1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELVE The Season is the Reason for these LOW PRICES!! 1951 Suey ROLET 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN 700 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN bows pavme:t only DD 1950 CHEVROLET 2- DOOR SEDANETTE ‘0895 600 1947 res 4-DOOR SEDAN oe 1948 DESOTO SEDAN 433. M.A. Tax e MPERIAL Canadian Whisk: Y source that trade reviva ffectiy spring.” ‘Sedeen, said Mr. Stewart, is entering a periof of increasing risk, The Gift that Every man wil appreciate Ose Tit ee 5 This advertisement a wind OF THE FAMOUS Canadian Clb wise is not published or displayed by the Liquor ¢ Government of British Columbia, ontrot Board or by the Military Casualties in Korea SCREEN * we ® . z * * Wallace’s Dept. Store s a : : Total More Than 2,000,000 » FLASHES « Xmas Time- 5: n * * : SO z Adam Hat * By |. GOLDEERG o have been borne by the Com The Mountain Movers in cs ‘ a arr, 12.44. ae oe munists, Mostly Chinese ad . NITED NATIONS, N_Y AP) other in the series of Canadian * i « le Ligures do mn slude ely : e Time : a Korean war has cost more , tn po ‘a - Chas elV~ | -horts, now showing at the Cap s a: 2,000,000 military casualties y) sysar a. "Pinas Hh the tens Of! ito) Theatre. is a skillfully film = An Adam Hat is such an easy t h sides, according to the |, elt the coe a _ pes og ed report on the swift and ad 5 nation available hers.|, © eo UNS: CSpecially over the ..nturous invasion of British A gift to give that “Special Man.’ nation avaliable -hers.| 1,5. gy gays of bitter war tar ian |" ! { . ~~ Ea, sf te , “et : I s based on official eu : i F nt a ne mare Columbia's wilderness by the 2 y Prices are reasonable For gant of losses by- the }. a Winina oe rg ond Aluminum Company of Canada Y . e ne ind Sout Po * Ey envenience, bay an Adam Hat @ UN ind estimates by the van ae " ¢ South Kor The camera aweeps over the & * f k s mmand of losses suffered . ridges, rivers, forests, transpor Fz 3 Gift Certificate Dad can pic : Communists. MOSTLY CHINES? tation links and new mineral 3 : his own Of e 2,129,310 military Estimates ava rie on- wealth of B.C. Shown is th ® ° n : a a t 364,370 have been sul- Communist source say the Kenney Dam in the Nechako @ @ by UN forces anc } ! Chinese hav ilfered 7541) Canyon and the shifting of = i ' 764,940 are killed and wou North Ket yume of the 6,000,000 tons s Dad Can Always Use Them : ean ‘killed and. wounded were ‘ock being used to block th 5 e estimated at 497,768, making chako River * SLIPPERS PAJAMAS BATHROBE & C n total of 1,292,887 { the Com Beginnings of the future ity e = a a a ou munists in those categuries t Kitimat also are pictured » At Wall ' ‘ I i Bis i allace’s Men’s Sho um is increased by count : : : ~ ther 349,000 non-battk Bud Abbott and Lou © : a ee it er asuaities—iInchuding Commun nished their 17t! & : ‘ ; * ist troops wiped it by plague ymedy team and + Wallace's will be open for your convenience . and illness the Communists haye together me . \ we? } t niversal-Internat a til! 9 p.m. (Night) Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, 5 or . Kets ab ) pre — ¢ : am * additi North Korean pri- asks opening , gm Dec. 20, Dec. 22, Dec. 23. * is phe | ae taelat-the Seses Winter ® a TORONTO soners are annou at 102,053 at ih ‘otem reat & ® seek wider h to and Ch ri 21,000 Mitzi Green and Tom Ew s BM cell gt James Hiewast : o € tarred in the Any co : WAI iA CE'S DEPT STORE : pr f the Canadian Bank * edy of the Far nd Brt [ ¥ aid at the ba anC Cabot heads the large ipport e * \ > . = a ¢ -_ at th wet ie 33,579, of which tite jing cast 7 : 1 tial y thi een re total is 158,678 and » i S ial \ Ss! aa SEER CRESS EERE ERE . oe ee e U2 114.6 rine : Sa ae vee 1 fiehtin : 7 udded, bu he l —! mn | satained a aha’ i e ss Se 10,240 kill ul wounded. Cau . He & : ib} utur rob n “oO e He saw possible future t ee : killed. On I 2 S é row nhs A ‘ A » Kilie¢ Yue Put ell S Cc goods W 29 m r pris- a il I 1 States, and th: The Canadian figures are ea portion being sold co ‘ - he Kingdom UN fr lists MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. 4 and widely-acce; total 80,7 Sour i a ; able sterling currency, he stated,| Koreafis nb 6,102, the UB ngest records ‘cf rss scence eems € ntial 12,997 tl her UN M@M-~ team’s success im film history It seems equally necessary} ‘be 1.69 that Britain ciarify the sterling Britair ties are 505 TP 5 sition, for it is from that 7 1.107 mikxs | AY TO ADVERTISE 3,383 Rais PMABASASSISIZIVIVBVVSTVVISIAF = es") ELKS PURPLE BUBBLE BALL | Mt pro Members get tickets 4 ear is estimated to be in the|% at 3 vist ays ae ae a ¥ ART MURRAY'S : 7 i ex \¥ MEN’S WEAR ‘ Sona nase gown 4 REMEMbEL the date is Friday, Dec. 19 : ‘ ¢ ae per ot weieee c' S'S CMe PEPER IE MCIENZIE" ——— mene $a Protect the original nourish- fish, other freshness and ment of meat, vegetables and perishables by storing them in Hand-e-wrap heavy waxed paper. Left- overs, Loo, keep better in Hand-e-wrap, and sou'll be dollars ' ahead! Pop « new refill roll into your empty Hand-e-wrep carton. You save the cost of ¢ new container every time! Last Rites Held For Former Rupert Druggist Funera t ¢ held in Vancouve Tuesday for Vernet F Ableso 4%, former Prince Ruper dru who dir Vancouver last Sunde Mr. Ableson Was Dorn in Michi gan. He won Goid Medal for BC, examinati prio t tering Queen University tud pharmacy. In business for him self for seve ‘ in #W?rince Rupert, M A blest n ployed MacbD a Drue St 925 West Ge 4, Vancouver the jas 0 AM { ; Me Gate | { Abless i r [ M maste iétih yea “us 4 I their 30th fil when they completed In January... it’s lovely in_ BERMUDA and HAWAII ENQUIRE Wns) TRAVEL AGENCIESE: THE WORLD BY AiR” P.O. BOX 1978 PHONE BLACK 637 Ue LSet ose) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C The Complete Travel Service GARRET RR travel case, a in dispenser Ai Swe To Please UM GILLETTE ROCKET GIFT SET Il weleorme the @ Here's a gift he’ year ‘round. Contains Rocket One-piece Razor, 10 Gillette Blue Blades plus tube of Gillette Shaving Cream and an extra 10-blade dispenser. 8 Prince Rupert D. ily N Thursday, yews December 1g. 1952 "TO THE SHORES © OF “ALASKA PATROL” 7: 8:05 p.m ENDS TODAY rR POU Ree” ah % font ™ COSTLO \ ese: LOSTIN ALASKA ww MITZI GREEN -TOM EWELL sors sn ome na Som by MAT AGAR aad tea (ha Added ihe Guest FRIDAY and SATURD = TOTE \ FAMOUS PI AYERS THEY Featurette Cartoun ? 9:00 pom Matinee >: pm Evenings Saturday Plus—"MOUNTAIN MOVERS PICTURES OF KITIMAT AND KEMANO NEWS TODAY to SATURDA! Evenings 7 - 9:05 ears Saturday Matinee 2 - 4:25 = CCCet«eererere Y * ¥ ‘DANCE Friday, Dec. 13 AT LEGION AUDITORIUM Music by the Westernaires Ndmission $1.60 Time 16-2 EVERYBODY WELCOMI <%« ‘ ‘ en ax euuetetaes ceeeeeerere GIFT PACK OF GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS @ Months of shaving pleasure are ahead for every man who receives one of these attractive holiday packages containing three dispen- sers each holding 20 Gillette Blue Blades——60 blades in all $3.00 a Gillette Styrene $2.20 a Blades and a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream. GIFT SHAVING KIT BY GILLETTE @ Here’s a thrifty way to play Santa and please the menfolk. Kit contains a Gillette Tech Razor, 15 smooth-shaving Gillette Blue 0 SPECIAL GIFT CARTON OF 10) GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS list nnn HH @ Any man on youl shopping will appreciate a year ’s supply é more of easy-shaving Gillette a Blades. Attractive packag! as -blade dispen- == holdsten 10 blad me $5.00 = 100 blades in all. and gift 91.52 sers THLLLLLLL PRL LALLLL LAL RALE LDL LLU ELLE