THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, December 8, 1928 A SURE SIGN OF CANADA'S PROSPERITY iiiE Daily News ..i.i EiiT BRITISH COLUJIBU . ,vp; Sunday, by Prince Rupert ;i...t'd, Third Avenue. Managing Editor. US r er.' yii'Ay wrfoa paid In advance- itiici- per niontn j : ,u., Central British Columbia, .i:t ui biStis'h Columbia, the British ;n.-:.:3. p.. id'iri' advance per year .... n-rrtt nap won,- iir; mew, "per insertion i: i runt rage, per incn ' ion, per line P' r ir.M-rtion, per word ;nai?-r;on per airate line Oontrart 'taftoe on Application v" (! !-.i::u: i id Circaiution feleuhone - 93 r ;i,u! importers Te"'etfine - - 86 ! of u4)t ltieu "I Circulations .60 $&0v' $1.00 $G.0U $1,411 $2.80 .25 o 16 Saturday, December 8, 1928 jUa election - '-rui was a, Very close contest and o ; i i ov. a margin that it meant little, t -iit1 i .riiy was so greatly reduced since hmi. i lie won and to win is the Great nan.itheleserisout iioimrinTftn W :. . i'mnioett toakes no difference tcHNTFRlfiR - hii III! I I t. wtv .law mow vi VUiilUlUllO CltlU . lilt amount of representation from : . m!j: is still the only Liberal member . .-n the defeat of Fred Stork and ... v.v -o act alone until the end of the vVhat will happen then no one can i chosen to represent the country in . :.';in it a candidate. i J Dr. Kiny will visit. PrinrA Runort SALVATION ARMY Come to the meetings which are held oihniin- afternoon and night of every Sunday, 11 a.ra fttSO p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Home League Sale and Tea December IB. Christmas Demonstration Friday, December 1. Christmas dinner for the needy December 25. All Younir Feaple's activities this week as usual. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . (;. He was seett bv Olof Hanson, thftlocal ' in the PrincajGeorgs district, is : r :crrrty, and expressed a, wishitt visit 6 do fed' Very soon. ; tsif. Th big upward movement of - t rr-.Md-by-g mwldcn drop that srfbok the a ciUuaaewind brouriit financial difficul- Ohrfetian Science Society, 246 Second Avenue This" Society is a branch of The Mother Church, The first Church f Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday Services MEt .m. Subject, ' Sod the Preserver of Han." ' Testimony Meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is oodially invited. IN DIFFICULTY Meetms of Creditors of Thrasher Lumber Co. to Be Held Shortly The F. G. Thrasher Lumber Co. r-4wtu ho. period ef gambling there has ' i0M came . tn. iu improbable that some money jwill be ipnditu involved in the instai , . . . ... Ul -ZA.: -I i.1 1 lj i .ttnn nf a nf A,. 1,1 u - v iiitiiiiwHi BwuiiucB aim uiwe biiouiu;'"""" - " j '""f.' 01 mimng ana other stocks. Take in financial miiicuiues and a meeting of the creditors will beheld at Snowshoe on D.cember 15 to discuss ways and means of carrying on the business. The company met with heavy loss during the past summer, when high water on the Fraser River took lout ii large quantity of logs. This on top 01 heavy ex Thomas A. Burrows Lumber e i, . i i . a. ... .... in nmniiuw nxtH HinrvHKHn DECLINED FKI.F.DOM OF GLAS;tv , Princess L.uuiiu I'ucni'ss of lArgyle. declined itiie offer of the Alderman of the City f Glasgow The to ?rnt ner tht' reloni f that qq city, ine tuchesa, Deing eignty its years 01 age. thought sne was n !S 0. local theatre Which are old willinirIle,8T0 UMat th Thrasher too to receive sue', an honor . '-' They pay over seyen per co. financially provided the .... . ...... . ... u. x i e ; a j ...z swmavu irum very lew lnvesi-i money is ueev'tn 'mseping tne mm .it:i :-ii ittuoi't gages on land wrach .V'. o and- les easy to liquidate. h; .SAMPLING PLANT are s iic- ri agitation for an ore sampling ne t! Prince Rupert. It is generally :? nv ith of the Skeena River is the -! such a plant in that it is where ll v ouid serve Portland Canal and 1 would also serve Terrace, Usk, ''iley and other interior points. Ter-: it and the idea is a good one, but vt would be prepared to provide it, T J- i!( it w ould be a great thing for without saying. - mm Duee fund 1 i flf. pOfVf-twn; subscribers the H. Wl4lMdj)( (,. , i Bowing dolkirs comtflliution toward the u i uitd of the alvatln Arraj- to provide a i !ierbe reweadMtid n Chrintmas Day ) .'! of Ghriatataa .bampeie for poor fiim- Signed Meed USED CARS . ' :AN $700 ' und Sfl Per 3Ionlh. 1 )H $.(iu i i rt l2Sft'er Month. :.KV VAN .40. SjWOO i v.i $:( I'er Jlonth. i '. wtVMtv ?v.j. . r.jjwoo- m : 2." I'er, Month. ' ' ' HK.-K SRDAN huiMtaatial Discount. FKER, LIMITED ( 'i.l' IJ!..l.ftlIB f I'hone 83 .... - -m-A. - i -miajMmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmm operating and -not liabilities. . in iiWting MEMBERS OF LIEF MAIK GEORGE OF NEW HAZELTON IS EIUCKSON SOCIETY MET LAST EVENING LARGE OPERATOR meetrng last night, members of the Leif Ericsson Society enjoyed Maik George of New Haxelton dance last nitjht in the Metro has 22 men employed this winter pole Hall, music being by Miss H. in his tie camps on the Skeena Uowen and J. ! ki sted. There were River. One new camp is located re- iUtiona by I. Fenness and Mra. in timber which will last for A. Moen and songa by Mrs. Karl about thiee years with a good(Dvbhavn as well as selections by force of man each season. To,a mgie qUarttt hnndle the timber, which will be ! At the meeting. which was pre-sent down the Skeena River, ,,1 over bv jack gelvig, it was George has Wiflt five miles of new decided to hold the annual Chriat-road as well as a couple of mag tree, dance and enUrtain-bridges. Oeorg1s now one of the between ( 'hrjatmas and New largert nnw opntors on the Yeara. The-annual meeting of gooa. .n MM , i ' GOOD SERVICE FOR TOURISTS TO VISIT POINTS IN SUMMER The publicity Committee of the Hoard of Trade reported at the nee ting last night in regard to a matter brought up by J. C. Brady M. P. at the previous meeting. The committee said that it had discovered that there were ample facilities in the summer for side trips to Stewart, Anyox and other points, a steamer leaving here i every Monday to those places and returning Thursday, the fare for the whole time being $16.20, including meals and berth. j In addition the steamers Prince Rupert and Prince George made regular trips to Stewart and An- ryox anttoffe "tnrmnrh passengers ' side rates of $12. 05 were given. , fflig jKilimi uf-thg ll-N . It tn mak- j ing provision for this was to lie ; commended. The report was adopted. Union steamer Cardna, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at midnight last night from the south and sailed at 1.41) a.m. on her return to Vancouver und waypoiuts. i v. aauw a wests COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDV WELLINGTON THLKWA Also Ilulkley Hny nnd Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. UNION ETHYL 8TOP at the Alborta Murket and try this true ANTIKNOCK HIGH C0MPRBS6I0N CAKOI.INJJ K"J': ridi- ith Ethyl. Toronto's new and ever-chafing waterfront is rapidly becom ng one of the most impressive on the continent. It is not long since the Toronto City Hall (on the extreme left of the picture) stood alone, with here and there a church spire pointing "P i"t the sky. Now it is almost hidden in a maie of giant buildings which have been erected duriiiK the past two years. Immediately to the right of the City Hall tower can be seen the Concourse Iiuildinjf in course of construction, whilt next to it is the lofty Sterling Building. Nxt to the Sterling Building, and slightly in front of it, can be seen the low tower of the old Toronto Union Station, one of the old relics of the Queen Gty, Which is being torn down. To the right again is the new twenty-eight storey "Star" Building, and in the centre can be seen the Royal York ffole), yJUflhhgingort'cted by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Jong huilding it! the iSVjm Station, while on the extreme right of the photograph se?n he Royal mm MfflfftijMl the C.P.R. Building, which for many years were the tathwt office structures in Gaelic Try MOTORING ,nt,. once Plain or ftUlk, jou'U like lU ROW N TREE'S CHOCOLAT Plain or Milk Chocolate with Almonds and Raisins GIFT SUGGESTIONS For the Festive Season ma y Lingerie for Xmas Gifts IjACE-TIUMMED NIGHTGOWNS Individually boxed, asaort-- edlhades 2.50, S3.50 a "."$4.50 ' KAYBBR PURE THREAD SILK TAILORED VEST AND .BLOOMERS Assorted shiklt. Suit $5.00 . VEST AMD DLOOMERSqipvfl tflk fjuiph, .itsPHHtifaHy tailored, iion-rip teams. Suit ....... ........ ...4.25 ! THE NEW 8 IN ONE GARMEmiTrBite, Vkmnta' and slip combined 4,50 THE NEW 2 IN ONE GARMENT Brassiere and bloomer. M , $3.50 s DAINTY LACE-TRIMMED BL00MBRS-Kee. jiocket, full " double soat, non-rip Boatn $1.95 ROBBETT BL00MERS0ontrat tiim,1n a v. .ariety of pretty t $1.50 PYJAMAS Tailored and lace-trimmed styles, in a variety of plowing shades; beautifully tailored $3.50, $3.95 ! d ; 4.50 , DAINTY SILK VOILE GOWNS Lace trimmed, assorted . "os $3.50, $3.95 WE CARRY A WONDERFUL yAttlBTVOF TllGH-CLAS , ... M. . .... ' Fraser & Payne o 3RD AVENUE AND 6TII STREET