Choose Your Underwear As Carefully as Your Dresses ssbbbUsBBBBVS . . liUAttAMfcfcU T NON-RAVEL I UNSHRINKABLE GRIFFIN LOCK NIT RAYON INDERCAKMENTS v- r rn. m CJrxnce CAt fart, Arcadian Hose A New Shipment Just Arrived of thin l'opnlr Hese Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Made from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, mock fashioned double sole, toe and heels. Seamless, sise H to 10. In shades of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nttde, Silver, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. QCf Pair Fraser &' Payna , Univenuil Trading Co. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ate. East Phone S3 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Repairs USED' CARS We have several excellent Inrgnins in used Cars. Easy T rrr if desired. Ran ad ian National Qic Largeft Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKRYKJJS villlnt. fnmi IMIINC E ItlTKItT for V NOl f.U. VICTORIA aexl K.Tll t; TIUIIMUVN and ftl'MtAVN. at II pm. smVAKT. WMlMMDWH. 10 .m. tot AMOX ami kKTf'IIIKAX, NATt RIMY. 4 pm l..r NOKTII ami MllTII HVKKS t IMKl OTTa IM.ANUA, rertalgfctly. PAtttENorn mus itwr. nusti: riri-sttf IMII.Y EXCEPT 5)I'MAV l IIJM a. mi. U PftlSCt, OKOMIK. XMMHITO.N, WINMI'KU, til petals KaUit Canada. IbH4 States, UKNCV U. tH'KAN MrKAMtOlir LINSa. I'lTY T1CKKT Officii. St THIMH sW. PMIM.C HHIKftT, rtmmr tM CANADIAN B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wraiieell, and Skafwav Hejnljmber 1".?. Ofleber IV. tt. In Yam-outer. Ylrlorla, and KrtUlli UiXIflirl. UkUttfi, 14, tt. lb l-KIX hHS 'HOVAI. lor lluled1e, Eat llrlla Hell. SrHrltli.. Nanra. Alerf bay. Campbell alter and Yaneouver everj Friday. lit p.m A(m-y lor all ktrsnmlilji ?" Line. I'llU laiormatkM trgm-. XV. K.. OKCIMKIt. Hrniral Agent. (irnrr of 4th Strut and led A . Prince ItMpeH. HI'. I'heue SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing! from Prime llupcrt. lor VANCOUVER, VIl'IOKIA. Hwaii-uu lis), llutrdale. Alert Iftt, etc. Tucodiir, 3 p.m. lor VAM'Ot'Yrn, VlCTnitlA. Hnt'dHif. Aim llm. etc., Haturda. 1 a.m. lor roitT HtMPKON and NAAh Ml I K lOIMH, rrl). lor ALICE ARM, ANYOV, NTEtYARi WAI.KI ll.MI PORT IMPNO.V Pnnday, 8 p.m. ir.l 2nd Avenue. It- M WMI III. A(-nt. rrlnrn Kii.irl. It C. Tlimuth tlrkrlK .old o YIHorla nd Hrmtlr. and lMj;ur thfrkrd Ihrnugn to drllnatlun. 5. Local and Personal 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf LJ)enliHtI)ft J, It. (Jonse. Phone C86. fllka' Dance, Fridav. Chiropractor, Phone 184. C. 0. Oetobei tf McKay, tf Try "Beacon Hard" Alberta Sootlew the best stove coal. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 11C and 117. if Prize money ready for distrib ution, Exhibition office. Citr Hall Thursday, Sept. 27., Office hours thiB week only 2.80 to 4.30 p.m. Judge F. MeB. Young and V E. Fisher, crown prosecutor, will leave on this afternoon's train for Smithera where they will attend a session of County Court. P. II. Worlock leaves on this afternoon's tarin for Prince George and other interior points on one of his periodical business trips. D. J. Cecil S. Dunn of Maseea, who has been in the citf for the past two weeka, will avail by the Prince John tonight on his return to the Queen Charlotte Is lands. Provincial Constable Andrew Grant of Maasett, who has been in the city for the past two weeks will sail by the Prince John tonight on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. This afternoon's train, due from (he East at &80, was reported this morning to be two hoars and fifty minutes late which would bring her in at 6.20 p.m. Three graduate operators in La Parisienne Beauty Parlor, on 4th St. We specialise in all lines of hair dressing and beauty culture. Hake your aoiwintinents by phoning 301. Inspector William Spiller, pro vincial police, will sail tonght on the Prinee John for the Queen Charlotte Islands on inspection dnties. Mrs. John Dalhberg, having bought out the Shamrock apartments, wishes her patrons to know that the whole place has oeen overhauled and is still in the hands of the beatiflers. 230 . lira. Desman and young son, who arfived in the city recently from Moncton, New Brunswick, will sail tonight on the Prince John for Langara Island where they will visit Mrs. Costnan's uncle who is lighthouse keeper there. C. N. R. itssrqyr Prinee Rupert, Capt p. ttoaaU, bsTiinf been delayed on .account of fog, ar rived at s.l6 pjn. this afternoon from Vancouver, Powell ftjver and Ocean Falls and will aaUat 10 p.m. for Stewart, returning here at 8 o'clock tomorrow eve ning and sailing south at 11 p.m SJCAt.KD ICNOCKb aadrwaad to the undrai(Md. and midoraed "Tadr foi Renewal of WharDirai. Port SUMWer B.C. will b re-iv"d until It mrt; ihmh, Thurilav, tMnhrr II. ISM, ftr renewal oi the wharthmid. at Port Simp-on. SkMna DUitrlct. DC. Plant and forms ' contraot can be teen and specification and forms of Under obtained at thta Department, at the ntfl?ea of the DuArlct Bnalaear. Poet Offloe Building. Victoria, B.C.; Victoria Builders Kxchanee. SSW Prior Street. Victoria. B.C.; rite Building and PoastruoUen Indtutrlee Exchange. AI& west Hastlnca Stmt, Vancouver. B.C t the Post Offloea, Prince Rupert no nm Simmon. B.C. Trndera wlU not be oonaldeMd unlef made on printed forma supplied by Uu Department and in accordance with condition contained therein. Barb tender niuat be accomDanled bv n rc-pted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister o Public Works, equal to 10 per ce4 c: the amount of the tender Bonds ot toe Dominion or Canada or bouds o; the Canadian National Railway Oosa-pan wlU also be accepted as security or bonds and a rheque If required u make up an odd am-tunt. NOTE -Blue print can be obtained at this Department by depositing at' accepted cheque for tlie sum of 110 00 payable to the order of the Minister oi Public Works, whlrh will be returned U the Intending bidder submit a reguls' bid. By order. j. B X. OBRIBN, EecreUry Department or PabUc Werju, Ottawa, September IT. 1928. in- - . Statistics for handy packs $c liere is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and plea-cure in generous measure! CI so Peppermint Flavor are those irrefutable FEWWORKLESS IN THIS CITY Kmployment Keeping Up Well in Prir.ce-Kopert- District ' Employment is keeping up weH in Prince RupertufBtnctr .Tjiere ;.re only about twenty-five work-lens on the lfst juHt now at the rul office of the Employment i rvice of Canada, the superiu- M ii'ient, Jame M. Campbell, re- iiorts. '. ' PROVINCIAL SECRETARY OF BOY SCOUTS GIVING INSTRUCTIONS IN CITY For the purpose, of conducting a course in Boy Scout leadership. Norman H. Saunders, provincial secretary of the Boy Scouts' Association, has arrived in the city from the tsouth. The course, which is open to al) whether they are interested in Boy Scout work or not, is designed to give elementary knowledge of cottt methods including ftjndaraeatal principles and the fattest Ideas and sogges- .tH ITJl m,at orator makes tionr-in fie divert activities and " - ! wer the Scout. Meetings will "Nanaiaao Wellington" - Tbe!fbe n" PreBby' terin Church tt Hall, tomorrow eonl thai t-i. .,i i . i Save yonr money by phoning AUJP, ,ABdw Anfn bert&31cCafferyatll6orll7.tfiC"thedral H'U' and on Fnday I . 'ight in First Baptist Church Capt. W. Field, popular skipper Ha,L or the troliing boat Swift, is in town from Victory Cove, Warke Canal, today, combining business with pleasure. Wilfrid Grauon was fined $5 in city police court by Masri strata WcClymont this morning for selling a revolver to a person having no permit for same. A few men were sent over re cently to a small aaltery which i being established near Lockeport on Moresby 'Island by W. J. Jef ferson, well 'known cannery man. Interior pole and logging camps! are taking few men and ti- opening up of the tie camps ii. the near fuUue will take tne u. ual large number of men aion the line of of the Canadian Na tional Railways. Making her final trip of th year on the Alaska run, V I steamer Princess Louise. ( Arthur Slater, is cue on Saturday morning bound iioni Vancouver to Skagway. Th.- vessel will call southbound on Wednesday and will be replaced in October by the Princ-fss Alice with the Princess Mary taking over the run In November for tne winter. C'.N.R. steamer I'rince John Capt. E. Mabba. which is engaged in tramp freighting this faJ, arrived in ort at 9.30 this e inornmg worn Vancouver vin Iert Bay. Jedway and i'ocofi and is discimrifina- 200 tons oai . at the dry dock befoi ad El sailing tonight on her retur: outh via tiie Skeena River, Skide- -ate and oilier south Qeeen Chat-otte Island points. John Carroll, well known form r city employee, has returned tt ihe city after spending somt iime in Vancouver and Victori;. and will resume residence here j!e is suit. -ring from cataract n his ey. s and specialists in thi .outh have decided that it will b acme time before they will n n condition for removal. Mi Carroll's daughter, Mis. Secor ii. Moore whose hush..nd die a few months ago, is now loratei n Vancouver and has taken ovc. he sole ownership of a restaur nt on (iranville Street in whim .:. F. Richmond, formerly of thi city, was in partnership with hei ;ntil recently. Mtttttetltet- ANNOUNCEMENTS H-t- 4. 4't - Prince Rumr Qirls'' Drill teaii lance, October 42. (iyro Hoedown, loose Hall. 3. Octol! IS, Catholic Baaaar, October 21, 2,r. Presbyterian iiazaur, November Moose Basaar. November 8, 9. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No VPfflbeT 22. , Passengers sailing yesterday afternoon on the Catala for .the south included C. II. Fraser, Mrs. S. G. Harlan, F. Bell and J. G. Watts, all for Vaneoue-. The Anglican W. A. will hold a tea and sale of bomecooking on Tuesday October 2, at the home of Mrs. J. C. McLennan. "The rv-irV' Prr''in Street, from 3 i 6. M I LK All brands, no limit Special, 9 tins 81. on SUNMAW RAISINS Seedless, 4 lb. pkgs. Special, Mr er pkg ... OR A N(iE MARMA LA DE Walkin's Rest, Glass Jars "jr CONCORD GRAPES are in. We expect a further shipment on Friday ler ANNKD PEACHES Delmonte Sliced, large tins. Special, per tin ;10 MACARONI Canadian brand, 16 ot. pkgs., 2 pkgs iMf STWEK L'finS (Small Pullets) Special, 8 dos ijil.OO IOLLEI) OATS Quaker, 6 lb. sacks, regular 50c, per sack Hip The first shipment of JIcINTOSH HEI) APPLES has arrived. Fruit is in excellent condition. Price lower than last year. i'EI-S NAPTHA SOAP .'! bars per carton, 10 bars : Mir IHBY'S PORK & HEANS Large tins. Special, 5 for o."c Get your Pickling Requirements his week; the Season is about ver. See us for quality and price. Watts' Grocery Phone 53 Phone 56 Shop here and save money ELECTED FOR TRIAL BY JURY ON CHArtGE OF ASSAULTING WOMAN William Contain, committed for I trial by Mcpistrute McClymunt in cny ponce courr on a charge of assaulting Buddy liines. Corryw. actual bodily harm, appeared before Judge Younj in County Court yesterday and elected for jury trial at the Supreme C'ourl Assizes here next month. Mrs. S. G. Harlan Hailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Ernest A. Woods, former city clerk here and pioneer resident cf the city, who left here several years ago for Seattle, is now lo cated with his family in Vancouver where he is accountant witn a garage concern. Spec a-! ,, ,ii u,u Jintiuj 9 9SOCIsmSss SBiy Special ! OLD STYLE PEPPERMENT PATTIES - - 35c. a Lb. Personal and Business Xmas Greeting Cards. Exclusive, but not expensive. Phone us and our representative will call and show you samples Fi Eh aiBTTSB so yfic Pioneer Drttofists rfS THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? v 200 C5o Guard the Family Health Tlie man who cares two pins for the health of his family should immediately investigate the home heating question. He will find WARM AIR the HEALTHY WAY of healing the homeland he will be led to the McClary Sunshine Furnace as the most efficient system of sending the fresh, moist warm air circulating through the house. It costs much less to install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems. And it saves a great deal of coal, as the "Ventiblast" Ring ensures that ALL the fuel is mad to give ALL its heat. Burns any fuel, 'tool For health's sake see the famous 310 Fornace 7 CENSRAL STEEL WARES Product Authorized Dealers RATCHF0RD AND SIIENTON lBgfa1