End of Steel Ban to Aid 1953 Building Expansion ? OTTAWA (CP)—A federal ban on the use ol sane steel for pool halls, skating arenas and other amuse- ment and recreational centres ends Dee, 31, se The government announced | h f ng Roos sie; it lifting controls on ste will start the ne “ar free of ae re F; ry ! : of fe non-essential constructio: ern . ntrol pee the fi it day ving the way for im Korean war big expansion in 1953 Builders no longer will have \\ I s on the amount of! to apply to the federal stee ' “oe ‘ € ockpiled by civilian i tant er io sllotment of ¥ : dustry also will be removed, t j ffi buile ; ' nt will still mai nd a : J. ANDREW,. 37- |t ht to channel ste St t Delivered Hot ae Py . ao fr Ai it lositas r “ r : naw 7 to your Door pap Canada's muiti-! ;.. “tne os bekan ee iliding has been appointed by | million-dollar building indust cannint vamintis. ask be n ; $ x i t ntr er use ( Phone Red 92 Cal arge d- ON THE ALLEYS MEN noha) omer wae \ A ' r ; N.S rss ' OME . f , tes i 2 ‘ — E “ Jaycees Take Builders will be able to bid ’ . " igainst each ether freely for RISP F Th Pri the steel—if it is available T } There still may be difficulty Sugar ag ree rizes in getting sufficient § structural T k Sh and plate steel, but production ee ur e oot i expanding steadily Ail For $3.50 | Definite | Y put the evernmet $ erinite y | wher team among 49 in|) 08? See ee pemet he men’s five-pin bowling lea ee 5) Se - > din be i ; ¢ he § m™ - " er a 7 — : i gr er es a OF! OW Howey A/( DINNER f REE ul 5 ing irke prize n ee ” a pas ' ’ il ha ean i ei 1! ‘sn HOURS: 4P.M. ‘TIL ? xd or very lucky. Such at ie oO : ye picked up at kitchen 318 Sixth Street EW YOR N 1LeW Me n : Andr n oe nst 7 ° 2 rey 99 yartly give defenc ce to Motorists Ben a pay fo aaa Notre / , pais seta Gla Sane As were ent nstruction r th si f f . 97 “ . . Atl . 3 A Garage, Repair Service and Le ane rth § c\etine of thie ‘sieeh einti aa nnounced in the Common Parts Department 6 Joh Di k a omaaantar 2 REC tant to Production Minister pic 5. G.| Hows } eviewed Canad Fu . . G production progran Closed For Stocktaking Fe oe soma ne | PE Deacon BeNETA. Me aly Pape John M CNI : — ll Day Saturday, Dec. ree o Poem 308 0 y, cas g 000 ) ton I ; gq the N aa 8614 yp t prod ed { ] FRONT END GASOLINE SERVICE | and because it sen . ‘ neiy heipful to him el . “| trig i Canad production currentiy WiLL BE MAINTAINED AS USUAL. the hidd re p with about 300,000 ye : Gun Club Plans [ics of 13 and 1% respect We! > ort — Resulte—Cooks 1, Sedewicks f d F p di Kaien 1, Short ¢ Ne RUPERT IV td. Kaien 1, short Circuits 3; Neison | FOG EL, DOWGIE prizes next § Mansons 2, 70 Taxi 2: & OPTOMETRIST Ri sees 4, MT mR 2; Fi Room 10, Stone Buliding { in ange Marke CNRA 4; North Staz a ard . a ae os * Phone Blue 593 T r whic x & € ae <<’ B 4 - G vision Grits h Sunday's shoot McK , . n d 30 to 40 will | bowler | F170) cr oem In “A ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S thre ; a —_* FAVOURITE SON eae —— The Ideal Christmas Gift Electrotux CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER Down Payment $45.00 1953 Pay? ents start in February Your nearest br ch is _ ELECTROLUX (Canada) Limited Night Phone Blue FREE 970 Phone Green 960 a Cut out this coupon, fill in your Name and Address : and drop into, the Ballet Box at Super-Valu sometime a between Friday morning, December 19th and Tuesday oa ‘ afterneon at 4:30. Winners will be determined at A e 1:45 p.m., Tuesday, December 23rd. " ® a * 5 FREE TURKEYS IN ALL a ¥ ‘ » Name | ¥ F ¥ ‘ wv Address i - © a ¥ . a ¥ Phone, if any “i s & ¥ a ¥ & SUPER-VALU : j a & * 46 \ % “, we Ee Prete 7 4 TURKEY CONTEST SEE cnt BA ENE MEME NEEM MEMES ME EM MEME MAE con Try a News Classified _ JOHNNIE - £1079 nA" SOND, B = For a Fine Selection of SCOTCH WHISKY | 4. pivisiontyons 4, Savoys Christmas Sie ‘tikes 0 Dam, Cards. aor ee ee i Mkt. 4 See Co-o ); Cooks 3, McK 1 ers conmevciais » 7 7.5 DAD Printing Co. JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD, Scotch Whisky Distillers Trailer—Dump om ks et Compressor—Rock ss -" ‘aa KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND Blasting—Pite Driving—sand and Reck Delivered per Vare , as Work on hourly or contract basis—Estimates given. This dvertisement ™ not published r displayéd by the xiquor Control OFFICE AND HEADQUARTERS — 247 EAST FIRST AVENUE t he Governmeut of BOX 452 PHONE BLUE S84 PRINCE RUPERT, BA . ay, ° ory’: A e Shis Christmas ar hee ohe> anit z THE “lie Distilled, Blended and Born titl Going Strong 1820 Bottled in Scotland Contents 261% on, ALLAN E. BARR — Piahiahes Shovels—Back -lloe— Clam and Dragline—Crane—Bulldozer—tLow-hed WHISKY @ THAT'S PROUD x i ~ By OLD AGE =—*— * This fine, 4 4 * fully-aged whisky f i Ne 4° \® 4 is the delight 9) iy » & of all who / 2K & oppreciate a snooth, mellow drink ha ° Be wise—ask | aaa for Wiser's DeLuxe! issn t DISTILLERY LIMITED WINS? This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, SPORTSMAN'S BRITAIN'S CHIEF py DIGEST “é/shors JUDGE TO TAKE THE FENCE POST LONDON ‘Reuters: VORCE I wal WIFE Britain's Jane oO FOR A TRAP SET chief divorce judge, 92-year-old! Lora tu, ,°* Lord Merriman, will marry his men ber = 20 secretary on New Yeur’s Day ilbes oo . {i~79 His first two wites died The is a A gag ‘ venee.. judge's third wife will be Miss’ of Parliament m Set a rat gi results try a Daily News Clossitie, JUMP TRAP | ON TOP OF A FENCE POST AND SECURE THE CHAIN TO CATCH 2 CY LT WINGED PREDAT SUCH AS CROWS AND GRE HORNED OWLS FOR HEALTH AND BEAUT PERCH ON THE POST. DONT WHERE QUAIL» ETC. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phon MAY ACCIDENTALLY Lee ef c * ORDINARY BARN ‘ TRA NA t A an FE? F inCH= i ES ABOVE GROUND ' *« Aas ar’ MAKES A GOOD it a WEAGEL SET h “ WiRE % OF ‘ / \ MOUGE ot ‘¢ HE TRIGGER 1 BAIT. UGE ME POST Quebec [enaie ~ Ace Paces ~ Canadiens MEMO for vou Gift Shopping List MONTREAL «P) Big Jean Beliveau night blasted home three goa for Montreal Cana to help teammates beat N York Rangers 6-2. Bernie GQ frit t ther three : : ouble hat trick Ir othe Thursday night ame Boston tied Chicago 3-3 nd Toront ew with Detroit i ' Beliveau, crack sharpshooter n the Qu Seni Hockey eague rourht ip from he Quet 5 fi » three- rr 4 teh He whs efuse “ t ms to jump o Canadien A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now so you'll be ready when f the southeasters roar. ra Thom Sheet Metal LIMITED 253 First Ave, Phone Black 887 It’s richer, robust, full bodied... blended to satisfy the taste of British Columbians. Try it . . . you'll like Captain Morgan Blac k Label Rum. Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks Captain Morgan A) RUM Blended to Perfection from Carefully Rare Old Rums Selec ted SONTRO! BOARD OR BY THIS ADVERTISEMENT I$ NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR ra THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA