Save Money" to buy the , , L.-.tpe-a way , (jc'i t subscribe by the xw ' " s0 nd yur T' ,' .iciivcrcd to your address ,, , iiius Just figure out the '' ',j .1 tn you for this dally , tui' twelve month I k s itniav auernoon. All income taxes will be cut ten per cent. A discount of ten per cent will be allowed on the lu! -lidvi-i- tax for payment before the date ' of delinquency. I fl'l A A A. A Til 1 1;' minimum payment unuer me turnover iax win 114 At I 11 A A A 1 bh reduced irom mree dollars 10 one 10 assist rural Li -ini'.v establishments. The present turnover tax of one half of one per cent !,. .1 iiii m if in tin- urst lour tnousana dollars oi income earned oy jmtVssional men, agents or brokers will be reduced to me quarter of one per cent a reduction of fifty per :ei;'. T,i i,it rna mininnr the nrppnt tax nf fniir npr (in v acre on cla& Ii lands containing coal but not linroi'ily developed will be reduced to two per cent or ;jc ..ui oi the unesent rate. The whole basis of the unearned increment tax -on i in made from sales of natural resources will be i a s . ,1 !l . A p :u i:ei. msteaq oi taxing tnese proxies, it is proposeu p a ! i r the depletion allowances in the taxing of nat-b : H Mturces. The depletion allowances will be based w. aiimunts actually expended upon properties involved Ir, si .. All payments out of superannuation funds will be 'eiuU'd entirely from income tax. further allowances will be made for contributions " employees' superannuation funds. 1 Mienditures for the comine year are estimated to t"';ti L'0,821,360 with revenue of $20,830,296, leaving an t''u!iiaU'd surnlus of 8.935. I Hie estimated expenditures include provision for .mmikoi-v salary increases for all civil servants and other sdary adjustments in the civil service and expenditure of $100,000 in old age pensions during the next fix 'al year. Other major increases total $945,000. The budget also provides for a loan bill of $1,000,000 f"i hiirhwavB. hridces. nublic buildings and university - , D 1 lam!- development CHANGES IN MOTOR LAWS CHINESE GAMBLING IN VICTORIA MUST CE ASE SAYS EDICT VICTORIA. rb 11 iMimtnalinn for Driven Ucennes houaaa in Chinatown will be closed keeper of a gaming house, fifteen to U- Feature of New Mtfisure j tight In order that law and order may CMtm, appeared before the magistrate l- a i ha maintained was the edict issued by ,hto 0n charges of being U- .,." i The reouestl .., w.. V. UI V KH tek 11 . "! iiisuraaoe la not ""i-ACiO, Pebi l.janj tUndell , wiHaywn QQxar. will de l( "" ,U "tie agan'jutTtoWBin ; 1 in an outdoor match here "u Jim McMullen announced PORTLAND DEFEATED VICTORIA AT HOCKEY 11 - Portland At Li the flrat hockey ' -" '"' Premier MarUan cup In 1 1 v - i lo ImM nlulit four . ,.. comini.nion. ,..,, I the polloa -Compulsoiyithat aucj art ion be taken by the coin-wt In the Chine tliem- came to b. In-'nusMofi "'i on year but other import-; le. ''' 'inimeiita to the Alator Vehicles , ' ' ' Mfllnu MMiM ..aaMutlAs. M I mith tuoky Jim Marmot Metl Premier Porter Idl Richmond Sllvercrcwt Bllvrrxmith Sunlocli Terminus Torlr Whltcft.itcr Iw.ii..' IVII UIIV Itl I.1IV '""' " nxt.nsloo of th ; UU ii.. England defeated " the .mall debU court lnt,ru.t.onal rugby in :.iniate claims will be pro- Ireland " ' a - 7 VXo m. Mann. attomn;" Ullil I I. n 1M..I the I "u"h ll' dub here ltut lUght. SAMMY MANDELL TO DEFEND HIS TITLE IN OUTDOOR BATTLE VANCOUVKU KM'IIANfiK BC Silver . . Oork Province OeorK? Copiwr Olacicr Oladstone Oolcondn Imlei'enctqilcc Laaoam ;'t Bid. Asked. I I3i ' 35 1 4 50 4.5S .03 '4 .06 06 .lOVi 78 Jt " tf'"' .10. M .35 8 lTi 18 365 3.75 o ea 16 .17 10 12 J .05 soo 4 00 4.50 3 33 3 35 1 M fined 15 The fines were promptly paid, thus terminating a aeries of case that baa -been hanging fire for about two months. Milton Oonaale. counsel for the Chinese, asked the oourt to deal first frith tlu case of Wong Hcey in whloh a plea of not guilty was entered. Upon Wong Hoey'n conviction, pleas of guilty were entered in the fourteen other cases. DESERTERS FROM SHIPS IPQRTED oard Grain Ship Sacolnnd insert Absentee vote abolished; P.G.E action delayed until later in session; Development, settlement and publicity planned VICTORIA, February 11. The immediate abolition of the absentee vote to be replaced by an advance poll was announced by Premier MacLean in his budget speech yesterday. Other policies outlined were: Greater development of British Columbia's CHINESE CASES FINALLY ENDED Fine itf $13 Hnili Imported Ijy MUlfttrate Tmlny Upon IS In-mateti of (itiminjr House PuliowiiiR the sustaining by the Oourt of Appeal of the oonvlethm and fin of j aM unDbeed by Hag strata Hoctymoni gambling , upon y9n ctitf on the charge of being ed From Her ana sydiana Sis deaerters from the Swedish grain ships Sydland and Sagoland. who have been picked up recently by the police, are being bpt back aboard the Sngoland today for deportation at tlie order of Dr. H K Treniayne. local immigration officer At tempt l) inter the country by stealth are freijueiil on the part of foreign merchant veawls.' It Is. however, an Illegal practice which the authorities : thai cfvil!m: with PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Swedish Freighter off With Large Cargo of Wheat for Rotterdam Mubriton and Asimy on Berth With one of the largest cargoes of grain ever loaded tt Prince Rupert, the iBwrd'th freighter Ssg?land will depart j t- fay from the Alberta' Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator foi Rotterdam, j Holland The Sapolsnd hits been In port for something like ten day. bavin; had to be lined. Lading cf the BriiUh ferlghtcr Ma-bilton 1 now proceeding and this res-ael should get away early next week. The British steamer Aahbjr. eisteonth grain ablp of the aeaaon bare, which arrived In port Thursday night, will move up to the elevator on the de- Settlement and development of vacant areas to in- penure of the sagound crease production. JZu'L r","".-"' 1 . . ... . nearly tlx hundred cara of r,n ,i t v t Greater utilization of the waste products of indus- . r wy tram tn prairie bound tor try so that the province may derive eVery doilar possible Prlnce Run- The, were th,t ,un- i e i i. i a. ,' ,th::i ear! adt on the Idmonton and out of its natural resources. Ic,,,, -Wffc)n. ol JUBptt M Promotion of harbor improvements to increase ri reny that number w.t of Ja- trade and exports from the province. GreateV publicity for attraction to the province of settlers and capital. Continuation of Hon. John Oliver's ' efforts to sc-cureiControl of Ue Peace River Block for uge in open-lhg Wl ty itort$en' hinterland and In srolVing the Pa-.cifluroat. Eattern problem. v ' Readjustnient of inter-provincfal relations through an inter-provincial conference to be hold in Ottawa in early November. t Encouragement of capital by protective legislation and stable taxation. POLICY REGARD TO P.G.E. In regard to the provincial railway policy Premier MacLean said: , "With regard to the Pacific Great Eastern Rail per. !!g Twenty-one cam arrived here dur- the paat twerty-four hours, OUTLAWWAR 6nly Exception fa to Uphold Be cision of Lea-rue of Nation OKNF.V.t. !. II. Arrlve war niukl lie oiitianed but , war tor legitimate tleTeiike on application of the cuieitant of the League of Na-ttoii or In eeeulln nf a leogtie ll-llin Ih Juotlftahle In lrvr of the eoinmlttre of noted experts, lm elerday rrnitnl tlirlr reemrt n the mean uf promoting Interna- way. I wish to defer the question of providing money for ; n...i ecunty. Fii-f im nnonrrinn until nftrrntintinns nmv nnrlpr rnn- sideration have further developed. Before the close of KILLED IN EXPLOSION the session this matter will be definitely dealt with. 'Unless satisfactory arrangements for the sale of the line are completed, a further loan for the completion of the P.G.E. from Vancouver to Prince George will be submitted." OF REFINING TANKS EVERETT. Feb 11 At least ten are dead and fifty Injured when a unit of ten large refining stills of the Beacon Oil Co. exploded Resolution Passed Unanimously Regard to Alaskan Panhandle by Legislature of British Columbia Conservative, Fearful of Trap, Urges Care but do not Oppose Move While Both I'attulln and Mnnson Strongly Favor It VICTORIA, February 11. The resolution of 11. F. Krin, member for Atlln, urging action by the Dominion government to open negotiations with Washington for acquisition of the Panhandle of Alaska passed without a division of the Legislature. II. D. Twigg, Conservative, expressed the opinion that there whs something behind the move and suggested the inspiration camt from Ottawa. He wanted to know whether the government was aware of any negotiations between Ottawa and Washington in the matter and whether thure was a move toward making it figure in the St. Lawrence waterways negotla- " Hons. I would be an era of expanatoa and Hen. T. D. PnttuUo said some per-1 great railway building. Mr. Manson thought the effiarta to secure the 1 predicted thst important roads not Alaska panhandle would prove abortive now anticipated eventually would be but he did not agree with them. I built into the north. It might take R. 11. Pooley. leader of the opposl- "r "" Option, nm " !" sounded a note of warning and.0"' reminded the House that the United j oul nolnm co, ln ni.ta. h.ri . rn-nrri tnr rfrlvliut h-.rd e" o""H be oonau mitt ted were made. "I bargain with Canada and suggested ex-1 " ' " " the he d treme care In the negoUatlotui to make a1, "r HSrSfl - 2 fmm subsidy is" the time to dicuss the deUUa of the; ,u , SOUGHT. FOR. B.C.lCOAL plan but said he did not believe a , . i,.., ,w nllt-J rili. ocuntry like the United States which VICTORIA. Fob. 11. InauguMt'on of had been taking th lead In advocat- a feormj ,Ubsldy to railways carrying lng self-determination for the world 'cjadtaw coal from British Columbia wotild atand In tho way of doing Jus- j to 0aXvle ,nd Quebec l sought by tlce. "I cannot think that In auch Cnrles woodward of Vancouver In a a amall mailer for It U a small matter , WM)luUOn filed In the Legislature to-lo the United States although not to(1iy tie. she would take a different position j from that act tor herself in the last i "The iirtion of hucm-m and recog-len year. iiiltlou by Uie wurld mlglit come to any Reminding the House of recent 'man It Is largely a proposition of Htatements made by President Oeatty ! chance mid opportunity " Charlea M. '' tho crn t'mt tin next 's.-'uv.ib ons of the mine but managed to acb the holsta In aalety except 68. HMMJCW) Feb. 11. (AJternooni Seven mlneta hav been taken out OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i:MiMll I KAtll K Ultltlofl I. Aatou Villa 1. Sheffield 0. Blackburn 1. Newcastle 0. Boltjn 3. Birmingham a. Cardiff 4. H'Jdderaileld 0. Derby County 3. Burnley 4. Everton 2, Tottenham 6. Manchester United 5. Leicester a. Portsmouth I. Liverpool 0. The Wednesday a. Mlddlesboro 1 Runderland 1. Bury 0. West Ham a. Ar:ual 3. DIiMoii II. I Blackpool a. Stoke City 1. Chelrea 5, Irlatol City a Clapton 0, West Bromwloh 0. Orlmsby 1, Notts County 0 Leeos United 1. Preiton 4. Nctta Poreet 1. Hull City 1 Oldham 3. Manchester City a Pirt Vale 4. Pulham 1. Beading 0 Southampton 0 South Shields S. Swansea 1 Wolverhampton a, Barnaley I CtiTTlsii i.i:(ui; Clyde 0. Celtic 1. Dundee S. Alrdrleonlans 0. Dunfermline 1, Bkweas a. ralklrk S. Aberdeen 1. Hamilton 0. ParUck t. Hlbernlaiu l, St. Mlrren 1 Kilmarnock 1. St. Johnstone 7 Queen's Park 1. Cowdenbeath 1. Ralth Rovers 0. Hearts 5. Rangers 0, MotherwaU 3 ' non-stofTlightTo tokio from seattle planned by molays SBATTLE. Feb. 11. In an effort to send the Spirit of De Molay on a non-' stop flight from Seattle to Toklo. the local De Uclay chapter Is to call upon members of the national organisation I to contribute 535,000 to finance the: project. Gordon MoKenrle, the British wsr ; ace. now engaged tn flying out of ; Belllngham. haa been selected to pilot i the airplane on the projected flight. refineryTestroyed , near long beach in heart oil district LONG BEACH. Cal . reb. 11. Plre, believed to htvt originated In a refinery destroyed property valued at 6700. 000 in the heart of Signal Hill oilfield IvTil Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457 ... : Krhru.-iry )1jJ9M PUINCE RUPERT, B.C.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1028 Price Fiw Cc-mf '.- 'O ' ' ' ' - T ........ ., - -. ., , , , . - .. , Cut in Taxes and Advance Policy GALL ANT RESCUE MINERS a a mw a nm a iBir a mnouncea rtrst Duamt macLmn c? Government in the Legislature K)m half million less for people of Province to pay distributed among all classes of people YHTORIA, February 11. Taxes will be cut by .Mnmi spread over virtually all classes of taxpayers, 'remit r MacLean announced in his budget speech yes- SAGOLAND TO SAIL TODAY! Forty Miners Trapped in Hollinger by Fire; Rescue Being Attempted Seven Tsken Out Alive Thin Afternoon Arousing Hopes for Thoe Still Below T1MJIINS, Ont- Februury 11. Six bodies were recovered and 47 minero are still unaccounted for as a renult of a fire in the lower levels of the famous llollincer mine. Yesterday a special train car-ryiiiK additional rettcuers, gas masks and oxygen tanks were en route from Toronto and were due here at noon today. Company officials still believe the trapped men are alive but the stopes are filled with poisonous tras. Fire started on the 500 foot level and spread rapidly, cutting off the escape of the working crews in the lower levels. Within half an hour from the outbreak, the mine was filled wl'.h gas. ktTEK KKSI'.Uni The special train from Toronto breaking all records for the run. arrived at 11 this morning with rescue equipment and immediate efforts ware commenced in an endeavor to resell the trapped miners. When fire broke out amidst refuse. approximately MO miners were working in various see- SENTENCE OF HICKMAN SET TUESDAY NEXT LOS ANOELE8 Pen. 11.- The sentencing of Hickman for the murder of Uarisn Parter haa been postponed until alt from Mat Holllngss auaa arousing Tuesday at whloh tune arguments wl bopes thu the remaining forty may be heard on a motion for a bew trial be safe. whloh was filed tU- .m?ltit by ue ; fence coun el. who' altegM f-soars 'eT errcrs and deprivations of the rights of j the accused. GRAIN SHIPPED AT VANCOUVER Little, Change in Destination, .Mo.l of Rig Cargoes Going to Europe a i i is. sua VANCOUVUt. Peb. It. There has been little change la U gram shJpeinr ' situation here during taw week, meat! of the big cargcee stilt gang to Burofx. ' PoUowing are the snipaMkito: Baskets - Newbcrsugh. for Rotterdam .... IftlW Hoiueslda. for HaraeUkM.. 3&1M0' Jersey City, for Hamburg 3MJJM Karachi Maru. to fnimpuii Roads for orders Mlpt Pacific Shipper, for Mans heat tt York City, to Colon fgf ordefS 340.M3 Celllna. for Onoa 112400 Quebec City, to Falmoutn for orders awm Turkestsn. to St. Thomas for or- msm Auasa, for Hamburg ot Svbtter- dam . 33.10 CrafUton. for Loudon , i 17 40 " For Liverpool , SUOO Cape of Oood Hopa. fee Yokohama .; 1M0T Yonan Maru. for Nagoya ItOgOOO ' , For Yokohama 07,654 Hrkkal Maru. for Shanghai .... 175,090 Yokohama Maru. for Kobe ggJMO Point L.boi. for Puerta Columbia 18Q00 OLYMPICICE GAMES BEGIN France Rents Hungary at Hockey Two Goals to Nothing Today 6T MORITZ. Feb. Jt. The flrat Olympic hockey ma ten took plaee here today Pran.c defeating Hungary two goals to nothing. DECISION RESERVED CANNERY LICENSES BY SUPREME COURT OTTAWA. Feb 11 Decision Is reserved following argument on reference to the Supreme Court of Canada re- gardlnn the powers of Parliament to ;here. Ray Thompson In dead from ; en(u,t O,ri)toni pt IlAn clmtIlH :ourua receivca wncu tne rennery ex-i,nu, . ,.., un ,,,, ,nual HeeMe, pioued. 1 INTT.IIYUIONAI. IIOCKKY n! J C'!ik'. WIIKAT I'ltllT, TODAY VANCOUVER. Feb. II - Till price of