I . Deceoiber s, 12B HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 !... t- : ...... v.. ' r. i " JACKI'INE AND CEDAR Singly toad : $3.51) Double load ..., $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWJtf I'eofcliia PeerietB Egf ........ . . . . ; . ...... $12.00 Pembina Wnslwd Nut $11.25 Alberta Soot lew Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage and Night Service 139 Second Avenue Canadian National Hlic Largcfl Railway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE aina fro pium k ki prt n vamhii kr. vicrtmu. tf.atti.f. s4 1lrrllai i-u. rntiiAV. o ajiw f WWut! AXKV. aat WHIXIWIUV. 10:0 p in. F..r NOhtl( tilt MH'TII tl HEX I HAKUiriK 1SL.VM lWtllgitly. " 'w rvwrvarii tkaiv ikah: Fiirr nm:r I4,.h M(MAV. WKWNlAt "d ATI RIAV St II aju. If 1TMS( IIMHKii:. IIIMOMOM, WINMPIl. all liU ba.teru CHi.ada. lnRe.1 HMte. . AHI:NTV AIX IM-EAX STEAMSHIP LINES City Tlrket Office, 6J Third Ave, Prince Hupert-Phone 2G0 ICAKADIANj 'VrA! :mzi B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert K K!: . ... For-nuted.,, r.n nJiSr ra-mon mdaylt P Oanli.i.JU Rivet and, Vsnssvei every from ABM'XJflortall Htranmhlp tinea. : VW. U OHCIlilUl. Jieneral Arnt ''""'CWf tatreiVsn- Srd, Avenoe. If'" Rut"- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED FO, VANCOUVER, V.S ST'S - FrTNt.vVcTon.A. XlW For ALICE ARM. ANVOX. STfWARl. WALtU isin". NAAH RIVER, Sunday. S Jim. . , prinre Rtt.ert. B.C. 123 Ind Avenue. R, M. MIT"; and ACIitle heallie. and anu batsaje n ehe aed Through tlrketa aold lo Victoria throurh to duttinatlori. The following is the scale of charges made for reading 'notices : Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks. 52. Funeral Notices $.1. Funeral Flowers 10c per ' name. Marriacre and ErnrntrpTntmt announcement $2. 4 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of Mooseheart j-a inn Christmas (ncert JiooUi Mem orial School, December 18 and 19. Canadian Legion Salvation Army Home League sale December IS. Jan. U Pen. 8 K. Jt I HUM T. JOHN' . T( Olawmw-i.ivi:rpml Dae. 3i Montroynl jam. 4 la.iiiU lure Jul. 18 ... MOD' f fB.Tir . Marob 1 troral MtnncMaat Mliuiaouaa TO OI..MW-lIXFANT-l.lEKIHim. Dae SB Minnaooaa Jan. 11 sitM! aaomrow Maiaaaiaa MMnrose TO ClltllllOl B. 34 Mauia : 31 ! A plr AaeaM tvtrrwrxr or J ). TOR8TBK. I 3uStiaral Feu. Ajl. CP.K. Stawan, vn TdepboB. Kjgp- r.'izv v?-&a ' PARK THRKF Local and Personal News In Brief 9S - Bl Wil li I I I I I HHHH &. Tal'Big4TaU.tfljj--j7-- , , , ? . j I' SCALE OF CHARGES Dentist, Dr. J. IL Gosse. ?hone 11 ' ' , "' ' " " '" ' 4 1 1 LET YOUK CHM8TMAS AND NEW .YEAH LKrTEJtS SHOW YOUR PERSONAL GOOD TASrE IN t STATIONERY- Delif .tely tinted lett.-r pai-r h increasingly popular, although plain white in aiwuyx correct. And for a dainty gift, you cannot go wrong with a box of notepaper and envelepes. Our new stock ii now on display and values and quality are -both better than ever. Just have a look at our Sixth Smet window! Fancy and Plain Boxes, in different site, from $1.00 up. tones Etd. yfic Pioneer Drugcists THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. ' TELEPHONES 8?,20O Scandinavian dance In Hall, Saturday night, Decem ber 8 at 8:30. 289 Mian Enrydice Lundquist sailed last sight on the Princes Itoyal for a trip to Vancouver. Tommy's Taxi (Phone C71) announces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car in business, tf Ewart Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre). teacher of pianoforte. Studio 16 Federal Block. Phone Red T01. ' 30G Whiit Drfre and Dance, first rirBt in the IiBt of Canadian Friday of every month. Farm 'papers is the Family Her-; " - . ; w and Weekly Star, Montreal. , rrinee Itirrwwt IMavra' r!liK Al f 1 . year or three years for! pWntf "Tte Savine Grace At ft W farmer highest div-! tLe Capital Theatre, December 10idend Pyin investment and the and 11. jfamily cJrcie gets with it the Eagle's Wtdat Drive and Dance lPtceaLgr IS. beat of all magazines free. Rev. John Sutherland from inwntii in tbe pulpit of First Pres-1 Studio. Christmas byterian Church here. Later he I Tree Saturday. December 22 from will resume permanent duty as cow u p.m. , 7 ror C. OHa andithe Rupert Pharmacy now. n n Dance DraLer 3L Moose Hall. :Thor JoiuMW. preMmed to have I shall offer for Hale by Public Auction for cash on Monday, the 10th day of Dec, 192?, at 2:S0 o'clock in the ufti'rnoon at the loot their lives there last week CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTMAS SAILING ciorti- Friday. December 2i, the Canadian National Steamships announce that on that day the S. S. Prince Rupert will be held here blacksmith shop now occupied by Uiti, (..(M, pJB arrlving Vancou- Jamex Hunlcr. S Landlord's Bailiff A. Nickerson ver at 0:00 a.m. Sunday, December 23. Make reservations early at City Ticket Office, Third Ave. Phone 260. 298 PROGRAMME OF ORGAN RECITAL ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL Sunday, th Dec- 102S, at 9 p.m. - r f5UTMAKT BY EWART UYME IT. iiM Masph TTpoo a TkOM at WOtlSTMllOilUa'KTtiiittueUoo. MoniTOT ii BOGLLMANN Deualeme Suite. Prt-ludr Paatoral 2 Allure! to Con Moto. 3. Andul.imo 4. Final MarcLe.' BATtSTB A (aula In O EWART LYNE-Orand Fanuala. "The atorui " , IntrcrtuctaK Hpauw "Th Day Thou Oaeaat." Evernal Father trans u Save," and "Peace. Pertert Pea.ee." atAHXY Tocrats. SCHUMANN AoanaUad. tUBEULS Finlandla. Collaclluii ill aM of the Organ Fund Out thw o'i! und brlim it with you Walk Upstairs and Save Money MADAME ANNETTE ANNOUNCES THE OPENING ' ; " ' " -LADIES' OF HER1 NEW READY-TO-WEAR STORE At 613 Third Avenue (over P. Burns & Co.'s store). The Ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to inspect her new stock of Dresses, Hats, Lingerie and Shoes Madame Annette has just returned from the East with a full new stock of trie very latest modes. Why not send a photo home CW IfiVARI F WHIST SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR thisXmas? There is still time to , ., The Ladies' Aid to St. Paul's New Glasgow. Nova Seetkt, has j have them taken Tor the eastern arrived ia the city from the eaatimail. Sittings made Sunday and and will relieve for the next evening bv amxilntment. Benson The city council convened In committee at 2 o'clock this after- nnnn in train irr inin tVip ntlMafion UKlVt AWU VMlt Lutheran Church held a success Evening Don't fltll tfl U ihn heSUtiflll i TW. lira. lariro .rnw1 In miaiater in one of the Vn&couver wn j ,. oum4- hv Mr . L.. v,i.. CBttlC MS. I IT Po-LiiK on1 1m rMrtlnnm 1 J-l... .-J A-- UIA -t..U Nave of the boats whkh have uuu 'imm UJ ivc auu utiKC iieiu iaok iiiii in the "Sflting Grae" at the Cap- in the Moose Hall by the Women itol Theatre Monday and Tuesday. 1 0f the Mooseheart Legion, the beea atsucbing at Hartley Bay, Be eure to reserve your seat at It event proving very enjoyable. There were twenty-two tables of whist and prise winners were Mr. and Mrs. John R. . Morgan las follows: men's first. D. C, !r' ,MPector of eikf dtwwaiag, had retHrned up to' rrHred ln the city on the Cardena I Schubert; second, H. Okeil; third, teRM, arrived in the city on thebWs momiag. It is presumed thatilftlt nlght from Btrtedale. Mr. Jack E. McCrea; ladies' first, Cardenii last night from Victoria,-, the bad weather has prevented , Morgan is here to pay a visit Mrs. F. E. Bush; ladies, second, being here on official duties. them avtthtg back. Moantime,lof insptten td the new sawmill' Miss Eileen Dunn; third. Miss K. BAILIFF'S SALE Mathew G. Drew, landlord; Jainea iiaater. tasjaat By virtue ef a Landlord's Warrant, directed to me, I have seised of the goods of the tenant: I drilling machine wdth all attachments, including elietric motor, pulleys, drills. B. A. l f I 1 mere ia mo iurww word as w Riiimn. c-ru-. uiii, ia i.Tnknan tne rate waicn overrooK ute xwo who art lest snarang, etc.. aiso z anvus. nam-. ,n ordpr t accommodate tnose mei wrencnes etc. Al of which deslrltjr t0 g0 aft4sr KhooB which will seen be in operation.! After cards, delicious refresh- intents were served and dancing The Family Herald and Weekly I followed with music by Dave Star of Montreal is net only a ' Eastman's Orchestra, Jack Mor- money maker but a money saver !-"'on waa master ef ceremonies to tne rarmers oi uanaaa, wjme, " - - -.p. vi the farmer's family circle in the M. Nickerson presided at the' iuternktioaal afame-rial Service or Roald Amundsen, at the of the tender for the municipal H Decembtr 14 at 8 p.m. hydro-electric plant and the 25-'- program. Admission free, year franchise with a view to ar-'Everybody welcome. riving at a recommendation fori " submisshtn to the regular coun- cil meeUng ah Monday evening at UQ Y0U NEED SQME which arrangements will be made ETRA XMAS MONEY to have the matter put before the . . people in the form of a money bylaw. ENGAGEMENT '.-', V 1 MACHINE KNIVES j YOUR GIFT SHOP A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF EVERYTHING IN THE MOST Suitable Gifts for Xmas Make Your Choice Early! ful lul At this tiro- cf rut. nosi L ' of ui couid uw .vlra dollars. Thit little gift for ' Dad, Mot: .-r brother, sister, -j relative c.- fr': . ' dees not, w- r. if Tiohh an-1 need to suck you. eres-i (Tit. asm a i nounce the engagement of their a way to do it onlv daughter Mary (Mayme)! Have you any used furni- Amelia, December am t r a i . . au v 1 1 rxi r n n v nwwmr arstaati ri t Arm A . Women of Mooseheart Leo-Ion uaiaaf yesieroay auernoon IIo$teee at Affair Last in the Metropole HaH, Mrs. Theo dore Strand being convener of the affair. Mrs. Lars Dryndahl, Mrs. Ellas Skog, Mrs. Leon Sanderson and other ladies of the church a&siated generally. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For VnciufrT TuewUys u Ctl 3:30 pjn. Frldty Prtnoe Rupert S jn. inflty m prtnccwi Royal . . 10 pjn. Friday as. Otidcna 13 midnight Dee. lm. PrlneeM Mary pm. Tnm VanconTer Sunday -at. Oatala 4 pja. Wednesday Pr Rupert 1OJ0 ajn. rrWay aa. Piinocas ROTal 4 pjn. Friday a. Oardena pin. Dec. IS aa. PrtnMu Mary Noon Dec. 29 . Prlnoaaa Mry Noon For Fort Mlmpon and N'aai Blver Sunday a'. Oatala S p.m. rnm Por Klmpoon and Naaa River Tueaday a. Catala 11 80 ajn. accomnanrlnir matfaxine, gets "oor. The committee in eharge lor Mr art. iTrmtrr, Anjox and Alice what is admitted to be the best onaiae.d f Einar Larsen, 0f a)!. i convener; Mrs. A. Wick and Mrs. P. J. Ryan. Sunday . Catala 8 pjn. Vd&eday aa. Prinre Raprrt 10 pjn. From Stewart. Premier, Anyox and Alice Arm Tueaday aa. Oatala 11.30 aJn. Fridaya a. Prince Rupert 1 pm. Inj Queen Charlotte luand Dee. IS an. Prlnoe Charles 10 pm. Dee. 29 aa Prtnoe Cbartaa 10 psu. From tjuren Charlotte lalanda Dec. 18 as. Prlnee Obartea ajn. Dee. 71 aa. Frtaee Cbariea ajn rr AUU I Dee! JS aa! Prtaeeai Jary . , ID Ueorge J. d. Anueraun. -"j - . gmotheriDr iiells and .vedairig' ,to .Jake place, on, -ies around tne nomei won U(i lt M lmpoasible r- i an a an wriip twt askkM v . iai ifli . -r ,1 ina au aaia. cim a iuw v uwMUivv 1 ' - VaW.!j:V55-j5anaa f fK rtinkitlff Hfnfij.tinri laii .n..k..a -amiiaaBi'n i-vvw-mou . v w - b . ..IV Hr all L U IIVWBVl AVU tuaiJ have an article aooeone else wants. When you find it, ad- vertise the article in the Daily News Classified col- umns. It costs little, and when cash accompanies the order, you tret six insertions for the price of four. Turn used articles into Umiav Noon Noon After trying many treatments, in vain, I st laa de nied to try 1 i me much 'urh Let our Advertising Offiee have the details. Their tele- phone number is 98. j 4 Chori cJ Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Seisation Mnt. H. Day. Uartroouth, N5.. rites: "For over a year I was troubled I followed. and, in a sunn's'"')' shortness for be- which thort time they gcxM Print &Or ner box at all dmszilt Of dealers, or mailed dirert on reeipt of pries by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, ()nt. Montreal Importers Sale of Sales is now in full swing PRICES CUT IN HALF Come in and Convince Yourself