4 BREAKS UP IN YUKON RIVER i"g to unusually mild 'i' ice on the Yukon i at Carmacks, mlday "ii Whitehorse and ii. after having been since the night of mlier 6. startml moving i thisfnoping Ad raju , ;-:hojiff until tbe.ityf i ifiir according to word "d today by the Gov- tit Telegraphs from ii Territory. Tho. water reported to be rising "H.v at Yukon Crossing. ( an occurence Is rather 1 -edented. Usually nt I mil of yenr, the Yu- lias been permanently ' il over fnr nm time. B. partment at Vancouver. iniBiiimir ,m,ny to operate seaplanes at Prince Rupert to Z II. Shockley to Build Nurses' Home and Apartment Block at Kssondale K. H. Shockley. formerly of this city, who is now engaged in the contracting business at Vancouver, has been awarded the contract by the provincial government for the erection of a nursee' home and apartment block at the new Essondale Mental Home. On the nurses, home,, which will have accomodation for eighty-seven nurses, he bid $01,174 and on the apartment block, which will accomodate the mental home staff with eight flats, $3S,NP. EXPLOSION ON TANKER l'TTr.T ARTHUR. Texas, Doc. a An exulosion aboard the oil tanker Gulfland this morning, kil led three unidentified memoir of the crew ami Injured sQveral others. NEW APPOINTMENT VANCOUVER. Dec. 8: Major A. V. Hamilton of Victoria, re-...ainl from the Pur Willi; - n .. t n nnurtment of tne viov- A was apiwinted to the Provincial Public Works de Bayvlew, 3K, Nil. B. C. Silver, 1.25, I.JO. . Beavef Silver 10, 17Mt. -! Big Missouri, mi. Nil. Cork Province, 3ft, 20. , Dunwell, 10. 15. Duthie, 80, 86. George Copper,, 6.25, CO. Georgia River, 28, 20. GrandView, 56, 57. Independence, 9,' 9. Indian 4, Nil. Inter. Coal &. Coke, 36, 37. Kodtenay Florence 21 Vi, 22. Kootenay King, 31 Mi. 32. L. & L., 6, 6Vi. Lakpvlew, 1, 1V4. Lucky Jim, 25, Nil. Marmot Metals, 7V. 8. Marmot Gold, GVfc, 6. Mohawk, 6V4, 6'. Morten Woolsey, 5, Nil. National Silver, 17a. 17. Noble Five, 50, 51. Pend Oreille, 0.75, 10.0C Porter Idaho, 65V4". CG. Premier, 2.20, 2.25. Rufus, Argenta. 2i, 23 Ruth, Hope, 55, 56. Silver Crest, 7, 7. Silverado, 65, 80. Sunlock, 2.50, 2.75, Terminus, 9. Nil. Toplcy Richfield, 45, 46. . Toric, Nil, 3.55. Wellington 20V4, 21 V. , Whitewater,. 4 J5, 1.20. Woodbine, 494, 5. Oils Fabyoni 5, 5M. BUSY AT K1TIMAAT COMPANY Board of Trade Endorses Action of the Fisheries Association re U. S. Fishermen The Board of Trade at its meeting last night adopted a report of the fisheries committee in re-j na.l 4 . t I - t f I .; up wun oiewan anu omer mining camps oi me men and the fishing for salmon -t liood is being organized here now, according to of aliens in Canadian waters. nnour, who last night made the announcement at The following letter is being sent ; i id of Trade meeting. These planes would carry t0Jt1)0 "hermen'f Association ,,rs and freight and would also carry freight and jTiit : i s to the mines in inaccessible parts of the coun-1 rhe pfince Rupert Board of ,ioid expensive packing and Construction Of trails. Trade has been requested to en- The nrw company is to be called j dorse a resolution that has been DADDrn !tn 1,rince Rupert Airways. 'forwarded to you by the Northern CIl'TDPIT It Kl.fi KlIiinr.K The statement of Mr. Armour B. C. Salmon Fishermen's Assoc-itUU11 "UXWUU followed the reading of a letter iation with respect to the misuse 10 P k riTITDrn it y M. J. Lee of Ujrder, Al- of Canadian ports, etc. Li lifAr I IJiVtjL llk' Milton Goaifthtt 8klug.(can salmon fishermen. b; by Amer- , for inforttttiofl att the powfWe "We have made representatioM " establishment of such a service, upon Uala roattn;th..patnd r International Ring is Mr. Lee quoted instances of mines beg to adrise that'wtfare in ac lit TniU nnd Confesses that could be served by an air ,cord with the spirit of the requestJ service much better ana cneaper made bjr the Iljerrnerrs Assoc- ANCISCO, D. i . H: than by pack train. ,lle said , they JaUon., e yteateriUy recovered d 100 tons to transport to the , "We have long felt that the iircl jtoods valued at;Naas River from Stewart, a dis- conditions they citf are serious .n half million dollars, tance of 60 miles. There wer,e. ,90,3 nd a menace, to, .Uie Canadian, i ted a nan giving the roads and few trails ljut a doaen aalrppn Industry nd are of ouin-: Joseph Bauer at Los 'men would be working there all Ton that steps should, be taken to ;ts heading the ring of winter. A plana ' would le re- bettfjT the condition." .nal church thieves. Iquired capable of handling pieces! : t included gold chalices, of machinery weighing four o STOCK QUOTATIONS !h!, vestments, carpets, five hundred pounds In a single) J I r.mdelabra jewels. Po- piece. I (oeurUaf of B. D. (njon Co, itd.i i t hat Bauer confessed and The letter said that many mine . u others in I.om Angeles, were pay'nf cent a pound a mile entv. and Europe. More: for packing their auppllea. The The fo'towing quotations were 1 Catholic churches in the airplane would aoon take the b'd and aiked. iti-s and Mexico were: place of pack horses for suchj police said. , supplies. I The transportation committee MiAS DINNER FUND GROWING 1 In istmua Dinner fund in i with the Salvation increasing but not as a could be wished. A i' I more money will be ii the needy are to be looked after. Small will help and will be ' ked through these col-: he following it the pres-i- of the fund: i acknowledged . $40.00 Rode $8.00 of the Board of Trade is to collaborate with Mr. Armour In regard to this matter. FORMER LOCAL MAN IS GIVEN CONTRACT KITIMAAT, Dec. 8:The nat Ive people of Kltimaat are mak Ing considerable Improvements to the streets nnd sidewalks of the village. Mete CUSSlFlEDJPjT Boston Grill r , ) ne reada th Claaairied Ada. , LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursday and u low, adrertlw for It. If j Saturday H . u find, locate the ownr. Dancing fvrry Saturday nlfht from 9 to 12. ff ut you need, advertlue for It Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private r.KT THE tl,AHSU IEI IIAIJIT. Part lea Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper . No. 288 7 A PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATU RDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1928 Colonel Theodore J: , as secretmy of the U may recrive the nt -veil. !ef:, n-iio -e n-.me has been suggested :. r.avy. ;uid Dwign W Morrow, right, who .i i ictary of ,'tate in the Hoover cabinet. Stock Exchange Crash Took Two and j a Halfl&llion Dollars- from Paper Value of Slocks New York Market - NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Papcf values of stock an 'the-Ncw York exchange have 'shrunk more than two and a half billion dollars during two days "of reaction. General Hlotors depreciated more than $300,000,000. The dive in common stock of the Radio Corporation of America of $72 from yesterday's close was the spectacular development today, the third day of the crash. Radio touched $29G, which is $121 under the record high price of three days aRO. New Installations to be Made at Seal Cove Lumber Mill and Will Close for that Purpose The exact date depending to some extent upon weather AnnniinMnuint whs mailo tnrinv by Ex-Aid. M. M. Stephens that ; beacon l'ince Rupert and the in- he would be a candidate for the mayoralty at the forthcoming municipal election. WUhin a few day he will issue a statement on civic affairs. Mr. Stephens has served for three years on the council and for two terms was chairman of the financo committee in which cap-iism and they regretted .v the mat ...... aclty he gave the city effective and fearless Mervioe. Many of PRICE FIVE CENTS ING FORMED IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE TO SAWMILL AT SEAL COVE Hem Airways Company Being Formed Here to Operate in the District ,! Armour Makes Announcement at Raard of Trade .'.iceting Last Night Following Heading of Letter From Stewart URGES ACTION ! IN REGARD TO ! THE FISHERIES FAVORED FOR CABINET POSITIONS Operation on King Is Suggested to Relieve Lungs but too Weak Despite Higher Temperature Indications Arc That His Majesty Holding His Ground After Refreshing Sleep LONDON, Dec. 8. A bulletin issued at 8:15 tonight stated: "The King has passed a quiet day with some sleep. The raised temperature persists because the inflammation of the lung must be of necessity slow in its progress towards repair." Five doctors signed the bulletin. LOND.ON, Dec. 8. The Express this morning says that they understand that after yesterday's radiological examination King George's physicians held a long con- ii a - ii . a? r ? - iT suiiauon on cne question oi peroirming an operation on His Majesty. The newspapers say that it is feared that the length of his illness has so taxed his strength it is doubtful whether he had sufficient vitality to stand such an ordeal. It was said that a further consultation would be held today to decide the future course of treatment. . ' The Express also further states " - that it understands that a sedat- Ive was administered late last night and the physicians hopca that after some hours of restful sleep the King's heart would regain strength. King George's physicians this morning issued this bulletin on his condition: "The King has had some hours of sleep. His temperature is still raised on account of the local lung condition. His general condition is the same." Five physicians attending the King returned to the Palaci this afternoon and held a further con sultation. While it is understood the doctors viewed the radiographs yesterday, no statement in regard to it was issued. Despite the fact that the King's temperature was stated to be up this morning, there were indications in the official bulletin that might be regarded as satisfactory. The physicians reported that the Kinir had several hours of re- COlHlUlOllS, tne 151g Hay Lumber LO. plans Closing dOWn Its day' which he passed yesterday sawmill at Sen! Cove for a month or so this winter, in and apparently held the ground order to finish installations that were not completed when 'previously gained. the mill was opened last spring, it is stated by the man ager, George McAfee. Work to be carried out will in clude the installation of planing mill, moulder and edger, as well as a floor system to take care of shavings. The shut down may be next month. Next spring a dry kiln will be built, but this will not necessitate the closing down of the mill. MJ. STEPHENS IS CANDIDATE Will Seek Election to Mayoralty JS'ext Month, He Announces BETTER RELATIONSHIP Sentence on Ralph McCulIough of ' Stewart Reserved by Judge Young, Mulvahlll Acquitted Ralph Andrew McCulIough nleaded cuilty In County Court THE INTERIOR before Jude Young e8terday on 1 a cnarge or. Dreading ana entering the beer parlor of the Kt; Did Not Appear to Meet .ward Hotel at Stewart on Novem- Board of Trade Regard to Matter Better business relationships ber 2, sentence being reserved, This morning Jeremiah pleaded not guilty to a sim ilar charge and was acquitted. W .E. Fisher appeared for the crown and Mulvahill was unde- terior was on the agenda for dis-' fended by counsel. cussion at the meeting of the McCulIough entered tho beer Board of Trade last night but! parlor in the early hours of the nothing was done as delegates ' morning and extracted a barrel from the Interior who had promised to be present did not appear. Members of the Board said they were anxious to meet any critic , ... . , ,-Z ter could not be straightened out. Price oi wneai loaay was i.iit. It was left for the trades and his friends feel that he should be commerce committee to confer given tne opportunity to carry onnd bring the matter up at a later his policies a mayor. (jnte. oi bottled beer. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 8: The W. Dougherty was a passenger leaving here last night on the Princess Royal for Ocean Falls. BANTER OVER ROAD REPORT New Board of Trade. Regulations Prevent Action Being Taken on it - There was a lot of humorous banter at the meeting of the Board of Trade last night over the report of the highway committee brought in by Alderman Col-lart and already sent to the Government at Victoria and endorsed by other boards of trade in the district. The report was rather severely criticized but action on it could not be taken under the new rules until it had gone to a committee of the board for re-wort. An effort was made to freshing sleep after the disturbed i break the rule but President , FOUND GUILTY ON ENTERING CHARGE Nicholls would not nave it. finally it was decided to refer the matter to the highway committee for report and if necessary to call a special meeting to consider it The chief speaker were Alderman Collart, S. E. Parker, M. P. McCaffery and Milton Goniales. CARDINALS SOLD TWO OF ITS PLAYERS ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8; Walter Rabbit Maranville, Infleldcr, and 'George Harper, outfielder, have been sold by he Cardinals to Boston. PRINCE VISITED CAIRO TODAY AND i NOV ON WAY HOME CAIRO, Dec. 8: The Prince of Wales arrived here early this morning from Suez where he disembarked from the cruiser Enterprise. After visiting the British residency he left this afternoon for Port Said to rejoin the ves- eel enroute to Britain. H tH HMtt