PAIN from RUrMor Irrlfnfinn soon ! by SANTAL IYIIDY Bswart or Imltatlone t , ,k (or h word "MIDf (iv nil lri(K(tift ftall.vse' b Our aning Prices C)n and after Feb. 1st, 1928 I - . mini lliu concu . Of u ,, .mcd and pressed $i:.oo ;,' .1 vest r , it white $1,00 teamed and 7f , li-iTied mid pre?- $1.75 m noatg .. $lLftO $a.00 . .(- nor - $1.0(1 tv,t 75f Mf 'Mt 75f aundry ' I !:!) Ltd. '.Mr 118 m II. . WALLACE CO. I.TI). am ' (iREAT s .Made by Man-.iiichester, iks or Rubber ii if colore. 111.50 and $12.50 I.S.Wallace Co. Ltd. I'hone 9 ' ' i mie and FuHon ftey're Here! AM) IIKTTKK Khevrolets i U- 'en at the Kaien Garage ill General Motor 1'i'oducta "i x a.m. to 10 p.m. daily " Wreeklnjf Service I'hone 52 CLOSING out SALE of . nnu ruilfslMI. INOS Htill on Montreal Importers Tllirrl A 1 """He Miller. I'rnnrlctor Waterfront Whiffs All Set for Opening of Halibut Season-Several lrer I.natu Already Away Fishermen Return From Holiday No Sign of Herring I Tlio .: .... .... ...c t-u.i.uiK weeK win ue marked with the big event of the I ""'i''"" oi ine nauuut season on February 15, net V I Several of the larger boats have departed durinir thr past ports in Alaska to take on fresh herring bait before makteir , - .. . .i, 111111 HI VflCU- Imj of the season or very aoon thereafter industry will not be going In full hwini! until povibly the middle ol Man li by which tlirie moat of the smal- lei :mU should also &r jut. Wi'n i lu orxe Mocks of halibut ilicuy tliv K.-Mi-ral opluun la that open-j I: i rfiv ii pri-es will be l;w. Without j ' jitluiK to be unduly pessimistic It inn) b- repeated that, owing to the I jut carr.rd over unkM fishing Is de- : ije.1. The eff-ct of such ;arryover on IN THE COUNTY COURT OF l'KINCE RUl'KHT mum s T IHIM i: HI I'EHT Betweei A ttulear, PUIntlff, I And: I) I. Htewart, Defe.idant. I To 1). L Stewart, of Prince Rupert. BG. TAKK no ilti; that A Btilear of Buu-d e. B c . has commenced an action aginuii you la the Count Court ,j run-i" Kuprrt ary. li f tiie sum of tSM M being the balaiut waaaa due to him by you and thai under aud by virtue ol an order His Honor Judge Young dated the Ird. of February. ISM, K was ordered that publication of this I notice lor three conoseu'.lve days be ;if),d aril f iffic.ent notice of trie Plaint ' and lunun ma issued In this action IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE KUPERT IIOIJlKN AT rHIM t: HI lKKT Between: A Bun tell. Plaintiff: ! And D L Stewart. DrlentUnt. To D L S;ew..rt, of Prin.c Bupert, BC. TAKE NUT1CI that A. Buntell of Prince Kuprrt. B.C.. tuu commenced an action uiuTmt yot In the County Court of Prmr Kuprrt. on the 21st 0 Janu-ary. lga fir the aura of fTTO.g being the Ualanm- of wajr due to him by 1 you and trust under and by virtue of an ord-r of Has Honor Judge Young hia th.' Ira oe peDruan 1WU. 1. 'was Mrxed ttttt nublloatUw of "us. notice 1 r tllrot ffiisecutlve dft beT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT IIOMtKA T PHINTB RITEKT Between' O W Nlrkersnn. Plaintiff; . 1 1 r. . I1r.11 r,r! Ill' fi'l H 1 .1 11 1 V rVquirod under urSn Ti ir vo r d v mi ifiToaW orde? within ten days after Im of this not ee to the defend tlC publication -Md action b, causing a the Mid O W N''v.wJlfm may lie given in therein ami Judgment mi'nS? Hie a -'"P'irTbSv7cSlrl n,,,!- I'luiinbera. Prince 13 Rupert. DC. ,uasn 10 trie grounds on the westward. There has also been a gen- ..luvimeiu 10 AiasKa 01 the many American schooners which have bepii wintering in Seattle and other Puget Sound ports. Easily by the end of the month, the first fares ol the season will have been landed at IMnee Rupert. Very few, if any, of the smaller Prince Rupert boats will engage In the early season fishing this year, a short - age of bait at this port being a cauae coming season's operations and next ur d.i.,1, demure in addition io1"1"' T" tnMMM would tu em.r.7dultl0t1-hiln tremendous -at th.. ....... 7i: I DttiicU.1 laet would be serious blow to While the Urge majority ol Ww " M J.rl '"" 'rm qumUty Pt- w ,, ur V" must realize importance ol imiiiedlatc action and earnestly urge y .u take ueceuary action to bring about desired resul la." By Monday of Tuesday, the moat ot th? larger will have departed for the westward .lalttnu grounds. Thaw tltlii away during the pant week fori A'a.-ki have included the Lli-lnjstjne.' Capt. TibbiU. which left on Tuesday; tile Stunner. Cant. M.nif:i Soriano, on l.rt carryover of frozen stocks, some Wedoaaday nlgnt; Tahoma, Capt. Wlnnl I aujior.tlts are of the belief that the ; Pierce, vMzb citlterJ on gundJiy or comliu ,eaou U not to break going Ketchikan to have a gurdy luataiM; ! many records In the way of prtaflU. Wrm, oapt Ben Peterson, on Friday; t-l-.iier from the atandpint of the pro- j gnu, cpt. John Otaen; gnal. Capt. i du crs of fuh or the handler, of It ddy Umzn, , Margaret 1. Oapt.! Fsll .ng is a menage aprjpoa of the -rlt. ... on Thuradkv ntaht Md rarui r,ai. naiioui aiiuation wnicn wai tent to the Canadian Pl3rm:.n for juiLiiicatlon In Its February Usue by .r..- L'liicago WhJkale Plh At Oyster D:'j er- "A: a meeting a. Chicago wholaaale li.'ii and oyster dealer" today it waa the Zapora, Oapt. Voge, today Jack Donoailr. sur wlnchAan tor the Bo: th PlatMrata, returned to town thaa ae.k on tha irolllng boat Thalaaa II.. j Capt. Olo Ouse frjm Jap Inlet where I he apent part of the winter. He weel u.a.iKi. i,,i oeciaea id wire varioua out for , vaeatlon but came home aa4 ra..iz..i.ji and int.-ru to appeaU tu to work for a reat. Jack reports l Parlll veiel oj.iers to d?lay flah-1 h.H nixini i.r .t . mg o -a :jiu. triAn February fillnth;chtr iniaod with has Imnds dasplta tbe , f r suffi. ent length of time to assure ' fict ttut he ran Into a lot of work. ... . i.wi naving been eommiaaioned to take a halibut ann ifuard against large carrj- ef ( u.adln, ln tne COnatruetlon a wr Thi situation U atrloua and con - Jo by 40 foat boat house which wUI er.n dlie-tly or Indirectly the wtlre ! .K,it, thru w.ll .nnm trtllln. basts idUiUy in preaeut luaications ac-1 irrl.iijj to government reports there will be at least five m.lllon p Minds hall- Capt. Lsiwaenr Lawter is rushing work on the halibut boat Jack preparatory to the opening of the fishing season He aspects to be able to get a amy about Wednesday nest week. I 1(1 MAH lit. ri.AM f'AXNEKV I clam beds which are known to exist on ' Dundaa Island are reported to have beam iiixmi u y .u . rwiuir umot , , th It ta an lndustn In t..e sain irarr within ten aays ajver fie las- puMieatlon of this notice to - which natives may be given a good deal defend thr N.d action by causing a 0f worc i dispute note to be filed ln the said ' action: .md in default on your so doing he said A riulear may proceed The reopening ot the halibut aeaaon la : 'mjuludpneo may be given u m,,.,, wUh the return to Prince Bu-I You may file a dispute nate personally 1 pert of various operators and f!'he raeo l or ny your Silliitor in the Court , who had been spending their winter at 'he l courts, mnce rinpert. ss.v. h'"T hnlrtn and and ,,r near DATED at Prince Rupert, this 7th day of Pebruary . ! Among Uioae returning are Oapt. Mar. WII.LIA.lfl MANSON A QON7.AUS, ' r,n Bollows. owner of the Whose address for service la ,k- th wlnIr m ,n mm Kot 11. nk Prince IJ Pnt S3 Rupert. BC I v ho got back today, accompanied by !-n wife. Ian Haines, second in ooan- maud of the Blnieader. and Homon Nichols, who waa on the Joe Baker last year and goes to the Mulrneag this season, are both eapeoted to return nest Wednesday from Nova Scotia. Capt. Clarence Campbell of tne Jot TI.MIIBK SALU ; mi . . ... . .v, V -ff , BMiecf Teds Ht 1 rsaJalvefl by tha t . . , , " nai iMtmr inmn wnn Ml good and Mifilctent notice l tle Plaint : , yytofuary, lBfid, for th tao oiuiimoas issu iii iii' iv... uurrhllsr 0( Licence avw near neaa 01 I'iKiii y 1 ami y-u r.' rfiiired under JJowU.h Covt uin talaad. C.R. . to ?i. m ki L'rorr wniiiii the lat publication of tins notice . . 1 1.. ...r,..ii hk 1 Aiulnir . ... 1 u.t Ann imi n. huarrt mMtiim or 10 1 upriire. Cedar. Hemlock and Balaam aaw- : 1 dunute note to b- illed tne sam : v wlll q, allowed for rt- actV n: and III default on your so dolns , u, Umoer 1 he said A. Buulell may proceed, yfr,ner particulars of the Chief Por-1 herein and Juditmn.t nuv be alven j etler vu-lorla. or live District Poroater. Sr'l- Prince Rupert. B.t- e ,-r.,n.llv or by your 8 ne t nr In the sb ve Court at the law courts Prince Kupert B.C. I DATKD a' Prlin' Ruixrl. this 7th ' rtav of February. I118 ....o I WIUJAMS MA1VSON M OONZAIJJB. I ahiwi uldrrs i service Is 33 Boy a I Bank Oiainbt-ra. Prince JUgjert. BC LAND ACT XOTH'K OK ISTBNTION TO APPLY TO IM ucii vsi: U.M) tn Range S Land Recording tMstrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate at the nor therly end of Telegraph Passage, Skocna River. TAKE NOTICK that J. II. Todd it BOtta ot Victoria, H.C.. occupation salmon ean-nera, latond to apply for psrmkuUH to purchase the following described lands: Osauneneing at a poet planted at the nnethwaat corner of Lot SI. BaAM I. CD.; thenoe W chains east: thance 90 TU h l. atewart. of Pntu Hupert. BC. i chalna north, more or leaa, to high water TAKK HOnci that O W Nlrkersnn of m,rit; thence southsrly along high PrtiiceRuperl. BC. has mmnieiired an to the point of emwroenoe-sotlon aaalnst you tn the County Court ment ,n(l containing 80 acres, more or Prluci n U ait ol Janu- i leJli. of Rupert. 01 rriuc iu("- VTOA M hinir arv la. for the sum of 1730 JO ostng the halanee due to mm u, nd that under and by virtue or Jt.rf Ills Honor Judge, Young .1.. tel " J" j . u.i mi Kllraatlon of this VS. "mZ .'onicutlve dare be J. II. TUUU fli Buno, blU, Dated December Ulb. Mtl. a; NOTH'E 01' INTKMiKH'if) ApTlV TO trlct, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands TARE NOTICE that Robert M Currle. ot Vancouvrr. B.C.. oooupation fish packer. Intends to apply tor a lease ot the following deacrlbed lands: Commencing at a post olantod at northeast corner about 1 000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head ot Huston Inlet; thence westerly 30 halns; thence southerly about U chalna; thence easterly 30 chains: t nance nor therly about it eVrv and cofttalnlnu ? re-' :n 1 1 'ir lew I HlJUEIir U CUK'tie; Appiuan' 7HB DAILY REW3 Palter, who spent a holiday at Vancou-j ver and other point In the south with i Mm. Campbell, got back on Wednesday.' Capt. Cbrla Hearlekaeii of ne aibaon. I and' Mm. HwrMrtfC returned after 1 spending tfc meat of the winter in 1 beauts. New oS-foot halUHtt boat being buUt at ibe rniMw Rupert dry dock for Cktpt. JToHa Ia90 .and capt. liana Underdahl sr aurprtttstl tj be completed and ready for the e bj' the end of March. With the hull finished and dock on, dellvaTf of the 76 h p. Palr-batsks-AIorae full dllenel engines, with whloh botb boats WUI be equipped, la now being awaited. Though severs) seine boau. including the Anus) S., Oapt.Bll Skig: Azurlte; Capt. oio Ofcor. and Zatmrdl, oapt. Robert Oamrnon, fiare been aeUvety engaged In proapabfeg er some two wacks' tune. tMtw faf i0 algn of the annual barring run ln waters contiguous to Prince Rupert up 10 yesterday. While the run la considerably later thaa isMal ka atafWag, It is confidently j expected tha few days mire will ae! It develop. I With no froawn atpeks whatever on : hand, having bean cleaned up before : the end of last season. jine concern u being folt ln the matte'r of bait supply j for tha smaller halibut tjau, at Prime j Rupert. Gammon Watt have been ' considering Uw adrlaability of sending the seuashoat Bertha C. to the vicinity ot JuiMau. Alaska, where the run haa Bnmminawd and where there is said to be an adequate supply of herring. The buys halibut boats have been going to Alaska to take on their bait supplies (or tin first trips of the season. There will be a sarong demand for aU the herrtatt awallakea at Crincc Rupert this winter. The Canadian Fish Gold j storage Oo. Is wanting a big supply for ( rearing purposes and the aupcrt' Marino Pmdiaota will have its fleet busy tstning and towing for the Tucks Inlet reduction plant. This will all he In addition to the requirements of the froatt herring pounds In flat vicmty. I KOM VAXC-oi VIJI The kiaatl attUfcot boat Cape Basic Capt. Id gar Arnott. aaturned to Prince ftupert thai wtoaxud from Tanoouvur a here it was wintered. The veaal wUI pick up Its gear and outfit, proceeding almost laameaHatsly to the westward banks ta inatlUlte tbe season's Bradbur TotTs big halibut boat B. j ! and Y.. Capt. Al Woat, Is also due from the south to be ooaunlasloned in the halibut flatwtas. The B and T. hai u er. engaged this winter ln herring I caoklna on the woat coast of Vaneou- Vancouver interests which recently ' ver 1,1.,1 made an Investigation of the extensive Rag. Webber, f waa art y chief engineer on the halMHit boat Wabash, haa joined wen aatiaitod witn wnat tney touna ana the staXf of P. X. Brunt Ltd.. tew Prince it la now reported ttoat the estabtMi- pupert marina surpty ostaisi, .imt. on the 31st Of Janu-' " tisg. waa one ot loose w, - s sunllar old plant in Hudson Bay ' juries whrn an eablaatr-i Pasaage mar be proceeded wltti While clam cannery may not naceasarUy be a very ambitious project In the way of buildings, machinery, etc.. It wilt, theletr afford a good deal of araermal L-mployment such aa digging clams and the Wabash last seas- K qeore Dick, first :u ,-, ,1 but boat Oap Bwaln. n- , rowboat and Cvlnrude w. derstood be will use ln con. hie trapping operations nest v tro.1 in- ,1 .1! i 1 . k a. i.- hall. .r,d a i on r. nth Before they wore the au n seat waa too big. Now tney are married, the dam boat Is too small. Such la the story of a yachtsman well known; A warning It should be to aundry and all. Though we would not recommend this to any of the local Icre-slok passe urc bjat owners as a Valentine message, that u. if they intend to do their bit in allaying the unemployment of the preachers this year. Mow that Use buntiag season la Skipper Oecrge Bryant wlll continue the holidays with a sojourn In sunny south, ern clunaw not assailing? Vancouver, the famous watering place, ot causae George left for the south on Prlelaj, accompanied by airs, Bryant wht frgtl see that he keens Within bouncis on this vacation stuff, v . , Alex Uaedjonald haa hie power yacht Vaequero on the Bugs ways oarrylng out soeae neceaaary repair In anticipation of the strenuous picnicking and bcacb party daya that are about to follow. Things are a bit quiet these days at the Prlnoe Rupert Rowing A Yaeht Club what with the hunting season now over and the weather not being particularly conducive to the best of enjoyment in nor pleasure boating. So Tuesday night's gale was quite welcome to She! Thompson who was thinking' anyway that he waa due for a nlgtit out. Shef maintained his good record and nary a line waa seaweed ln the seswnty-mlle-an-hour twister. He waa the recipient of many congratulations she Mat day from boat owners who had worried more than he had. To cap the climax, Alex. Mc-Rae sent down a helper the neat night which was something like closing ttte barn door after the home hadigone, only the horse didn't go thla time. Next month. If the usual dry Marcn winds fan their rephym over the fsoot, there should be the seasonal campaign oi painting and such-like in peaparatloo for the coming of summer. OS w.xuu w.vvs QoaU on the Ward warn during the past week hove inoiudd the halibut vessels Aiken, Cayiteon, Verna, Margaret I., and st.W. nroute from Seattle to Ketchikan for the opening of halibut season, the srlraoner Polaris was in port Wednesday night to pick up a member of her crew. Like thv ueasbs and otU:r thing JK icomona s No Returns Rich -of- 23 only, Crepe-deChine and Crepe Back Satin Dresses, whose regular values run 'up to $20.00. Slaughter Sale Price, each $.75 LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES Regular values up to $46.00. Going for ..... 19.75 LADIES' COATS 5 only, Ladies' Winter Coats. Regular value to $30.00 each S10.50 4 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $45.00 each for S19.50 5 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $69.00 for 26.50 oo Lo PAGE FTV3 SraaBaaSTBEaHCWl Thanks Prince Rupert's Shoppers for their assistance this last week at their Fix m W f. r LADIES' DRESSES, HATS, COATS AND LINGERIE. FOR CASH ONLY We sincerely thank our customers for their assistance in making this sale such a success. It has been a record for our store. We have very little left on this sale but that little we wish to dispone of this week- Thje prices on the balance of these garments we have still further cut down to do this. As to the values offered, just ask your friends. Or better still, look into our store before Saturday night and see for youreelf. The balance of our stock of Ladies' Evening Dresses, and there are some beauties, too. Regular values to $40. Slaughter-Sale Price, each 10.75 27 ONLY, LADIES' HATS Regular price as high as $12. Going for $1.45 Sold out. LINGERIE 9 Suite Ladies' Pyjamas. Regular $7.50 value for 2.95 Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Regular value to $7.00. for 1,95 Sold out. Silk Slips Regular up to $6.00 f or $1.95 Silk Bloomers and Vests, each. . 95c Sold out OUR SPRING HATS ARE IN Mif , i more or less unpleasant, the radio bug 1 li sure apreadtnt these days Alex.; G tunas has Installed one of the Infer-1 usl machines on the selneboat Bertha O -a seven-tube Atwater Kent set. Alex. ' haa been getting splendid meuita and hoard the owls hooting on the North Pole one night thas week. A little bird, mar be one of th. sea gulls that followed the boat, told usi tgt there la one sickness for which medical arMnejsoas otwrnw ; WJSri dote this being seasickness, hbu oi Prince Rupert's doctor, engaged them-selves in study of this pressing problem Usl Sunday. Their findings will be published In 1940 if the medicine men have adequately recovered by that Urns. Yes. It was a rough old passage the Pull Moon had last Sunday In th. rain attempt on that day at least to deliver the grub and tobneco to the boys on Znya Island shoep ranch. The sea did everything from being nice and tempting looking in Ute morning to wasning the bally sheen oil the Uil'ind In th afternoon. Even three doctors and a Draco of strong young nu n c :uld not land at Zayas Island thst clay and it was thus, perforce, that return had to be made to Boat Harbor. Dundas Island, there to wait out the elements till nest day when the shore party waa at length successful in doing its stuff. The party, winch left Sunday morning and was very grateful to be home Monday night. Included Dr W. T. Kergln. Dr. L. W. Kergln. Dr J. P. Cade, Mia frothy Ollltngham. Miss Margaret Kergln. Jimmy Parker. Ct are new Thomson and TedeUa Ttte MeayhNlf of too party report some iiwUitful snrHta in the brentflns of the rollers on JjltfidM U land .T ' niVIMI I I' MAI.MOX Jack Bradbury or the well known Prince Rupert flahlng concern of Bradbury at Yelf. slates that It la the ln-UnUon of his concern to retire from the salmon fishing industry. In which It haa been actively empi yed for the past several years in packing and seining, and turn in place to th. pilchard reducSou industry ou th. wswt coast No Exchanges monos Mail Orders at these prices Loovr Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, R.C. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W. I'rlnce KupexU B.C of Vancouver Island where it la the Intention of the company to build or causa to be eslaMlsbsrl a plant costing in the neighborhood or KiBwranaa inlet Is the point on which a site efU be selected. The concern wlll sonunue to be identified with the halibut and herring ftsbaMst out of Prince Bupert. keeping Its usual fresh herring poiaiado established In the vicinity. . Tho Bradbury A) Yelf art ne boat Deth-une Is leaving this week-end to prospect for herring lu anticipation of the run ooMinanclng In the very near future Mitch Albert and Mike McCaffery made a mystery trip to Oona River last Saturday, leaving early in the morning mi the Bertha rj. and returning that night. Msl-df-mer I reported to have featured the voyage. Alex. Ohman charged them for alx meals a day three going down and three coming up. 'Demers' are now howiiiK Billie Burke 1 Sport Dresses Phone 27 P.O. Ikix .127