ptcmber 20, 1021 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVB 65OOMLOIF AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM As an advertising medium the Prince Rupert Daily News has a wide appeal. Not only is it read by the people of Prince Kupert, many of whom look to it for mercantile guidance, but it reaches out to the country districts where its arriral is awaited eagerness. The mining camps and the towns of the interior look to it for the first news of the outside world. Prince Kupert people who wish to reach the surroundin? lis;rict8 find there is cyily one medium, that of the Daily News. f( Is bitter and cheaper than any other advertising medium and an be depended upon in bring results if anything can. '-'fa -IMl ast ana rresent In the jwst whn only about 1500 papers were being sold, advertisers in the Daily News claimed they got good results from ;u(:;ide points as well as in the city. During the present year i'k circulation has increased over a thousand, and the appeal to ; (Ivcrtwcrs is consequently that much the wider. Wisdiirof Advertising V ' v? t) Keep Goods Moving Very few merchants seem to realize the cumulative effect of i-f'vtrtisfnjf. Everv new customer secured is worth a jrroat deal ml this new customer becomes an advertiser foi tuners, if he is veil treated. The newspaper not' only brings customers direct but prepares the way for the spread of business by personal con tact. The advertising manager will be pleased to talk this matter over with prospective advertisers and show them . the newspaper's mailing list. THE DAILY NEWS P fia 32 Rup irt - - British Columbia The great advertising medium for Northern and Central llritish Columbia. If ks a new idea in tire -building, and likely to be permanent, you,U generally find Dun lop had it first. i Other excellent buys tradc'imirkcd Dunlopt Auto 1 tnobJfe, Dicycle, Truck and Motor Bus Tires, Belting, Packing, Hose, Golf Balls, Tennis Balls, Flooring, etc. DUNLOP SAtK CANADA News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT New Ore Showings Found on Topley Ilichfield Glacier Gulch to Ship Soon Duthie (Jiving-Good Account of ItBeJf Two additional bier Hhowinirs of ore have been opened up in most full face of ore. Meantime, in sixty days a second dividend GOO feet by No. 1 drill. As winter renditions arrive, the drills will both go underground for testing of the big ore aone and it is expected a move will be made to establish a much lower level. Work has started on the development of the Giacicr Gulch K'oup of mineral claims near Smithers under an option recently taken by Frank H. Taylor from the owners. Grover Loveless and S uart F. I Campbell. The work hi. charge ' if Phnrloa Incrar.l in l n Minn ha camps and trail, have been pro-' vided. men will be put to work Rixicrn linking a shaft on ore opened up luring early work. The shaft1 will be sunk just far enough to have'ruu veryjth d 1. Thomas E. Davey, iamap- ing out a plan of operation for: he Babine Bonansa Mine wMch ' waa recently acauired by the i it went on the stork market. A declaration of 2'ii ier cent' dividend was made in June and with- IT FSTT" HEADQUARTERS S UVATfON ARMY Tovce Has Orrtein Mo" 'o Make Place for Higher Official Bayview 6; 6. an.i deepest re- o.. vn,w 'rr " wUl ' Army circles to more than pay for its own de- . ... n. . . ' vewiMnvuk STOCK QODT.iTiONS Ci 'irUd) of S t. -Iowa OS. Ltu.. Vlexandria Gold Mines Ud. of 1 The fo!!owing (juoiatioas were Toronto and it ia olanned to start Wd nd Mkef. veloDment work about tile end Arrfenta Hufus ntt; M, M this month. The deepest tun-! nel will be extended and raises' mads to connect the levels, When , the mine h in shape to produce! a steady supply of mill feed, the j installation' of a mill will be un-! Ittrtaken, a plant of 100 to 200 j ons daily capacity being project- j 'Mi, the decision in this regard toj tepsnd, however, upon the rscora-1 mendatiou of the consulting en-; .loeer. As r. result of the taking ; jp of the Bab'no Bonanza, ra'ningj vntsraat in the Babine field isj Treatly increased. The Babine UonaHM is beyond the state of i doubt and should soon become a ; ver important producer. I PtitnK Klines Ltd. has been giv ng a good areoutit of itself since P. C. Silver 1J: afU Big Miasouri. mi', f. Coret Co-per nil) M.0& Cork Prc ince M; MV. r-ttbn F3H i m Dunwell 14; nil Duthie rAi-n. Gtr Copper 5.50; 5.H. Gcor-ia JVnt, nU; 4i Glaaicr 26. ' Golcondri 81; ,88. '' Granview MH ; W. Irdepenrl-ne 14; 14$. , Indian r.V 6, Kootenav Florence 9Hlf 90. L. ft L. 84 ; 0',i. L-kcvlew lUj 1. Lucky Jim 25 26. . Mirfamt Metal 9V-; UL Marmot nfver n-M I9i i0. Moh&wc W; W. H-yV Sliver 184 M?.. Korp-dii 48.60; 4Mi;;t P"n Oreille 13.00 tt,"7l. V em'' 2JKI; 2J0. Huth Hojie 80; 60. V R Iver Cms 10; U4.. Silversmith 12; 14. S'oe; n King 6: 8. Snow Pake (T; 68. Topley Richfield Mt 81. Whit? Water 1.80; 2.0ft. Woodbine Uv; It. ! Oil lnlhousie 1.00; nil. Devenlsh 55; 60. F. ryr,n l i : lO1;. .. - . Home 2.00. KILLEm "i'NTlMO FROM FALL OF ROCK l rs t ;itfc, : re sident i ! i t- ' . N.iii:i U ax in 'stanli. kil'.-.l I'.v a i.ill ..f rock in thf e.-ierve Mine yesterday. TWO BILLIARD COMPETITIONS First and Second Divisions are Planned for This Winter Election of Of fleers. pev j!; ferred ':.i!i''t 'itil" the Topley-Rlchlield mine on new work following a decision to teat j out the ground on a wider area. In a parallel cross-cut run from Owing to the fact that there a point between the raise on the north drift and the crosscut be-, was not a large attendance at the tween west and east veins three feet of splendid ore was disclosed: annual meeting which was called to further establish the importance of ore bodies in that section, for last night, the Prince Rupert With the transfer of drilling from the north to south veins under- onward League decided to de- ground work was similarly established and in the drift south from ihe main shaft four feet of ore has been opened up, this work con tinuing and remaining in an al- " week from tonight. It was decided, however, to proceed with the organization of first and the drill is operating about 1,000 of 2'2 per cent was issued. If, second division for competition feet south of the shaft and has the property is able to continue during the coming winter. The broken through the loose forma-, with regular dividends at this rate 'first division will consist, it is tion. The drill is now gong, it will place the stock on a fifteen smoothly at a depth of 260 feet. A per cent basis. All production has second diesel engine will soon be -'o far been taken from what Is started at work to double the known as the Henderson vein but capacity of the plant and a new the property has three other compressor is expected ,to arrive v-in3 on which very little devel- any day to be used in more ex- opment has so far been done but tensive work which will soon be :i; leastVie of i.hem is considered inaugurated. Another tunnel ha ; have p. wioilities of developing! expected or tnree teams Grand Terminals, Grotto and a team to be formed by Joe Brown while there may be five second division teams Grand Terminals, Grotto. Joe Brown's, Cold Storage and Canadian Legion. Present at the . meeting night were: John Bulger, last who : the fare of the into important producer been started from as a ;preslded. Jack May Ben Seif, w. drift tunnel to intersect the Henderson vein. Smelter long north re-; Lonj? Q L Youngman and M on ine present level ore mm wan u.i: . ui ..nt- jrueri ure oaiu w disclosed at a vertical depth of lie t'i th- neignorhool of $60,000 a month and expenses less than ?,non. A damond drill has been in operation to test the Henderson vein and to do further exploration work on the other three veins. Considerable extension i and improvements are being Tad; in .re equipment at the Duthie mine. M. McLachlan. POPULARFURS FOR THE WOMEN LONDON. Sept. 2C Judging by the bidding at recent fur sale? the most popular furs women will wear this year are mink, marmot, marten, red fox, cross fox, silver fox and. Persian lamb. Frencii buyers especially were eager fo Persian lamb, which is expected tc be the craze of Paris, rivaleJ only by silver fox. English buy 'era sought sable, ermine, skunk. ooosium and hare. establish continuity of te ore foi- E: .iign Joye of the Salvation Furriers say the vogue for dye dewing whiifi onothet-cro 'i-ciit Am y h s received instructions jDJJ furg to match c0at8 ana tunnel will be started about one: to rrepere to move from Princ. dresses this winter, will be con-i hundred feet down the hill to gain Ruport or. or about October ?. nued. esoeclally in' white fox and further depth. Considerable ore , The amy has decided to make ermjnet whlcn take the more deli-has been taken put during the Prir e Kupert district head- cate ir,ares Rabbit dye past two yeimrant thjrwilljH? qun'ttw Tpr Prft'sh Colombia equaIy vrell, however, so that sackea. ure recover in ine a. mi dome m .ner jmciai is ex- court of the present work will pe"t?d to tatoe charge. also be sacked and provision Is . . , . . . . , . biisign and Mrs. Joyce ' have being made for an early shipment. . . . . J ii. osen ero only two months and Assays . from c. - the w- Claci r-i-w Gttjch . , i. . . . f '" ati itaaw wwsa women of moderate means may follow the fashion as well as their more wealthy sisters. CANCER FIGHT PROGRESSING INVKNTKI.UION O01( ON AT I NI-VKUMTV Of rEX.MYLVANIA INTO C.llE OK DISE-lE EVANSTON. Ul.. Sept. Ttw pusxle of eaaetr, nsja of mtoklnd of all time, is grtduiUy betef uarsrelld by kioc aanounced Dr. Elite MeDonsJd. director of csnrer rrMsrsb tt the tlnl-etsrty of Fenmrlvsau and th Phllfl- Fhtt Ooefml HovplUl t s recent meet ing of the Aqaertetn Chemleal Society I st Northwestern University. Osrefully chonstng his words. Dr. Mc Donald askl: First: That sclenc. by i mskinc a oo&osrted effort of chemist. Moloslst. bsetcrloieglst, physlctot. and ittadloal praetrUoner, can now determine la advance a preseat suacepUMIlty or Indlaatlon to cancer. Second: That marked benefit can b? drrrved in suspected eaen by Increas- laf the ealolum content of the blood through the administration of thyroid! land extract and other means. "In other words," said Dr. McDonald. ' I 'a person who suspects that throujh I Inheritance be may be a likely subject for the disease of cancer In later life. may now be forewarned, and treated for J those deflcttoees In his Mood which I ' are suspoatsd as the cause of cancer." "Cancer." explained Dr. McDonald, "u a discs in of the human cells and so la subject to the laws reardlr these cells. It Is a disease of cell reproduction or cell multiplication whereby the oell reproduces Itself loeeely and Irre-iponalbly. The normal growth gradients of the oell are altered and all the other activities 4 the ceil are prasssd eaoapt that of multiplication." One eat), allowed to grow wtthovt check ! 1 for tea yean, It was pointed out. would develop Into a mass larger than the j whole universe I "Nature, thereforet has developetfspn- trota. called iBhIMseri," sld ; Df. 3.1a Donald, "which check the! growth 1 this development. But cancer brfaka down these eheeW The Wcstholme Theatre is now looking better than it ever has since the interior hna been tr-ilrvorated. A new eolor scheme i T'nonun hiis been applied and the old the-' .tie now presents a finished and must pleaRii't.' appearance The The work has been done by veralde Ilros. s"lL ALWAYS ROOM At a public dinner a. certain bishop mi genially patronised by a, millionaire. "I never go to church," the millionaire said. -"Perhaps you've noticed that, Bishop?" "Yea, I have noticed It," said the Bishop gravely. "No doubt you wonder why I never 0 tp, objttfpb, dpn'i .,-u?" the million-, 'ahe iufaued. "WejjV'lU tell you why. 0iaK6p. ;"1thre ' ure 4 aiany hypocrites tbW"rt-' "! "Oh, dori't let that ktep you away!' cried the Bistvo-;. mulilug. "There la always room for one siore, ytu know Reglna Leader. l1 PERSPIRATION ODOUR IS A BUSINESS HANDICAP So difficult of self-detection is the odour from the one to two pints of moisture which, phy-sicians say, the body sends through the pores daily, that the offender rarely knows that he offends. So easy to be sure, Simply mi Lifebuoy, the tu. perb Toilet Sop, lor hands, tic and bath. Lifebuoy's extra protection it free, be-cruae this pure tMlrt soap costs no more th&.i the sonp yon are usicg now. Luia immY HEALTm SOAP Purifies and Ft otects LEVER BROiwt "S i " r Ml mjmlBL' 1 7 fsr '4 rv v vs frvr Bm u f 1 r tt TP 9tL - s . aaBBBBBwasr sb m. r rr. me This advertisement is ni t pub- ' ' - i tlV I 10 Liquor Control Hoard or by tin- tinverti;i, ! Hi'itl.iil rem mm t m r mm AY'S Cartage ai ;J Storage Phone 58 Cartage, WarehotinliiH, and if . .. Disfrilnitii 'if 'I t'.im or Coal S . h1 .1 nl ilr.tvel. Vie (: . . nd i'U.l.i!.. . hi tic li i& I -5 i :;' -I . H i K I i-n't i .i t (. i ri -'M I ! ."; . ('-t '3! f :! v" "Si;