Jamea Buchanan &Co limited 26 Holbora, London, E.C.L i' it EadianJ Wine flay August 21, 1928. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal iALIFAX WOMAN in i j m zrviix mum F1NDSRELIEF I 4 a Taxi I'iione 4. Hlg 4 TaxL tf Praises Lydia E. Free Dentist. Dr. J. H. dome Phone Cifd Now A delight "to the connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND s2f fj MaVRHflalBflBgm Hk m fll M h1"1 ' aLsU rh advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of iiritish Columbia Specials! Specials! Vacuum Mottles . : 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modcss 50c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment PAG 12 & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Orm.es IM. 7fic Ptonccr Drurfisla THIRD AVE t SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8? u 200 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors HKKJISU THAN THE WEATHER! A Sire for Every Use A Hundred Uea for Bray She 2 TON. TWENTY. THIRTY, SIXTY HKTTEIt (HK'lvER CHMM'IU: Uternture and I'rices on Kniuest Sole Ditriiutors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPAfKNT CO., LIMITED Northern Pailfk Irrlclit Uull.l.iiii lfl Malloa Htrrrt VAM Ol Villi, a C. HEALTH rOLLOn'S wiwismcteMKTi WtKWtOKSrlMt VU IN DBMStSOf I"tr0U0WIMM6M3! nit :L. -MUST ,-UNM vlWS 1 I10MACS wiri soui ftnuieh Of flee: HlaiprrMrti Hlwk ELWON. HjI. CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTROTHERAPY These two I.ijiii In - of the healing art made raj.id liid i" the last few yeurs. Your rei-overy fnmi dixease depends on how noon you run.-nit W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 211 Phones Dlack 283 C and 7 lichanKe lilock. Open Kven!n ;r i Irs? B.C.'C6aSlSteimsbip Services sBansBnaMSaMsBBWmMawaiSBSBHeaaBSl Sailings from Prince Rupert T Kelt'hlkan. Wramell. and Mkacvmv Aneust , li. t. 7' ,l- lu VaiK-nutrr. VUlorla and reitle-!-Aiiinil I. I. k. II. I V 85- tnr Itutedale. It I tells Helt. tsfeuii 1 .11 .-. Numii. tir. Hay. A.BmlM'" ,,,"'r Hd Vancouver every Irl.laj I" 1"" !" (rMB 'nry for all Hteamsliln Lines. I ull liid.riiiiiil.tn W. C. OK( II4KII. Ilenrnil tiiflU. Corn.. . ... ,,. si tornrr pNone of 4th sirr.t and Ird A vena.. Prlnre Rupert. B.f. Chiropractor. C. O. McKay. Phone 184 For sale furniture, etc. 120 Fifth' Av enue West. Phone 335. iZSK Football tonight at 6.45. Regi: Terminal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowell rei Stewart on the Prince Charles evening. turtieesT Lighthouse tender EHtcvan in taHnf coal 1mm Albert tc McCaSery duck thin morning. Mm. Boaak and children were paascn-im to Aayo on the Prince Charli i jeewrday evening, Fair and one-third tor round trip ticket to 8ml the: lor Bulkley Valley's Big Fall Fair. Aug. 31, Sept. 1. 187 TY- tender at the Prli.ce Rupert Supply oompauy for the supply of various pipe and fixture was accepted by tie City Council last evening, theirs being the lowctt otter. Mra. J P. M HauisT:. Ce of the Chief of Police, nnd daughter left on ;hc Prince Rup r t last evening for a wo wteks' vi:t to Vi.uoouver and outturn points Owing to extra heavy freight and a -apaclty list of paueners the Prtnc? Charles did not leave for northern pcinU and the ajueer Charlotte Island Faints till 640 yesterday evening. Passengers booked to sail an the Prlr.ot Chartes yesterday evening for the round trig? to Stewart. An yd, and Queci Ciiarlotte bland points Included Mrs ftVeriS and child, Mrs. Curun. Mlas K Hill. Miss F. E. Wall. Mise Bans and Bthel Ed! nr. B. . Ml-."., O. Bryant. Mr' Bryant. Miss B. Cur tin. Captain and Mr. Klfert aod J. H Mucey. At the City Oourj-.nl ut evening a letter was read asking that a delegate be miu to the Fire Chief Convention to be held at Sacramento, California. In spit ' of all perlsc'lv good reason and attraction mentioned iu th? lettei t-nd the beueii'.c to foe derived from trie convention tlx council felt unable to tuthonat the .;; uditure and the le- ter ai. filed. The F.nanoe C"mmitte recoimnended to the City Ccuncil ever-lrtg the of fer -ft the Royal Pn -i-isi Corporation they wirt oanu'riK :.'se3aak rate of lit-tciest while the R.vaJ Fliiancial Cor poratloat offeieu Ui buv at b rate rquir-alent t s.;o I: view also of the lac', thm the ctty would be in the laanmarkct In In i-eur future aid thiit this ivr- portoTi wi i.id thi-r poaally be ha'.id-;t! i! uber,iures the oiT.r wa accept 1 H N! Rl. TdUiV T"e fxii'tra! ol the lute Archibald Mscrnnld !''e death occurred a ths Pnnre Bupen UpItJ U. Sa'i'--t n pJ ine thl morning from the parkrt nf the B. C. Undertakers, Biahop Bttnot oSlciattnt AKKOUNCtaiBKTS Moose Bazaar. November , 9. AnKllcan Cvthedral Bazaar November A treat In th Peppermint. flavored sugar-coated jacket and another In the reppennint-flavored gum Inside-utmost value in long-lasting delight ! . " Annovinj Bladder Weakness of Old Age Kate!) Kr llrted by SANTAL MIDY bold by All DrHRMs Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 j Halifax, N. "1 am paasfaf thrrfueb the critical pnod pf my life and there is nothinf to equal Lydxa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for all the ills that come at this time. I was dragging around the house, no energy, every nerve in my body on edee at the least confusion, so that at times I almost wished I was dead. My appetite was no tood, I was dull and listless, in fart, I thought I had some dreadful disease. 1 took three bottles of the Vegetable Compound and it is truly wonderful. That terrible drowsiness and hot flashes have disappeared. I can do my work now without that Kood-for-nothing feeling. Mothers who have raised families should give the Vegetable Compound a fair trial. I am sore they will be loud in their praise of it." Mrs. Mary Johnston, 927 Harrington St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Do not miss the Bulkley Valley Fair. ami then, Aug. SI. to Sept. 1. The City Council passed for payrrmu accounts to the amodnt of 1 30.770 ' .-st evening. v Steamer Salvor arrived this morale ind is discharging I a iir at the Alert it McCaffery dock. '. T. W. Walters and V, K. Woods were passengers on the Prsmie diaries ye-raay evening far. Miss Peggy TatWoI EsaUafton was a lancnger on the e&etbound train this .norning en rout ts Yorkton. Sasket -hewaa on a viset. Mrs. PatcbeU of New Westminster, ac-xunpatiled by her dmHfkbn, rM. Doo-nejr. cf Ocean Falls, as visiting England nd the Continent. Mr. and Mrs. Qiaf Hanson arriec, rrem Bmlthcrs on IS train yetcrVa) .lteraoon. Mm. Hanson onttnucd saailt n the Prtnes Bttpcrt. Mlas Laura Prlasetl was a paasengar n ttte Plinoe Chsl .jestertay oa the round trip te'ADfS. wart and Quee Charlotte tslaad pateft. Miss M. Undaay and Miss M. Ivusor were psssengera on ttM Prince Charles lot Uie round trip to toe sort ai Queen Charlotte Istaskd points. The boys what have been wr kteg ail jtuBUMiai stay gaaf nrguaaa laset are No the folks! "VlTkar about that i:uble load of box dUBftjiigsf The kid iWs like to handle It Oaa you beat It it sbjw per load 7 Jipae transier ?hone m. V U The team to represent the Regiment igjln&t Terminals in the Oilhuly Cup fixture this evening will be Brand: ' nmb. Norrtiiftoo. Rosa, Baptie, A. Bcdgklnson: Canwron. Harris. WUsor . inker and Da via. Mr. and Mra. Sinclair aod. family of .he Canadian Rational Railway, car repair department have arrived in the city from Orumheller. Alberta, from which point Mr. Sinclair has been trans ferrrd to the local railway depratment. The Utilities Committee' reoommended to the City Council last evening the acceptance of the tender el the Oana- o'lar General B3ectrlc Osnapany tor the supply of switches and switchboard st a coat of MMOO The reoommsndstlrni as approved. The CPJt steamers are now working on remind part of their summer schedule. Till September S Prtaoaas Louise nd the Princess Charlotte will be an ihe Alaskan service. After that date vhr Princess Louise wis. handle it r'anr til! October S. when .the Brtnesss Mxe will resume her stfllnae. Owing to heavy traffic eeaneeted witH :b- riosirf down of the partner! e on t) e Skor.ia a ud to the fact that a Hiepirg coach had to be switched from 'h- wecbound paernirar train to ae-rv::im jdate the Inrse number of tour-Ms on the eaetbound tratn yesterday i''f train from the east did not arrlte nil 4 15 yesterday afternoon. A oommunlcatkon from' W. II. Doner representing the Financial Poet and requesting the City to advertise In that pnper was discussed at the City Ooun-01: last evening Copies of the papers I vere shown and the alee the adver-tlnug spaces and their re)eeUve oasts jv.r-e considered. While kt was felt that any advertlalnat that the etlf might Wi.ePt from rtiouid be etwpsayed the rrur.cU fell It Inadvlaeabie to spend II 90 ! or 1100 on an advert cement that would apj.-ear in only one tsue even thout the paper had a (irculaAoa of 31.000. The itttrr was accardlngly Bled. TOO l-TK TO CLASSIFY 44-444-4-4! FOR SALS. The A M. MaAson house. Ull Fifth Ave. Bast In good condition throughout Eight rooms: hot wvter heating, two fireplace, be--1 meat with couciete floor; two well Drained level lou Make trie an off.'.. I A R Nichols 197 FOR RENT- New vrn -room heated modern house. Full boaemaaU dose It' 1 Phone Red 730. if t epf JL JL An Extra Pair In the city police court this mornlr. Jsmes Wilson. Indian, was fined 15 cr 14 days for Intoxication. William Mur-.-sy Indian, fur having liquor In possession was fined 425 or fourteen day and Roderick McLrod for Intoxication was fined $35 or thirty days. - r Illgta low High Low High Low High Low High Low ' UINCE KUl'RIlT TIDES TlliSDAY. AKIHT 81 SiOS am. 17.1 ft. 17 : pa. IM " I 11:7 am. " n-M pjn. 6J " WnM3MAV. At W tt ) S.-01 aun 15.7 ft tS:07 pai. 17.7 " 11:45 am. SJ " lilt lt.HAV. AHil ST tl 7 It aiii 14.7 ft. IB M pjii 17.1 " 0:49 sin. 7.T " ltai pjn. B.7 -IKIIUV. tUllM ti. a-mam 14 tt. SO:ia pjn. 1TJ) t :88 am. .l - M46 am. 1I47 " SITI UliAV. ,ll'l T M t:M sjsl 14.7 ft. tlT pjn. 17J " il ajn. 7.6 " 111 pjn. 11.1 " DYSENTERY IS DANGEROUS CHECK IT AT ONCE is the remedy you abmiM uw. It is not an experiment, but a tried and proven prraratioo that has Ixvr uxed in Canada for the past eight years for all UmutI oimplainM. Price, 0o. a liottie ut all ilruggiia ' dealers: put up only by The T. Iil burn Co., tiniited, Toronto, Out. of minim, UtdU'SS For ft irnTrrri m arr, rrriinr Four commencing Second Avenue Days Wednesday, August 22 We will give you ab&olutely free an, extra pair of pants with every suit you order. EVERY GARMENT TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed at prices from NEWEST PATTERNS UNIVERSAL VALUES Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoating Samples just arrived. Come-in and look them over. Toor THE RERGER TAILORING CO., LTD. Producers of Clothes of Quality at 9 nson s DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 0 ippers THE DAINTIKST UUKAKr AST KOOII." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ul Prince Kupert. tLC FltBB VOTING COUPON Good for 25 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Wins" Grand 1'rize Campaign I hereby cast 26 Fit EE VOTES to the crmdit of Miss, Mr. or Mrs. Addreas Thin coupon, NEATLY CLIPPED OUT, name ami addreas of the candidate filled in, and malted or delivered to tbo CumpaiRn Department of the Prince Rupert Daily News, will count as 25 FREE VOTES It does not coat anything; to cast these coupons for your favorite- candidate, and yjti are not restricted in any sense in voting thejn. Get aft you can aoH send them in they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must be voted on or before 8 p.m. Auffunt 29, 1928. -i "i .i7 431