PAQE TWO The Daily News PhlNCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Mananinjr Editor. SUBSCKIPTION HATES jhvf ry, by mail or eArriecym&rly pwfiqd mid n ad van jjffrjBH paid in ndvaSasy per)mth"..v..v.-.Ol talJtet8,of Northern rfftil ll$tUlolumi Or Iir f..- ir rthtith- months By mail all other naits of British isals submitted sau.VOQ C.N.R. AND P.G.E. RAILWAY If any company is to have the V 1. F. it w.miH h t $3.00 $1.00 jiff and United States, paid in advanee jier year $6.00 By iriaiMfo' all other countries, per year $7.60 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion : $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Pat'e, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word '. .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 1 .15 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday, Feb. 11, 1928 - - " - iii 1 iui un 1 tnat it should be the ( anartian National, especially if there is to be 'P10?1 within the province. a road built hy the same concern from the neighborhood of Prince ! " Tr.UMTY act George into the Peace River country j That legislation be enacted, whereby It is hardly to be expected that any railway management would rtL haul much JT nMn" u. muvu gram iin uvcr over the uik 1 P.G.E.. .u.r,., but dui the me line line might might be be used used far for light traffic and for supplying the people of the interior with goods from Vancouver. Grain, it is presumed, would mostly come to Prince much prefer it should be as rumored yesteidsy. The !'.i;.K is said. .-. that the cents on the linllar the province money VALUE OF TUB RAILWAY com the government somethinir lilt Sttinnnnnn it sum mentioned, namely $17,000,000, is just fifty ... 7ij guuu n ice iw a roaa ui nas ieen losing since u was uuilt and that many people have advocated scrapping If the government can get fifty cents on the dollar on its invontmei in that company it is getting out much better than was expected. SCHOOL GARDENS PROPOSED One of the teachers at the schoolbosrd meeting the other niirht asked a little co-operation from the school board in the matter of a Btnooi garden I he suggestion was received very favorably and doubtless a start will be made this year in the making of a school garden at West view. Not knowing the conditions at the various schools, it is impossible to suggest what might be done elsewhere. It takes a lot of work to gel a garden going here but difficulties arouse those who are energetic to overcome them. The time will doubtless come when .we shall have school gardens in this city and it will be interesting lo note wnicn 01 mo scftoois will isSfl in tis matter. . ....t.-.: ; School gardens ar a sign of the advance of civillMtlbii.; ' E-MPIRE WEEK As a rule special weeks for the advertising of special matters are not of nuu h value, but the effort now being made to emphasize buying within the Kmplre is perhaps worth trying. The proposal tame before the Prime Rupert board recently and was referred to a committee. Terrace fioard received a similar proposal and actedJ on it at once. There is plenty of time to prepare as the week set is toward the end of April and perhaiw the local board will deal with the matter at its March meeting. RAILWAY TQ ALASKA The suggestid railway io Alaska is a immense scheme and seems somewhat visionary hut so have all big schemes, at first. Possibly the company making the proposal is the same that is applying for a charter to !ui!d int.. the Peace River from Lethbridge, connecting with the anadian Nuiional about Fort Eraser and with a branch into Portland Canal At any rate the indications are that the eyes of the world an turned toward the northwestern corner of the continent and the sU-ces of the mines at Portland Canal and Hudson Uay Mountain haw had something to do with this. The opening of the Peace River, whoever undertakes it, will prove a great imwtu,ty settlement as it will be one of the best advertising schemes the country has 'had and it has come just at the opportune time. It i understood the company mentioned yesterday has applied for running right 1nU Prjm. Rupert. . ' 'fry ii," 1 - ' -t , ' .-' . .... LABORLEADERS MEET CABINET!;:: Spend Three Hours Dlxcusslnir Matters Pertaining to Workers of Province MAKE MANY PROPOSALS Local Member Present When Claims Put l'orwnrd by Executive of Trades Congress The British Columbia executive of the Trades and I.abor CrngreM of Canada, in lu recent interview war. the cabinet st Virions vtlvii rlnini-were presentrd un behalf of iiw worV era of thli pgjvince. ucciin; s mm; alternative add sympathetic htst.i, and member at the coinntittre. h;r!i consisted or r R. Bengnugh. Vancouver; chairman: W Page. Vancouver: R W. Nunn. Vlctotla and 8 D Mucdan-ald. prtnes Rupert, were unantnioualv satUfted that they might eapcri mat a reesblenvpaWr u the proprw lis wuuia oe enacted In leKlslatln.i 1 cotrunlttee, which n .irvtn;i ml R- H. Keeland and p w' Br Labor UU.'i for South Vancouver! and Burnaby isspectlvely. was in run. Following were the legislative pro- iiikmi.a (Mi'i:t tion in That excluded persons as set out Part 1 section 4. paragraph B. en ded in undertakings costing in ex cess of flf; dollsrs. be brought under the prevision of ; he Art 2 All compensation to be baaed on rate of wage being paid to workman at time of injury. 3 -That the rate of compensation be Increased from 88', per cent to 66 2-3 per rent. :ime as In force in Ontario ind Malntobii 4 Tlmt there be n more liberal Interpretation In hernia caae. ft That when an injured workman hs been awarded total disability compen-ncon. same shall be continued until he is able to resume his former ocru-iiiMcti or has been otTeied other suitable si'd e.-iMlly remunerative employ-it;ent: .ind that If such injured work-:;n hnv suffered a ermsnent partial c:.s.itlity. btit U)n the reKrt of the fti-ul'.'H' phvxleiHii In nhle to take light work, the total disability pay. menu should be continued until suit-ti le employment la provide). 0 That medley mspcAaM and arn-fceilurtittrartt be ptSStlerl. when ir wrrkers are employed m oocupstloiis vi.i-r.- inry are subjected to the rtan- tetx of ixiiHonous gnescs. 1IRAI.TII IVKtltANCK! iUi tlio Gavcrimiem of uny other Province In tike Dominion of Canada making altnllar provision (or the pay- ( ment of a lk juices to mother m U metle by this Act (or the purpeae of! auch allowance m ihe case oi any , person who has been In receipt of auch j allowance in another province and; who moves Into British Columbia, orj In the case of a person who has re-1 aided m auch other province and tnj British Columbia for periods which to ga ttoer equal the terui of residence re-1 quired by this Stt la the-case of a resident of British ColtambM: but n ewh AMMMtecaetit ehalt- be Watered In-1 to r.or shall anr such payment be made esoept where the province en-j crriied has pasted legislature ecublmg 1 reciprocal action to the takes) with , regard to beneficiaries under that Act who may move Into auch provlae " : a -Arc end sub-clause Two. of cause' Two, by deleting the words "five Hon- 1 dred Dollar" in the third line, and In-j sertlng the words 'One Thousand Dol-' lara." and by deleting the worda Ttf-; teen Hundred Dollaw" In the fourth : lire and substituting therefor the . words "Two Thousand Dollars." j Bouts ok wmtK act j 1- That the scope of the Hours of ( Work Act. be extended to Include ail! a-.. ployed within the Province. I mimmim w.un: ACT That lepUl.ition be enacted estab- j ;:sMni; a minimum wage and llmlta- .tn --- of --- hours of work ' for boys eni- .u Tojiomn: ixm kaxck Thftt nil ftnfrtmrihilsk nunsN Hat mmw. uupert. uecause 01 me fact that the P.G.E. is scarcely a grain i P"1 carry lnaurance against phy- route, n snouw not worry us what is done with It as long as It is not carried on into the Pesce country by a private concern who would have no interest in shipping through Prince Rupert. We niiiv take it for trrantarl that ih P r. slcal and property injury to others. Ml MCII'.U. ACT 1 That legislation be enacted giving to every person, mate or female. In all "J owiucuuc. 11 uun IS to ue- We tlsh subtact of 31 ! af ... i.nrf ! to all froan whom a poll tax la collected) the right to vote In aU civic and municipal elections. 2 That legislation be passed pro-blbltlni? any person to vote In any more then one polling division In any city cr municipal election. ?- LcflalaUon abollahlng psoperty qualifications for all elective aflleee In cities and municipalities. A an alter .tatlre qualWeetlon we suggest Ore rrars resldeoce and endorsement by one hundred and fifty electors. I XKll'LOVt:i INSI HANCK That we particularly request your government to urge upon tke Domln ion Government the necessity of en acting legislation providing for the creation of state unemployment Inaur auoe fund. COXCIUATIOS ltOAHIIS That the neceaaery legleiataaa be unacted providing for the establish roent 01 conciliation Doaras to consider disputaa of municipal and civic employees. ritOVINCIAL. ri.I'MIIINd MW We strongly reoommend the plaetn? on the pwvlnelal statutes of an set regulating the Installing of plumbing, and that a eommlaslon be appointed to act In conjunction with the pro vtnclal health officer to draft such act. PORT CLEMENTS HAS A PLAYERS' CLUB tnjovable Entertainment (Ihrii at cjarrn Chiirlotle I-UikI rulnt PORT CUraVUnrns. Psb. It. Then was large crowd la attendance t the cntertstnment given by "The Players' Club" In tissue's Hall. Satordajr. ThU U the first of It kind to be staged by adults in Port Clements. The first item on the program was a c.anlc sketch entitled "Courtship under Difficulties." the parts being well swr- -led out by the pUyats. Tse oat was aa followa: rrustence Angelina Wtntertjottom Mrs. W r Uastle. SuaVMletoa. her eouetn C. 0. SftftJSi Jones. In love with her N. t, ose. The eeeons we akeich essjtted "TTHt Mr Campbell, her fiance N. U Jose. Jane, the maid- Dorothy Ronnie. The last item was a farce entitled, "The uplift Society of Buggtnavllle." the audience being greatly am used at the ancient costume of the ladles. The cast waa as follows: Mrs Snubblns. President UUa HU rtred Peltou. Mrs Tattler. Vice-President Mrs. a. Clccone. Mi o Huddle. Treasurer Miss Louise Chapman. Miw Clubby. Secretary Mrs. W T. Kaitle Mrs Djoltttle Mrs C. B Srlgley. Mrs. Scrubbltt Mrs. W. J. Rennle. Mrs Veiiitt. rich and deaf Mrs. N. L. Jones. Between plays good music waa supplied by Mr. T. L. Williams at the or-Kn and, D. Crocker with the flute. Frank Appleby rendered two solos entitled 'The Hoad that Leads to Mother" and Juat Plain Polks." both of which were greatly applauded. Community singing, refreshments and dancing brought tie evening to a close, rnd great ereSK Urn the eueeeas f ttie evenw t due to the wntlrlftg effort of Mr atMt tin. N...L. .Janes. NEW IIAZELTON Uh grade ore be been encountered In the Mohawk miiu ah h. - 1 That l..l.l.tinn k. .. . . ference for three hours with the fJb. Vk WM providmt for Health lnaurance . lnet. the minuter, preut beln. Pre- MMTIlVl" . M sl T I T ,U,p"UUn n.ler J D Maelean. lion A M Man- 1 Wr .Ik Vh . .. . ' Property which 1. located on reur son ..tors general: Hot, T P Jm "I r, , T 7" mLT ' tUo,m.Mer f land, and nu f, e I ! ,, 1 t ' T" W"B P",U ' PPrty W. If suth.rund. minister Z I by. " Drown of pllbi,c Mr,. a Mow n A works. 1 -rr .,..,., ,... I"' "" manager oi me company. , - -"" tin" arrangements i who ... .. S'tfiJ DAILY NfiWS Mituruav, r. ssta-. perty and it Is announced that the crew of men will be enlarged in order to hasten develonmant. According to word received here R. H. fleeter. Conservative house leader In the legislature has given notice that be will seek certain Information aa b the proposal to do away with the higi level bridge across the Bulkley Rive, t Hagwilget and the isange of alte of tlx bridge. There to an Improvement in the cedar bualneas in the central Interior The demand tor pole to good and several orders for twenty-five foot poles are being filled here for the Hanson Lumber & Timber Co., which tlao reports that it ha received order for forty thousand fence poets. The Felix Bridge Club of Haselton met this week at the home of Ura. W. W. Anderson. Frlre winner last week tt Mra. Turnbull'a were Mra. R. 8. Sargent and Mra. 8. J. Wlruby. Sleighing parties are being enjoyed almost every evening on Parent's hill. There Is a long runwav and a bonflr at the top of the hill. For an essay on "The Hlace of Confederation In Canadian History,'' Mary Dennis of Dsblne Indian School has been awarded a bronae medal by th ' fine S Jm a. car fbat E Pn't Amazingly Low Prices TXT'HEN you sec the New vv Series Pontiac Six when you experience its vastly im proved performance you'll understand why people are actually amazed why so many satisfied Pontiac Six owners agree in saying, "It's so fine a car that words can't begin to describe it!" They knew that last year's Pontiac Six was a great car .Mttona aommltsee for the observance f the Diamond Jubilee of Oonfedera- tlpet. Jaok lllldlteh has arrived hrtnee Rupert to uke s posttaos tse Hudson Bay Oo.'s store at In The Udlsa' Aid of the Hasdton United Church has sleeted officer as ollows: prealdent. Mr. J. H. Young; Ice-president, Mr. . 7bJrt TomUason; rea surer, Mis. Boden; secretary. Mrs Titlism orsnt. Advertise in tbe Dally New NOTICE. Re-Certificate TitieNo. 30M I to Lota five S) and sU l, Block nineteen (19. Section sis (if). !e-Certnlcate of Title No 18011 to Lote seventeen (17) and eighteen (18). Block tenty-uc M). eVtloH ae-OerUrles'te of Title No. 841 1 to Lot nineteen iioj, oiock ten (10). Sec- rranc ztupwt, Mp 021. Whereas proof of loss of the above r7";w uea in the name .r Mahon, ha been fried in this office, notice u tieeeby given that 1 shell, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof laetie a provisional CcrvHloete f Title in l.-m of each of the said lost Certificates, unless In the tNantioT. valid objrctlon as to sny be made to " me In writing. DATJ.O .1 the Land RecUtry Office.: Prtnce Rupert, . B.C., thl Ird Januray!! H R Ma-LBOH. 1 03 Registrar of Title. and a great success. But when they inspect the magnificent new Fisher bodies the smoother and more powerful engine the stronger chassis with its four-wheel brakes and numerous other advancements they agree that this is another great triumph of Pontiac and General Motors combined! Come in and see how much more your dollar will buy. Scores of Advanced Features Including LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES Neu Fisher Bodies New GMR CIinder Head Netv Fitcl Pump Ncu Orankcase Ventilation Netu Manifolds and Muffler Neti Carburetor Ne InstrumciU Panel Etn Greater Power New Frame Ni Coincidental lock Neu- Water Pump New Cross-Flow Iiadiator New Stop Light New Gasoline Gauge New Clutch New Thermostat New Wheels (lhe JNgw Series KAIEN GARAGE Dave Ross Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS OP CVNADA, LIMITED tl khown Vancouver mining en-ttneer, who eipreaxed his satisfaction st the property Had toe chance to beeeete S profitable mine. Al Harris U In charge oi the work on the pro ' t m a Sl I B00 Yards Best Grsde s sl BT Y 7 r tm T oruiN SILK We vusrantee this quality to be shsolutely iure .-.Ik .d free from f U ng- 29 inches wldt. in laiwpulsr shsl.-: sl Blsck snd White. Per ysrd 75c Fraser & Payne To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas In home decoration m w ",lor combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme f" ,,i,liy" room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "CI" H'u'h' ing Lacquer comes at a household blessing-. Kaien Hardware Go. Telephone 3