i J! t ' V t. c. II li : t i: i. t a u li li i it J; i II tl II .1 t: it .t ii it l II I II li li i ii n PAGE TWO Players CluFTake Second Place in Basketball Afler . Victory Over Native Sons Maple Leafs A'in Again Over; Drill Team, Naval Reserve Beats C. N. R. and High School Defeats Colts The Players Club defeated the Native Sons 26-20 in sensational game before a large number of basketball fans in the exhibition building last night. Both teams played a very fast combination game and played it cleanly. miLd Very fe personal fouls were called, ch team the basket often, and the spectators were in constant excite - ment jneiiL throuehout uiruMguuuu the tnw game. aiuc. were executed with, speed players travelled at a very high point man for the Players Club with 15 points. Smith. Mitchell and Howard placed, good combination and their wdrk resulted in most of the baskets. Dido Gurvich was high scorer for the Native Sons with seven points. Budinieh, Frinell and Gurvich worked nicely together, with Vie Menxies playing a stellar game tif guard. The game started with nice combination and open plays. Eaeh team had possession of the ball many times during the first five minutes of the game. Doug Frir-zell opened the scoring for the Native Sons on Howard's personal fftnl llur shots i were taken at Mli hikti hnt witntout success. Players' Club called time out. Bu - diaich foaled Mitchell, who tied the score. Howard added another 1 on D. Gurvich's foul. Howard aaV q 1 ju-i rr mh rf f rnm rant rp in add a couple more poiata.. , The Sons put on a burst of speed but could sot score. The Players' P.luVi taUri time out strain. How ard scored on a nice pass from Mitchell. A technical foul was called ob the Players1, Club be- at tfu.ir reiriuferpH til ' Hi uu a v - oaUtu? tram, the' Jd- tin IKV Anrvih roistered on! the free shot. Budinieh scored on FriaxeM's throw-la from the side-liae. Bagahaw pataed to Smith ia the centre of the floor,' who sank one without touching the ring. Further play centred, with both teams fa the middle of the floor. The aaVf ended with the Players Clab leading 8-4. Both teSBM tried hard to score during the first six minutes of the second naif.' Smith scored oni 8. Gurvich's foul Budinieh took a leatg shot to seore for toe Sons. S. Gurvich received a pats from Badiniea to score on a hard shot FristeU fouled Mitchell, adding Mtor joint to fee auk Frh-.111. intencepted a Players' Club 1P4 tokkwe, BsdlaVh scred on a Bass from Friueil which tied fcWscstfe 12.12. D. Gurvich took a toBg pass irosn v. itnzies to scon. Howard tied the score ec Kaiser's paea, 14-14. The Players' Ciab called tine eat On a fast I flay, Friasell to D. Oorvkh, the Sons again took the leaf DTdo' wared oa Measlee' foul. Howard f intercepted a pass to score. MH- chell eoored oa Menxies' foul. rruaeil 7olei helsey .who faHed to scon, Frlasell was off with four persofal fouls. Mitchell, scored after a nice dribble. S. Gut-vie Bade a nice shot to put the Soas in the lead 20-19. How- ard put the Dramatists in the lead I with a shot from the side. Smith ' scored on Mitchell's rebound.' Howard passed to Smith, who again scored for the Players' Club. J. Bryant 14 The game eaded without arttiertJ: Gomadina 1 acore. The game-was -played in II. Smithwaite 0 the spiftt that tbe jpeetakerslke- R. Wicks 0 to see. No hard feeling existed T. SmHh 0 between any of the players on B. Bacee 0 either team. Both teams tried Total 22 hard to wfci, aad.wjn playing 4t clean basketball. The Individual scores were: George Mitchell 5 Tom Kelsey 0 Eddie Smith 5 W. Bagshaw 0 Total .25 Native Sons of Canada Pts Per Dido Gurvich 7 1 Spiro Gurvich 2 1 s,D.ou. Friftell A ,4 All iumiii6 during the uH,6un.v game the plays and good judgment, and the i last pace, ron nowara was I Vie. Henries 0 2 Mike Budinieh ..' 6 2 Jack McNulty 2 0 ; Total 20 10 Ladies League In a game featured by open play , and good combination the Maple Leais aeieaiea me unu ieam o-s ; in the hardest Ladies'! fought It8 a ,onif h to thf League game to date. There wasl n the ,Mther.puihinjr Karae. HtUe to choose between the twojand one fa,w p ean dr)p tht teams Both had numerous shota bet fn the bBsilw, to the at the basket, but scoring was im possible. Maple Leaf 8 Pts Per Lillian Lowe 0 8 Ida Boddie 0 1 May Ne ...... 0 0 Margaret Gilchrist 0 1 Joa matters u 2 Vera Smith 3 0 Total 8 7 Drill Team Pts Per Cath. Irvine 2 0 !Laura Frittell 0 2 Ella Steen 0 1 Connie Morgan 0 Helen SilHm 0 0 "Evelyn March 0 Nellie Gurvich 0 Total 2 4 Intermediate League R. C. N. V. R. defeated the C. N. R. in a very good game 19 12. The C. N. R. boys played their best game of the season and their shootiag was their only drawback eTideatthat he under-eatiraatW in last evening's game. Miller, a matter that has lot th The individual scores were: .bltt, for mn a cod flr- R. C. N. V. R Pts Peri ' Fred McDonald 6 2 nnnfirn Plin Johnay Herce 11 W. Bagshaw 1 u G. Dyer 0 0 D. McKeasie 1 Total 19 5' a N. R. Pts Per Toen Fraser 4 4 Louie Astoria 1 A. Styles 4 a MKay 0 II. Horn ton 0 M. Cocnadina S H. Skatterball 0 n tt a a 0. J1UWI u Total 12 Junior League The High School defeated the 'Colts 22-8. Playing a much harder and better passing game, the High School was able to be victorious, The Colts were inclined to bunch and to play a slight individual game. With mere practice and coaching the Colts should give a better account of themselves. The individual scores were: High School Pts Per W. Johnston 7 1 Colts pts Per J. MeNulty 4 2 :A. Walters 2 Nelson 2 uisatfloh s ,1.., 0 M. Gurvich 0 Total 8 7 R. B. Skinnsr refereed the intermediate, ladles and senior, as- :'Isted by W. Mitchell. W. Mit-'i chell refereed the junior game. Oke Jackson was official ecore- .keeper; Henry Jackson, timekeep- er; F. W. Allan on the door. There was a very large attend- ance of basketball fans. SPORT CHAT Such little things as the debacle on Thurs THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, I),.,.,.,, , World Sport ' HARDING MAKES i SPORTING OFFER day' aight do not help the fight (Is Willing to Fight Dido Gurvich game locally. Many fans werej for Percentage of Gale, heard after that engagement to! Winner Take All express the opinion thkt hey are not going to waste their good I money on fights in' town for a while. Such criticisms may sound the Mme th9y are for the game and make it that much harder to st? future fights, it 'nay not, however, .seriously af- . -jttu 1 . acau.inted with Alf t0 t0 know Know that tnat he ne will wlJi gP Jn ln there thre, to win and there woaH be any monkeysfiines as iar as ne or nu opponent are concerned. A battle between the ever popular Alf and Dido, who ia reported to have made eonjlderable improvement, 'albeit hedid not show thorn Thurs day night, should prove a good drawing card provided it ia properly handled. Local fan would, no doubt, forgather again for h a tu,fe torn from whence be came with a dull, sickening thud, as Jlhuny McLarnin of Vancouver found out to his sorrow in Detroit, when Ray Miller of Chicago defeated him on a technical knockout ir I the seventh round of a scbedulet 10-round bout, writes Sy Mover. With another crack at the lightweight title almost within his grasp; McLarniB noee dived back to where he will have to clean up on all the small fry in his path. The trimming he took from Miller was so decisive that it is doubtful .if any promoter would Jimmy, while he kept up a rtg ular training schedule during hir four months' stay at his heme I ft Vancouver, was overweight anc decidedly not in condition wher he left for Detroit a couple of weeks ago and had scarcely tim to get himself into top form. It GAMESTODAY iuruur, tec. : Results in the second round proper of the BsgllsH Football Association Cup follow: Carlisle 0. .Lincoln 1. Tranrrere 0, Bedford City 1. Wigan 2, Grantham 1. Aceringten 7, Speaaymoore 0. Starbeeo 2, Darlington 2. Gaiashoro 2, CnesearfieJd 8. Barrow 1, LansfteM 2. Stockport S. Soathport 0. Cwatb Palace 8, Bristol Ros- terri. atord 2, Merthyr 0. Brentford 0, Plysnouth 1. Norwich City G, Newport 0. Torquay United 0, Exeter City 1. Fujham 0, Luton 0. Walsall 2, SittioBbourne 1. Guilford 1, Bournemouth 5. North Leeds United 1, Charles ton S. PROGRAMS FOR THERMO Saturday, December 8 :00 Philco Transcontinental frogram. KHQ, KOMO. KGW, UGCvKFI., , . ,, 7:00-.5 Hour. KHQ, ..0MO. KGW. KGO, KPO. KFI. 9:00 Correct Time, KOMO, Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Blffljr Rfllf ved bj SANTAL MIDY Bold h) All IriiCKlU I In answer to the demand of Dido Curvich's backers for a guarantee of before Dido goes inlo the challenged him, Harding showed hi8 f'th this morning when he he was willing to fight utrvich 'or Pontage of the u. popular, as tar as the fan iire concerned, since it would assure nl either boy would put his best 1 fort 'to win uvcr the utner. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division 1 ! Arsenal 8, Manchester United 1. ' Biratingham 2, Sheffield United i , Blackburn 0, Leeds 1. ' Bolton 0, Burnley 1. Derby County 6, Westham 0. Ever ton S, Leicester 1. Huddersfield 8, Aston Villa 0. Manchester City vs Bury post poned. Portsmouth 0, Cardiff 1. The Wednesday 8, Newcastle 1. Sunderland 2, Liverpool 1. . Second Division BarasJey 2, Reading 8. Blaafcaaol 2. u-u city 1. iford 4, Milwall 0. Bristol City i. reston 0. Chelsea 1. Tottenham 1. Clapton 1, Southampton 1. Grinshy 2, Notts County 2. Notts Forest 1. Middlesboro 1. Stoke City 4, Wolverhampton 8. Swansea 2, Portvale 0. West Bromwich 1, Oldham 0. etlHh: League, Division 1 yae 'Aiinries l. Cowdenbeath 8, Hamilton 0. Dundee 3, Motherwell 0. Falkirk 3. Celtic 0. Hearts 3. Partirk Thistles 1. Kilmarnock 7. Raith Rovers 1. Rangers 2, Aberdeen 0. St Johnstone 0, Ayr 0. St Mirren 1, Hibernians 0. Third V.nark 3, Queens Park 1. SHO0TCOY0TES FROM AIRPLANE Stripped of medical terms, the DENVER, Cola., Dec. 6: Use theory is that a blow or succession of aeroplanes in the fight against of sharp blows on the jaw or coyotes is being cons lered by head, whHe not sevtfe enough to government officials in ' oledado. injure the sknjl, can cause pin-It is the intention of Lao L. point hemorrhages 1b the working Laythe, head of the biological parts of the brain, principally the survey, to arrange for a trial portion where the nerve strings flight soon, and if the experiment that control the Hmho and other nroves successful, planes may parts of the body bttach together frequently be sjsecL , in the brain. Laythe bis eosnmualcated with The theory indicates that the survey offeiaa ia Wyoming. Wow increases pressure' on the where a siatllar . experimental ktain fluid, causing nriaiite rup- flfeht was raash) October 18. Al tures of thin blood vessel walls bert M. Day. leader of predatory n resulting in neeaorrhages. animal control ia Wyoming, said Suee condition never is found his assistant, JL P. Williams, wnen tn kuil fractured and shot six coyotes ia less than an Pressure su the fluid released by hour and a half from a plaae. tne breaking of the bone simui-Williams used a shotgun. jtaneous with the shock. GROTTO LEADING COLD STORAGE BILLIARD MATCH L .Onijr oa 9kar game wss played last night in the second division billiar fixture, Bert -Morgan (Grotto) winning over A. Mac- onald Cold Storage) by a score of 200 to 180. The total for the two games se far played is 400 to 848 in favor of the Grotto. Other games to be played are as follows: J. Hillnaiu (Cold Storage) vi M. M. XtLac)laD (Gratto). W. Bailey vs W. a Willleroft J. CambpbeU vs S. D. Macdon ,ld. j Motorship BeHioghafii, Capt J. ' . Anderson, arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from Ketchi- kan with two carloads of frozen i fish for transshipment to the Eas - tern States ever the Canadian 1 National RaJiwaya. I Hk-tttZi 1 Air. w :; -y-p LINDY GOES AHUNTING IS Mr.X CO Colonel Charles Lindbergh, second from left, is here seen n lug during his huM into Mexico. The group, photographed at the Hacienda de Terrexwtes, in toe AUU-consists of Lindy. Lieutenant Roberto Fierro (extreme left), ansj their guides. PUNCH-DRUNK' BOXERS SUFFER INJURED BRAIN t).nallll. nf CL... IH..o i II.. J Actually Causes Small Brain 600 local hockey fans the Van-j. " Hemorrhages couver Lions of the Pacific Coast 'I wonrTvl H' u NEW YO.l-Vto2" iBt? thJZL tKl" inr unrIH inrroA wW hv scientiflc left hook, is atlll echo- ing-,the effecU hf medical re- 'search into the condition Common - ly known to the ring as "punch WDWJ ns; oes- druiAeBnees' ' ertely to since the first gasne 1 The revelations of Dr. i Iarrison j ot th n hr-S. Martlaad of Newark, NJ.. in The Lion tpfaag a three rnaa a recent issue of the American j defensive oa the Eskimos and Medical Association Joarsai, have clever work by Art Somers, the developed a widespread re-acUoo , Lion's captain, did it. Jerwa. it in professional boxing circles , where A.1 the symptoms A of L "goofi- i ness" heretofore have bfen dis missed by the explanation : "His I brains are scremMed from taktoci them on the chin." 1 j Medically, there has neter bean established actual proof that such a condition as "peach drunk" existed, but Dr. Martland, coupling the opinions of observers -with his own examination af five boxers considered "slug batty has finally evolved a workable theory. The Theory To Dr. Martland was gives a list of 28 boxers whom a promoter "whose ability to judge the physical condition of fighters is un-Questionable" eanaUred nunrh drunk Five of thm emlned. The condition of others, aartkul- f'y those confined to a sy Turns, could not be learned accurately. j actual names are ghren but Iclose followers of the ring (Way identify by their initial some of !the subjects lifted herewith, , B. N., lightweight fought Joe Cans, has little control features land limbs. I J. D., heavyweight, has fought Weiner and Fulton, thlkh slow and drags leg. ! - ! J. T.. lightweight has fought Leonard and Kanaas, drags leg. B. B., lightweight has fought Walker and Tendler, punch drunk. W. J., lightweight, has fought Dundee and Leonard, punch drunk. . F. J.. heavyweight, has ' fought ,Willard and Weinard, punch drunk. A. W., lightweight. In asylum. jLIONS LEADING HOCKEY LEAGUE I Six Thousand Fan Watched ; Game at Seattle Jt Night ' DIlimNn . mr9a " nlnl SBO Cap- turft ":US Mrs. M WW 17 andfr? f th ! t0 J WW leadership ' J waa who scored the only yoal of the night in the third period but it was Soraers effectiveness that stood out all evehinir B. M., heavyweight. ha fought jMoran and Tunnev, in avliim. J. G., heaveiiflit. ha f.m'l,t Pltssimmons. Johncon. SKar. v and Jeffries, in asylum. ? b RISTMASigEm CHRISTMAS .sKAl. Christmas Seals sitnil.u to th. above only in colors ;,rc ai' : n being sold this year by the Iran uuille Tubercolosis Society for lite purpose of financing the work of investigating curable ratten of tubercolosis. seeing that the pat-' ieets are given proper treatment j and care and returning them to j their hones strong and well. It is a forward step and worthy of i support FOIlEHANDl.t) A writer advis aut, mobile bears l v stand ptrfertly -1,': But Will he gUiir: : shan't lie perfefti gone by? 'Boston 1 1 i I BOTH ADKI'T Town "i This adverti.-mirr lishvd or (ii -Li'iuoj' Cm. 'i" th- io , errif ' I'.l; FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOUKSFLF Walker Motor Co,, Limited Phone Rluc 389 2nd Ave. and Hh st