Man in Hie Moon I s flofjiing of J for MiN i fV muy hovo heurd ahoul. tin I i took oil her thirty fil-.1 n rumrc ig 'il' and b -knew it .somebody hi. I inr 35c. Ten Years Ago in Prince Kuperi December , 191 s. is a movement on font in tu ask the homiiiiot! go1, -to recognize ih! servkSt wr? Liott.-Col. C.'ff. V.C., by i))Oliitinsr hiniuio !!.!'. A petition to this te prepared. i i ilt of a sic till made last ilowinSixth Street, a man ounindy. wtU appear in nurfr tomorrow to answer i of selling liquor. T. IV PaHullo h.iM taken ittcr up with the federal npieiit and has received a-that a new wh.irf will at Massett. Fashion Fanchs lawny 1" Th. Shade Character- and the various tawny are extrenwly smart just sent. Bapeiially i thin so; 'its wear. . frock in the ilustration con- I a crepe-blouse printed inj . tana and brown, the skirt j lnown. wde bronii siii-ili belt has' ne botkle of old ;ind is alt' -'inr cpanectioi. f. '! two! li" frock. FOR KENT - Furnished house- bfiAril n m - i i vciiik ruunw ny me aay, weeK, or month. Phone Red G07. tf j FOR RKMT Automobiles, pianos' IFOR SALE Newly builpcombin phonographs and sewing mach- m-K. Walker. Mask Store FOR RENT -Furnished artnu-nts. Phone 427. single Nanafmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaino-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Welllngton Mine-Run. Beacoji Hard Soot less Lump. Beacon Hard Sootiest Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is pirticularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise vou. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ap- 289 FOl: RENT Six room apartment, furnished. Mrn. Thor Johnson, Phone Red y). 289 WANTED WANTED Camp rook (woman) nuni position. Clean and cap-ab'c. Rcfcn nt es .supplied. Ap-l ' I'nr IRS. X"wh Office. 288 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkthr ' ( General Handy Man. I Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and j Repai red Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. SHOE REPAIRING i-ouis sciiimr, announces the opening of the old Gunsmith shop on Second Avenue and Is now busy MAKING AND REPAIRING SHOES The best leather, the finest workmanship and over SO years ex perience awaits your orders. J LOUIS SCII HUG I 3.1 Second Avenue RED'S: i ransrer itU experience TOrniture AND PIANO We Mil 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity JUWIDllI Oftlll' llivnf KM Ou? price, weights and measure are right. So is our Service Phone us sad Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. FOR'flAIi Ford Sedan Ruck-j TRY CHIROPRACTIC iu equipjieu. rnone uiacx wi. For Headaches, Backache, Scia- 288 ! fipn nnrl Stnmnih Trnnlilo Jition fiahJboat . K. Bay, . FOR SALE 38 feet! by 10' 2 moniH and four two room ap-FOR SALE Oak library All articles as pew. ntogs. 969 Senevth Tsuimira, Cow j . 29.2 Call eve- j Avenue E. "SALVAGE AND TOWING" 2H0 FOR SALE Household effects, cpnsisting of dining room suite, ,ea. cabinet, bedroom suite, tli&b, ' stoves, cartts, etc. PhoHTBIafk 414. 2S8 do It." PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi-t'ons for Charter. Row Coats and Canoea tor hire. 'Bargainjin Gas Engines i 4..f 1 AGENTS FOR j , iVtn' HJerck, Easthope. flicks 4 jllullantyne Engines. i ! Northern B. C. Distributors ICoolidge Propellers ' lrJUit(0WfeH Candidate:, prepared for all University and Professional entrance exaninions, in English Mathe Particular attention to those learning English. Terms on interview. . P. McKenna, H. AT. C I). Care of Box 153. Daily News Office MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dailv. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander niovr. J73 m:srit iu.ock DENTIST BRINGING UP FATHER WHAT ? A BIO 'iA'-a IN HST? iNO DREi5i) OKlTO-OAffa VELL.,I'UU DReS's-AMD BE OVER Nl A SHORT WHILE Id KOSvOY' f X I You wil be surprincd how they disappear Consult W. C. ASPINALL C, and 7 Exchange Building table, i Corner Third and Sixth Streets portable gramapbone with rec- Open Evenings ords; large flower atand.hold phones: fircen 211. Black 283 teri plants; wicker work stand. . DR. R. K. EYOLFSON Aided by bi new ANALYTK Unfailingly picks the correct n -ve centre to be adjusted, and the right adjustment at the right , time brings quicker and better .results. Inquiries solicited. Th- f TW ! ConiwlUUon Free Johnson is for sale a4a going concern. The stock 111 all in first claw condition and of standard brand. Thj store enjoys an established trade Phonew Office. Rlue S3 Re. Red 589 NATUROPATHY Acute and Chronic diseases, with tb . fishermen. . Apply j fracture, spralna and dislocat-Mrs. Thor Johnson, First Ave. ione treated. Observe! Treat-PJlone Red 4tti. 2Ps'nient given at your house only. For appointment call Green 510. Dr. I W. Thclning. N. D. If it' on or under the water v.e 292 ' inrnrt fTtnnm Packard METAL WORKS Chimney top, cave troughs, conductor pipe, roof flashing. v arm air fu,rtUKM, pipe or pipe-less, stove pipes and elbows. Out of town orders promptly attended to. Phone 310. Rox i67. 227 Second Ave. BARGAIN ltf JJSED CARS 1 Ford ton truth. 1924, Chassis only $100.00 1 Ford Rr-adater ,psli very, 1924 .v. $100.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1926. A. 1. condition ...... $375.00 We have several motors suitable for .marine installation of the following makes: matict,' . Latin. Greek. Hirtory. t md' Chevrolet, Continental and Geography, Individual tuition. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Wrecking service day or night. Phone 52 289 WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dresj-ed? OUR SERVICE PHONE &19 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the cityj For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let ua take your workmanship, style, all guaranteed, leat material." and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 HCV ARK toO- DOC? ftAY- WANT YOU TO ACCIDENTAU-T KUM OvEK TO Mf-KOOit- TELU- MAG CI B. Hat10VT MOT QO OUT If- "OHt QiTa out- i'ul os. eaoKE Cjk k I ALU ALU WIMT6f WIMTEIs oJS vi '"7" ' pucau- BATHS' FINNISH SWEAT RATHS May now be had at the "Rupert Baths." First Ave. and McBride St. Private sweat room, shower., bath And dressing room ffor Ladies. Best remedvjfpr rheU'-J tt ftA r- int. I of health. A quick, safe and pleasant way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold in one treatment. Rub-down and massage if desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince you of the benefits to be derived from Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WICKWIRE, Attendant 71 A I It D It E S SING New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of 311 LADY BEAUTY SHOPPE Price $10.00. . Also Finger Waving, etc Phone C5.1 GOOD EATS CAFE Under management of Mrs R. Peterson A gooa place to eat MEALS 50c Home Cooking, Home Made Bread, Pastry and Cakes MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE j INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten years experience on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at our service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Ndnson Rothij; well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. - . Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box C6 Trappers & Buyers ; Gentlemen: ; i For twenty years you have been getting good treatment a from Goldbloom. And. Gold- bloom Is in the market for everv. kind of , fur. , 1 For a squtre bring your FURS tO y Goldbloom The old reliable house OH-MM-JlCCt- ITS A COODTHIMC OROPOtiO iNi- YOO MUT KEtT-YOO ARC VfervT PALE-NO TRIP OUT OFTW& HOObG.TO-OAT IF VOU DOn4'T WANT TO iih Columbia continues - CLASSIFIED AM RTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND in uf spite the GrjtH of th.- to i-nnverl persistent it. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. wild eyed Grits Th- Victoria 'fptf stronghold, ,1 I'lunkattltoqK the flag ,1 l iy waving he old rag ll Id thftwt agaiuat a warrior bold. , ior. I resident iF the Unit4 serve ii four year term FOR RENT FOR SALE CHIROPRACTIC EMBARRASSING MOMENTS "mWm wad TDLt you AW 7D C?d iri gfrWJPII TOO FAk PfXM 7HE AJcS'T M3U FSrffc-: ;& ISrr&DVoiT TD H0U BAB mjUZ c-M MIS A'tF. - Uumi VDO'fVEVft M?, 1 1? 13 , - - :: , ' r A i HER tto applicant for daughter s hand in marriage) : "yes you say you are a wool merchant. What exAtly do you mean by ihat?" . . 5, s rf out, lui. ! ri- I Tmu hi Im. t" B'f . APPUCANT: "I stuff wool into STRANJGE-I OOM'T FEEL'SICK BUT 6UPP05S THE DOCTon KNOVft BEST- bottles of aspirin." London Opinion. Advertise in "The Daily News" Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive By George McManus