THS- DAILY ,KEW6 BRINGING UP FATHER By Gecn DryCieanin OH - I JAMES-TELA-THAT $l I I U'bTEN-TOV CLOWM t f OIDNT GiT A CHAMCE : Pf j !! ! ! .. . MAr,r NEW MAID TO SCRUB Egg! DON'T VANT VOU TO TO TtLu HER WHAT VvANT- ' -J-'I, j MACGIL- THE HALL 5TAIRb CONTINUAL CALL Ml OH" MARGUERITE- V' at V r- -n a MAGGIE. MY NAME I'. &$9 1 J !i , J Braces Most Modern Drycleaning Plnnl In City Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Third Ave. and McIJride Street THANKS YOU LL GIVE FORWARKTHI AND HEAT THAT OUR COW. OIVES-it r&N'T I 1 Vf II BEAT! thankful for the bird, of course! But more thankful for the fire to cook it and the heat to warm us up. Ytfu'll have a Happy Christ-mis if you use our coal. It gives the finishing touch to the day. Albert & McCalfery Limited t'hones 116 and 117 Trappers ! Are you jrettirtg enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell io Goldbloom The Trapper Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices -DOWN I'emWna Peerless Eg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $ 11.25 l Alberta Sootiest Ege $12.00 1 Alberta Lump $13.00. These Couls are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransIer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 67$ DENTIST MILK -:- PRICE Reduced, to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quart for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price ticket Mclirlde Street tor now closed Valentin Dciiry Office nnd Dairy 11th lit. Telfphnni' 537. " l ' ' ' 1 ,jtf,t. ' FIRST ROUNDS OF BADMINTON Anglican Open Tournament Gets off to (Jood Star With IMay-ing ol Mixed Doubles The city open badmint.m tournamen' r. .lug hem by the club of 8t. Andrew'1 Cailiedral got off to a good start last night when Urn and second rounds of the mixed doubles class were completed, there being sixteen couples entered. ClDod quality 01 play was shown, particularly in the sec and half, the outstand- .ng game of the evening being that In which Mr. and Mrs. R Bartlett ellmtn atad A. Q. Siocomb and Mlu Lillian Jros by the narrow margin of 21 to 20. d.-D. Johnstone reftreed all game, the -cores of the various eventa being as lollowa: HUNT 1(1)1 NO A Slocomb and Miss Lillian Cross beat Carl Brand and Mrs A. B. Llzney. 21-14. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartlett best Mr. and Mrs. S. Oarton. ill -8. Allan Cross and Miss Frances Cross beat R. Mortimer and Miss Amelia Pills-bury, 21-10. F. Russell and Miss C. Mitchell beat It. T. Cross and Miss Molly Cross. 21-11. C J. Korrtngton and Mr, H. J. Bradbury beat R. Stuart and Mrs. Thor Johnson. 21-12. Alex Rlx and Miss L. M. Ellett beat O'Arcy Marsh and Mrs. C. V. Evltt. 21-15. Max Colllson and Miss Nora Riven beat , uave Bairiwrr and Mla sjarjorie Shlel. 21-9 Col. J. W. Nlcholls and Mrs. J. p. Johns beat Bill Colllson and tin. Ben Belt. 21 KF.COXH ItOI'MI Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartlett beat A. Sto- comb and Mtsi Lillian Crow, 21-20. Frank Ruuell and Miss Onrollne Mitchell' Uat Ali.-.n cross and Miss Frances Cross. 21-18. ' Alex Rlx and Miss L. M. K. Ellett beat C. J. Norrlngton and Mrs. Bradbury, 21-4. Max ColHson and Mia Rlvett beat Col. J. W. Nlcholls and Mrs. Johns. 21-1S Semi-finals and finals in the mixed doubles as well as in all other events will be played next Wednesday night. First and second r unds in men's doubles will be played tomorrow night while the ladles' doubles will open Monday evening. SPORT CHAT An exceptionally large number of early I season casualties In the National Hoo- jxey League has occurred this year. n list including tereral names which have been to the forefront of professional hockey for more than .decade. The New toik Banana, leaders of the America. nrnitv. fii f tne cniei sufferers, eac ctars laid up because of Injuries. Taffy Abel. Ranger delcnse star, broke hi wrist in the opening game at Toronto and Leo Bourgault, who was a capable substitute for Abel, broke his nose re cently. Captain Dirk Irvln of the Black Hawks Is In a hospital with a slightly fractured skull, and Babe Dye, also of Chicago, who packs the hardest shot in the league, broke his leg In training before the season opened. Frank Flnnegan of the Ottawa Senators was out of the gme for several weeks owing t Injuries, and Pete Leplne of the Canadians Is on the sick list. Captain Billy Burch of the New York nierlc.ins returned to the Ice a few mv. no after a Ions absence suffering I'll ii i Injured leg. Leo Relse, Amnri- tm defense star, who broke a rib early in U'f season. Is still troubled by that injury. Although Relse Is playing, he is obliged to retire frequently after a t.' i-kirmlsh. Clos? to 100.000 persons play soccer football in the V'nlted State amateur and professionals. From the boy In mrnmr school, tbr youth In hlsh or prp school, the u-n...- - ;;, In the man of mure mature years in wii iTeat total mutei .1 and thoi who foster the spurt hvr seen their dreams roallaed beyond even their greatest and fondest hopes. Since the formation of the United State Football Association In 1013. which Is the governing body In the country, '.he game had shown a steady Increase until it Is growing so fast that the parent br.dy cannot keep t.-p r'th its prog-ess. The game need o further Introduction; Its features as an outdcor sport are sufficient to warrant the SUCCeim has attained. As. with " ny "-IT1B "P"'1' wle ana for 'r l utui nine ib uua guuica im pruics- slc.nal side of the game. At present there are approximately 2.000 professional players registered with the United States Football Association, wrth oirn. thing like 260 of them on the payrolls of the owners of American League clubs. SCHEDULES FOR SPRING SPORTS Basketball, Cribbage, Whist and HI 11 lards Opening Set-end Half of SeaMon Following are the basketba. ,:,bst it. 1st and billiard schedules : -.-.'oi.d hll ol uie season wh V : . v opening, and which may be e .w I MEN'S WHIST All matches to be played at the Ne Empress Hotel. The follcTlng schedule for the 'ilf of the metis section of the F- .' ".si Whist League has been Issued : 'he secretary, F. E. Wermlg: JANIZARY 18 Orotto vs. Moose. Seal Cove vs. Sons of Canada. I.O.O.F. vs. Bt. Andrew's. St. Oeorge's Society vs. Knlfii"- Pythias. 38 Moose vs. Seal Cove. Sons of Canada va. tJO O F 8t. Andrew's vs. St. O ' s , . . Knights of Pythias f,r ,n FF.FRI AHY 2 Seal Cove vs. lOOf Sons of Canada vs.'Bt. Andrew St. Oeonte's Society vs. Orotto. Knights of Pythias . Moose. 0- -Seal Cove vs. Orotto. St. Andrews vs. Knights of Pythias. St. Oeerge's Society vs. I.O.O.F. Moose vs. Bons of Canada. J6-arott v. 10.0. 8t. Andrew's vs. SeM "ve. Knlghti of Pythias vs, 6; its of Can-I ' ada. ' Moose vs. St Oeorge's Society, i ap-Seal Ccve vs. it. oearge's sooietfi bt. Andrew's vs. Moose. MtUru 1-I.O.Of. vs. Moos. Orotto vs. St. Andrew's. St. Oeontes Society vs, Suns of Canada. Knights of Pythias vs. Seal Cove. WhiiH-rs of the man's section to play off the winner of the ladles' section for the Dybhavn and Newton Cups. Dyspepsia Troubled ( Him for Many Years Mr. J. Savoy, LoggicvTIle, N.D., write i "1 have suffered for many years from ihnjH'p.ns and could not seem to gvt any relii'f. "One dny I tohl my wife I thought I would try a but tie 'if and when I had half of it taken I felt a lot better, to I continued until I hsl taken two bottles, and now have no pain and no coated tongue, and feel that I am completely rid of tar trouble." J Uaauf Mturod only by The T. Mllbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. LADIES' WHIST Air matches to be played at the "Good Eats" Cafe. The following schedule for the second half of the season of the ladles' section of the Fraternal Whist League has been released : JAM WHY 7 Canadian National Ladles vs. Orange Ladies. English Ladies vs. Moose Ladies. 1 Orange Ladles vs. English Ladles. Mooee Ladles vs. Canadian National Ladles. U Canadian National Ladles vs. English Ladies. Moose Ladies Vs. Orange Ladles. KF.Iirtl ARY 7- -Orange Ladle vs. Canadian National L,dis. Mods Ladies vs. English Ladies. .4- -English Ladles vs. Orange Ladles. Canadian National Ladles vs. Moose LadMs. 21 -English Ladles vs. Canadian National Udk. Orange Ladles vs. Moose Ladles.. ' CIUIlIlAflR All matehea to be played at the New 'impress Hotel. The following schedule for the second naif Mir ciiu iage League season Is re'.i-iiM'il JAM'AUY i (v,id storr'ur v-. Sons of Canada. Mm..- v. c N Mechanics. St Andrewv vs Prince Rupert Hotel (Z N Opeia'.m vs. Orange Lodge. New Empren Hotel vs. Canadian legion. A Km, -lit, of : 1 1 tubus vs. Grotto. MOUW VS CilM Andrew'. Cold Storage. C N Merlin. . - vs. New Empress m;i "") -' ituj).;i' Mitel v. Orange Lodge n ()M".r.uu vs. Canadian Legion. s .l.iiU v. KnlghU of Col- f id atm-Kge vs. CJf. Operating. Kmi;ht.s ot ttuabus vs. New Em- pre. Hotel M .- v- S mi of Canada. St Andrew vs. Orange Lodge. cn Mi .. vs. Canadian Legion j;. .- h i;V.r- Hotel vs. Orotto. t'KUKt'.WlY Kn.ah:s t - olumbus vs. CJJ. Oper- l'i!- C'.lri st u .ure vs. New Empies Hotel, s' Anrireu ' vs Son of Canada. ,! .v - Onvne Lodge, Prime Rupert Hotel vs. Canadian l,ei;lo!i C N ::.Ullrs vs Orotto. 1 .1:1 H- . n t,'.l. Mechanics. M - . - I'riM.e Rupert Hotel. CN Ul' ''nit: vs. Son of Canada. H -uh'.. f Columbus va. Orange I .id.' St At. ,lt. w'a va. Cana4lan Legion. ht v FaiproW Hotel vs. Orotto. 20- -Knights of polumbus vs. Prince Ru pert Hotel. Orotto vs C.!t. Oparattng. " W. Andrew's vs. lte Kuipi ass Rotai, Col Stsrge v. Orange Lodge. MeO-e vs. Canadian Legion. Soh of Canada v. C.N. Meahanlca. 37 -Halghts of Columbus vs. CZJJ. hl. Mocs va, O.K. Operstiag. . Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Son sf Can ada New Impress Hotel vs. Orange Lodge Cold Storage va. Canadian legion. St. Andrew's vs. Orotto. M.tltMl 5 Cold Storag vs. Prince Rupert Hotel St. Andrew vs. CN. Operating. Moose vs. New Impress Hotel. C.N. Mechanic vs. Orang Lodge. Knight of Columbus vs. Canadian Legion. Suns of Canada vs. Orotto. 12 Cold storag va. Knights of Columbia Moose vs. St. Andrew's. C.N, Mechanic vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C .(I. Operating vs. New Impress Hotel. Snns if Canada vs. Orang Lodge. Canadian Legion va. Orotto. ! IB Orotto vs. Oold Storage. ' Knights of Columbus VS. Moose. Mt Andrew' v. O.N. Mechanic. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. CN. Operating. New nprrr? ItoUii v. Sun ol can-Wlmera of riKt bstf Grotto--:'! play off winrirm of thU second hAlf for t .... Ptt rVknrsirss. - - & . v.,, w. nu misi ui ot three. ! - . . . ItlljI.IAltilb The srhedule coverliuj the second half of the billiard league ha been drawn, the first game to be pley.d Frl- jrtay next. The schedule follows: ! J.iM'.tttY 113-Oyro vs. Oold Btorsge. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY le per word in advtvnce. No Advertisem nt 1(1 IT Maple Leafs vs. Terminals JO Grotto vs. Oyros . :3 Cold Storage vs. Maple Leaf. 'i7-Terminal vs. Orotto. 51 Oyros vs. Maple Leaf. rr.mii aiiv S Oold Storage vs. Terminals. 7 Orotto vs. Maple Leaf. .0 Oyros vs. Terminals. : 4 Oold Storage vs. Orotto. T Oyros vs. Cold Storage. Jl Maple Leaf vs. Terminals. .4 Orotto vs. Oyroa W Cold Storage vs. Maple Leaf. MARCH 1 Terminal vs. Orotto. 0 Oyros vs. Maple Leaf. 9 Cold Storage vs. Terminals. 5 Orotto vs. Maple Leaf. 6 Oyros vs. Terminals. M Cold Storage vs. Orotto. I1ASKBTHALL The Prince Rupert Basketball League schedule for the remainder of the sea-xn follow: JAM'AUY IS Drill Team v. High School. Dig Four vs. High School. Elks vs. Native Son. 17 Star vs. TuKis. High school vs. nevator. tnt vs. Terminals. 30- fZJrlll Team vs.. High School. Elevator vs. Big Four. Terminals vs. Native Sons. H Tuxls vs. Stars. Big Four vs. High School. BUM v. Native Sons. 27 Drill Team vs High School. Elevator vs. High School. Bits v. Terminals. Jl TBlI v. Stars. Kiev iter vs. B'v Four. Terminals vs. Native Sons. IF.BKI ARY J-Drill Team vs. High School. Big Four v. High School. Elks v. Native Son. 7 Tuala vs. Stars. Elevator v. High School. Elk v. Terminals. ir-Drtn Team vs. High School. Big Four vs. nevator. Terminals vs. Native Sons. I Tuxls vs. Stars. Big Four v. High School. Elks v. Native Son. , 17 Drill Team va. High School. levator vs. High School. Elks vs. Terminal. 21 Tuxls v. Stars. Big Pour v. Elevator. Terminals vs. Native Bona. JUMPED RIGHT INTO 1 BIG LIebE'tUFP Wallrr Johnsan Nevw Iltolied for Mliwrii AlihAMgh he a, TrM "V.- '.''' - kw m'm . NEWARK, NJ.. Jan. U. Walter Johnson, the new manager for the Newark International League Club, hold tli unusual feat of never having pitched In a minor league contest Tlie "big train" had signed a contract with racoma but did not report to that club, jumping right Into the big time with the Washington Senators where tie served for 30 years. Now that Johnson Is wlWl Newark, he Intend i to hurl the first game for the Bears in the next campaign. CURIOUS RESULTS OF PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY IN U.S. SM ALL TOWN sTVEUFTH, Minn.. Jan. U-Hockey, weeping the country, has had Its un-parallelad growth at considerable experts to this little Iron-mining city of 7,000 population. Once the home of Chlng Johnson, briniant rtefenw af liw new rork Rnts and other blade stars of re-th starne wu on mrr n u.. ttur tesii. Bveleth held s berth In the old American Amateur Hockey League, alomi With Cleveland Plllahnrok iw. i " - - 'luth and a siwclous h.ppodmme built by popular subscription seldnm larked capacity crowds. But professional horkey came and wllh IU attraetl-e salaries and expen- ,ive orgunlratlons rinslly set a pnre beyond the resch of even this smblt- NEWS CLASS1E . WANTKU 0!RL WANTED TO Kr ':;: ,:. ' : : family of three . m v C ' small house tut b? ! p'. .. cook. Idenl .home tu"J ! wy-v Good wxges. Apply Bo;, a," I;1, News office. t WANTED TO BUT. OFT TtZT TAU ' ,X small typewriter table :i:wtl " ; C: ) '.:. Also sectk' filing r . t v where seen and price o P- !' Dti'lly News Office. 1 i WANTED. SMALL OASBOT AKOC ') twenty-five fuet lontr. .n : nzing order Saw ensh ;.;,' -;:.!' and age of engine to ') J ; News office WANTED A SCHOOL OK I T." 'm. haby after school a:u' .-. Plioan 483. FOR SALE FOR BALI. SECOND HA T? ' In good condition, ltz it . . Apply Daily Krv.s. FOB SALE.- -OLD NEV.PrA. ;: I large bundles for 2.V FOR RENT FOR RENT. - - ROOMS V ir'. Clout board. Central Ij.j'.m. Bbie ?. HOUSE FOR HENT. fl :(C.i BATH. Apply jtunr " .s dR RErtt. -4 FTjMf;., , ; Apply 3H Pnurth Ave . ; CHIMNEY SWFRP II. 1. 7XMKi.HU flenrral Hand M in Furnaces and Btoves Clennnl nvj Re-pnlr.xi Chlmnle Swe;,t Cemetery Plots C:iri j r, r Phone Red J4S. Pr'tv Rnj., 11 r tTajNHTRK fi mr.;i New stock will row It nr-i ' : vf rr , week. Also the !32i j. -" nZ Linoleum Rugs and - e ":'' -. '. i complete line Thev - r..1. i thr Jubilee mtterus Csil !n m ;) them, please. A. MACKFN7.IF, II ftMTI Phi. lie 1",:,. EXCHANGE VFW AND KM llMi I I ItM : i k: , bougtit and s-ld am! exr . -i.'n.i Tlayer Plstn mi.l I "two Cash Registers :n ,?Y. i ,PAPAnopnQf mk M Third AvV, Fnnne ivifi -su . -m. i ..' . r ..'' PRIrVCE HCjpEJrT "r ' ' f !! ! f FRin.tY. J.tMMlV ! High 8:0B um ?: f. 't 18:09 p.rn m 12:07 p ii : 7 KATURIIW, 4 ll K V I ' High fl'W am ! s ". 19-22 p m !Z P " U)W 010 n in 7 i H'0 pirt ) 5 " HIMiAY. WMM;V I' HIh 7-W n it) v 1 1"-S2 vi l-ow 0-58 r, in . y M l!'. ) n: , f. MOMMY, lXl M1V I I "'1 f n :. m l:' ;! !t 21"'. p:n. in- Low ; .vi , -n. .. U 22 p m. r. i TrWDAY, .lvi .; 7 Hirh i . i, ) . ?'V1'' "i -it ; IflW 2 .1 , , j , .. V ,i 7 I tvrir:sin in ' .High i..! . , . . i ; , '""V v, -. m y, ' v: r-rt-i jilree The yr- ?i,ir.. . .; ... Rveleih st'll stnii .ri (,.. ,. j the hrcW.y run ft t I blrv. 30 lull, . rllul . v ' city entry in the 1 ,, Ifallrtt Hrsicks .!.). m rtl-er i nuir ''vr. .r., if.-iv i I.., .. i..,.., vi,' nr. .i. n ,,. ... , , ,' Pnil: Pt'.lv t:i! ' W. : ; ; A'le J-.hi,., .,, chivi'. h- , ,.'. t llllll nil l(i. . ,., , .. j A : i i.i f .iii .U porr. ,,,,, ,, , .. Nohby Claik. Willi casliri o.i .. A--' 'if i '! .( ) ll. I fi l. ft! ."'! I I iv V ( '1, ..- L II . "nil . . c - i. - in. . !..; f V: ( , tm A. 1 ir ! Vlti) it rt'i'f a ... r; s'tt" Mitt is ml i f i : -' : . i umi ('.. -i ( ' w-! . ri ... rr - t ii i'. Jiiil -iei'..irl - . t rv 'it: '!. il ' iV 1 n . I. 1 -.1: V TIL r'i'WIF i Li o-.. .iiu.i C . 'ir u :y mil Sur I . i , .. - 4 Met I. .. V..'lll'r- I l Hi 193 : 1V ail'l Vli Inn. xtewiirt . . . mall clofr . Alli-e rir. MrMftrt 'IV.T '.,,(v KMMT I'i ,J- . ini I l'.,liil--Sin! y 'Vit f.iliiln i oi z in i . ' i ' t , Isliilld Fnliit ; - 2i- ' i. ik'miil ' CV.R. TPMNS . ;- trrm' i v ., sikI V "i m i.i. t'hi'ftn; v.. nnr! ' '1 ' m. IN ",J:'MTR "r:: -t t m ir ,v..- t-- ivf n,e Arlm'.i if.. . , 1 r 0 -ftt V., If I' . ' . : l,y , , i" V..-" V . I .. I fit A I I I'., S "'M