PAGE SIX PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaisd by SANTAL MIDY Bs surs to gtt tht Qsnulns Look for tht word "MIDY" "nM it til rirnrn Blankets Ud OF course, we do not actually trade new blankets for the soiled ones you send us but one would almost believe them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean! No home equipment can possibly finish woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen garments, in the superlative manner of the modern laundry. And our prices are moderate for this invaluable service. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian iry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen Before buying your next , engine, .-omt nd see ua about I jThe Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the 1 market. Governor has con- trol at all speeds, making-it 1 most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 I:. p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern des'gned and best built 4 cycle engine : in Canada. Sizes from G-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty.. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Hay Prince Rupert, B.C. OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. I). Miller, Proprietor I NATIVE INDIANS TO PLAY BIG HOCKEY IN ' BOSTONNEXT MONTH BOSTON. Jan. 12 The noble red man will be seen In a modern version ol hit own ancient pastime when two hockey teams made up of fullblooded Indians meet at the Boston Arena In February. In bygone days the northern Indian tribes met In friendly bouts . at! lacrosse In the rare intervals when peace reigned between their nations. From that primitive game was evolvtd the present day hockey, which began as a winter substitute for lacrosse. The warriors ot puck and Jiockey stick represent the-Cree and OJlbway tribes of northern Ontario, onoe hereditary foemen and still earnest rivals. The teams come from Temagaml, where there has been plenty of Ice for outdoor hockey since October 15. Although the hatchet has been burled for many ears the tribesmen evince almost at much delight In boating their neighbors at the ice game as their ancestors diy In depriving them of their scalps. Two game wlU be played here, on February 10 and 17. 4 F a A. .1. pnnniimiMR a tor ALDERMAN Solicits your vote and Influence. BUILD WORDS OUT OF "Shamrock Hams" $ 1 75.00 in prizes given as follow 1st .5100.00 2nd .S.IO.OO 3rd $25.00 In addition we will give a 5 lb. Box of Chocolates to the winner if the ham label is secured from us. SPECIAL PRICE ON WHOLE SHAMROCK HAMS Per lb. . ; ;$5 $1.50 China Tea Set for OOtf With two pkgs. "Jif." See our window Runkist Oranges, new stock, 3 doz. for 05 Have you seen, the new Chinaware in Robin Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 43 ard 574 WHAT it a Morruch worth? A million doll j r bid once found no takers. Stomach action is regained by stomach nerves. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I Tot your heitth'e ssVe Consult W.CAspinall Manitoba Gruduate CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Block' Green 211 PATHO MEUROMBTER A1 Service LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum Moving, CHAMP. WICKETKEEPER RETIRES FROM CRICKET AND BECOMES SCORER LONDON, Doc. 10. Herber. Strud- wlck, the famous Surrey wicket-keeper - popularly known as "Struddy" hat definitely ret'red from first-class cricket, and has accepted the post of sccrer the Surrey County Club. He will take up these duties next season. One of the greatest wtcketkeepers the game has known, Strudwick, who was born at Ultcbam, on January 28, 1880 and Is thus In his 48th year, has ' ;kept wicket regularly for Surrey since taking the place of Stedman In 1903. In that season, by securmg 01 wickets (71 caught x and 20 stumped), he sot up a record for wlrketkeeplng, which w net beaten until 1911. when iFrod Hulsh, the Kent player, helped In the dismissal of a hundred batsmen. I Altogether Strudwick. In first-class cricket, has caught 1,335 and stumped 1 348 opponents. IIS LOOKINGTO GOUTII AMERICA FOR STUDENTS MrtJHI llihrrxlty Making Effort to Improve Eiirrrnntlonal Itrlatlons MONTREAL. Jan. 10. Desiring to 1 attract young men likely to carry some , weight in their own countries MoOin : University it circularizing South Ameri can countries through prominent Individuals as to the facilities McOlli offer in university training. It Is realized that a number of students from South America come to Canada for research work and to study condl tlor.s with reference to trade and com-.Tierce, and McOlli wishes to do Its part In Improving the relations betweei. the Dominion and South America, commercial and cultural McOlli University does not expect to attract a large number of South American students. It Is stated, and as a natter of fact docs not wish to do so, but hopes to secure a few who will give a good account of themselves now contribute to the friendly relations no existing between Canada and South America. RAISED SENTENCE WHEN APPEALED SOIS GIVEN FIVE Oljjvetnl to Tlirre Year Term m Is Ohm live by Chief Justice LONDON. Jan. 13. William Oeorge Weale had an unpleaiant surprise when he appealed against a sentence 01 three years' penal servitude for bursary and five years' preventive detention as an habitual criminal passed on him at Uerthyr Tydfil Borough Sessions. The Court of Criminal Appeal, consisting of the Lord Chief Justice, and Justices Avory and Branson, held that the conviction for being an habitual criminal could not stand because certain technicalities were nnX observed during the trial and it was quashed, but as the prisoner had a bad record and committed the burglary with another convicted thief, the Court raised the sentence of penal servitude for the burglary to five years. NEW CRAVING DOCK ON TYKE RIVER LONDON. Jan. 13. A contract was let recently for a new graving dock for Messrs. Smith's Dock Company. North Bhle'ds. The scheme is to cost I150O0O. i750.OO0 and will be a notable addition to the repairing facilities 1 Scientific Inspection With (he latest Instruments of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscien tious and careful test. Jnck Bulger two years ago passed the B.C. government exams, for Optometrists and during the last six months along with most of the leading op tometrists in Vancouver at tended a course of post grad uate lectures. We do not supply or ad vise glasses if not of bene fit. Our tests are not uncom fortable and our prices are fair and reasonable. JOHHgUWJER? I (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CL0Cr Thursday, Janua THE DAILY. NEWS SELLING AT COST PRICES AND LESS To make ropm for our new Spring Stock many of these items are priced away below cost for a speedy clearance 100 Gingham House Dresses assorted sixes and patterns, nicely made and tinisned. Sale Price, each 20 oniy, Pure Spun Silk Dresses sizes from 'M to 44, assorted shades and styles. Some slightly soiled. Values up to $10.60. en Ot.DU Sale Prke 15 Smartly Tailored Dresses not two alike, in Flat Crepe. Satin Canton, Georgette, and Heavy Crepe-de-Chine, long sleeve styles. Values up to $25.00. 64 O tt VlAJStt Sale Price 12 only, Knitted Suits assorted styles and shades, all well made and finished. Popular models. We are sacrificing this lot for a speedy clearance. Regular values to $15.50. QfJ CA Sale Price t?.eJU 15 Pieces of English Figured Rayon Morocain, assorted shades and designs. SO" wide, an ideal fabric for afternoon and street dresses. Guaranteed to wash. Regular $1.50 to $1.75 per yard. QC Sale Price, per yard tt UMBRELLA SPECIAL :IG only, Gloria Silk Umbrellas, substandard. These umbrellas hava Jseen picked from the $4.95 quality owing to a slight imperfection in the cover which will not interfere with the wearing qualities. They have a 10 rib English paragon frame in colors of Red, Green, Navy and Tan CJ9 3s3.D Sale Price A Bargain in Dressing Gown Material 2 yards wide, heavy Eiderdown fabric in 4 designs. A splendid quality. CJ HCZ X 1 0 ' Sale Price, per yard SHEETING SPECIAL 250 yards strong durable Sheeting, bleached. pure white, linen finished, 70". This is excellent buying at 4P Sale Price, per yard .' Round Thread Linen Finished Pillow Cotton The best quality procuable, 42" wide. Regular price 75c per yard. 'l'lC Sale Price, per yard Our Sale of Household Linens Sheetings Towels Blankets, etc. CONTINUES TILL THE END OP JANUARY Fraser & Payne The Universal Trading Co. on the Tyne. 1 The new deck ni! be 4SO feet long, and the work will' entail the removal of 150.000 tons of earth and the laying of 40,000 fans of concrete. Employment will be found for 500 men. The job Is to occupy 20 months. ESCAPING PRISONER STUCK IN THE MUD LONDON. Jan. 12. Breaking away from a working parly outside Park-1 hurst Prison, a tfnviev Francis Eric Deacon, of -BlrralngBkm,' dashed tcwarda the River Medina closely followed by warders. Coming to a mill pond fed by the river, he Jumped In. apparently Intending to swim across both, but stuck fast In the mud and was unable to move. The warders got a boat, pulled out to him, and recaptured him without difficulty. Artverthie In th nll Nw TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LADY WOULD UKB ROOM AND board with private family. Phone Central Hotel 11 FOR SALE - SEVERAL FIRST CLASS drefcscs. bIw 38. Apply Box 01. Dally News Office 10 Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling Smoked Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever Ik-fore. Just Think Swift's Bacon in the piece or half lab, per lb 'M? Hum's Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, per lb ORf Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb 2l Capitol Butter Bricks -15? ll's .V.... .$0.17 E.C.D. Butter Urck ID? 14's 0.07 Canned Milk has advanced and we are forced to raise ours one cent per tin. Our price now . . 112a Granulated Sugar, it) lb. for 7t? Flour, any kind. 4U ib. sack $2.Tt) Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack R$ China Oats, package :? II. & K. Oats, 7's Rllf We are saving you many u cent,. Give us your whole support. $.'1.00 orders delivered Phone ,104 IIILM VUU LKAUl i: STANDING Billiard League standings to date art as foUows: Played Total Aver, Cold Storage 4 saw mi Maple LeaCs 4 3704 M Orotto 4 mi 6M Orand Terminals . . 4 1455 m Oyro Club 4 148 840 HIU.I Altli I.EAUIK AVLKAm: U. M. McLaehlan (MX.) . 060 200 t. May (C.8.) 300 300 P. Williams (MX.) 300 300 Ben Self (OT.) 5M IBS r. O. Pyle (O.T.) in im O. Brown (Orotto) TM 197 0. -Howe (MX.) TM 197 A. Murray (OS.) 776 194 W. J. Nelson (O.C.) .... 774 194 1. Hlllman (OA.) 771 191 Col. Mcllordle (MX.) m m O. Waugh I Orotto 1 T71 199 A Macdonald (OA) TM IN W. H. Long IBS.) 753 in J. litlay (O.T.) ttt 18 C. Toungman (O.) W 17 0. A. Woodland (O.C.) .. 704 184 C. Balagno (O.C.) TM 1S8 John Bulger CS.) 348 114 1. Judge (Orotto) S91 178 W. I. Wllllscroft ia.T.).. 3M ITS J. Hamilton (ML.) eea us J Andrews (O.T.) 494 lftB I J. Brown (O.) in in . Zieman (O.T.) 317 159 1 a. Krauee (O.T.) 159 159 B. Morgan (OA.) on i&e J. Andrews (OJT.) 73 143 O. P. Tinker (O.C.) M4 141 R Young (Orotto) 410 13ft At tbe Botary luncheon today Mrs. Brockleaby sang most acceptably accom panied by Mr. Brockleaby. A umber o( very amusing stories were told by J Dougherty. Market Prices Today's prices on the local market re as follows: LAUD Pure '. 35c Compound 20c EUls B.C. fresh pullets 80c B.C. fresh, firsts eOe B.C. fresh, extras etc Local new laid 70c B.C. storage, firsts 50a I'INII Smoked kippers. Ib 16c Kippered salmon, lb 38c smoked black cod. Ib ...... aoc wc Finnan haddles, Ib. . . . . , MEATS' ' 'I i'iV.iv Fowl, No. 1. lb 18c and iOe Roasting chltktn, lb 45 Ham, sliced, first grade 6O0 Ham. whole, first grade 350 Ham, picnic, lb t9V4e Cottage rolls, lb 230 Ditoon. back, sliced 60o Bacon, side 50o to 60e Pork, dry aalt s8c Ayrshire bacon. Ib gjo Veal, shoulder 35 Vral, loin 1000 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAlt in Special, 13 lbs. for Limit 2G lbs. Note This special will tlty is sold. Phone early. BISCUIT SPECIALS ChrUtif's Scotch Oatmeal V.'coton's Fruit Ginger Chocolate Cream Sandwich Dainty Sandwich. Regular 36c lb. Special, per lb. 2!t' Chocolate Eclairs (new stock), reg. 60c. lb. Special Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits. Special, 3 lbs $1.00 Blue Mountain Sliced Pineapple, 2's. Special, tin IRf Nabob GreenKuire Plums, 2's. Special, per tin 17t Aylmer Crushed Pineapple, 2Vi's, large tin, Special, each Canned Peas, Quaker, No. 5. Special, 2 tins for . . 'X( Limit C tins to each customer Extracts, 2 01., all flavors, 3 for ir? Eastern Township Pure MAPLE SYRUP Quart tin : 00? Half gallon tin $1.75 Gallon tin X:VX Brunswick Sardines, 4 for at Sockeye Salmon, V lb. tins. Special, each 10? Gosse-Millard Pilchard, l's, tails. Special, per tin l"f Chicken Haddie. Special, per tin 20 Eagle Brand Lobster V lb. tin 'JXf Vt lb. tin If PIONEER BRAND JAM Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Black Currant and Blackberry. Special, per pail 111? 2-in-l Shoe Polish Special, 3 for ll.'f Colors Tan, Brown, Blaok, Oxblood or White. Limit G to each customer. Johnson's Fluid Beef, 16 ox. Reg. 31-26. Special . . !)!? Ridgway's Old Country 6 o'clock tea, 3 lb. Special i $2.10 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Rome Beauty Apples Wrapped Stock Special, per box $1!.0.' Apples are much higher In price now, and we assure you the above price is a real bulk 95c to each customer be withdrawn when above special. Sunkist Navel Oraii"v Medium size. Special, '. for is I. is The orange market u not be lower. Wlio . prices 'advanced 7Rc a . last week in California. Choice Hipe llanar 2 lbs. for ..V Florida Grape Kuit, ca : nod iviuperur tir.ijK-.-i. m-i Comb Honey, ier section .. Paid Dates, per ib. . . Table Figs, 2 lbs :t... 1 lu.iler UaLsiti". jier Id 'i' COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 Ilw. for $!.() 15 lb. Terrace Turnip 15 Ib. Red Top Carrot " Ib. Hard Cooking Oiii:. 5 Ib. Blood Red Beets We guarantee the qu 1! of all vegetables inclinU n the above. Sweet Spuds, 2 lb California Celery, per lb. !; California Lettuce, 2 h , 1 xr PROVISIONS 100 dozen Storage Fii - Eggs. Special, H dozen 1 8I.-. This Is a splendid un' , egg and the size is good. Peamoal Back Bacon, u chine sliced, per lb. l-V Ontario Stilton Cheese. matured, per Ib. .... I Or Peter Rabbit Peanut Butt, i 6 Ib. tins, reg. $1.15. S cial, per tin ODc Bowe Mince Meai It's wonderful. Better t";: honie-Tiade, per Ib. . . COMBINATION SPK( 1A1. 1 Bottle Heinz Tomuto Cat up, reg. 36c I Bottle Heinz Malt Vitie-ai reg. o5c 1 Bottle Heinz Sweet Pickle reg. 45c Special. : for IWc Note Pickles may in- selected from Sweet Mixed, Sweet Gherkin. Sweet Mustard or India Rolixh. CANDY SPECIALS Cowan's Milk Chocolate Velvets, special, Ib I."r 200 Ib. Christmas Med Candy, reg. :Wc. Htlf ri . 2 lbs :.-, UtO, 211, 112 EATRE mess in 33c and 10c . - " Rupert Table Supp a Phones WESTHOLME TH TONIGHT ONLY. 7 und 9 p.m. Richard Barthe "THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP" PATSY RUTH MILLER, WILLIAM II. TOOKER, G1NO CORRADO, TEMPLAR SAXE, ALBERT PRISCO, CONSTANCE HOWARD, and others COMEDY "RUN, R ILOR, RUN" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED i Salllnis from I'rhu'e Kmrt. !.or J.)iJ.'.f'VKK' VICTOUIA. Ilutedale. llrrl iui, elr.. Tiieadsj. n n m. s!m VK"' VICTOKIA- '"" 1"?. Alrri "la,- VlrTlurAa" u ,0VlfTMH?N'.AS.KI!irl' roiNTB. A1.ICB AIIM, ANVOX. HTEH AltT, Wales Island, Sunday. A p.m. US nd Atrnuc. R. M. BMITII, Arnt. Prior Hiim-rl lir irriVffiKiw? 10 v,c,"" "", -Tw' 3