32 111.- 1 1 TAKE I't'lil I' .,,;i:ury I'IW BHE DAILY HEWS page nva WATER NOTICE l)VKKlN AND I'SB NOTICE that Robert M. iiditreas is 1410 -8th Ave. ,iiu-r, B.C., will apply for a ,:; and use 20.000 geilotw , viiU-r out of xmell creek, uiiirh flowa southerly and , lltmton Inlet, Q.C. Island ,,i.n ix-r westerly from mii.er.i' id of Huston Iufet. The i,r inverted from the atrean. .iin.ut 300 feet from ihore through twenty-rottr acre . under lease, end will be , .,!,!! rlnl DUrlHMMt UDOn th he said Water Recorder ,, Comptroller of Water Bights , :; Building, Victoria, B.C. irty day after the flrat ap-i this notice In a loaal newa- of the aald elector! at C;tv Ninth day of January, man. i l'irk noon, for the purposr ;x-raons to repraeent tliem (l Aldermen, or School Trua-1 '' of nomination of candi-ie .is follows: i .dates ahall be nominate 'In- writing ahall be .,ib Hectors of the municpil-r and seconder, and shn: ! to the Returning Officer h' i- 'ween the date of the n .- . PM of the day of nomn- -.aid writing may be in 'he the ma -j in in oenefluie o l INTKXTIO TO TO LCAar. LAND PPI.V .tr laind District. Land Record-' of Telegraph creek, and .1,' ortfftliiMAf irf fllartva filadys Lake near Atl'.n ARTIFICIAL EARS MADE Deaf SfuuVnts. Now Learn to Hear With KinKer Tips WONDERFUL RESULTS ,: ix'd a appiieu jr mi lease "uninAKriuN, Han.. Jan 12 ,i huwk may oon be able 'to "heai- k- waa ported on the ground thlou;n the'r fingers much more ea iy .- day of December. 1M7. A than they do at presr.it by em,,!.,,,,, ;;::rrar0V.n"At - U ,1 in- filed In the office of thel1" according to Professor k,i,-m ,,,-icr at Prlnoe Rupert, B.C H Gault of Smith College t h AODlteatlon mmv . . . t rr - rruifinr (mi i iu i date of the flrat publication , elr hearing to underntand :iir it, iri. cenve isallon throueh nnnenT M ntiaRii mrougn NOTICE vibration u! Anpl.cant . detected by the finger Up I He explained "that th. k.n ,.,. . tect auoo vibrations per aecond v.,, ' ",' ,he v'brll0 that tol are NOTICE Is hereby given !- .f the Municipality of the," 'nM underatandlng of m.,,, ..w-v Buptrt mat 1 require I r ?cr: For the laat five wars n The - uvuig leMlilK , work at the college psychological atory which he aaya he hope, win m.,kl. It posalble for those who havo ben working with the deaf develo;, . , . an iiiHtrument through which . f-- pie niv feel theae vibrations Ihf iim-.rument la made for Pr:rc,.-. ... r; -il: hy ;hc Bell Telephone Comp.,- I' -ru !- refemble.s an ear hut iic:, 'i ' a peraon who :s de.if i. t. Id l.ii-rci, the Ihinnlj and :in.-i-r I -.-ifl of being placed at the aide ). I..- rcM-: aa la customary The per il iiHiiiK mis iiutrumem haa learned different rlbratlona aet up by ml Blectkma Aot." and ahuli i1''000 1'd through their Interprets uiiiui, realdeno. and occu-'tion may eaally carry on a converse- :;hPm?nra? ffiS ! "d ' hMf ' P not -,--h candidate: and In ttv rilU nl vo,c i ll being neceaaary auch poll The Instrument. Dr Oault pointed - ed on the Twelfth day or . - 31U " , ,n lnh.r " " A tin at City Hall, of whi-ii : hereby required to ta' e person using it leerna to control and Kuveni nimaeu aecortllDKlv rr.ooulate his own voice Thla la tan?ht under my band at City Hal ily of December. 1927 . b. r. jotnm Returning officer LAND ACT. notiik or ivrexTin to TO l.l.T. LAND Pr n-e Rupert Land Recording Di .1 m-iiate on the eouthwest c .r-' vi iiir.anwU bay on the south : r rt Chanal. Oraham Island i 1 irlotte Island. In the Province -. c; .i.imbia. ::k NfiTlCE that Arthur Robertaon i ' B c , occupation a lumbev - ) to apply for a leas oi . described land ,i at a poet planted about :, A' -erfy from the mouth of i.i i i 'reek flowing Into an un- . on the south bank of Port ('r i' ' '"1 Island. Queen Chariot u Privinre f BrltUh Columbia ' i h.i.na aeatherly: thence 10 'ly thence 4 chain nor- lie h'rellne; thence following to petnt of romnwtn-ntalntng 1 acre, mor or Hredl A ROBCRTEON Applicant ! () --.i-r a. IMT I AMI) ACT oy letting the pupil first feel the vibration of the Inatrurtor'a voice, and then ttaching him to cause the aame vlbra- : iicna ben he upeaka Combined with j!:p reading Di Oault said, this !r;nirriert i.ables a deaf person to un-derstand speech almoat perfectly and without nervoua strain. Normally It takea from 50 to SO hours of Instruction to teach a deaf person to understand conversation Dr Oault wcrk began at North-wi,tern University In 1823. In hW f'.'st experiment a tube waa run through a wali between two aound-pro-f room Dr Oault spoke Into the tube and a subject placed his hand over the end of It to feel the vlbratlona. The aub-)ect noted dlfferencea In the vlbratlona of different wunda in the doctors speech and In 10 months, with 25 minutes' practice each day. the subject haa learned to "leel lie worus. FISHERY QUESTIONS STILL AN OPEN ONE Tehfram te tlrUwta Peawr Iteeterea tnnounremeat la lYtwettire The Victoria Colonist of recent date 0 mtlea nor.heaat of ihei'iy !"'y published deapetch in about IMdee 10' we- Mr m Vancouver, dater December SO. and about SMeg iwrthl,,,., Motherwell, chief , inspector of NOTICI thaf I. John Alfred ; fisheries, wa credited with an Inter view In which lie outlined certain "f the TOowlnTdeThe'i ''" m fl.herj regulation. ii':iclni icing at a post planted at the! etid eiid of of dUdys (Radya Lake, abmit i "i leit north of the mouth of Flan 'rr thence one mile weal: thence hav ing been agreed to and approved of. In a telegram to The Colonist, the Department ol Marine and Plahertee aaya (hat auy such announcement I "outb; thence one mile east premature and unauthorised, and that ,DI eOI,U,n"'" Ve"'',K-JlC no announcement of public policy win 1 JORN ALfUKD UtMOUX , be made until Mr Found . report hit .J' '.il IJecember , 1917. Applicant. ! received and considered by the LAND ACT MTU-K or INTaOTIONTO AI'PLV TO I.EAKC HMD in me Queen Charlotte Wanda. Ora-"i uiand Land ReooNtag Diutict of i r ,-, nupert. and titiuta on the waat , oi Heiinell Harbor at the Head ol "i.eii bound, Queen Chariot te lalanda ., V'"e of Britlab ColajaaMa. IKE NOTICE that Brttiah OOitimuU ' .mi & Packing Oompany Limited of . 'm-.. uver. B.C.. oaeunathn balnsnn Oa. intenda to apply for a lea oT "mowing neecriueii lanoa OO. LTD AMIIeant. M . RRgtih, Agent Dated October tg. 1W7. INI) ACT iOTlrc OF INTENTIOV TO AM'LV TO rcnciiARi; lvnd "Mge Land Reeoirtuitg Dtatrlct of uf? 2PH,aBd altant) at the nor. it ver wtrP INaaMige, RkeetM TAm NOTIOB that J. R. Todd Ac Bona victoria, B.O., occupation stimuli can-i,n?'Jntntf 10 VPi petmiaalou to Purchaa the following described land ,w,mnnclng at a poet planted at the 'itnwMt corner of Lot SI. Rung 6. ,h"e ehU eaet; thence W nl.Ji1 'rth- or lea, high water nt.k.: thfM MttheMf along high mi mrlt polat of commenoe-meiit. and containing gg aoraa, mor or J. R. TODD RONS. LTD. ''" --Ptd JDeoamher litn, 1887 "noVERNaiENT LIQUOR ACT NoTirp or ArmrATinx ran netu Mrexri: th??TKC? 18 HRWt"oIVRH that on Ii-LSi1 .d'r of 'ebruarv net the under- o ili..8"1 ,or lloence In reapect knoSn?'?,J?,,n P" of the bulMtng th. VL cmmtTlM Hotel" situate at of Avenue and llgbth XnSL.0'1 Prlnt Rupert, In the land n? ?rlt!rt 9u6. upon the nrt V"6"1 M Thirteen (IS) in,iLi,, MP oaa- Rupert afturtration Diurlct. In th Pro- the .ia.!llrM"4lLfor th " ' y c"Mfil,,"t, or b ,n OP" bottK 'or )wnl,,n .n th Premise. ,11. " i" ,,r,nc BUDert B.C , thla '"' "y t January, AD 18J0. Minuter and other members of the Ooternment. Tt telenram aaya: Any announcement of the nature alleged to hare been made by Inspector Motherwell wa entirely premature and wholly unauthorised. A fairly thorough Investigation of conditions affecting the U-heile industry in Brt'.ish Columbia wi.s recently made by the director of liberie. Mr f ound He only returned fit.in the Pacific Col a few daya ac and Am not yet submitted hi report. rXaVitU UtM la done and the report fully mmenetng at a poet taMe) on the UmaTdll- JT ' naWtf he liore of a creek aaUed Twin River ; e chains weat; Umbo twenty-one ""' north; thence 4 ehaln east, I'iue following contour of thore Une I'isc or oommcnocrncatt. anal out other members of the Oovernment. no announcement of public policy will be made " bushbysactTvein" victoria society laMwl Peoile KnleHlsed allh Dance anil Dinner In apitul llerenll Mr. and Mra Oeorge O Buahby of PrtnCe Rupert, who are spendlruj the winter In Victoria hne luen active In the capital society in-eiitiy Mr and Mrs Bushby. n' me making their home on 8t Charles Street hi the southern eltv entertained at a New Year's dance on Widnr.day. in henor of their daughter. Mi Audrey Bushby Their gtiefla Included Mi nr.ri Mrs Clifford Colllnson. Mr and Mr. F D Brae. Mr and Mra JacK llrey. Mr and Mrs Douglas Sullen. M .nd Mrs. Torqnll Burns. Mr. and Mrs A W. Carter. Mr. and Mr. E. Hetldlc. Mr. and Mrs D D McTsvUh.JMrs .AQ LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTlisFrlfiN TO AITI.V Tt LKAhK LAND In Prince Hupert Land Recording District, and altuate at Huston Inlet QweJ' ratfVo!faS-UM reh.rt M. Currl. of Vncouver. B.C.. occupation run packer, intend to apply tor a less o. the followln described lands:--- Commencing at a post planted at northeast corr.r iibouf I.OOd feet we-s-trrly f.om l.llnra cabin at head of Huton Inlet: thence ;y . naina: tnence noumeu; vuu.. , theme eaaterly M chain, thence nor-, therly about fa chain, and oontalnlns ' 14 aoree. mnr r" uoUKit r u ruitni: Applicant. This advert isenient is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Bolton. Mlaa Vivian Mateon. Mtaa T. Carey. Mlaa Helen Portnan. Mlaa Helen Macdonald. Mia Peggy Hod gins. Ml Shell Parr. Mtaa Jenny Turner, Mlaa ?y Phillips. Mlas Flora Burro, Mlaa Mary Campbe:;. MUa Iris Burton. His Helen Liundy. Mlaa Btbel Helmcken. MUa Alice and Mlas May OotT, Maw Constance McAiullln. Mlas Jean Donald Mlas Mary Bwlncrton. Mlaa Oartte Leeder. Mlaa Muriel and Mlaa Alleeji Ay-lar-j. Mlaa Vtda Shandley, Mlas Kllen Hart. Mlas Betty Bapty, Jack Mataon, A. Watts Jcncs. Ruaaell Turner. Jacl. Wocdworth of Vancouver, Olivet Pauline, Pat Parr. Mr. Burn. Arthur Laun-dy. Jack and D.ck NUon. Ouy Barclay. Duff Robertaon. Jack Hutchlnaon. Godfrey Ellis. Denis McDonald. Arthur Beaaley. D. Brown. Rodney Aylwln Arthur Aylard. Robert Lore. Bdgar Woods, HarolC. Raye. aKaiTord Barff. Harry Bapty. 8. Symondw. Alan Me-Anally. Edmund Sinclair. John Buahbj and Leonard Backler. Mr and Mm Buahby amUn entertain ed at dinner on Monday, when their guests wr Captain and Mrs Thorpe-Doubble. Mr. and Mrs. Brian' Drake, Mr Pltaberbert Sullen. Mr. and Mrs. Orahame-OraJiame. Mr. Curtis Samp son. Mr Brae and Ernest Scott. MEMORIAL SERVICE HELyEMATLA METLAKATLA. Jan. 12 A memertal aervlce waa held In the Anglican Church in honored memory of two valued members of the Young Men Prafreaslve Club. Eric ! -eight :n and C W Auckland who passed away during the year that ha Just ended. The Young Men! Cluu tort prominent part In the service by playing "Dead Marrh in Savl" ant singing a special memorial hymn tc the tune "Bller" with orchestral ac companiment under the able direction cf Ja. Prevoat. the new musical director Splendid you passed, the great surrender made. Into the light that nevermore shall fade; Deep your contentment In that Meat abode. Wh.i wait tlie laat clear trumpet-call of Ood." The late C. W. Auckland took prominent part in everything pertaining tc music. R waa the band-leader of Jthejf v nunc; .haa. mimj&' vfn aterTV Mib waa greatly missed by the villa? and hte place WU1 he hard to full. PROGRESSIVE CLUB AT METLAKATLA IN 1 ENTERTAINER ROLE METLAKATLA. Jnn. IS. A splendid party and entertainment was given by the Youug Men's Progressive Club In the vlliaee hall, and waa a pronounced suc-w d'le to the untiring efforts of It. president. Peter lilghton. assisted by Ms ataff of executive officers. Th floor for dancing waa In splendid condition ar.d the music excellent under the able leadership of Jas. Prevtet and en-cere upon encore was asked by dancerj throughout the evenlna). On Of the lulstandlng features of the evening was imp Year Walt"; It waa certainly enjoyed by the ladles. The color of the club were much in evidence end prominent amons the crowd were the members In white flsnneU. Th GM.i" In f?ney ie" costume wen- In attendance. HIGH PRICE F0R DICKENS' BOOKS LONDON. Jan 19. A copy of th first edition of Dtrken "The Posthumous Papers of the Plckwlok Club" has been sold at an auction In New York for IIC MMi. me rdlnc to the Manchester auardlan Tt Mehest price pre-:nv .; fr a first -tl.t on is .--lid tu have Invii aa OOG at aul tn England. ASSISTANT DISTRICT FORESTER IS WEDDED TO NURSE IN SOUTH Tlie following from the Vancouver Pi n nice describes the recent wedding i. mat city of tt. E. Oregg, assistant ih.-,'r:tt forester hew. and MUs Belle O urly, R.N., a former member of the i-iaduate nursing tuf of the Prince Knpnt General Hospital Biudcets of yellow and white chry--ani hi-niums and palm- in banked ar i.i v decorated Chalmers Church on Tuesday evening for the wedding of Mikk Belle Smlllle Oourlay and Elwyn tmerson Oregg. The bride, who U the youiifei-t daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Oourlay, 3589 Eighteenth Avenue west, wo given In marriage be her 'her. Jamea Oourlay The grown Is ,:n youngest son of Mrs J. J. Oregg, 28 Fourteenth Avenue West. The ceremony was performed by Rev. K. McQuillan, and bridal music provided by Moncrieff Mawr. During the tigning of tilt rcp'-tar, Mrs. Crawford Oregg sang At Downing." The bride was attired in white Uufeta with net hem and yoke, a white xhlflon velvet drape appearing at one side, her embroidered net veil was wcrn cap ;.iih1on with orange bk.ssoms and ahe carried Ophelia roses. iiite heather end My of the valley. He: only ornament w,. s atrtriR of cryatai beada. the gift oi the groom. Mies Katie Myers of New Wenmlnster. a U. idemuald, wore a (rock of primrose taffeta with touches of green, showing an uneven hemline. She cArrUd single mauve chrysanthemums, and wore a large black hat. Dr. E. E. Day was beat man and ushers were Boh Oourlay and Kenneth Oar-lisle. Mrs. Oeurtay. mother of the bride, wore black satin, with black French velour bat, her corsage bouquet being vloleu and rosea. Mr. Oregg, the -room's mother, waa attired in brown -aUo with hat to match, her corsage iTOquet being of vloleu and rosebud. Yellow ehrysanthem urns decorated the -ram at the bride's home, where the -c caption was held- Tall pink taper nd pink tulle aunoundlng th wed-1tng cake, decora ted the tea table, which was presided over by Mr. L. H. mcbolsoa and Mra. Claude Wilder less were cut by tin. Crawford Oregg iftr a booeysaoon on Vancouver la-'snd. Mr. and Mrs. Oregg will make '.heir home at Prince Rupert. The 'wide travelled In a fawn satin gown with fswn duvetyn coat trimmed with wown tot fur. Rev small lam's velour at wa velvet trimmed MOZART TAKEN UP BY LADIES' MUSIC CLUB Attraetlve Program Hro4ereil YetMer.laj AfteTKoen at Heme of Mr. Ileilbrmaer "The Life and Work of Meaart" wa he subject of study at th meeting vesterday afternoon at the home cat Mr Ma Hellbroner. Third Avenoe, of the Ladles' Music Club.' The program, which waa in charge of Mr. R. E. Moore and Mrs. Max Hellbroner and Included a wper on the subject by Mra. Moor. :n stated of Hie following numbers: Piano Solo "Air with Yarlatamaa In E Ut Major." Mlas Way. Total solo The Violet t ' Mra. Mul-loon, accompanied by Mlas Lancaster. Piano aelo "rantasy Is D Minor. " 4r. MareMatte. Vocal duet "Spring, the Charmer ' Mra. Allan and Mrs. IMott, accompanied iy Mrs. Frasar. Vmlsn solo "Ave Varum." MlaaLan- nter. accompanied by Mr. Fraser. Vocal sale "Drink to M Only with h!ne Eyes " Mrs Miliar, accompanied y Mr. Cullen. THANKS GIVEN TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS ! CHRISTMAS-SEALS The TVSsnonina TliMswBMSa Ane! - - ---7.". -T w . I ' A onourMaw that ' the VmrMnaa Seal tela ha met with such a generous re pons from the cl tisane of Prince tUpert and district that it would ilk a aaknowledge the contrttttttona In-livldually. However, to wrtt to each urchaaer would incranM tSat amount to oe deducted from the receipt, so tt U hoped that the public will accept his acknowledgement of it tlftence 'nd thus allow the greatest amount posalble of money to be spent In the tuberculous work. The Society also extend Its thanks Short of Breath Dizzy, Sinking Spells COULDN'T WALK FAR , Mrs. L. JL Oliver, Orasville rerry. ' NE, writ: ti A few year ajro I had diuv, aiaking tpelU to bad I ooukl i hardly stand' up without taking hold I of something to support me, ttnd I i eould not walk any diataaee on account ! of being so short of breath. "I had taken a lot of doctor' med Iclne, but it did me no good, only for , the ttnie being;, so reading in the tt.ii.tt. almanor about I decided to try them and found them to be juit what they art ire-oumended to be, and I feel that I owe my life to them." Price SOe. a bot at all droggiat and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ef prteo hr The T. Mllbarn 0a, Liuhted, ies, and to all those who kindly dis played window poster. Their generous stance U highly valued and greatly appreciated. In The Letter Box Till: IHICE HK PAY ltR Editor. Daily Newa. You arem to be booster for Cana- anlsm and the British Empire, but you alam .to forget the price we have pay for it. Take lass on example w.fwru. .tsapst u isfpn pessgsst the dlfferenee in prare between the price here and tn United States? Let me give you the figure: Roadster United State Canadian Price Price Phaeton W95 Coupe 4B6 Tudor Sedan ... 1498 M10 640 640 r.H-.tor Sedan 370 740 8uurt Coupe . $050 1710 Taking thl as on example of hundred in this country caused by the high tariff system, can you blame ome of u If we encourage our boys to go to the States Instead of living In Canada and struggling under the burden or protective monopolies? Your for cheaper living. DIOGENES. EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW FEELS YEARS YOUNGER "Now I eat even sauerkraut and sausage and t? fine. Adlerlka 'ended ttomarb gas ant I feel 10 year ..r..,.r ir m nvu Juat ONE MfaWful Adlerlka relieves gas and thaj liuaed p tbst you can eat jd P H- At on DOTH upper and lower bowel nd removes old waate matter you never thought waa there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowel. Adlerlka will aluprU you Ormea Limited. Druggist. Corp. Fred Markland, provincial police, who came north thl weeti on escort duty, will return by the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning to Vancou IDA H Toronto, Oat, I ver whet be U now located. Applicant. of your copy of I he Daily mws every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to, you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of.Princc Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OP THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly' T-H'E DAILY NErfS )o the Press, the BUI Posting Compan IT WILL PAY YOU! SWIIJIIU J MIS III HI SB I 1 1 1 1 I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" L Kippers IIUAINTIEvSt liKEAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd Prince Hapcrt. B.G Buy Guaranteed to please you better. For Sale by all Good Grocers.