ui ii. .v. August zi, iazu. cCthc . service i i J Fairbanks-Morse Type "Y" Oil Engines These engines are designed to give reliable power from low priced fuel cil; Simplicity in design and construction contribute to high over-all efficient y. Operating costs are kept lew by the efficient consumption of a wide range of low grade fuel oils. Require Jittle attention Have low maintenance cost Fjlrbankt-Morit Vtr Ileal Mtitl Enflnrt mi mud. In many $iu$ from VI to 40 II f and from on to tl tyllmlm Fret bookltt from our ntarttl brunch The Canadian FAIRBANKS-MORSE Company Limited Si. John, Qutbcc, MmihiI, OtUra, Toronto, WlnJior. Wlnkiprf , Rrf ina, Cslssry, Edmonton. Vtncmtvrr. VktorU ISS H0SIERY $3 Uood l'hnne 27 TxistefiM Only In Corticelli Silk Hosiery do vou find Huch exquisite beauty combined with extraordinary wear nnd perfect fit. sizes and shades of this ; rior hosiery always in stock. "The Nobby" Roofing nnd Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoof ins Minernl Surfnced Shingles Koll Hoofing Huilding Papers and Felts 1 verjet Elastic Faint I'lnstic ElastiRum Shingletains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch, Distribute' rs- Albert &McCaff cry Limited Phones 11G nnd 117 liemers The Latest Thing BUTTERFLY SKIRT Sizes 14 to 20. P.O. .127 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE KAIEN ISLAND WOULD RUSH ROAD COMPLETE SIDEWALKS ATTENTION SI.AKIIINO ,NI (IHHIIHINO HtO(T.i;i- A UH! II MAN COMPLAINS OF TOO INO IIKYONI OAM.OMAY KAPIOH Ml'CII DELAY' AMI ASKS 'SIOHFV ItUllKJi; KITE ; ' 'hpi:i:ii r r 9P eompleUon of the 8kena Highway I ftMMIM tittn Tel.. wl ftuw, T. r . - ..u rruicv iupvn to' tUlloway Rapids Is the first step In ine ouuaing or the road connecting Prinee Rupert with Tenure tract for the work I finished and there v a good road now for over seven miles from the centre of the cltv. After b vnr of wear during which time it will have had time to nettle this section will need another thin surfacing of crushed rook mixed wtth tar to make It a first rat highway. Oood pr -grew Is being made with the road beynd the narraws Bv the mrt nt the month the slashing will have been completed as far as Phelan and the pull ing oi the stumps la under way. The neat step to be taken will be the building of the Oallowav nciniru bridge wtth a pier on the Island In the mnraie oi me rapids. The Kalen Island road Is a picturesque one especially at the further end treIKrToes TO CONVENTION Slit. .MATHENOX TO IlKI'ltFKENT f'lTY AT (I.YTIIKKIN'fi IX TIIAII. The Plnunce Committee Co the Cl-y Council last evening recommended that .' delegate be sent to the convention ' the Onion of B. C. Municipalities u ho held In Trail on Baptember 12 and 11. The recommendation was approved. In the matter ol the delegate the name of the Mayor was put formard but Col McMcrdk felt that he had had his hare of trips at the expense of the city M.rf also that he could not spare the time The city fair would be on at thn time and he felt he should be here Members of trn flnan-e eommltire ii nd themselves also unable to go. ow-to the date conflicting with the da'.? tt-e Exhibition, and it was decided 'ha: the city treasurer. D. J Mathesou. be appointed delegate Thr convent ton bar made arrange - menu for the delegate to be shown through the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company's pleat That Is the largest plant of Ita kind In Use British Empire. MAY USE ROCK F0R IMPROVING GROUNDS BORDEN ST. RESIDENCE A ritmrt frrm f h nu. rH nf UTnb . Ht taw won sat of J C McLennan to: ''f-rmiaaion to use some of the rock that as excavated while laying the wate, maU-.eri Burden trset be compiled wi'h waa approved by the City Council lat vaning The Improvement would be for the sdvnr.iage of the city and the city v ouie also be spared the coat ol moving This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia the rock that Mr. McLennan waa desirous of using. A retaining wall would be built and the appearanoe of Borden Street would be materially Improved . especially since the recent road alterations left the gardens and kawna so much higher than before the new road waa graded. A report from the Board of Works recommending that a tlx -Inch water main be continued about a hundred feet weet of the termination of the rtx inch main on Borden Street, at a cost of approximately (100 was approved The present pipe la only 1 H Inch and Is not of sufficient star to meet the demand of the locality The tender of Rose Cowan At Latti for the printing of the street Traffic iind Parking Bylaw at a cost Of ST5.90 we the only one received and waa accepted, on the recommendation oi the finance committee to the City Council last evening. (J 001) FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your firsts subscription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Dally News gifts with the grand total of more thnn 86,000 votes. Thia coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber -. Candidate's Name r Amount Enclosed This couon will count 10,000 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince Rupert Daily 'News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. LADIES' Novelty Kid GLOVES Imported Direct From Belgium We have about 10 dozen of the (Woven, every pair perfect. In dainty cuff style, with broad embroidered silk points. In shades of steel nnd white, nude nnd white, natural and white, black and white. Sizes G to 8 Special value nt $2.95 1'AIB Fraser & Payn& Universal Trading Co. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prime It n pert. For VANCOt'VElt. VKTOKIA, hwanson liny, llutetlule. Alert liny, etc. i, ,Tvi7i'lVlXi!n'vi( TOItlA. Ilnlnliilt. Alert liny. etc.. Sutiirdiiy. 1 a.m. M imul SIMI'H IN anil NAAH ICIVKIt POINTS. Friday. lir AlVllT: All'! . ANVOX, HTKWAHT. WAl.KH ISI.ANII, POKT BI.MPHON. "'Avenue1"' K- M. SMITH. Agent. Prince llu,,Bt. .c ii Th?nii if iVckelH sold to Victoria and Seattle, and l.uUuKe elm ked tlirrtinfh to '"""""r At the city council meeting last hlght Alderman Dlbb brought up the ques tion of the apparently spasmodic son Hlruclkm o! concrete sidewalks in the city and the effect that unfinished work might have at the time of tii, Exhibition. Preparations were made for the work A building concrete stalks material wa coughl and equipment u, era bled and then apparently nothing uc done fo some time. He bad also bren interview e! by citizens who said ttuu the een- structkwi of the sidewalk), was gon- isive enough without this apparent waste. lie thought that the work should e completed wnue tnc weather was good, and that In any case the walks-should be ready for the uae of the vis itors during Fair Week. Alderman Rudderham thought the work might be delayed till after , the Pair. Alderman Collart thought that It could be finished befoi the Fair and be n good sign of the progressive spirit of the city. Alderman Prudhomme thought that they could get the work rushed on 6'h street and completed before f air Wtk while other construction might be delayed till later. Mayor McMordic addej that they had been expecting the tar-via plant for several -weeks and had wired repeatedly but' that the delay was due to the operators, not to the city. Alderman Collart wttded a new subject when he said be had had con.-plamta that the city was removing rocl; on the property of the Orand Trunk Development Company, on the north side of Wayne Place. This was a surprise to Hie Council and Urn ngineer wa to oc emmunicatad with to see if such wo the case. The whole matter will be taken up b the Board of Works and the construc tion cf sidewalk omttiunued with da regard to the convenience of the visitors of Fair Week and the stores of the city. OBJECTION TO TAX ON CITY GRAVEL BY DOMINION GOVERNMENT A recommendation from the Pinna Committee that the Dominion Oevero-mant be requested to amend the Cus toms and Bxett Act tot Um eoDecttoo of sales and prcduetioa tax from the city on the removal of gravel from the city property for the use of the city, be made impossible, was approved. Mayor Mallard (Matted out that according to one Interpretation of the net the city 'operating a gravel pit in Ita own boundaries might be taxed for txccvatlng the saavai and etargeti a produ-rtion tax. and then also oharaed a sales tax for using the material so ax 's vat ed for use In otMr parts of the city. In a much as the Dominion Oovcrnr men hJi not control over the land in municipality, they have xya power to impose such s tax and a)te reeomaaetula-tlon is to the effect fhsU the act be so amended that this Interpretation be impossible. The council went on record as beta ft In favor of such a reoanunendastoa. DATE MESSAGES AT PRINCE RUPERT IS WISH OF COUNCIL Alderman Prudhomme suggestion that all wireless messages from Dlgby Island be sent as from Prince Rupert wee received with enthusiasm at the City Council last evening. 'It was pointed nut tfcavt to the great majority or people the plea of origin in all these message given as Djgbf Island conveyed nothiag to trie outside world The plsce of eftgui tnkjht ust an readily and with complete Jsffl cation b- given at Prince Rupert. Thai would more usefuUy indicate ft pohtt of origin of the message and in merwleoltlg thia city in each message PruMe Iiupert would get repeated asxl valuable ad vertising. Alderman Prudhomm stated that the suggestion had been made to him and that he waa In entire favor with it. The council was in full nftiemeiit and the city clerk was instructed to communicate wtth the Dominion Government nnd with J. C Brady, M.P.. asking tu have the necessary arrangements made NO PAYMENT FOR COW BAY CROSSING A communication from R. Philip. deputy minister and public works en gtoeer was read at th Otty Oounoil IssM. wm&m Osting that he oouid not re osmmead payment lor the Oow, Ty rossinc- Referring to the leater tram the city engineer -on tlie quesjtlon the deputy m in later stated that tit cost seemed to be out of all reason. Th Council felt that this matter Mad been delayed too long Already and the secretary was Instructed to pre the matter for immediate payment. i:sy to ciiooni; Child i wltli ix nay to suendl How many of these sweets flo 1 get for a ' penny? Shopman---Oh. six or seven Child I'll take sevw, then please. I Candidates Owing to the thousands of votes in coupons and subscriptions which were cast in THE PIUNCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS' campaign on Monday and Monday night, it was impossible to get them all double checked in time for the vote count to appear in today's paper. The votes are being checked as rapidly as possible, however, and every effort will be made to get them in Wednesday's News. They will appear Thursday at the latest, and we will do our best to gtit the vote .count ready for Wednesday's paper. LATEST 1928 MODEL Pontiac 2-Door Sedan Purchased from WALKER & ROSS Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price Sl,200 ONE $500.00 AND TWO $100.00 CASH PRIZES LATEST 1928 MODEL Ford Tudor Sedan Purchased from S. E. PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price $860 10 PER CENT CASH COMMISSION TO ALL ACTIVE NON PRIZE WINNERS IMPORTANT CANDIDATES For the candidates living in Prince Rupert, the 'Campaign Manager will have subscription lists ready tomorrow (Wednesday) . Thoge lists should prove a big help to the candidates who wish to work ion them, and you should be among the first to got them from the Campaign Manager. SUBSCRIBERS Before paying your.Bub-scriptions you Should be sure the party asking you for it, is listed in tin; list of candidates, only those who are entered as candi-didates and whose names appear frequently in t2ie columns of The News, are authorized agents of The Daily News. For Full information, call on, Telephone or write VOTES positively cannot be transfer-red from one candidate to another. Kule 8 says In part: "Vote are not trantfera b 1 e . Candidates cannot withdraw In favor of another candidate-Should a candidate withdraw from the ' race, hie or her votes will be cancelled." Some candidates have not known of the above rule, to which-there vWlK alMlutliyjjeW cSWJIflTOi. 1 CAMPAIGN MANAGER The Prince Rupert Daily News PHONE 531 Campaign office upon evenings until 8 o'clock PHONE 531