7 mIRM WmA X MOSQUITOES ST VtSTl' MMit'A J, BED BUGS ANTS l'Wl WmtiMmtf KOACIIES MOTHS I1"111-- '1111 would mean a big payroll sod peobably a permanent one for tbe possibilities tats rich dUSrtct are well known. The development of stac on properties on MeOrsA MouaUln woM also be s blf thing. Involving a iaife oonoentra- tor. R. W. Haagen. Mm el VaAoower, is sumflng the Ilytaad Bas&a group m tke Babtoe Range tor ie Alesaadria Oold Mines Ltd. of Tomatfi which re-oentty took over the option of tte propvrHr from EO Brown of Vaooou- ver. Development work Is betsc oarrled on ber P. J. Hlsgtns and crew for the Ba bine Silver King Mining Co. on Its Ba bine range property. The principal work now being done 1s contmuaUoo of drift tunnel on hlgb grade stlvsr ore. Good speed Is being mads by tbe Georgia River Oold Mines Ltd. with the trail from the beach down Portland Canal from Stewart to the mine and development work should soon be un der way. Bo far, eight mUes of trail have been completed aad feu artyst to be finished Oonditlonscocsl- tred favorable and It Is expected that In due course satisfactory ore values will be determined. About two hundred feet of tunneling has been contracted for on the Bayvlcw mine at Stewart, tt Is expected that the trail will be made practicable in sufficient time for tbe work on the tramway to be carried out next season. The tunnel on the Big Mlssourt mine In the Salmon River Valley near Stew-nre Is now In for a total length of 1.-850 feet. At 1,75 feet a high grade vein was cut showing free gold assaying over gsMgsjaagjSjSjS More and more men and women are daily asking for Viceroy This mild, blended cigarette has won instant popularity everywhere. Try it today. mm ing of the purcfcae of raini&g proper-ties, development work, mill construction, hydro-electric power plant and livers other equipment. Should Col. Spencer snd assoetatrs decide to operate n tbe Upper Kttsatu oauntry it CIGARETTES BLENDED FOR MILDNESS" & to the ton over s tssl wMtth. Os round oa each side sbawsfl that values continued. A tftamoad drill kale from tte tunnel eat this state pi forty feet 'from ausH wa ia tawasi. show-lag assay of fM er a ass-foot wiath. At ISO lest ons asye showed another vein with free gold ssssstnc (90. Tbe immedl'te ptaa of sWesopsssnt in- j crudes ecnthrustson as tte tunnel an ' additional ait aaaSisd fast to tbe original ob)ecUvs wkioh should cut tte sain showing atgh gaase la tte shart on tte surtsos aloo drirtiag oa tte f vt- Iset vein in the P. E sharge at tte operations on the Hastings Ann. iiauisi s in a neV drift VSte ftvs drift Is soms 99 feet to the same seat. At- lower elevuUao, Mr. .r showing was lueosss in thst. as soon as tte a Isrge tonnes of o o iso per ton will be shipment la Mines Ltd. of ore feat wMs. This tte shaft foot tffwrtstte assuring M as es peeved is avaUame for Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Augut IS, 1018. Word has been received here of gallantry at the front of Oapt Percy M. Miller of Prince Rupert. For tea days and ten nights be fought during tte retreat frm Cambrel Until his bsttallon vaa prut" '.-ally wiped out snd be held a poKitlm, all one day under gunfire He wan wurded the Military Crusa A detullnd ii' "ount of the scilon Is pub-llahcd In 'he London Oanette ConstAhic inu has arrived In Prince Rupert to join the provincial polio force Hu mktu the place ol ixmniuuie Kvaos who has been amoved to Tls-graph Greek nonstable Logaa was at Vtmy Rtoge with tte lOtnd Battalion, being isjlmsatal serssaat-aaajor. Man in the Moon Ooodevenlng folks. How's trtcksT fake says that a newspaper is a sort of eraay quilt, made a of a lot of Thunder can be heard a long wy eft but nobody wishes to be thunder. It'd be better to be a reel he-man. An edrter often says whet he thinks but be is not alwav rust ae keen ob wntmg it. Donors as no loader rooks awl brtcebaes then 'he eomflMialtr the rest of If you thiak people do net read what Is written in this vmi aKaaiM just notice what happsas when I get under people's skin. The man who steals a newsa&M frem the door of e subacrrber to the Dally Kews Is Just about as mean as a a man feels who gets out dressed in men order Jake ssya If more local merchant ad. vertlMd their ehsancr mmmi k would be frer etdees s to mail mi houses. If a men comes to vou barmwiM trouble, lend him all you havs. It will do him good. Heaven may be all right but I have n notion it i not increasing In papule- uon as fast as a good live wobm, town. Advertus In the DaUy Nsws It payal 20 for 2j 4 Tuesday, PAGE two THE DAILY NEWS u'. U,- The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. li. F. i'UlJ.fiX.- --JteiD Editor. City PclfterrrbyndrfSr-j$;?eafiy perjodaid in advance $5.00 For leaser period, MBa 18 JSlBOIce, . P1A0 . , ou By mail to ail parts of Northern a ndXMlfW British Columbia, paid in Advance for yearly period .v...'....' $3.00 Or four mouths for $1.00 By mail to all other part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, pid ia advance per year $6.00 By mail to al! other countries, per year - $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion pr agate line 13 Contract Rates on Application Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations pc- Tuesday August 14, 1928. CHANGE IN FISHERIES The revolution in the fisheries business of which Captain Fred Wallace told at the week end is largely responsible for the low price paid tor halibut here this season. The people of the big centres in the eastern and central portion of the continent have been eating the filleted cheap fish taken in the Atlantic instead of paying the high price demanded for halibut It has been put up in attractive form so that the housewife has no trouble in handling it. The result has been very beneficial to the fishery interests of the east coast but rather fatal to the halibut business here. The result of the change is that local fishermen will have to study the cheapest possible methods of taking the halibut It seems as if they will have to- adapt themselves to the changed cosdition, which has apparently come to stay. BETTER THAN COMMISSION It looks as if the economic condition is to be more effective than the Royal Comnission ia the preservation of the halibut en this coast The low price paid for the fish makes it possible for only the most economic vessels to pay a reasonable return on the outlay in the business. The result should be to diminish the amoont of halibut caught by reducing the number of vessels fishing. FISHERIES CONVENTION The Daily News is strongly in accord with the movement to secure the annual convention of the Canadian Fisheries Association in this city. T. H Johnson, head of the cold storage company here, is vice- president of the Association and it is usual for the annual meeting to be held at the home town of the coming president Anything Prince Kupert can do to help bring the convention to this city neat saaraer should be attended to as quickly as possible. Doubtless the Board of Trade and other organizations wiH take .the matter up at muting ia the near future. . . : r'tT IMMIGRATION POLICY In a speech at Davidson, Saskatchewan, the other day, the Prime Minister put the whole immigration situation in the simplest possible form. He told his audience that the Dominion Government was spending $16.71 for every immigrant secured from the British Isles aad Canada drew a little more than 33,000 las tyear while the amount paid to secure continental European immigration was only eleven cents apiece. It also should be noted that this country draws more British migrants than any other British Dominion, that in no single year in the last quarter of a century has Canada drawn less than Australia, and that while the inflow to the southern Common wealth declined last year, the migration to this country increased by several thousands over the previous year. SINKING FUND SURPLUS The report of the inspector of municipalities just issued shows that Prince Rupert is among those cities with a surplus of sinking funds instead of a deficit The surplus is not large but it is sufficient to In-dkate sound finance rather than careless finance. The total sinking fund to date oa which the report was made amounted to $32,510. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Consolidated In Smithers Field Col. Spencer and Alice Arm-Work at Big Mission 1). C McKechnie, one of the engineers for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., is now in the SmHhers field to examine several properties on behalf of his company, this v isit following inspection by other Consolidated officials and including some well known Babine grown in the examinations. The Babine have been attracting general interest In recent weeks and practically every property from Driftwood basin to the foothills has been under investigation in connection with a variety of mooted amalgamations and deals. Thomas Ejj, Uavey, M E. nf Toronto, representing the Alexandria Odd Mining Q.. isesiitly examined the ed by Col. Victor Spencer ol Vsnoouver, Velvet group on Nine Mllr Mountain Mated Col. Spencer (allowing a reosnt MM- Mw Hani tan in company with vlalt to Alice Arm. WhUe In the (US-Hugh Harris. Mr. Dsvey also made an trirt. Col Spencer and Ms engineer. II. isafntritlTTn ol the SunrUe property In E Wllniont. examined sine properties tte tame section and It Is undeinto.-xl on McGrath Mountain and also BUver he will attempt to have ll tied up with jCord property an well as the Dolly Vw-tbe Velvet In which the Alexandria Co. : den. Wolf Moose. Silver Hoard. Otoaoee Is already interested. and CI. max on all of which properties they liavr sveursd options. Should these Until tli' total expenditure timi will intcrem.- d'X'idc to take over and oper-be l:i- l el ha bei n e!:m. ::'! mid ; !! D illy Varden and adjacent pro-tabulated and the necessary :ir.imn,! r"'" w'lilti mean s very conalder-terUMioniUig, thaw will in.iw tun nii'ii; .hi . uui.aj ul capital Much expendl-tuade as to future mining operations ' 'me would be required to put the Dol-1b We" Alice AWHTCl Tr?nttW!t''TigB'fTr lr TlWWn Tlfftwiiy In" shape to ssy ltoth- Wherever Cigarettes UP ore So!d 11 B5 i GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon . Accompanied by the nomination blank and y in ""'I seriptfon, this coupon will start you in the rn t i th. m nificent Daily News pffts with the grand totul ..i " "rr J 26,000 votes. This coupon may be used only oik " 'I only when accompanied by a subscriptven reniitti'"" ' Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name Amount Enclosed "I Thla coupon will count 10,000 extra votes when turned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign i'"' the rrlnce Itujiert Dally News, together with ih- nr" scription you obtain. It must be accompanied i ' ' and the subscription rauit be for a period of " ''" longer. The 10.000 free votes are IN ADDITION t" 'l'jn ber given on the subscription as per the regular . ' " 1 Arcadian Hose A N'ew Shipment just arrivtd of this popular ho; I Mude expressly for ourselves, every pair guurm !,,, , ..i 1lfti1n irnm ftViA firlAait titirss 4 Vi r An rl atllf rf i n fol't ' ll ,l (Unut a a as it tiv stuvat ui v S4 s vs vs a?ss w - a a a a a t a t O .).,. st' mock xnsnioneu uouuie soies, toes ana neei. aeuim' u i i a tn l r si ss it.a rf-t 1M L' it II I' II to iu. in snnucH oi mum, uax isun, saiui, urum. ' Silvar. Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Hose. 'JJV pair Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.