PAGE SIS HOLT THE DAILY NKWS MANOEUVREING UNDER DIFFICULTIES Waterfront Whiffs I m ft ACME livir UK it Merrill Sollows Lets Contract for New Halibut Boat; Disaster af Brunvoll and Imperial Confirmed: 5th Annual - -Boats Back From Vancouver Island Scaling even the loftiest peakg in the course of their training becomes second nature to Italian artillerists, a detachment of whom are shown in the above picture high up on a mountain in Northern Italy, with mortars ready for action. The picture is one of a series taken by order df II Duce for illustrating correct mountain technique. ; DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kipper THE DA1NTIKST BKEAKpAST KOOir Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Co., Ltd: Prince Itupert. Hi, "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BETTER BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Sb 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY QUICKER CHEAPEN Hteratureand Prices on, Request $ole Distributors' for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED Xorll.rnPurin TrM Uulldlnj N,l".n KrloVna 910 station Street Norman C. t'rulrkthank. Trlnr nrorj: ANC01VER, B. C Il-t. Mana(fr BEST Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operation li.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Ury Duck En,lneere. Machinists. . Boilermakers. Blacksmiths. Pattern makers. Founders. Woodworkers, Etc. ' v, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant ia equipped to handle all kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Capt, Merrill Sollows, well known Prince Rupert and owner of the halibut hnnt. Ri ncrli!irlr Vina niMivl- ed the contract to the N. M. McLean yard at Seal Cove for the construction of a new halibut vessel which is to be completed by the opening of next season on February 15. The boat will be 48 feet long with a substantial beam of 13 feet. Capt. Sollows is negotiating with Capt. Nels Petersen for the purchase of the 30 h.p. Atlas-Imperial engine, at present in the halibut boat Ternen, for installation in the new vessel. Cant1 - Peterson is planning the purchase of a 36 h.p. Gardner deisel engine for the Ternen. It is likely that Capt Sollows will endeavor to sell the Ringleader which he has operated for a number of years and which is one of the better known local boats. on the beach In the vicinity of j j)or Kinn Upturning ianaiai connrrmw iears wnun i d. E. I'inn. director ot the nave ueen ieu.nce me nsning;,ace Uurt Fisheries gxperi season elosed on November 15 that the two well known Ketchikan halibut boats Brunvoll and Imperial had met with disaster and that all the -thirteen men (aboard the two vessels had gone down to a watery "grave. There were seven men aboard the Brunvoll which was owned and skip pered by Capt. Charles Blom- yived by a. wjdqw and two. small thlfdren resldntin Pririte Rup- boat Yule. He also with a skipjer and engineer to oring back to Prince itunert tho Arnerfcan registered halibut boat whfch he owns. The vaspI. which was engaged for part of tne timt this summer In salmon trolling in the north, has now been tied up in the local dry dock " I for the winter. Finding of, wreckage, this week! niental Sutinn of the Biological Board of Canuda, will return to Pfinee liupeft tomorrow, after a ,two months' absent during which he has visited various cen tres of marine research in East ern Canada and the United States. Returning west, he spent a w.eek or so in Vancouver where he attended a meeting of the Pac- quist and six men on the Imperial ffc Coast executive of the Biol-whose owner and master was oiripnl Capt. James Rolman. One of the i members of the crew of the Brun-1 K. Tumara, Cow Bay boat buil-voll was Fred Lindquist of Prince ir, has about completed the con-Rupert who up to this year was struction of a 38-foot by 10-foot part owner and member of the (Unnh pnmhlnailnn Vltl..l 1 1 erew with his brother. Csot. Chas n4 tn.ii... ... .. .1 l. ji . .. ... V. ma a nuv, lawn, in Undquutof , the . prince , Rupert i(t being advertised for sale boat-Ingrld Hi Lindquist is sur- elsewhere in these columns. Y Sllokim V... I.N k I t ?J i f. th? w- the 48-foot halibut boat, the both the Brunvoll and Imperial 'contract for which he was recent- were an wen Known in rnnce jy awarded by Capt. Jud Thur-Rupert and the disaster, which hr rn Tk.. : is now almost certain, oaused a sU Jn the new veMeI( whk.h ...uu.i.inHvon. 11 came as line to be 'completed by the opening 7""" T, BCTT"J, Vwn of nMtt nt the 20 h.p. Atlas had been fairly free oi nifsadven-! engine at , the Mujj.. ture as far as .the halibut fleet which ve89el Heag wi off d M IU1I1.CI HCU. f.. -1. t.api. ueorge rnw, rewrnea to Th Rir Rv i..,.h-r r--. Vrinte Rupert on Wedn4day of t r. k.- J.. this week with his halibut boat uwd u thirteen mi,1n fot Margaret No. 1 after having spent of logs' which were stored at Dig-the summer at B.peranka Inlet by Isiand about thc time the ioca, on the West Coast of V tncouver m, op!Jl,ed ,Mt , Parlhe Island packing pilchards for one log deliveries for the plant will of the Imperial Trading Co.'s re- hp r,.,in.A rM,,m it,. duction planti. i. mnlM, i i i Capt. James Byrne of Prince ino. rfftwn fK Mm fn . , Rupert has decided to remain on Dant the West Coast with his halibut spent the a r,n u.n i i. . . , ... . . .. I v,.mmm nauviHli wiirn summer pacKing pucnam ana ine ;tra,n hfl8 qnange is reporteu 10 halibut ttins. ' ? AffiTT" " ? r. I U AO 1 IB BIUDI AnMmiH hve been !!.,. in rv.i h.ii.JiA. ..t beneficial to his health. His wife' the trwkg t6 the rear of and family are soon going south fi(lh hWMa m t0WTamrA Lttpt. L,ars voge, wno engaged in this work Alberni was also With his Geor Smtth wall Un.n halibut boat Zapora, has decided timer of th city, aMumed his new to remain for the winter in the south- He will probably return ;n.millf urf fW(. i ..... --V - l.TIJ.-. M I 1U -1.-X , m ru!'"" cession, to Harry Daggett Mr. me iiu ivii, vaiH. ii iiiwiu ,, 1 I kA.W...n. forfji 1. ui. Camnbelli Jjl another vessel that 1 has returned to Prince Rupert af duties us wharfinger at the gov- to'entrawe in at leaat a low.a.-i.L ..j.. i inose WIIUW L c .associates. hearty ny ths water ter having been engaged in pil-1 Salvor In Port Chard packing. She was operated Galt freighter Salvor, Capt. W , . . l TV? !'" Uu. arrived in port from duction plant on the West Cbast'the Honth oJ) XuMdll and aft of her. owners, liradoury & Yeir. .hn-, , paran vMlll O'verhi'ul Work jsisted chiefly of coal for the dry Though it will be after Newdock- 9"d Thursday on her re Vr l,forB nvprhai.l unrV on the turn UOf. The, Vessel is ex halibut fleet at Prince Ruirt V,vi' H bout December 16 becomes general in anticipation w,un '""'rT " X ' an of the opening of another season. PaHlL'r ,or Albert McCaffery. mirh work i npvprt hp!p tiotnir i ' ' carried out at the present tlme!, water ront wu soon by some of the more forehanded 'n f il ,best kno" "nd cI",en" ,n th mott W"1 owners who believe in taking ad- IJob vie who will vantage of the dull season to get i"on good service. ,ellve earljr ne3tt montn for Van- t, tr r ru-n couver to take charge of one of Lindquist, is having an extensive f1 Aratoffs business under engine overhaul at the me Star aiar Wei- wei- : ' ' a . a i 1 i m t -n i . Except dur- - - i ti mi i tm ii - - Freehold Oil Corporation Limited CAPITAL 1,000,000 SHARES NO PAR VALUE if 5 i,- 'sive renovation on deck is bein & McCaffery. Hla many friends wun a severe com toward ir nuie wen "he h and prosperity in hi. new Mend, will wish ! , Jpeedy res- I White Lily, Capt. Wlek, has been on the Ward Ways for hull Iieia n ine Z. work. I. . .. . . . ... Dr. W. T. Kergln made a trip this week to' Petersburg, Alaska, Club Though weatner was nne, inei ine ury qock nas jusi aoout Cupert xatcn nowing.compieieu me construction or a not send forth manyjnew 41-foot tug and work RS Men's Skirts Men's Hats 20 DOZEN MEN'S SHIRTS In pltiu shades and pin stripes. Matfp by the best makers in Canada. Regular values up to $6.00. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE 81.95 Mens Sweaters HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A SPORTS SWEATER at a bargain price. Regular values run to $7.45. TESTATION SALE PRICE 4.95 OUR WHOLE STOCK o, M HATS-Brock's, Biltmor, , , L, beat makers in Canada, off, v a discount of 25 per cent ' ,t striotions. Take your i,,(, ! any hat m the store. Our great variety a-s i , finding the very hat you , you can always do with a , m Men's Hose A LARGE VARIETY FOR Y.i choose from in Pure Wu ,: y Regular value 75c. TEMIT T10 SALE PRICE The cine Importers Third Avenue Freehold Oil Corporation LUl. owns on: r 9 acres of structure in Turner Valley ai 4 No. 1 well is now drillingt approximate 2 feet, a fds flow of 4,000,000 feet havii stnick below the 2,000-foot level. i 900,000 shares of this Company have h written by Miller, Court & Co., Ltd., an 1 ing offeretl to the public at $1.00 per ' proceeds to be ueetLtp finish drilling ' to iui objective in the limestone and i'" rriient requirements' ' ( noon of the 20th dy of Deoepbflr. 6 i " 1 i of M lWwlmee lirice mu acepmpanv a. I S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. 0172ml Avenue" W. P' Agents l)r MILLER, COURT & CO., LTD. hunters at the end of the week, for John Currle & Son. The vei-Jack Lindsay and party on the 8l. wirfi-h will take place of the Irene L. visited Big Bay and ..u.. ... : ZZ" . il1rn,iwv1t . nUm .-...... "ut ding plant and In Cow Bay simi- J . identmil S VltartV"lrt .ndS ' iuVbout ready for the lp,U w Lp1 'r "I'Snn0;. tSlr trldThS J since tn2 on the Tseekw brought back a lation of a 60 h.p. Frisco Stand- T - 1 " ooii.m. f ti ni,t Wo.thnima eoupie irom ueiuiion uw- lard sM was M engine encine w with m wnwn sne var. Lumber Co. and for many years will be .quiped. The Ruby May, the new boit Is A real bargain, M h.p. Frisco Ktflndard, complete, like new. 6 h.p. Yale complete. Halibut boat hull at a gift price. Prince Ru boatert Salvage & Towing Co. LOCAL ELEVATOR NEARLY Sixty carload i kwdd from iii a.a i cai eievsior 'ert Salvage & Towinir Co exten- has ben an official with Albert' apperton has been suf- i( Is understood, will be oIferwlj285 carH wen Hi: ported to be vvM coming here. The elevator i nunrterM full '"' filled agln unl' come to load i" days. No vessels were rejwrted ui IS