i iii ..HIV ivv. ' TUB DAILY NEWS PkGE FTVl I U LLIII1 J JS !"JLJ District News SMITHERS J. G. Stephens has been unan NEW iiA'rcirnM the H ! ( iiffifa.nnino I ,h ; Mflfl- !:..rii H m "ii' on Lumber & Timber sie held last Friday afternoon ' 1,1 il moving out timber ill!. H i' lton foi' shipment Mium Wilson and 1Ju """way. Indians who; are!n wero the two assaulted Provincial Aid4o$ie.'New Ha Wymnn last Saturday of Chevrolet Hi 1 HIRD AVENUE elton United Church realised $800 successful tea and n n result of a than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline I This revolutionary performance has been achieved as a result of the greatest array vi. engtneering advancements tlsat Chevrolet bas ever announced. A high - compression, non. detonating cylinder head . a new heavier The Roadster $665 . . . . The Phaeton ... .' . $665 The Coach $770 The Coupe $760 The Sedan. . . . . $870 The Sport Cabriolet . . $585 The-Convcrtiblc Landau $525 Light Delivery Chassis . . .!!. 510 Abort Pfkw at Fery, OaMiWs-Govcrnment Tm Btff' it - iy, Ton Chassis 'tjg At Factory, WttrvilU, Out. Government Tmm Bk4t( KAIEN GARAGE in the lock-up awaiting trial. They are conutdernwy ttamagea. no oue i 1 evrolet 4&.il&W of Ike four THE Chevrolet Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announces ..The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History alSii ml the priceilrsnge of the four! g y r .t Spectacular as Chevrolet's achievements nave been in the past . . notable as its engineering triumphs have proved themselves to be this remarkable new car dwarfs every previous Chevrolet accomplishment. Not only does it introduce into the low-priced field an entirely new measure of performance, comfort, beauty and style but it is sold at prices so low as to alter every previous conception of motor car value. The new six-cylinder valve-uvhead engine-developed from more than a hundred motors designed especially for this sensational car tands out as an engineering masterpiece. With a power increase of approximately 32 over the previous Chevrolet motor, with sensation, ally greater speed and faster acceleration it offers a' type of performance that is literally astounding . . even to those who have been driving cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Throughout the entire speed range, it performs with a smoothness and quietness of operation that have never before been approached in a low-priced automobile. At the slower speeds of city traffic it idles along with wonderful ilence and ease. On boulevards and country roads it responds with an eagerness that is a constant delight. It takec the tengeft tsteepesttthillswtth an abundant! power that Is a source of pride to', the a?.i 9t .Ji 4 of ftunltthaft, statically and dynamically bal-ancod . . automatic lubrication of the entire rocker arm mechanism . . semi-automatic spark 'ifdrrftel . . !sspt manifold . . gasoline pump and tutor . . new and larger carburetor, wit- automatic acceleration pump and improved vejituri choke . . fabric camshaft gear . . heavier driving gears . . heavier differ-en rial gears . . unproved crankcase breathing system . . improved lubrication . . new 4-wheeJ brakes that arc powerful, safe and quiet under all conditions these indicate the importance of a group of engineering advancements that embrace every major unit of the entire chassis. In appearance, this Outstanding Chevrolet is ,d lined to become an automotive sensation o smart, so atylish and so distinctively appointed that it rivals the costliest custom creations. The new fisher bodies are longer, lower and roomier with adjustable driver's seat in all closed models and reveal the match, less artistry of Holier designers. With their mod new colore, their smart dual mouldings and their distinctive concave pillars, they achieve degree of original beauty that has seldom been 001101104 in motor car design. You ore cordially invited to visit our showroom nd, secure complete and detailed information oaJtkkaensarHmal new car which will be ready f (MSvery beginning January 1st. c-iwi-mc PRINCE RUPERT, B;C PRODUCT Or GnNDRAL JUOTORS OF CANADA, LIM1TBD KB was hurt. Imonts for late rot? Wifo- 4 vacation) The ment i uuuswfl t.ic yviiiM w iiiiiiu "bars driven uy Dr ' H ' C " George Benson has tn-voftd KIs cat, aren't they, dear? eonnection with the Omineea Ho- Wfinch. .,,,, M. L A... and , George Ben- . , ... , , . W i fe es. the William ' fon collided last Friday night on , i Husband- And the Browns are the Il.nolton-New Ila.t'lton lie- i niTivr-P r'llA vtir .taking care ot rido and the par- Coiwtable tur road, the doctor's car being Iluaband (going over arrange- Yus, that's the arrange- 1.1 Husban(I And baby is going to mother's so what about a nice quiet rest at home? Passing Show. A. K. Geary sailed this morning on the Cnrdena for VancoiiM r. imously nominated for president of the Smithers District Hoard of Trade as have been S. II. IIos-ftfns and H. M. Mathews tor the offices of vice-president and secretary-treasurer respectively. H. N. Ewart has enquired of the local Board of Trade as to the possibility of establishing a sec ond moving picture show in Jmithcrs. The local Board of Trade Is asking the provincial government to make an appropriation for the construction of a wagon road to connect Smithers with the road to the Cronin mine in the Babine district J.VNelson, prominent Wistaria rancher, spent several days in Smithers recently. PRINCE GEORGE The city of Prince George is making a record this year in tax collections.' According to a statement prepared by V. R. Cler-jhuc, city clerk, tax collections for the first eleven months of (his year have amounted to $41,-401.92 as compared with a total collection for 1927 o $41,376.41. There is also an increase in the revenue from electric lighting and the water works. Judge Robertson, in County Court here, quashed a conviction and fine of $300 imposed by Police Magistrate Moran upon Mrs. Annie 'Patterson for keeping liquor for sale. A. 'McB. Young was counsel for the appelant and P. I Wilson for the prosecution. The city council Is not in favor of a request made by the local school board that it be allowed to1 pass all its own accounts with out reference to the council. TERRACE E. McNeil left at the beginning of the week for Buffalo, where he will join Mrs. McNeil and Raymond who left Terrace about a !ionth ago. I. Martin, forest ranger of the .Qtteefl Charlotte Islands, visited with his sister Mrs. Joe Cook over the weekend while on his way to Houston or forestry datlee. 0. B. Utterstrom of Kitwanga, was a visitor here during me eelc , A lirs. Geerge Little was a bridge uneheoa and afternoon tea hoa- tesM on Monday in compliment to Mrs. Ardagh who is leaving shortly to spend the next few month in Buenos Ayres, Argen tina where Mr. Ardagh is located. WHn tbe stepping of the daily .mn service for the wintor nwttbs a paseger ear boa been .ttached to the regular freight rain, a eoarenienoe whibh is much appreciated. A. A. McDonald, Uak; A. H. veeon anf W. Aird. Pacific: J. V Barman, Remo; Walter Warier and F. Belway, Rosawood, ad R, A. McRae of Lakelsc .Hatchery were iHstriet visitors in own during the wek. The roads to both Ikelae and Kalum Lakes arc still open, the now fall so far being very light. J. M. Hockin and H. S. Parker of Prince Rupert were business visitors here during the week. George Little returned on Thursday from Olds, Alberta, bringing with him seven teams of horses. Two of these teams were left at Smithers for the Hanson Timber Co., the othors will be used in local logging operations. A daughter was born, on Wednesday, December 5 to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bishop. ys Colds dosing Just rub on V1CKS VapoRub