LADIES DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FUILMTUnE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right, So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20t - Night Phone: Red 217. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PIUCES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO, Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK 1HICK Frenli Pasteurized Milk nnd Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the Ciy. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone CSV. MANY BRITISH IN BIG SWIM KtrtVT EXTK-WTrt AT TOBOVTO FOB MAUATIION rB3M JMWrBALll AB EVOLANJl TOBOsrro. juh aa qturUy AnatraUa waa la B iiaitirdini with his the Otrmptc aaaa and Casada on Ui wf khek mise to be real eon SPORT CHAT 3 COU-THAT3 SOME RAIN" ll!!'!. y- r mna; a( Mtta sthleMs will tc cftptai Utc world's tan( dls-1 swtainlnc cbtuBploiiBwJp in Uui Wrictcr MarmttMB at tkt tare on Sept. S. mto Toronto within the d acctiinc down to that Chariton haw-the """" war learned that Adrten i will rase in to Anaanbs with ; An entry from Millie Hudson the moat brIIUant of Britain's femmiaa t stars and a veteran nuoathoner come nest and then the bulky Berr ron . pspeoluas of South Africa arrived in Ipenon. Ton Fsuiiulum pounded along for l more than 14 hours tost year but lacked ! speed. Lest winter hoeevw he trained j in CeliloroJa and ebanpsd hie stroke to a sts-beat enwi which furnishes mora (speed with ieasesaort. Thea Itomsat Iskte up aaameaej m of fern- 1heBglM ehanl. having umwad in U hours, H muiutee to lower Oertrude BBMhra time. George Close and Dave Bltlhagtnfi are other entrants from Britain who pro more than a doses additional Empire entries from scattered sections of the globe, including two from tfbe West Indies It m more tLsn likely that very aeon professional footDaltors In the Old Country will And clausea In their agree meat forbidding them to use motor eveieaand cars Cowle. the Falkirk cenere-balf. vwa seriouely injured aome tune ago. sod the Falkirk dlrectora hove Introduosd the ben into their agreements. Another eeotuab dub. Heart of Midlothian, bew tonowed eult Sam Wsosworth the EnftlUh interna tional and Hudderaneld full back was ftmiterty Injured recently. Two year lego "DUle Dean the record goal seoiti- ol the Bngliah League, was so clanger -ousty hurt that he was nearly permanently put out of the game Joek lUrknest. the Scottish International goalkeeper formerly of tit Queen's Perk the famous amateur teem of the SeotUah League, but now of the Heart of Midlothian, played lu his Aral league fixture agstnal hla old team who were defeated 3-1. Barney Battles who plays osutre forward fur the Falla River, crack USA ol.s, famous HAT j r I'M NOT n J TO- TO-lsilCHT,- (I CfHM' OUT . i -T-uC THE CANC - AM' wO V .AT DIM it A ( AjsrrwAv OelUe bbck. Br has brcn rrcoitlr Uag Sectiaad nut therr mm LaU he might un on Jar hj labert io club. The ii nn raoard aJ Ayr Dnltad SB the Hrtmtsh liwam. to tbs ftm dtri-sn of Wattefc ttay havr ratoniMi MRc. Hbw to tke aeeoad dtriMtoa w3: fee wrtrhud wKk latowt. Tbeir dpmar wttn St. Mima was a good (tart an am bat Mr was their dxanr with TMrd wmminc- Most of thaoc from the Brit- arh Mat barr Joiaed tbe Ham wrthir the past law days. Kow they Ions a fcrmidaMe aquad. wRjiaiit taking into ent witlcfc nsBShcrs neart; 10 and before the Int eloaas wUI pelade a acore at danseroiH i laaaiinli 1 1. First of the Brttiaaen to arrive on :be aoene waa Menr Wairt oi Sjlue. New 83HU Walaa. haidar at many utam. , A ii c ciaw Australian. Toaawr Adrian of UaUer. la nliiaBj caowB as the eaaefe "Bar" Chamoa, sell might eater startad when It wa :eoud aaaa. CJbarlie Brown got in touch wtth D: right an the h sgain A later wire cantaa the aews of DUt victory over Bobby Jsjnas of Basttk its time tag they knew they lag eOCTY EVER DiD THr) CAME WTTHCUT ! CHAT1N' A UTTL-E-I b IsUar't ground in tfcrt- Third Lanark, the other tab. wli a fine (tart bjr winning faoan Hamilton Ocaifcanlraai on the lattWi ground and their draw with their did "snpasiane promoted Iraaa the iitoti J l-.Tuuoc waa a bard Sought fame last Friday in the main event of the Walla Walla Vn baaing tourney Surely Ota ems an easy winner against s s heavier baner. The IcotbaB. assmartsm of the ctty are hoping fast George TluneU will remove games this seam. Oaorge is the ffAay to the vjharUe and to the refers. Bovril U hmth nutritious delicious 100 Jet It deeiakna at oaee end without any ques tion Arguing does no passible gocd. But there la hardly a least but two "t ttbier want to debate decisions Let them conoanoeke on the game and devote all then- energies to U Then s referee will have en easier tune, the game will be aawe mtesaating and the apart still beneSt. Here's hoping Oeerae wUI U kaos aa 'knlgM of the whistle" be- toM the aessaw etases. Fsethatl The Terminala lineup tor the football snake tonight includes Vic SUnner Howe. Hill. Curne ChinoeH. Bwrdetto. Stradhan. Harrison, and Dickens with Lundy as reserve. First and second reading of -a eso- str ucllon bylaw for a concrete sidewalk on 0tb StreH wet tide and of tnlfla-tive byrsvu for sesewafk etsnstruetlou 3rd Avenue, aouth aide, eth Street we.- laide rswd Avenue to Warue Place I gth iRteeet east. Snd Avenue to Wayne i Placel and Srd Street east were glvrn j 1 ONTARIO PROHIBITS fill Luuvnuiiiutu STILL PERSISTS MTt:o raopu rivKi. for umno COVCDKKBD IN UAW VIAUKIVU Of WAHif LOXDOH. AM a The Old Ganatr ' a great anekKr for hasping ua fatold f 'una daan:r those twin aaaat aw-.rtul deterren- Law anal Fanhion. Onlr few days a o :xtean detandaau ap-pearad befote a Bench ol Horfolk mf -vtrawa to asraer charges ol beiag coi -'.mad ir eaek flgbting an aaeimt aVt-wh sport tha'. baa been batrrad by Sta- ' me these .wndred years They were The report that Madison Dix w t 1 0ned no tact apiece, and no douSt to Sgbt All Harding during Fair Weak , thought It cheap at the price The had been injured in hla light with De- Ttunnes. tao has )uat allni wl the laney. caused total fight tans to wsrry j azmaal apeetaeat of -Sawn-uppUag- th. shout his Prince Rupert engagement ' immemorial mystery which always fia- um prominently among the General a: onoe and got word hack that be v ifceil-l question in an right Delaney bad batted ban en;- ,h-oh Swho-ujreinf tb e)ementar i the yearly ea ting his eye open whan Bxz had ttacn i; ...t -D n, by U,r wn mararra rT srrying the sajbt to him. But Dis wa , :bt oi u a eol- r:l nruesnHtn of mix ruwtng boat" MUSKRAT TRAPPING rar-liearera KeSrre In Old r canailiea Prntlnrr Stoi Itttnend Large TORONTO Aug Jl The provincial government has psasaa a mw uuu no muakrsu a;e to be trapped for a per- lid oi et least oag Twer in Ontario. Tate conaequence of the. ssuendous drain upon wild :ur-bssrttiS sAlawla due to the incrrasing popeaartty both winter and. aUBpmer of furs tor The uniiorm luaroswasi of wild fur-brartiis amn.als is resulting to the de- vetopmcnt a new industry, that of the Mr larmei. The pioneer la this field waa Die lii'bSSW df aUver-bkvk foxes, bu. the avMJS nwsnjser of 'r-- ured br the Smlty ttaos. hlch nrioaa that geabw dan be obtainsd- il.rr their are avaMng th very desrabe antetol raise in cap- ! uvity. : Swampy land Bttad by nature lor 1U- ! .t- -I Sa aMI toHsini4ainb ' at the City Oouuen meeting last evea- j t-n. UDM, the! rc- tt of whicli tbs musbisla teed. I beet eutted to It. Fur frstakg h j tewing tust as Mtxtsasty so stock r lis mg fallowed Be deenaod tor legussr. . suady supplies of meat rr..WM or cats A griimmar school boy handed m the falHwinc roniposition on "Catt.- "C;.t, -.ha?' made tor Httle boys to gaul nd Tciie la celled Mauiteasr ca'ji (tomt catt iv rekernlsed by how quiet tb.t pur, u mid theae la named pur-aiaii ' u; ti cau what has very t.J tetojwt is . d AiHCorie cau And or-with deep frellnv la oaUed Feiiut tata. I dont Ukc oett." Heglas Utdtr. (Tmother-i vE. PiNlSKED THESE LETTERS AMD THCV MUST BE V anted For Sale For Rent data: vdsed POSTED TO-rJlCKT- 1 DEAH CHIUD IOU tWT i CO OUT- rPb RAIMINQ I man School girl wsnu roam sad board is return for aenrloas. Write Miss Ste fir..- r zlyt Hewn banners of lad arM FOB SALS white and t:.t aud white, and maanerl -v King's m-:i in )ererys of soar let. and thosr of the Conrpaniea in whits, tae VjiTDers strtped wtth blue, and tt rrjers' with grssn. The eeaiw are ea- amrnerl for '.he ntehs Which the allocation eg the lygnats; tor the Vtatnem' asm ems nJ tor the Dyers' Ail the trstnerkerl swans an Fb toe tasty Beery yw m Itommbei town and would be is rtM wnrtsers as Sallllaiissiini of a tra- larBar footban centre a!Uon no (odg bundrrd ymrs eld. give . Be la quick on ja bwu, otnaai, at which two savory Ms decisions imme- fatterM tot the oeeeeton ere Hi lately and sbowa no tovars lant it !..., !nt3 the baB in a ussaawimil that If aJwsya the losing teem n rassirr bv the Swan Warden who that kicks a telnet a referee's verdict? (TTTMu nm-ou them tor the These la no doubt that several local .,tinr q. .h. uater .nd hla ruasu ptovim are not good eporta when a de- ins Phillips North Fadfic Cannery ZXCAVATWG CM bi tat Can a T. J. Oarldaon. lnniueas. - pjtao; irory Bedroom set. room sat: XlUhan Cabinet: Kitchen tables Mehogauy FSR BMJC 1 ' 33Tv write or any ood tract I Sa- POR SA1J5 FlVr pooni bouee sad large doubts earner on ath Aewnue W. Oould rent a-UiAS. Frsm U.100. Cash MOB. baiaao MA par month A BSAL SMAF rttX TWO BBST LCTS on ATLIN AV BBVE lor view and lonauon Mot BAST TEKM8 Babys sen: OOLLABT LTktmD Bocklrg OLD KEWSPAPErsS MAY BE TJSS) in- steeg of eeaMtac paper or to lay be- neslh earneta eel the floor. Get special price on tone emsatllie Daily Hews. FOR SALE LAUNCH OWEN. FOOH Haajesiwar Bsattinf amgtae. dU easaptate and la good running aaa-dttion Apply Fallen. fssMy Sews. tvOVBE. sto loosas and bath: tall stosd bm stent, for sale or rant. Fully sto- ar akjctiie'ranas . SM Ststb Avenue Bast. U Double brass be, aprtaganc Oatarmoor saalliss. a real snap Fbone Had Sot. evenings WB3KBR Baby Buggy for sale, in oondruaa. Apply 1S Bakbth Avenee West. u FlfeT-CLA6r3 HsuMtbotd Furniture sale Phone 4gg. I . w BBD Oattoh for sale. Phone Btoek MS FOR ftHNT A GOOD chance tor a house w tie who takes loomeis. room house on Sec. end Avenne for rent Stood location Phne 640JW 180 166 WOK RBffm Modern VJB ftBHT. OLATFBRTON HOUSE. Hints Avenue Bast. Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurer. City nalt tt OR PAfWITABB-riANOS. fhtmgh&H MjewfBg UAhiott. Walker's Music Store. tt FOR RENT FURNISHED FOUR. I roomed apartment with bath. Water I paid Phone 547 tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART-1 meat, hot water heated. Apply Smith, & M alien. Ltd tf I FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room by the du week, or month i PhotH Red 007 tf run kbit. rURNISHBD APART-mtnti Apply Uustaiicm Oroctry. I 1 HOUSES FOR SALE 5 BOOHS and 7 BOOUfi 4 g Uon 8 eSJSO O F ath. Section By George McM BRINGING UP FATHER EVERY 04S MAfX. n CADDY- DEAR- MOTHER 15 -no med in the. 6oaerrr LingtheTailor PLEADED HOW VOL) COM DUCT E.D ( COLUMN THAT WT-M ! YOURSELF AT MR5 00)IN0ESK 619 . ri itta. be mice i jv mm incite r.j'u s n i , OJSN'C6K' RCfiPTOl . Phone . 7 I I 9. 'iD F-KmBHsWg III BU T ' s-BW a AIM i i 1 BUT MIWB- Clothes .Cleanmg like this is worth keeping in mind! Ladies' or Geatfcawii'K Ms steam pressed $ Overcoats 7.1 f Trousers Xt .Skirte Vat Boys Suits TMf SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $KMW Overcoats $2,00 Trousers t Skirt t Boys' Suits 1.00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable rates We call for and deliver to all narts of the city. Oar Special Lew Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues g i aj'-rr" ctt arte a - - CO OC""OM ANTCHT like TUl?- LET lOOf? FAT Hi- . FWTTrtEM- ( i m iw s. h. ,, DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. . 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED action S (2.300 i-Btodrrn. Sec 1 000 good location. - C. DANCING 1. mi riuniHi Teacher of Classical I him-lag Operatic Toe Dancing. Orecmn. Bus-elan. Bgypuaa, etc Asss FhyaBaal Culture F. O. Tie 4tm. Frmne lUark S SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. lid. II M fUKUMNS IN OAS IIOAT ajnatt lor- -Basfnope Xngroea. Oootldg FroeIlexs. aud Tuslube Oil Usets ef aH deaerlptien far Charter DR. K. t ETOIJTKI?t Chlroprarior eas ThM Arenue Tetephutie for sppnhitmtnf. new to Blur SS. Reslaefw jnene Black 2&J Aeute sad Cbronte Dhnrders ttteeeas-fuMy treat etf EetaMeee 1894 FURNITURE AND RANGES Rangee. Bedding encludlng the wee. Xanlnge Boom Stntee. Beds sa MH- i Friday- s P-: lrui Auyec a,,a 1 Tbeaday as c--; Ttmr dy- P- Saturas . !" : rer Narth (Jtmi loii:ays- -s C-IVom vrth tum Thu:Mla f': ; f ar Melh (,um Augtia' 71 r ! Septen.:!r 1'' j rvtMM Mlllth tur. I. ) BeptrmtMr i I Suites, OMstarfteld Suites, Wtoatow Blinds. Linoleum and Unoletiw Bags We sell at very resMnable petres so It win pay you to give us a a0. Wateh our Wlndowa. A. MACKHXTIE, rurnlture. Ftmne tU STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS lor Vsnronrer Honday as. Prince George . . Tntad as as Catala Thursday ea. Prtoee Charles loam Ommntont to Dry Dock sod rry-,. Prinoss Royal .... PPy uurran. Bevenin , natMrdav am rMntens Avenue Beet. 1M nrnm.. u mm nuaaet Aug. 23 Prtiiuatt Lou lee. Monday as. Prince Charles 1( KM ttoaka Wednesday v Aug n -m P-AU( SI Fniir. Ivmi AWe Huuday f- Ajs 22 -. r-Aug ! MML StliEii Salt Lakes rrry aerrioe week days on far the Eat the boors 1 pjn till pa Suadayi Hondsys. Wedtw .: and H Ida vs. 11 am. til! S pa etases ... Fhear SM I mm the Bast AUCTIONEERS. rSINCE RIIPTKT At'CTlOV MART Federal fUnrk rwrdtwre oS afl toast bengal eetd or esdhsaged. Orating aa4 paektag Ooeos eaM a G. J. DAWES. Auelleneer. mark US CHIROPRACTIC Moodayt. Wed toll due . ;Ta Veneeetrr Tvwtdsyt Thursdays Satao-days lemti Vaneaevr Wvdnesdayt Fridays Saturdays CP.. Aug IVjv Antes sad m "-dnt.dya . Mori days . . Fridays Frew Attvaa Slid ' ruaadaea Thuradsat Saturdays . la Vm Hirer Feini- Friday Pram V Rher Pnim- 1e Al point Aug U. I A" " troiM AUka Pb'-Wednesasys Saturday To Kortb leen i"'1"" Jdonday fram North Que 4 pjn. Vr Milh Queen ' 5 pjn j Aug. 18. t Sep t pjn. ' Irnm Hewlli IJueen . . pja. I Aug. 88. Sept '' 7 jn. I Lirrrr.R imx Wednesday w Pr. George 10:3 aVj. Friday at Cardena sjn. Frlday as Prince Rupert 10S8 ajtt. Friday -as Princess Royal . 4 p.m. Aug 37 -sa Prince John pus. Aug 27 -as Prlncew Lnulae . San. Aug at. Pttaeeas Ohartotte ajn. Friday--e. Oerden. SJn l"rnni Port Mlnifnon and Nsas Klvrr Tuesday aa Catala 1130 a m Saturday aa rnrrten S s.m lor Anyot and Slewsrt Biindnv Catala 8 pm Uondty-Tes. Prince phAxlts .. 4 pjs S pm. Bj. ! Orsbam A Atlln A Aug. a- -as PHbistS Chsslotts. I Bw. let AH. A fi , Bt rrotn Vsneoiiver I tnlrvJPtn a Sunday as Oatala 4 rfm sth Ave Thom'- -fttth Me ft Bherrir 11th Aa. Ac Conrn 6th Ave. & Hav ( 8th Ave. tt Hay c 8th Ave. Cotton s th Ave. e Oreen 8; Bth A McBrirtf f Pro. OovV BuUdin lor I'nrt Slinpon and N'uaa Kltrr , Prov Govt. Wharf Sunday an Catala 8 pjn a T P Whsrf OTP Station 'id Ave Aj and flt Srd Ave tt FUlton St Srd Ave As 8th St. Sunday- On' coii-' pin coUsctuin, A-tUa Lottut ft irli'Hi" , id W . V 4 u . i ,oi' '