PAGE TWO A '1' 1 1 h r . ,i .nil' The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT H I Mi - Smaller- no .m an i lii; tl.-vcitipijifia ai :li- I). it) arc ii-sk.i.L' 'In ,:ro an i.i. to bmla -i mat'- .,: .' to sivf .nconiobat-.- .in--.- i bijit- (lintra-: Twelv. i.i..-.- Is nlit-adv i. i j -: .-1 1 iii aud. e: lan.a m oui t BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 11. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Ediior. . ifllUJSCUIPTION RATES I CI Delivery, byjuaU or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For lenser period, paid in advance, per month BO By mail to all parts ot Northern and -Central British Columbia, paid in advance for vearly period . . . $3.00 Or four months for i .' .,. $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6,001 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.60 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line .26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Kureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Monday, June 4, 1928 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Six .Month Program for Mohawk Mine by Federal Co. Work to Start Soon on Silver King in IJahine lllg Value , at Topley 1 Imni. if B. Lewis, engineer in charge of the Fedrral Minig & Hmt-hinv V's n it-ration in the New Hnzrlim. cu.-tric-;. announces that tlir t'tinipaiiv .- priurt-.tiu i m ,ht- .lnliav.-K prnpiTty calls for six months' (it- t ltiMTit-ni Miri w im ii ha- air .ni In i-n commenced in the shape til ;i tirit'! luniii- depth iii .-unit- L'nti tt-c! 1: Fedttial in 'nai distrlt : ami vuiues a; Hep: I: will, a : mi ., which may wanai:: tic :ii tile 1 Ot) loot W-: :.- ii 1 1 : : Will be ur;-:. Mi" J1"' - ami Tin- n 1 1 : o I a.;: !- abou-. H'Od i i . r .:: lensivc opt-iii-1 unti: i' ncitiMi u- :i tliv ,-u: . ct ' ft! up '-in lc i) ui-, .tiiC el1 ; ! in proilu M: .t tk' Uf "a. i . : :;:t, ... , 111 ' in ill-' ; .,. I A ... . Hai'l'-ll. Ill- l.Ciir. n- .Klu,. : rl - li III. . ; 1 1 1 1 inn' !;f,:p wi a i " 1 1 : 1 i n't- w i : li 1 1. c Hi a mi ci mil- tin- ore at a i taken up by the - cic oiintcring fine t nt-.r -ix months A?:-1 i he work on Y. M . . .1 Oil ; .-.not nt-.l :" i . .-a '.a. : ltd' a. an No 1 a- '."'''' a Hliti- M .:.'...: i .- . Sua' i..-v- -a II " ' i ; :'. ) ( . . .1 .1 O -I' :pa: a li A..' Uhie- i a -ijli'i! that the : ..1!-. til. lull face Of no assays have made, It preaenu evidence with Un-i01 b'.zh values. The new ore was en- aAdtttonal ate buut. transport id u ' countered at a point about 400 feet faculties would be Riven to aeventeen'1" l,le nnl helng run to get under mining propertle In the area. ' !he crt exposed tn No. 2 tunnel. It jfeivfn good depth and prom lac that the Wort la pmgNMtnc favorably on' man 0Tr 'ng .truck Nr. t and No. 4 tunnela on the suv:i . Cvp property on Nine Mile Mount aJ Valu , P ton have Baatlton. Jne lower tuniif i i nee" obtained in aawya of the new and advanced antty feet and jn::tn(atlotu1 or deposit which was re boot tunnela the ore Is strong wltli 'wntly uncovered on the Topley-Blch-lndloauons that it will go down to nid mln- llv uPl giving an greater depth than was ever anti-)- -vr8 return ot 70 per ton on a pa ted While the roao la out ot corn- il0W"-8 8" "a ana already ex mission lor shipments, a big tonnat p?scd by surtM ripplng tor a dls-of ore U belug blocked out and prt- ''"' of tnre hundred feet. Gold, partitions are being made for the nil.! wi,lch een PrslstnUy prominent which will be Installed during the pre- m a" Topley-Bichfleld values, sunda sent year. 111 lth l40 as the maximum in :tie five samptas. In addition to the "New lUaelton 1. getting 1 clmrct j ";IaCK 'V 300 ,0 dtotn af and It U the mining Industry wlucn "dI t U lav. tn overburden. will make the town.- dcles thr Omlneoa Herald which I. publlsited ;nl)ht "l 811)0,nt 6000 there. , n1,rth ""1 atl" ou th com-it The tlmbw ludustr, ba. held Pnys - To more fully deter-to together for year, and tll contluue W th num ' be,, three play . ,mport Now mln- tog Is ge(U in It. good work Ttel"hii,JI '"e, ? namln an.r n. i. . 1, .... . , ncw-cut from the north contact drift and proTltebl. Wture! The derail'0 lhe "Z-" depth Mining A Bmelttng Oo la now awav oU ' . w " J" a six months campaign en the. Mo- J" T rhl " -;f change hawk and the engineer "a:i"" connection with the purcba very cptlmUt.c a, tn the rcsulu of S 'RlU m,nWal e"l"n ln tha, be?'" work Other propertle will 7"p w"" VlClnUy 0t Ulat Clty wnlch working but; until thev art. tMn U"d" 'l"Vmt for aever.1 little c.i. be said. In i veu. from now there will be several times the pop,,;,.- L, ""r """" 'r Purchasln "nipany has been In- tlon Here that there is r-rtav : ;.T -r.ttetl the CauadlHii Tungsten . (Mining Co. Much development work The tramline to the Aurlmont pro- has been done on the claims and ln pettv on Richer de Boule mounialu Is a - of the working, there Is a vein Of ready for operation the end o( t In- h tub -grade ore carrying considerable week Mining will now start nnd u pencnuge of tungsHr. It is the lata expected that a shlrimeni will b tenllon of the new owners to cora-mafle at a very early date Then is niencc development as soon as the little development to Ik- dont- befure m.-arj' ariangemenLs can he made. As Healthful as It is Good The best wav to start the da v. Simple food - thoroughly baked. Ideal for spring with milk or cream TRISCUIT- Shredded Wheat in Wafer form .Made ly The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd, ALICE ARM TO BE SURVEYED Yl'KOX, 8TIK1NK TIONS TO UK 1.1 Mi 1(AI AMI OTIIKIl SHC IINAMINKP tlKO- ,LY THIS .YI:AK tilling --nil 'Krelve field pKrtlA rrm tMe Oeolo, glcal aunrey w4H OurWg Hhto season continue the mapping and carrying on ai inveatigatfone into the geology ond mineral iesoureea of British Columbia, end one party tnVtkon. Special attention will be directed to area under- lain by geological formations aneciea bv the Intrusion of the Coaat Range bathollth. and to mineral UMd areas ln the souih-eaetern part of British Columbia. Dr. Collins director of the survey. announces that Dr. W. I. CcckfleM will explore and map geographically and saoloclcallr an almost unknown po! tlcn of Yukon territory drained -by Little Salmon river. This area Is with in the eastern margin of the Coast .jrg bathollth. contains outlying in-j ..-usim ol granite, and is therefore; jl intertat to prospectors Or. P. A. Kerr will this year conclude a similar exploration, under which he ttnrkrd In 1826 and 1997. cl a practically unknown ami difficult region drained by the lower part of BMktne .iver. Iskut river and other tributaries 4f the Stlklne. This region Ilea along he uatern side of the Coast. Range bathollth and some silver, lead and klnc-bearlng depcatta Have already been found there. R. BarUett will make a topographical survey of portions of a quadrangle near Alice Arm that lies between letltuitea 54 aeg. so mln. 46 deg. 46 mln. and longitudes lag dag ISO deg. T area is geographically complex and contains a variety of mineral dapastte. and the map la required as a Basis for geological work. Dr. O. Hanson wit examine the numeroua mineral occurrences in tt above quadrangle at Alice Arm. Geological mapping" will be deferred until inotner season, when the tonagraphtaal map for which Mr. BarUett Is rraadne, lurveys is svallattle. Or. v Dolmage wUl cqmiora and map KeographicaUy and gaologloaHy lltUe known area lytng besweau taaafeo Wml and Bridge river, mis la another nan of the eastern margin at Use Bang bathollth of interest to prospectors. Or. O. Hanson end T. C. PhaaMSBar will map geologically end enaarrrlTie bbM ind copper bearing deposits in an area near Topley. on the Prince Rupert -ranch of the Canadian National rail ways J. R. Mars hall and N. P. O. Davis will conclude a geographical and geological survey of a little known area around Clearwater lakes, near latitude 69 deg. SO mln. and kmgttua 10 deg. Some discoveries of gold-bearing veins have been made by prospectors. Others will make surveys in the outh NEW IIAZELTON Rev. J. H. Young. United Church pastor at Haaalton, is transferred to Krksllsh on Vancouver Island, no local successor having yet be'n. appointed. Mr. Voting has been engaged in minis terial work ln the Bkeens River valley Ict the past twelve years. Oeneral regret will be felt st the departure of Mr. Young and family. Rev. Father Joseph Allard. O.MJ. of Baawllget celebrated the twenty-ftltrt anniversary of bis ordination Into the priesthood yesterday when twenty- three persons were admitted Into membership ln the church st hla mlss:on. tel. Rev. Bishop S. M. Bunce of Prl.-cc Rupert was present far the oacs-.un C. Kesrn. superintendent of Lekelee Hatchery, and O. W. Herrteon of Van couver, chief inspector of hatcheries. were visitors here last week. Accompanied by C. W. Dswaon. they went tammy-four miles up the Kisptex River te Dutchman's Lake and some miles inland from these where they enjoyed Thomas B. Lewis engineer In chare ot the Mohawk mine for the Federal kilning at Smelting Co.. has been a patient in the Hasalton Hospital for the past week. Mrs Lewis arrived on Wednesday from Vancouver to spend a while with her husband. 4. i With the season now open, local reel-.! dents are doing considerable angling in the streams and lakes In the neighborhood Fishing Is reported to be quite good. Road work is now In progress In all parts of the dietrldt and, before the summer is over, several new fields should be opened up to the motorist There are a couple of gangs on the main highway, one. east and one west of town. Ten Years, Ago ajln PrlnceiRu'porr-iV'i - An enjoyable social evening followed the regular meeting last night of lakeene Lodge, No. 46. Knights of ! Pythias, at which degree work was put on. The United States government has reduced its insuranos rate on vessels passing through the submarine sons to one-and-a-half per cent. O. B. Bush of the Bush mine has returned to Stewart after .a business trip to Vancouver. 4. f. i in-nr- - it! W KV.K AT TIIIiATllK ' ' - ' .Monday CntiensM of Pa.ris Coiaette: WBitin Paramount 'Newit. Fuunie" truesilay "Open Aanae- by Zane Qrey. oate,'Wahr Dcoley." raeaw'ew8. VliiftliT ontl Thursday MttMat faius anu Doris Ken yon Iq. "Sna Valley of the (Hants." Comedy: "Pafiah Boys." Aeaajya Pttta fable.. Paths Review. Friday ami fctnrly "The aomme" a War masterpiece. Ccjnedp "Love 'em Feed "em." Metro-Ooldwyn News. K . "THE SOMME" A ! 1 4 H WAR PICTURE "The Bomme." cmninK at the end. is said to be the greatest pure war picture of the great war ever produaed ln arttaln. It retemblea "Nelson" la heroics but not in re lor or acting: staai Yprss" whleh it greatly exceU besause it does nat attempt to glorify the whole empire. Mat oaly ao much of it as actu ally tMppaned to -be in that terrific en counter that came near ending the war lit HU7. Tba turn daptets all the oatst en-. gagementa an test snn-battering frant. If. aiorilta aR the ragiments and- nai- tlona in it; It follows the story with actual, aaajianni working up to clUayaxea by roaarn of oitartuiterat and powerUily renrcduead action. And it doe all with a reaUaUe Intensity relieved by casual t lashes. ofSsmsdj. The most leapt waive otlmaa comes in the tank aesnes. The advent of the first .tank casae a. a, stupendous miracle with cagftic as wan as tragic effect. Watoh- the advenes of this monster tram a ew kind or lost world, one is te at what might have bean the afr it Winston Churchlft had been aMe to persuade the war of flee, to wait- tilt ttoey could launch a fleet of 600 tanks at once, ss he says ln his World Crisis, i "GENTLOUN OF PARIS!' i IS GAY PHILANDERER Adolpbe MeUJou's picture "A Oen tie-man ot Parts" which shows here tonight H one ot the most enteramlnlng vttuatsa In which this popular star has ever been presented. Menjou at east as a gay ytmng Parisian philanderer and much of the oumtrly ;t the picture la built around the ro- i mantle entanglements from which he' must escape ln order to make his mar- j rlage possible. The high note ln drama Is struck in ' s unique situation when Menjou dla- j coears that a fair charmer with whom ! be has been toying la the wife of his' valet. It s a , powerful moment, carrying a thagat of tragedy but Menjou turns It into, a laugh with a taw deft, adroit strokes as s skillful painter reworks a canvas. , PETER KYNE STORY IS MIDWEEK PICTURE The beautiful Redwood country o: California is the locale of Milton 8111s' latest vehicle "The Vallev of the Olanta." which came, at the mid-week The story is from the novel of that , hoard Lusme by Peter B Kyne, end la an Ideal vehicle for the tslestts of BUls. It deals with Ufa tn the open, in s wljd country where "ttn sreimen" snd there is no Dlsee fir . weakflne. a compelling interest that few pictures possess, as the result of Its being taken under the exact condition, the author dealt with in the original story. ZANE GREY PICTURE OPEN RANGE TUESDAY The picture "Open Range" by Zsne Grey, which opens beta tomorrow night spans with a series of amaalng .hots. First, ate seen a herd of buffalo stampeding before Indian rlaeia. Then, the whites forcing their wsy into the west and pushing the red men out exactly as did the red men to the buffalo. A straggling wagon train Is attacked. When lu doom looks certain, rescue arrives In the form of a troop of cavalry which seatter the Indiana before It. All this establishes the proper atmosphere in a UirlllKig sequence. PRINCESS LOUISE. HERE THIS. MORNING OPENING SUMMER ALASKA SERVICE Inaugurating the company's summer tourist service to Skagway. C.PM. ateamer Princes-. Louise, making her first trip north of the season with Oapt. Arthur Sinter In command, arrived In port at 7 4fl this morning from 'Vancouver. allmK at 9 ajn. for the north. The vessel, whloh is due beck southbound on Saturday sfteruoon, bad j list ol sonw- 200 pawfiiKcrv niosi Man in the Mom If you have ao wishes You will never get fsr Beyond the grind of common things . Or reach the hlfAett star. ii 'hem iMtiiK round trip ujuiihUi The steamer Princess Alict-. cpl Tlios lllf. of che same line, is ilui in port .botil 4 o'clovk this afternoon She has twenty-five tourist on : Bills tad hie aantpaar apent many j 1111 weeks, deep In the forest Of" Redwoods, ' in luataer oamps. and at mlsls. making ; it jou want anftatna. ta first- thlaas -ieeses'vtBfc The ysllsr ef (t otsats" j'to-te, la soawMa.Jwl safl tfcen wkl in ine exact spots tnat ryne so amy, use Dieses u set it wrote of. The story hes s virility and So tar we have not heard any fish aiorM this year ao big that the burst Nike elbows of- the man telling them. A man walked up team the other day from the tram ard said he thought he nad etopuod at Hay-.iTt until lie taw the new theatre going up and the sresner uioea . Tnen be thought It was New York. Thar aaf Mr. Barne of Praser and Basne got the ahuek ot Ms life this week when a k.dy walked In and asked for a petttcoae, It Is said that Mr. Payne quietly Motarked that he wee not running an critique store. over ettucl vu irnneiesave as ways struch i tftehjrdsy uses r footpads but now at least the big choo choo has met lie match. The tornado la to be congratulated. C'.tMinil Employer I have called you m, Brown, to say that when I am not bete you a:e the laslest man in the School Uep Howler: The cow gives us milk. A young cow is called a celt and gives us Jelly. I IIcahadian; Vacific jj & ato closing' out our complete stock of Ladies' and Misses' Cu.r , thffcseagam Ifc i not often that you can have an opportunity to iuirh;H, at auoh drastic reductions such fine Coats as these. Long hoJdre- this season opened, large orders were placed eoverinu ;ii tho-latest atylt of Spring Coats which are now in demand. We have mm (i . ci(llJd to confino-our attention te Ladies' Dresses and Ikits only. rPo do iW have- to cloac out our present stock of Cents. And at these Sale Prices, i; pay you to shop hare. You will find plenty of new styles, including those charming lil nwy blue modols, which we are now showing at popular Sale Prices. Ton only, Ladies' Tweed Coats, sizes Ooafe Sato Puioe 6.95 V ( ll an! Six only, Ladies' Navy Blu m light Drown or Grey, vviih i skin or sqiiirrel trimrnin. Coat Sate Price $29.50 Bight only, Navy Blue Ladies' Coats with int cellar. Sis Coat Sale Price Sfet ontoi, Navy Blue. Moleskin Trim-med Ladies' Coats, aha 42. Regular price up to $52.50. Coat Sale Price $29.50 36 tr M. $14.50 Eleven only, Ladies' Coats, si. different oofon and shade . i-price up to $49 M. Coat Safe Pincfr. . n ,t - . ,$24.50 These are only a few Items of tho many available. Come into mv and you will find hundreds of others and at prices which will suit anytuxiv. Third Avenue. RICHMOND'S LOUVRE Prince Rupert R.( Canadian Pacific Railway B. Cs Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Tn Kelrhlluin. Wranaetl, Juneau, and Hknwa Maj 31. -lum- i 11 Tn Vancouver, Vlelwrhi ami Seattle May . Jmir 1, fl. Hi. aWP.,1" ridNCiiaa iuivai, l-tor lliitnlals, Bust llells I lei la, oran lalU. Namu. Alert 11"'. Camultell Klter ami Vui uvh m Yhin mi ikin Agency for all HImiiiisIiIii Lines. lull Infiirmun I W. ('. OlttllAltll. (ieneml Agent, Oorner-of I til Atree t anil 3rd Avenue, ITInre lliipert, IkG. . 11-. II. li-!!l fntiii- 31 LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our spring aiock of IIih (iratje Men's Waar Ih im n 'ri' Hundrada of flriton's fineat woollens from which t "thnt prlnK milt" tailored to your monsure by Can;i(i '"rr' most Clothes builders "Society Urand." Obey Thnt Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON Boys Sweaters and Bloomers I'enmnn'tt Iloyn' All-Wool Pullovers Aaeorted duaiHiis, V nouk. Shen 28 to 34. ... 91.11.1, 2.U.1- Iloya 'Tweed-nnd Whipcord Iiloomcrs Sixes Z4 to 81 $1.1).-, Fraser & Payne UnlverHn! TrndiiiR Compnny.