sjjyeMonej . . , , -;,p -t way to buy the subscribe by the to n I n s ik tik' ct i B.oo snd your delivered to your address ,, ,.,:n;j. Just figure out the ''I'i Mt to you to' thU ' , , 1)r twelve months! Will.. No. 9. Boston Grill BBSS . V.S GOVERNMEM 8.O.S. Calls Received at Dighy Station from Steamer Griff co at Sea Seattle .' Mho (iot Faint Call I .ant Where Vessel Wan or CD.. K.D.F.M.. S.O.S.. S.O.S.. S.O.S.. Help, Help." was the rn -! ii inK message picked up at U.H2 lust night by the Diyby Island win ! - elation, indicating that the steamer Griffto, denoted in code I.; Mi, I. Hern "K.D.F.M.," was in serious trouble at a point unk:.ow. h, r M,.itii.n not being Riven in the distress call. The letters "CD." ,- the tfi-nt ral call for all stations. Tl is ln-ing all the information received by I)igly Island, it was ,; , i ,iM'-rtained that the Griffco had, 4 hours previous, left Port r.,i s( -ml for Honolulu to go into the service of new owners in which .. -p!rc tw wa recently sold by the GIVES REASONS NEW CRUISERS of UNITED STATES of to Iti it tin -. Innititencf at Geneva lited hv Secretary of Navy (or Lis. Action a si:'.,ro.N jan u. citing Bri- ... -v, suae for -larger tea "iturrileai of the programs of i'-wem Secretary of the Navy .u before the House Naval i he reasons for atklng for ".flOOO a r;.h:j. Br:- ''iiff he raid. most per-.'ifiioe to the Lr.lted Slates .i i i cruiser tonnage i. not ccmpet.tlvr REPAIRING OF YUKON PLANE Pars (or Machine Which Recently Made Forced landing Sent in From Whltehorw "ding to word received In the in the north. naceMry parts : ' "- engUM Of the airplane Queen I Yukon, in which Ucut. A. d ()iiik had to make a forced wverml weeks ago cn a froeen i nmt Summit roadlioure, tto miles I wiiiiehorat. have been sent in .. Wnlle Horsa. Aa soon aa re Da lr i in ..! , DIm. nMilkaVonb nlana , im IIVV V4MlMi(B)tut faess w.. ' i. uk mi oomnwrcMU mttio vj ' Mayo nd Dawaon. BASEBALLDEAL AMAZES PLAYER (Oladatone lowers Hornaby Traded off 1 independence liii ton fur Two Other Men to Indian' Avoid Conflict , l. and u teadamlth m:w YORK, Jan. U Rogers Horns- MBrmol ii been tradad by the New York ' i Hi'- to Boston In a seiuatlonal base- idho . 'i for eatoher Hogan and out- B,,.hmonn .... i'ltiM Welah. Wo oash la Involved Isilverrrest I'rmldent tOMham of the Olanla aald 8nvcriunith . . :' irde was "in order to avoid ny'uriioch 'i 'lire rrmfllBi with i Mir club" M iriuby. who. Is lu St. Louts. "'i at the deal and aald ho had - 1 v. r 1'imtempiatM getiinf the man-ii,. . lup of the OlauU. CHILDREN BURNED TO irnit AImi In Critical Condition a Kruiilt of tire In Delhi Hume 0RANTPORD, Ont., Jar. 1" Orace. 'l tliiee, and Vernon, to. children Mr and Mrs. W. E Jackson of Delhi. vrt burned to death todny In a fire "i 'heir hotna ti,. r..n..r i l i lo(t t itve and th ii,ti.r i. in a .st-M.uii. condition. Advrti m The Dally .Jew Night hut Nothing to Indicate What Was Wrong Ccastwiw Steamship It Barge Co. Her position u estimated to be tltree hundred miles south of Cape Flsttery. As the OrtSco would be regularly out the range of Dlgby bland. It fU xpectcd thai the "80S." would have Ittn picked up by more aoutberly stations. It was transmitted on by Dlgoy Island, however, but no further information u to the pssslble plight the OrlDoo in the Pacific Ocean we be abtained late this morning. Concern s felt howtver. tor her safety. Tr rsrtffro ti 3 -c" i&owu steamer on th const and. before being sold recently by the Barer Co.. operated in the ere esnrytPC and geessval tNeghM service The Orlffco la vessel erf let uue. Prr cm patches received this ir. -tiled ihsi toe Saaitl radio station at nlnht intercepted two "S.OJ." csUe fiom the OriOco. both of which wet faint and gave no detail as to the ship's position or her plight A gal was rejing last night off the Washington coast and grave anxiety was felt as to the ships safety The cutter Halda was despatched from Seattle early this morning to make an effort to locate the vessel. In addition to Capt Herbert Martin. her master, the Orlffcu carried a crew of twenty-two men and one HEAVY DEALING IN VANCOUVER STOCKS Mlllwrl llointed Ahsng In llefteral - tanrr .IHIiiiugli no w leelef-Menl are Apiwrent VANCOUVER. Jan Ii - There were heavy dealtmt lu all stocks on the Van- rouver amcnna yesterday. Dunwell ndcntly being aoiwiea aiong vim - in: althouth mere weir .,....i,...,.i,i. in connection with the prolan Bid. Asked 1.47H 4i n 40.00 41M .as "4 .16' .13 .on to 06 12 1 2 M 2 30 41 lo'i .07 .aa', -M'i 100 18 HO0 BJ Wheal Big Missouri Coast Copper Cork Province . Dunwell .. NELSON IS AFTER A COTTON FACTORY NELSON. Jan. 13. Adopting a sug- , ...,.. y uottirey in I u.w. . h nnlincll Of ter to Tne Lismjf the board of trade at IU fortnightly luncheon authorised, the Industrial committee to out before the Carhsrtt Cot ton Mill, " aaeurn corporation, the of Nelaon a a site for iu proposed weetem factory. of the co:n- chairman J E Annable. I mlttee. put the matter before the couu- .. .... mii,n uresent . were Vlcr .'ell. WllUtw - , Pwaldent A. D. Molod. eecreiary c ' Olgot R. I. McBrlde. T. C. wniwi-.. J '"'" A D Emory B C Wismti- K w Hlnton I H Chitette Northern and FIERCE enudt- STORMS sweeping Great Britain have not at Whitehead, County Antrim, smashed by COSGRAVEON WAY TOILS. AND CANADA Mil TIl.tMHTON. Jan. It Wll-Hasa frMgrave, pre-ldent of the Irish free Mate, al'ed today on a tlM to CsjMula and the I nited Hate. TI.Jle V lhe.Mi of, the leader of tfi get Humeri t I U offset lite iMprenshxi ghen bj I'jimmon le VaJera In regaH to the ctMlltMi In that country. PREMIER ENDS OTTAWA VISIT Hon. Dr. Maclean Now on Ills Wny Home After Conference With Government VICTORIA. Jan. 13. Premier Mac- Lean, who has been at Ottawa in con ference with Prem er Mackenzie King. Hon C. A. Dunning and other member of the cabinet In connection with mat. tars to be brought before the Federal House this aprtng. n naw on hi way home and expects to arrive In Victoria Oil BUIIOay to m3 una miiuvm for the opening of the provincial legis lature. PRINCE GEORGE MAYOR GIVEN ACCLAMATION t M lUMMin Heluriml Ulthtwl a l-untesl I'nur AMermanlc t'anUI-ilale PRINCS OBOROK. Jan. 13. With Mavor A. M Pat tenon being returned for his second term without a contest littla interest is being ahown In the municipal elections here today and small vote is expected. Aid. Wleland and Aid. Fnier are seeking re-election while C. C Reid and M. B. Buchanan are 11. . candidate Three aldermanlc atats are to be filled. Aid. Kennedy declined to seek re-election. NO MURDER FILMS BE SHOWN IN PROVINCE VICTORIA. Jan 1 Attofney Oen- eral Manaon has (lu te through the Board of Cens'Srii to prevent the dlaplay In British Columbia of picture of the Mtrlan Parker murder case or other films considered objectionable. ttlUTllKlt UlXOilT. Prlno Rupert.-Ralnlnt, light S.I. wind; temperature, 4t. Port Stepson Cloudy, calm. temp. 90. Hayaport Light wind, rain. temp. 38. Stewart Raining, calm. temp. 37. Anyog. -Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Alice Arm- Raining, calm. temp. 38. Alyaiwli- Rnlnlnn. calm, temp 30 Rmswood Cloudy, calm. tomn. 34 Terrace Riilulng. calm, calm, temp. 38. Havel ton Cloudy, calm. temp. 34. Hums Uik ClMr. calm. temp. 38. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1923 Several Million Dollars May Be Appropriated for Alaska by Congress Result Recommendation WASHINGTON. January 12. Alaska will receive several million dollars if the appropriation bill recommended by the department of the interior yesterday passes. The proposed appropriation include the following: $64,000 for afturvey of the mineral resources of the territory. $3600 for Miration of the Mount McKinley National l'ark. $9ll";S0&. foPTurlherarite'of ediieaffori'of whfeh $4863500 It to be devoted to education of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indiana and other natives. The Alaaka Hallway Is to get S1J00.- 000. The Ooremor 324.600 salary and ex penses. Expenses of Territorial Government tfi0.000. Medical relief for natives 1 160.000. Support of Reindeer atatlaa tiejot. Instruction of native and care and manacezisant. Suppression of the Uquor Tramc 316J00. Care of the Insane II5B.000. To protect Oovernment property ad- lacent to Lowell Creek. Alaaka. S100JJO0. The bUI was transmitted to oongreas yesterday by President Ooolldge LARGER VOTE TAKEN TODAY Ftirly Jlore People Had Cast Ballot's at Noon Than Ijist Yenr at Similar Hour ' In spite of the fact that some per- vma ware predicting this morning that a very large vote would not be cast tn the municipal election which la In pro- irroai today, there had been 30 ballots -ast at 1 o'clock this afternoon as com pared with M0 vote at a similar hour in last year election. With a total of 3147 name on the llat, it la possible that the total vote ot today may reach about 300.- Laat year there was a total of Ml. there being no mayoralty contest on that occasion. ' Interest centres in the mayoralty con teat. Aid. M. M. Stephen and Aid Joseph Oreer. aspirants for the mantle have bean In regular attendance at the poll all day while the third candidate Col. S. P. MoMordic. mad a brief call during the morning. Voting epened quietly at 8 o'clock this morning and will continue until this evenlna half an hour after the closing of the poll, the rcsul of the mayoralty contest, mam feature of the election, xhould be known. B. r. Jones, city solicitor, a returning officer, la In charge of the poll, his deputies being Frank Vlckera. W. s. Wllllacroft and Irani Unwlnf Scru tineers are aa follow: Fw Oreer S. A. McPKeraon and W. P Duncan. For Stephens Prank AJdrtdfe-and J. O. Vtereek. For MoMordle Jack Cobb, Jame Dlek end Malcolm McLeod ENGLAND BEAT WALE5 INTERNATIONAL RUGBY LONDON. Jnu 12 England defeated Wale 30 to 13 in an International Ru'hy u"ini' pluveil yesterday Newspaper ITH BIG NA VAL PROGRAM left Ireland undamaged. The prom-heavy seas during the severe gale STATES WILL BUILD NAVY Hur;e Expenditure for Battleships Provided for in Scheme of Secretary Wilbur, WAHHINHTON. Jn- I. Sme-Urr Wilbur dlMlosed tixUr before the Iiom naval romnilttre that the navy ileyartmrnt has ilraftfd a rwuiprehewcite tarnly-jrar IhII4Iu prwgram of ulilrli tlve tVOjmjm vm,rm already anmuiM-rl Is aaly a pert. Millie lie did not Make thta publle. the larger program, the tecretary tektllled. rnllrd fee re-plai-einent wf buttlrhlM a Hxilile undrr the tVahlntt Arm Treaty. He ntld that a letal rxpeildltnre nf three blllltMi detlar was Involvnl or M.OH0.lK jfarly. TRAIN FIREMAN LOST HIS LIFE Waller Scott of Port Mann Crush ed to Dcnth in Derailment 01 Engine VANOOUVKR. Jan. 18 Crushed between an engine and a tender, Walter Scott, fireman of Port Mann, was killed this morning when the engine of a Canadian National Railway Wfecktnil train was derailed three mile east of Ham bv a washout. The train wan enroute to clear out washouts whloh had occurred further salt overnight. Several members of the train crew were bruised but not seriously. EXTENSIVE DAMAGE DONE TO BUSINESS BLOCK AT SIDNEY VICTORIA. Jan. 13 - Oamaee to th extent of 831,000 wss done this rooming to the Berqulst building ow&ad by Andrew. C. Berqulst. local blwikamlth and located In the business section of the town. HON. PETER HEENAN GETS APPOINTMENT OTTAWA. Jan 13. lion. Peter Mee-nan. minister of labor, has been appointed member of the edvlstory council of the American Association f'-r'ur le'txlntlou. Premier Brownlee in Montreal Trying to Arrange Sale of Two Railways with C.N.R. or C.P.R. MONTREAL, Jan. 12. The possibilities of increased development iu the Peace River district and the prospective prosperity to be derived by new settlers in that area were pointed out by Premier J. E. Drownlee of Alberta last night. The Premier in here for discussion of the Alberta Railway question with Sir Henry Thornton and E. W. Deatly, president of the C.i'.R., Hon. C. A. Dunning is also in the city conferring with Sir Henry in regard to railway matters. The Alberca government operates two ro.ds, the b.D. & u.u rd the Alberts Great Waterways Rail- I i way. both of which" In the Premier's , p;n! jn rhould be Incorporated in one 1 if the two transcontinental systems. . ie is prepared to discuss terms for the! s.sal of the two Government owned 1 lines. Speaking on the sub'ect of crops. Mr : Brownlee aald that between 13.000.000 j and 39.000.000 busheU rrt Alberta wheat crop Isst year had been moved through Vancouver and Prince Rupert. SOUTHERN INTERIOR j , I Nrton. Trail a.l Upland all lllng I CvHtreis for Major 1 NXLSOM. Jan. la. Nelson. Trail and ttoulaud are all having contest lor any r today. ; In Roaaland. Mlyor W. A. Tuner, who l seeking ele.ton far a second tttm. la opposed by Aid. Henry Wilkin. Mayer Herbert Clark or Trau, wna, artcr several terms tn office proposed to ret're. yielded to Sil.c.tatlsns and wii nominated. His opposition cocoes from ..'aiucs Plea ter, feed merchant and a t.rmer mayor of Rossi and. but resident lor the last seven years In Trail. In Nelson. V. R. O Barnes and Aid. Koas Fleming are contesting the honcr :( succeeding Mayor J. A. McD-uald. M L A. CHINESE APPLICATION TURNED DOWN BY JUDGE Men Mut ferve Three Years' Sentence for ttltrlbutlHg Cocaine ami Mer-phlne VA.VCOUVBR. Jan. I3.-Rejectlng the :.i:;..u.ou ol deu.:ce counsel that opium a, U ..arc. tics drug law was a licencing iiKvisurc and thus Infringed provincial rtgius and therefore was ultra vires of the I) ro.nlon Parliament. Mr. Justice W. A. Macdobald tn th supreme court dismissed the habeas corpus application in b.half of Ichbao Wakabayaahl and Lore Tip. sentenced to three years' imprisonment for distributing cocaine and morphine. BEAR OPERATORS DROVE STOCKS DOWN NXW YORK. Jan. 13. Bear operators launched another lata afternoon drive yesterday wiping out recoveries made during the earlier trading. WlltrXKxs I1KI-OUT. 8 DIOBY ISLAND. Raining, light SJE wind; barometer. 39.86: temperature. 44; sea moderate; a pjn. spoae s learner Amur, towing barge Lord Templeton, Anyog for Tacoma, 30 milts from Any-ox: 8 p.m. spoke motorshlp Norco, Ket-"Mkan for Vancouver. 475 mile from Vancouver. DEAD TRKE POINT Ruining, calm: barometer, 29.02; temperature, 36; nea mooth BULL HARBOR. - Overcast, calm: barometer, 30.38: temperature. 48: ess moderate: 8 p.m. spoke tug racmc Monarch, weatherbound at Safety Cove, with barge Blacsyne and scow; 3 p m upoke tanker Oltnda. Prince Rupert for Vancouver: 630 ajn. spoke steamer Cardena. left Namu, northbound. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Cloudy, light SB. wind; barometer. 3S.B0; temperature. 19, ra moderate. DEAD TRKB POINT Cloudy, calm: barometer. 29.76: temperature, 38; sen smooth. BULL HARBOR Purt cloudy c.ilm. barometer 39D8: tempera' ur, N); ea model' .it" Lurire Upstair Dininjc Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Pive Gent RAILWAYMEN IN CONFERENCE Hon. C. A. Dunning With Sir Henry Thornton Today Discussing Matters of Policy UOMTRKAL, Jan. 13 Hon. C. A. rtainnlncr mtrttataM a fttlllallri av1a4 Mn. president of the Canadian National on to w,tlcnal syitem The inn-oal mtstl&j; at Xbm Caitadiaii Natlont, STum committee also opened t vbkcb tittM gajealMts t UUs ooounlttee from the variaWa !?prt- tDe various JflfeU, fO the tn tim!j;ff'il, lmprovemeBt of traffic, opera tow. e-uipmenu and other detail during the year to come. The committee members will assemble at a dt&ner at the Windsor Hotel tonight and at this dinner wUI be addressed by Sir Henry Thjrnton Hon. Mr Dunning will be the guest cf Sir Henry at this dinner. INSURANCE CASE DELAYS DEATH Execution of Mrs. Huth Snyder Delayed Until Friday Morning by Order of Judge NEW YORK. Jan. lS Mrs. Ruth Snyder, whose execution tar the murder of her husband had been set for to night wss last night granted a stay until 10 am Friday by the Supreme Court Judge A J. Levy. The stay was granted pending the beetle, of a suit brought by an Insurance aetSpany to avoid payment of ea th' life of her husband. Albert BnysMTf ALBANY, Hew York. Jan. It Attorney Oeneral Ottlnger ruled today that the stay of execution on behalf of Mra. Snyder was not binding. Is Me York. Justice Levy unexpectedly changed the time of hearing upon th stay t morrow morning until 3 o'clock this afternoon BUYING RIFLES FROM IRELAND Ncffullntions in Profretw With Free Slnte (overntnt For Surplus Stock LONDON, Jan 3. Rifles Canada Is (m-ous of buying from tB Irish Pre Ht.te sre surplus stock.. Ottawa reports said 1200 had been purchases tor the Canadian Naval Reserve at a cost of 87 00 each but it was stated at Belfast that negotiation had Bet been eon- ' eluded. ' -Hi. ... 1 f f.JlJl- ToTFlyIs11 LIVES Seiirrh lleliig Mlr by lenil and Heu far fa4. Ilnwil and Meet. .Uonl-ctlrff. Mll WELLINQTON. New Zealand. Jan. 13. More than lifty hours overdue. Capi. Hood end Lieut M intcrleST. NW Z4-li'.ud nviatom. inu-Hiiin in a flight from Sydney, mr n.iw being sought b land and sea but with little Biofe for their . ecovcry alive.