v. May 29, 1928 ffB DAILY NBWH pagb nva Ffiod mat GoryerU DOMINION DAY aiiori CUP DRAW MADE For Breakfast Try li liciouH bowl of Dina-. the natural cereal live. It builds Eturdy - and promote vig- i health. Hie New Hcfillli Food Why Buy Cake? n Vancouver when you . i a better quality cake per cent cheaper i , in your own city and r .,.. ilaily. I.iL'hi and Dark Fruit Cake, lb IOf h t i and Citron Cake, '! ."Or round Cake, with mixed fruit 10 I unci) Cake at UJ5f akc at Jf to make your own ( ;! osoeroufl bv encnur- thc workmen of your '.uvn. Our trood are all made in our Itakery and the u ; 1 1 i t in unurpflM Bakery T ' Vvp. Telephone 667 W U.LACE CO., LTD. X . T,' f t:TK CLEAKANCK Ladies' and Children's Dresses Hcc our Window T ' OATS ON SALE special Hoductlons I.S WallaceCoItd. I'hnne 9 ".I Ave. and Fulton IWLK -:- PRICE Reduced to Pints for $1.00 p ""arts for $1.00 Uh price tickets. I' Hi iuV Street store oow closed lalentin Dairy WpHiccnnd Dairy lllhSt leltphono 637. Demers for The Newest in 'ports Wear 1 ANU . ENSEMBLES, WOOL SUITS, Wool Mrvvin,r v REDS DEFEAT CHICAGO CUBS (INflXNATI NOW HAH TWO (J AMI: l.BAO IV NATIONAL 1.E.UU K YANKS AOAIN HEAT ITIII.KTIOH l (Special to Daily News) NEW YORK. May 29. -- Cincinnati Rd wretched their lead m tlit- National League yesterday to .two lull games by winning the first, game oi a 'ma the running up Chicaao Cuba by a aoore OU to II. It wax a hard fought match and the only one that was played in the league yesterday. The Cuba now-have a margin of but one game over the New York Otenta for second place. New York Yankeea continued the American League farce with an n.t victory over Philadelphia Athletics Ini a loon same. Tiu Aihun.. - null of aeveral reverses of late, have now dropped to within one game of the third place Cleveland in, m Louis Browns, by winning over Chicago White Box. took fourth place from Boston which lost to Washington Senators. Yesterday ' scores: NATIONAL LEAH I E Cincinnati- a. Chicago l. AMEKIRAN I.BACUE New York 11. Philadelphia 4. Washington 3, Boston u. Chisago l, tt. Louis 2. Boston Chicago Detroit IJ-Uflli: HTAMIINOH National league Cincinnati . . . Chicago New York .... w. 38 IS 31 Brooklyn g St. Louu gg Pittsburg 7 Boaton 12 Phlladelhpla 7 I New York Philadelphia ICleeeland .. American l.esgie 1 M 33 IS IS IS IS ' Washington 13 L. 1 17 IS IT IS n n 17 7 14 17 33 IB 34 M 33 AdverMae ta the Dallv News LuNl) ACT Pet. JM M M MO .447 .343 JOS JM Ml .S75 NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKASE L.Xlt In Prinoe Rupert Land Recording DU-I tnct and situate on Marsahy Wand a4 I jaceut to AUlf ord Ray kldegate Inlet taiu moticr that Pacific Mills Limned of Vancouver, B.C.. in iiaatliiii A wr nfta - - "- - - pulp and paper manufacturers, o apply day or May. AJJ. SB. RORKRTSON DOOOLA8 At SYMB8 SolteiMrs for m rtoyai 144 Trust Company. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (Western Henion) SKA LED TENDERS will be received at the Pfflce of Chief Engineer. Wlawjpsf. until twelve o'clock noon. MMtoy, June 4 isaa. for replacement of Port y -Six Wooden Box Culverts by Concrete Pipe on Smithars ana .amiooj aneciflcatlons, etc., can be seen and form of teiSSr obtained at the Office of District Engineer. Vancouver, Acting District Engineer. Victoria, and Division Eniilneer. Prince Rupert fender, will not be coiwWered unless made on form suppueu uj Company and accompanied by an ac-ocpvk I cheque on a chartered bank t equal to five per cent of the value of the irarlt oavable to the ordrr of the Treasurer Canadian National Railways. TOe Toweet m aay tender not necessarily accepted. w A K1NOSLAND. Oeneral Manager, Winnipeg. Man. w... Of IQOS im Form No. 13. SeaUon 38) LAN I Ai,i. voTirr or intention to rvply TO I llirilASE 4NU in Prince Huprt Land "Jnf District and situate about S miles irotn w mTAKE' NOTICE "thS" the Detroit WUrS MlnmgCmp.ny V.nuver B.C . occupation Milling mlwt . tends to apply for P$?dn n?L ehaae the follow nn '.nttSe Oonmeiung tt a po tlJnSSt on foot dlrtant from ..hste,- the lirTlm' Wert aloe thin" ot iv southerly '" " 30 ehalns; .,,, r:Mfflm Thi advertisement m not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of .British Columbia BASEBALL NOW AT KETCHIKAN LEAOl i: r TIIKEE TEAMS OUUAM.E AT VI:I.L-ATTEM)i:i MEETINO KsTTCHKAN. Stay js). At the annual baseball sceeUm held in the nik niub W1UM1 A. Molahsimer waa eleotd to ' succeed K A. Drager as president and ' Irl Thatcher was re-elected ; treasurer of the Ketchikan City League, j About so players, fans and btadnass men attended the meeting and decided i to place three teams in the league. These will be sponsored by the Bks Kagles and American Legion, bearing the rtamss of the respective organisations Lawrence Kubiey was fleeted to manage the Rlk entry Lou Harris will handle the soldiers and Wsde bauklls will look after the destinies nf the Ragles, Rvery ball plfcjer in the city 1 urged to sign the -roster at Thesr her Artems for (or a a learn law of of the trw I followfnt i KU"t M thr officials are anxious described lsnds 1 to get s line on sll prcaoectlve Dlsvers dearees M mtaues West I Astronomic I '" K on Memorial day: 1900 1300 ft ft ; ; thence thence North North S3 S3 dearees degrees 30 30 Derjartlnn from the nUn used durum minutes west (Astronomic) ItOO ft.; thence North S3 degrees 10 minutes Bast Astronomic) 800 ft.; thence North M degree West Astronomic I aaoo ft .: I thence North 80 degrees Xast (Astrono-I mici 350 ft. more or leas, to an Inter section witn tne nign water mark or Aiiuoru say; inence lotsewing tne eaia high water mark Southerly to the point of commencement, save and except one island containing one acre more or less and another ausnd eenwtauag &H serea, more or lees-the whole containing tit PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant. Br Parker Samuel Bonney. Dated April lSlSSS. .'..,6, NOTICE. Eim.Utlt IIOXOIIOE, IHHVil NOTIOR M HRRRBY (HVRN that all persons having claims against the estate f Kd ward Donoboe. late of Neas Har-Ucr in the Province of British Columbia, who died on the 3rd day of March. ItSS. are required on or before the lith day cf July. IMS. to deliver or send bv ore-paid letter post full particulars of their claims duly verified to The Royal Trust company. Executor of the estate of the said Edward Portofise, deceased, at Its offices. M Pender Street West, Vancouver. B.C. AW TAKS KOTfOS after thr isst mehttooed date the Bsectl-tor will proceed to distribute the asset the eVceasad amoud the-LLlsaus en titled thereto hating Nttmrd only to the rlalau of which It atwR then laaee had the past season whereby the president alloted each player, the manager this year wUl rutle their teams from the local talent and buUd their t urns lr-leapectlve of the standing and strength ct the league. FIFTEEN YEAR OLD BOY RISING CRICKET STAR TONY IIAIIINOIUM COArilEO PR. VATILY HY NOTKIl KNOLISII CKICKirr PL.t YKM LONDON, May 3 Cricket never had a finer or mere devoted aspirant than Tony Had Ingham, the lS-year-old Wim bledon boy who la regarded as a ris ing star. Here are a lew facts about htm. He attends St. Paul s school, West Kensington. He was selected to play In the two days' Surrey County trial match at the Ovan recently. He has been coached privately by auch cuts tan ding players as Sandham, Old-field. Hoot deary end Major Faulk ner. Re has played cricket since text mmrn A aiv Ua la 1 1 1 ! Iiutlu. ihSi play for hla county, Surrey, and to be a member of the England team In a test match against Australia.. "When I met HadlnRham.'' a Londian newspaper man says, "I was struck by his quiet modesty and his unbounded enthusiasm for the game. 'If I pis cricket at all and I don't pretend that I can' he aald, 'it is due to nothing but hard work. I have played csichtt since I was six. I have bought many books dealing with the game, and have read them through and through. I go to cricket matches and watch the styles of all the players, both at batting and in the field. I do not bother with any other sport. I admit I am fortunate because I have had to many eaeeellent coaches.' "What Is your favorite place In the field?'' I aahed Tony Hadlngham, and was surprised when he replied: 'behind the wicket.' Then he told me of his wMetkrefilng ambitions Oldftcld has given me some excelent hints.' he said " Form No. 13. Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OI INTENTION TO APPLY TO I'l'KCllASE LAN II In Prince liunert Land Record 1 in- DIs- 1 trkt and situate about 4 miles from th mouth of Khutae River. TAKE NOTlOK that the Dptmlt Western Mining Company of Vam-ouver. UAi, occupation Mining Company, in lenas so snruv ror mn-minainn to mir- ehaae the following described lands OsMnrnenelng at a post planted one 1 fOOt SOUth nt SIW i,nrir tit Ml' i KEKIES IN KECOXII FOOTBALL COM- PETITION OF SEASON MILL STAKT ON i?HV. i , ThseL totToffR. ma last rtnXlofctbaif '4oia, ... , I WUl. w$ the rninlo!i oirl tne draw for whirh w.wl evening &t i mwtliiK or the cxfcu ivi of (he Prince huir Fort ball Association and the final for which trophy will be played In connexion with the celebration on DomlnlonJpay with O 8. Russell refereeliii!. Tjiftie.-gup will start in July in whltt'icnth there are also to be games with teams from H.M.8. Durrmn which will be on a visit to the port. The Dominion Day cup drew waa made as follows: June 13 Orand Terminals vs. Thist-tie, O 8. Russell, referee. June IS. Thistle vs. Regiment, O Krauee. referee. June 22. Weglment ts. Orand Ter- min.-il8. W .E. WUUscTaft. referee. Around The World With Sport Fans (Ily The Trampt George 81ster who yeateiday was re- ported to iue sold by the Senators to lie Boaton Braves waa formerly a At. Ixuls star. He was osut of the . most brilliant first basemen In the game, led '..: American league M bat and was looked on as the league's matt valuable player. A year or two ago he loat his tight but underwent an operation was said to have recovered. People am now wondering bow long before he wilt pass cut of the major leagues. Japan la ' to be congratulated on winning the Davis 'Cup tennis series :om their country. The games were ck. the first two stngtos betna equal ly divided. They took the doubles and esterday followed It up by taking the final game of singles although Tetao Toba last the first two sets and It seemed as If Jack Wright of Canada was to be the victor. SPORT CHAT At least one sports writer, who might eve been said to have been prejudiced slightly in favor of Jimmy McLamln. ,-avc a whole-bearied decision to Sam-my Mandell in the bout at New York last week for the world's Hgbtwstght :.-own. This was Andy Uytle, snorts dttor of the Vancouver 8qu rdent McLarnln supporter whose wrtt- .ngs fro mthe ringside where he was present, to various pap-ri nidlcate tha there "was nothing to it" at least so it as McLarnln was concerned. In -identally, Lytles reports Indicate that t a cane of whe.-e the man who Jld all the leading and was the aggressor did not necessary win. Rut, of ;oune. champions do not have to work to very hard to retain their titles and. irovldl.'g they don't get knocked out r mauled all to pieces, they usually vt decisions. Mandell. Lytic Indicates. did not kill himself disposing of Mc Lunln and. at that left the ring, ab tolutely unmarked. Sammy Mandell will wear the light weight crown for some considerable time, write Lytle of the fight. Be disposed readily of his most formidable -hallenrer when he outboaed Jimmy McLarnln in practically every round of r-elr 14-round fight to win the unanimous decision of Judges and referee. Jimmy never looked like the winner. He found himself tied up at every at- rmpt be made to Ret In close enough to land a hard right or left. Mandell, smiling, sauve, shifty, elusive and a phantom at long range, stock hit left into Jimmy's face so often ithat by the end of the third round he;d c hated one of Jimmy '$ eyes and hefsjpe the end 01 tne ngnt nan almost art other Mandell left the unmarked and still smiling. ng. eyes were Just about out of business, his noae waa bleeding and badly swollen; his Hps were lacerated. He was a atri boy. of Manoeii is tne most deceptive fighter 1 boxing cunning or has forgotten it. that I have ever seen In the gym- Mandell waa supremely the champion naaium he looked an eny mark for a 1 He never seemed worried. Jimmy's left hook or n straight right. In theihody smashes ooutdnt slow htm up ring he In a moving shadow, a wraith, a slabbing, smlllnc ghost He made She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mra. A. BleM, Borttall, Bask., writes! a was trmiwM vuth verr tovere KsxeSu nflsH thence aouthweaterly 100 chains; thence nd advised ni to jive it a trial. ' rasteriy 10 chains, more or less; thence decided to do to, a"d aftr taklmr a iLJiaterlv So rhaliu: thence nor- northeiuUerly 100 chains; thence westerly few ..u. , k.? !6t3? ufritLZ ami containing 100 30 chains, and containing 130 ncres. more ,w .P"" und it aad j done ma a i52!yiL "r I ,'rwW of aTood, and T haven't had sores, tores, more more or or r iw w Wu.sfN. ,., o.v ,,, I'AHP'IK .JAUr..n, .it,u,, t,..,.i. . . .. any WHsf-rn Mining1 Oo. Dated 18th April. 1938. WIIjoDN A'tiii lor 1 tvtwrlt western Mining Oo 1 Dtttd 18th AJHU, 1338. 8for a long tbue now." Ianutu-..i.ieu only bv TliaT. ifff ux. i.lnilUd. Toroato. Oai. Never for a moment did he lose his poise. Never for an instant even did Mandell seem troubled. He was the champion defending his crown. Jimmy's berserk rushes in the latter rounds seldom flustered him. The Regiment football team playing the Thistle tonight will line-up as follows: Corbett. Ross. Lambe, Afxple-yard. Harris. Rye,' Wilson. Baptle. A, headaches, and sometimes I could hot Hcdttklnson and P. Hodgklnton. Spare do my work. D-herty and Underwood. "One day a frienil told me about - Ten Years Ago " ini'Prince Kupert The Oow BaV situation waa dismis sed at the meeting of the city council !.-: night. Aid. McMeekln lnaist linn the city should participate in any dul that might be entered Into lie-itwtfn the provincial government and 1 the railway company for exchange of 1 waterfront. R. C W. Lett, colonlratlon agent for tin' oi and Trunk Pacific Ritllway, Is a victor in the city, having arrived from rrrinrn 1 the litterler with Mr. and Mra D. D. Mnro of Terrace. Mr. Lett hat been your copy The Daily IT WILL PAY Y0UI MoLarnln miw so often 11 was puinful.i assisting with the inauguration of aj wui me upening rou.ua wnen Mandell i:ew land settlement area In the Bulk-oaneed smilingly toward hi younger liey Valley. and highly dangerous opponent, the ! . champion never forgot a split second Three men appeared in city police that he was the UUehoMer and that it j court this morning before Magistrate wns up to Jimmy to dethrone him Alfred Carts ch:im with being Idler He fought cautiously, and was mostly I Each were given u week to find suit- on the defensive and several times was warned by Referee Louis Magnolia for holding. Por the entire 18 rounds, Jimmy chased the elusive and tantalizing opponent. Occasionally he caught htm with Jolting blows to the body Mandell easily beat htm to the punch Jimmy McLamln la a mere shadow of hit , faultless boxing self that we Canadians knew four years or more ago. He waa a mark for Mandell t able occupation it j Man in the Moon n .ig A dollar In the bank la safer than a dollar In the pocket. One day I earned a dollar dkeed the stawrs..ett'h4d; vviHo. waded Jn wtthl And An1 I 1 stuck " it " In in the the bank bank ring absolutely jail tha courage In the world artdsfctitj..'Aa& McLamln's , tearing In. taking what the champion f ffljTTWty Pk. shot and trying to land a right hand He failed: he didn't box Mandell at any time. It was the old story of s slugger and a smart boxer. The slugger lost. Jimmy has either lost his old I kept on setting them asidt And piling up' the count And toon 111 nave a mutton there, Or nearly that amount. Riding a hobby may be all right but if I have any choice in make it a 'hestaut mare. There's a difference between a hen and alarm slock. One goes off to eat and the other goes off when It's time to get up. "You know those "atop, look and listen signs." They don't read quitt right. Single men are the ones that stop and look but She married man do . the bulk of the listening. Dull times breed knockers. If I was Just a knocker With nothing else to do. Td Just start In and knock myself And leave the town to stew a . e. 'ndidesion of News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier $5 00 paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS- nsorance Real Estate Bonds We specialise in B.C. Mining stocks and accent baying and sellinr orders , an Van-.jnojiYer Exchange at' Vancouver rates. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Agents for" Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. City Meat Market Selvlg Bros. Third Ave. Phone 765 KJOT ! ihlv GRONUlKIt ' Alle, 8orter norsk ost Norske f Iskekonserver Norske Bukkvrkavrinuer Norske hveleskonrokker Norske ruRskonrokker Norske knekkebrod Norske flatbrod Mutter oat, 1st ky. varer. DilllRe prlser. Ilurtig onibrlngelse