f AGE SIX Save time and Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your clothes are not rubbed in our laundry . . . This means we can save you both time and money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 HEALTH fOLLOTVS CMIROPtKTKCmitCCTS msjuaeoNsnnAi ftERVCJIN DISEASES OP THE FOLLOWING 0IGAK ItRUINM aaif WSTOMACH V 0 SIMMS HEALTH iD a Healthy subject to talk about; if you are interested, consult W.CAspinail CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Rlock Green 211 Trappe Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldhloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all klndi, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top price for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal ell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN rs! Pembina Peerjept Egg $12.00 Pembina Wa'nhed Tfuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BEATS SIMPSON J Riggcst Crowd of Fans This Sea- I wnn til I ,... V:,.li('., !! . I. ll ('ames Intermediate Match Rest Drawn by the Port Simpson XP.T.a Prince Rupert senior attraction, the largest crowd of the season was prenent at last night's basketball games, some two hundred Ian toeing In attendance. The best game of the evening, how ever, was the Intermediate League fix-ture In which Big Four had a luckv .89-30 Victory over the Elevator. With two minutes to go. the Elevator was leading by three points when Ernie Hatch ford made four baskets In Quick succession, the eight points turning de leat into victory for Big Pour. Hall time score was 18-16 In favor of the Elevator In the Senior game. Prince RUDert had an easy 45-28 victory over Port Staipaon Y.P.E.A. During the first half tnere was a native referee who allowed many fouls. With Eddie Mann handling the whistle In the second period, there was a great Improvement In play. Tak ing it on the whole. It was Dosalblv a better match than the score Indicated. Slocomb, of Prince Rupert, was put of: the floor for personals while Talt ana Knott of Port 8!mpon were similarly retired. In the third game of the evening. Ladles' League fixture. Illgh School had a one-sided 14-3 victory over the dirts' Drill Team. Details of scoring were as follows: MlNIOIl UAMi: Prince Rupert A. Slocomb. 1: Bill Lamble. 21; Splro Cturvlch; Dido Our-vlch. 18: Eddie Smith: George Mitchell, 2: Vic Menxte. 3: total. 4s Port Simpson Y.P.E.A. Art Wesley. S: Robert Sankey. 15: Paul Reld. 8; R. Knott: B. Smith; A. Talt. 3; O. Cooper, 0: total. 28. 1 iMKHMmi.m; i.i:.m i: Elevator -- Sonny Currle. 8: Vincent Meagher. 16: Benny Wendle. 4: B. Murray; Eddie Smith. 3: total, 30. Big Pour Ernie Ratchford. 16: Fred Dlngwell. 2: Doug. Stalker. 2: Tom Kel- Fancy Grocery SPECIALS French Mushrooms choice firsts. Per tin ,-of French Mushrooms, dry, per lb. $2.00 Pate de Fole Gras, extra quality, 2'4 oz. tin 7,-) Genuine Russian Caviar, 2 oz. tin 7."( French Anchovies in olive oil 3 rings, per glass (I0o 4 rings, per glass 0e 5 rings, per glass $1.00 Spanish Anchovies, in salt, per tin ,-0r C. & R. Anchovy .Sauce, bottle GOrJ u. & u. I'ickled Walnuts, jar.0f Indian Chutney, jar (irtf Ripe Olives, 9 oi. tin . . :Wr Ripe Olives, gal. tin, medium .51.45 Ripe 01ive, jral. tin, lanre J-51.75 Greek Mack Olives, large, lb. r iir,? Jeffress Olive Butter, 3 os. jar MacLaren's Queen Olives, 17 oz. jar .-f SlacLaren'i Stuffed Olives, 17 oi. jar 7."? Italian Tomato Paste, 16 oz. can Sweet Pimentos, 7 oz. tin . . :." Sweet Pimentos. 5 os. isr . . iCurtisola, 4 oz. jar 7.1 A splendid appetiser Tea Garden Preserves, 16 oz. jar oOc Your choice of Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant- Loganberry, Apricot, Hinir Cherry, Pineapple and Spiced FIrs. C. & B. Potted Meats, per jar 'JTir-In Glass Assortment of Ham, Ham and Chicken. Tongue, Tonjrue and Chicken, Chicken, Ham and ToiiKue. Anchovy, Shrimp, Lobster. Turkey- Turkey and Ham, Turkey and Tongue. SAUSAGE SPECIALS Genoa Salami 7." Milano Salami 70 Capicolli, hot (t,- Essex Cervelat :." Special liuthenian Sausage ......... jv :i."c Liver Sausage JlOc Premium Bologna .'to? Goteborg Sausage 00? Alberta Market ' P. GAMl'LA, Proprietor l ifth Street. Phone 208 A Double treatment for M U cache Rub forehead and temples with Vicks; also melt in a cud of hot water and inhale its healing vapors. This clears the head and usually brings quick relief. If headaches are continuous a physician or good oeuljst should be consulted. OVAPOR lira OVER ffMlUJONjAXSUSEDYEARUr xsy. 11; Mike Comadlua. 4; toul. 35. Referee- R. B. Skinner. LDii;s' i.i;.(u e High School-Sue Boddle: Phvllls Harvey. 4; May Ness. 2: Nellie Ourvlcn. 2: Muriel Vance; Helen Sun, 6; Julia Walters; total, 14. DrlU Team Laura Frtzsell: Cathie Ir vine. 3; Svelyn March; A. Mensnhr: vine, 3; Evelyn March; A. Menagohf; Lcd; total, 3. Referee R. B. Skinner. Timekeeper Hike Budlnlch. Scorekceper -Ole Jackson. League standings to date follow: Senior league W. D L. P. Native Sons .... 7 1 1 is Klka 4 1 5 0 fermlnals s 0 8 0 Intermediate lvalue High School 9 0 8 18 Big Tour 7 0 S 14 (levator 1 o 10 3 I Jill If iMflll High School 7 0 3 14 DrlU Team a 0 7 14 Junior League Tuma Boys 6 0 3 13 Stars a 0 6 4 RIFLERANGE Score as follow were made last night at the wekely shoot of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Association on the Market Place miniature range: A. Wylle 98 M. M. Lamb 4 W Brass go R. Wilson 88 J D Mackay 88 B. Wilson 80 A Bureau 84 J. Stewart 83 A. Mscdonald 60 More GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL TWO DAYS ONLY SwHCm Premium Lean Back Bacon In the niece, per lb P-iVi? B.C Fresh Pullett Eggs ..3 dozen-lots fur $!.!!.' Tea or We now have our Fuller! Ten at the highest possible stand ard. None better In the store. Will compare with anv S1.26 or $1.50 tea and we are selling it for per lb JM A discount of 10c per lb. if included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes 25 caies large tins, while they last, 6 tins for l)."f Corn Flakes Quaker or Western, 6 packages for ,V ()uaker China Oata Regular 45cr On sale, 8 for ."MAI lemons, California Sunkist Per dozen 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for $1.0(1 Ruder in Hulk 3 lb. Fresh Creamery for Sl.-." Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee is becoming more popular. We are now selling 500 lb. per month. On sale this week, 3 lb. for S1.I5 Heinz Catsup 3 bottles for or6 With eah poijad of FuMer'a Tea KrwA Ground Cfitte,apldthl week at regular prices W vill seil 5 lb. 7branif)MedrSgar- for Sep Our Window Circle (S) Picnic Hams Per lb. . . . : USt B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 JHE pAILX NEWS Saturday F. GYRO CLUB LEADING OVER TERMINALS IN BILLIARD TOURNEY Four of the five sanies of the billiard fixture between the Gyro Club and Grand lerminal were played lait night, re sulting in an aggregu score of 752 to sj in zavor of the furmer. The fifth game between w. J Nelson (Qyro Club) and Prank Zieman (Grand Terminals) will be played today. Individual scones last night were as follows: C .P. Bitagno (Oyro Club), 198; F. O. Pyle (Orand Terminals). 300. O. A. Woodland. 164. J. Andrews. 300. A. Donald, 300; w. E Wimscroft. 170. Bert Morgan, 300; Ben Sell. 165. Individual averages to date In the Billiard League follow: Played Total Av. P. William (M.L.) 1 200 20U P. O. Pyle (Q.T.) 8 1574 197 J May (0.) 4 785 106 u. mows. (M.L.) 8 1888 198 D. Brown ( Orotto 7 1384 1H A. Mscdonald AOJR.) 7 1388 104 W. H. Long (Cfl.) 7 1352 193 A. Murray (O.S.) 7 1342 193 w. J. r.eWon (Q.C.l .... T 1341 192 J. Btesley (OX) 8 949 190 loungman o.) 6 1119 187 A. Donald (QX3.1 4 748 187 Mayor McMordle (M L i 8 1483 188 M M. MsUohlan (M.L.I 7 1273 182 C Balacno (O.C.) 8 1427 178 J. Judge (Orotto) 6 891 178 J. Hlllman (OS.) 7 1239 177 u. vvaugn ( orotto) 7 12S8 177 Btn Self (O.T.I. i. 7 1227 175 O. A. Woodland (O.C.) .. 7 1217 174 W. E. WHUaeroft ,(O.T.) . . S 881 172 B. Morgan iqaa e ioaa itj J. Aadrew (Q.T?) 8 1352 189 P. Zlrraan (fl r i ma is? O. P. Tinker a.c.) ... 7 n4 iss It Young (Orotto) 7 1148 184 M. Andrews IUL.1 8 laon isa J. ItamUtO (ILL,) 8 1304 163 vviiu suiter- (UvCXI 3 O. Krause (O.T.) 3 J. Brown (O) 4 400 150 271 138 428 107 SPORT CHAT The McCullaah Shield was won bv a tffl rrpreseoUnK Jasser Park In a reeent bonspiel at Prince George. The Wright Rink of Prince Oeorge won the Robertson Oup and the final for the Kelly Oup, between the Wright and Pldgeon rink of Prince George,, was deferred. There were thirteen rinks entered in the Bonsptel -eleven from Prlno George. One from Jasper and one from Olscome Tomorrow afternoon the Canadian Legion and Bank hockey- teams of Prince Oeorge will clash in the final game of the first series of the cHy hockey schedule. The winners of thlt game will play the winners of the econd series, which is now well ad raneed. for the junior championship of the Ulterior city. It Is hoped to have this final played about the end of February. The Vanderhoof bockey team broke even in a encounter with Prince Oeorge on Sunday and Monday of this week. The Sunday game was a, very listless one which Should have gone to Vanderhoof vtsitcrr but was taken by Prince Oeorge with a 2-1 score, tn the Monday gam the play was much better and Vanderhoof secured the long md of a 8-4 score. (loon iti;.M Jim--I think I will have to get a new car. . Will What's wrong with the one you have? Jim I can't pay for It - Life. Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . 7:tf Milk, any brand, per tin V'p Tea Malkin's Best, Blue Ribbon. or Nabob, lb 70 Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per R rl)f Coffee Great West. Malkin's Best, Nabob, lb (J,"0 Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. Uif Creamery Butter, per lb. lilf-KIt 3 lbs. in one block SI ".'i Salt Pork, per lb :il! Bacon, Swifts Premium, back, special ner lb Picnic Hams, per lb l!,e-l? Lggs, strictly fresh, 3 doz. .51.18 VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Turnip 10 lb. Potatoes (Aalicroft) 4 lb. Onions 31 lbs. for OH? Tomatoes, large tins, C for . . 05c1 Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for !)."( Canned I-YiiHh Anrf1 A tnr Kll Soap, Fels Naptha, per bar . . Hf Royal Crown Soap, per crton 'i") Fresh line Green Vegelables every boat at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDA1RE VIC FOLEY FOUGHT KING TO A DRAW AT VANCOUVER LAST NIGHT VANCOUVER. Feb. 11. -Vic Foley ol Vancouver and Tlehle King of California fouKht a ten round draw last night as the headline lu a boxing pro gram. 1 1 YOUNG PEOPLE OF SALVATION ARMY I'rlnre ltiiirrt ' ' rUulelani. El III. ii SPECIAL MEETING There was large attendance at the meeting of the young people of the Sal vation Army called last night for the purpow of hearing Major Walter L Carruthcra. Scouts, guards, chums and sunbeams were out in full muster and there was also quit a smattering of grown-ups. Major Carruthcra spoke on the subject of proficiency badges and urged hi hearara to earn them. Mrs. Carruther spoke on tbe early life of Mones. Hegg'e Turner, local boy, who 1 sum. ng on the crew of the grain shin Basro. land, spoke farewell words and was also heard In a recitation. Mr. Turner ha hoen Identified with the Dominion Fisheries rervle here. Mliw Anita Upsln gave a Diana aoio hi.'h was much appreciated At the close of the meetlna. aunrjer was served. IIOTKI. AlllllVAM. o. n. naissr and MMI John C. Hartley. Vancouver. Huvojr J. Jones and R. flmlth, city. Central A. Lamb. city. TITTIX-T.UTI.i:. There is u onylnn bolii witty and g, we accept it without a demur: A woman stops telling her age wnen hei ( beiflns telllnn on her. WE Ot The Daily News BOS DISTRICT READERS "iWilgTfwSlUlBU Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from o.tr special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of itl SAILINGS TO EDROPI2 MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW FROM SAINT JOHN To Itrlfasi. .rrvool Mar. 2 Montclare War. 16 Montcalm r. 20 . .' Montclare To (ilanfow. Lhrrpool fb. a aUnnedow Mar. Montrose Mar. 23 Mlnneda IMsr. 29 MeliU Apl. 6 Montrose 1 To Olsagow only Tu ClirrlHurK-St.utluiiiptnH-.lHlurri Mar. 1 Montnairn Mar. 18 Metagama Mar. 28 Marloch Apl- Montnairn Apply to Asevi everywhere . ) PoasTEk, S.S. General rata. Agent, L.r.K. statJaa. Ysseswrcr. n Telephone Stymou; 2610 VICIOUS BATTLE FOR FE ATHERWEIGHT TITLE FOUGHT LAST NIGHT NKW YORK. Feb 11--In one of the most vlclcus battles In Madison Square Gardens e.-er seen Tony Catixxmerl. the New Yorkers clinched the claim to featherweight championship by whipping Benny Bus of Philadelphia in fifteen slashing rounds. STHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT O-nLY at 7 and 9 rao, gMHFTfiQgilTK in si! It To ' Tr nil COMEDY - "(SYM DANDY" RATHE REVIEW Admission - - - - 50c and 23c WILLIAM HAINES, ELEANOR HOAR DM AN, IDWl .' RON. WARNER OLANI), MITCHELL LEWIS H;.h CURRIER, C ARM EL MYERS and many others Canadian National Qic Largeft Railway Syfltm in Amtn STEAMSHIP AM) Tit A IN KKIlYIt F Sailings from riUNrt: .IU'I'Mct for v.'rvi:ii. vn T:un and inteirmadlate poinu. each Illllt.W. 9 00 .m For HTHVAIlT and .NYOX. each WKOMwit.W, 10 00 p m For mmitii and siii tii ,i'r::N niiii.(TTi: M.AM y - r.inrr.Alil.ll TRAINS I.Uli: l-HIVCi; f tllT Bach momiav. VI;im;hiv and s.Tl'i(li.Y at 11 so (IMIIUIK. ianiOT(l, WINNIrMl, all point Sssurn SUte. flBN('V AI.I. oc.l.W HTKAMSIIir I.INfcH Use (siisdlan Nstlnnsl Odhm fur Monty Drilm. Inr-'c elc. alvi for yur nrit shipment. CITY TICKET OITICF,. 5M llllllll tB 'HIN t RliHf'Hr it lt- if UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED. MiMSi?s:SXAn R,Vr" rOINTS. ALICE AUM, N'"V i.e """" M,lM ,,Un'1' Sunday, n p.m. . .( "s Avenue. K M. NMiTII. Agent. rrlnre nm'1 t..ro0?eMln;,'.ou.,J l V,t',0," ,nd. Xfty M eat' Market (SELVI0 RROS.) 3rd Avenue l'hunc ,d 'w MEAT. FISH, VEOETAULES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN I'RODl at low prices, and Immediate deliver Observe! All articles are of superior quality an-i 1 ' fieHh.