Sbsmfeek i',aad asc 30e BC Freeh pallets Mr B.C. fresh firsts 40c BjO. Fresh estras Mr Local new laid Mc fish Smoked kippers. Ik It Kippered salsaca. lb. 3ec Smoked black cod. lb 29c Finnan baddies, lb Ma MEATS Fowl, Mo. 1. lb sac and 40c Roasting chicken, lb tar Ham. alleed. first grade Mc Ham. whole, tint grade Me Ham. picnic, lb Mfcc Cottage rolla. lb H Bacon, back, sliced toe Bacon, side 46c to Mc Perk. Jry salt Mc Ayrshire bacon. H Mr Veal, shoulder Mr Veal. Mn 40e Veal, leg . . Me Pork, shoulder Me Perk. Mn 40c Pork, leg Me Beef, pot roast lSe to Mc Beef. boUlug 13 He to lte Beef, steak tte to 4e Beef, roast, prime rib Mr Lamb, chops 60o Lamb, shoulder Mc Mutton, leg 40c lamb, leg 8o Mutton, ohops 40c Mutton eheulder tOc HOTTER, , WodlaJl , ...... 60s Sic TOO I.ATE TO CLASSIFY 4444v4t444 BtwIWMU CJfPUB'lUIHrT WOMAN or man as partner In good paying buslnem Must have s little money Phone Rv 780 tf FOR BAI K PTV B'nr. 5 it ion t new HP PALMER IN Phone Red 337 Capitol. 3nd grade, lb 4Sc rraser VaUey. lb 50c Alberta Creamery Sc New Zealand, in bulk 48c prints 60c CHEESE Camembert cheese. 8 sc. pkg Ms Kraft Umberser. ui ago Ontario solids $Sa New Zealand solids 99c Stilton, lb. toe Kraft tic Norwegian Oeat ec Napoleon Umbereer 70c Roquefort 7Jc Swifts' BrookfteM. lb 4$c Qorgonsala. ib 76c McLaren's Cream. Jars ... tfte and Mo BrooktMd Swiss cheese. Uj Ib. pkg. 34c BrookfteM Caaadtaa cheese. lb. pkg. M Oraysre 4.6a Ootden Loaf, lb. 46e Jack. Ib. so Romano Sard, lb 744 . Vt lb 84a ninth Whit per 10 MM TeUow. per 100 si.1t- EtOtK Flour. eSe No. 1 bard wheat .... MM PMtry. flour. 108 TSc Pastry flour. eTs MM VEOI1TAIILE8 Beeta. g lbs. for Me Beeta. sack gtM Carrots, g lbs, for ttc Carrots, tack , ttM Potatoes, a lbs. ate Sack ILM Parsley, bunch ste Cauliflower, B.C. head Me Oalitoraia head lettuce tgt Sarlic. imported, per lb Mo Leeks. 4 bunches for Mc California celery, head . . 3fc and Mc Spinach, looal ,. Ma Tmm Maw rshhsgs. lb Ma Cooking onions, 4 lbs. for Ms California radishes iae Turnips, g ihs for :.... P sack MM Brussels Sprouts, per a He Hothouse Rhubarb. lbs. for .... Me IHUIT Oranges. Valencia. Joasu. . .40e to 1M Imnona, Sunklat. domn Mc to Ma Imperial Taos Grapefruit ....8 tar Me Florida grprrit. S for Sac a . Me boney. lb. Me Dates, bulk, 1 lbs. for Me Bsiatns. bulk, per lb lee Swast potatoes, t lbs. far Me California Dainty Dates, passage .. Mr renew Newtone C' grade MM Fancy MM s-tra fancy 400 Wlneaaps, tr grade sgM anoy n.7 ttra Faney tIM Navel oreates 4fte to ILftu tllKIED llll'ITB 'mon sad oraage peel jOc Citron peel v- Blaok cooking flat, S lb. age White figs. 1 lb g CurranU. 3 lbs. ae PP MC Peaches, peeled age Apricots, lb He Prunes, M-1M, 4 -lbs gge b. boa siM Pruam. 60-70 lb f lbs for Me -0 H. for Mc 40-M lb iv, M Ib. boa kg 00 Kvaporated pears, bslvea, m Mc M lo oo 6IM Nl)T Almonds, shelled Valeaotas age Braalls jj, Wainuu. browea sheMed ryy WslnuU, abetted halres 6S Auaoods oo. Peanuta Maaohurtan walnuta Oaltfornls walnuts No. 1 mixed nuts Hew fUbertv- rttD Wheat. OaU .. No. 6 Shorts Middlings Barley Poultry maah ., Bpeclsl eggmash Oyster shell . . . Scratch food Beef rp 36e ... 9e .... S6e ... ae 100 lbs. 61.00 . . 61 M ... 346 . . HK .. 61.70 ot WEST 0 RS The Daily News' Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit 3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will .keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! DISTRICT READE. LIE THEATRE TUESDAY OM.Y. 7 and 9 p.m. "Wickedness Preferred" LEW CODY, A1LEEN I'KINKLE. HEKT KOAUl. i.KUti.L K. AirrilUIt. MARY SIcALLISTKK and olhrrs. COMEDY "HAHS OFF 1'AUA.MOITNT NKWB Admission - lenms! r 35c and Hk 1 ennisi SEE OUH NEW RACKETS $7.r,(l (o $IU.OO ' 12S Halls are in "swsawaHMsmwmm-H Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE Kl&R DOEK Our spririK stock of Ilifrh Grade Men's W ;r Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from "that spring suit" tailored to your measure b ( . most Clothes bullwam "Society Brand." Obey That Impure Do it Today THOR JOHNSON Crushed oats Fine barley obop Father lll.U'K M.Ull6 64a 64 Jt w5!J55w?wm 66.16 H (reading school rport)Oon- 666;duot, bad; reading, bad; composition. 66.60 ; arithmetic. history, bad bad- bad! 3 23 ! What ia the meaning of this, Oersld? 6330, Oerald I can't underatand It, dad. 68 SO Do you think It might be a forgery 66J0i Punch. The BadlolH 1 the bent w rrloe complete ' " Cannot be 1,1 Bp" HIX l'OIITBIT ''" of yourself fui f-rv City Meat Market (SELVKS IJROS.) MEAT- FISH, VUnETAItl.ES and ' ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODI at low prices, and immediate dliv o ,r 1 " Obscnst All articles are of superjor quality ' OfouBrr ail oakel, Baby shlek feed Fine oai a. t. v k I'M .Hi" ii ... P'"' Winnipeg and -n F. W. ( HANDLE Sltlh Strrrt. Hint"'!'",'r .g