Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally News la to subscribe by the ). XVIII., No. 130. rc- year. The coat Is 15.00 and you' copy la delivered to your addrel . each evening, just iigure out the email coat to you for this dally service (or twelve month I 4 Chang Tso Lin, Ruhr of Northern China, Has Retired to Manchuria Manchurcian War Lord Injured Hadly When Train on . Which he Was Travelling Was Bombed June 4. Chang Tso Lin, for two years ruler PEKIN, in rcKiii anu isortaern China, has renounced his power and left the ancient capital yegterday morn-m.c on a special train lor his old stronghold at Mukden, Ma ichuria. The success of the southern armies has been pressing iuo northern forces hard and the abdication of the nor- .orn ruler had been expected for some time. The next u j in developments is being watched with great interost here. TOKIO, June 4. An official war office despatch oaifl that Chang Tso Lin, Manchurian war lord, was t.udiy wounded when the train in which he was travel ing i: -uiii Pekin into retirement, was bombed. Several others on t ui train were killed or wouftded. TIENTSIN, June 4. Li Yuen Nung, former presi dent of China, died last night m his residence m the British concession. ToKIO, June 4. Dispatches from Mukden, 'Man- m T Ifl ' a, say Linang iso Lan is in a serious comuuon an h ul of a bomb explosion on board his train. WATER CAUSED MUCH TROUBLE : tOO Ml II I'Kt&Ml lit: lU'RHT MAIXS IS sol Til VAXfOIVKK AMI i ( ihr.n oniKit i.i:aks VAN i .' VCR, June 4. - Sauth Van-! .mmUe water suddIv cut i .mags ssauntlnti into thomsnds - was caused following Inau-.f the Oreater Vanoouver net Mf pipe line trim Sey- :i to the City Intake on Sy-'ic over the week-end The !i ensure blew out one hundred Vancouver's old wooden maliu- ci Burnaby aud Point Qrey a leak WILKINS GETS A KNIGHTHOOD MlN WHO n.;w Al'HOHH AHCTIC UK-HAUItKII IN IIIKTIIDAY IIO.NOU LIST ixn June 4 -Sir Alfred Mond 1 ! Mamanant. and Sir Oeorge ' Blades were created peers ' the Kings birthday honor. Five U' were irantcd. ' xmiththoode include Oeorite Wll-'' Hew acroaa the Arctic. 1 K-ine Howard recelvee the grand i he Bath. CHILDRENARE BADLY BURNED om: ihks ami ih in HOSPITAL HMllOOLY lJLKi:i 1 M.W WESTMINSTER. B.CVJune 4. ' IkIuui, fbttr year of a, la - 1,1 nd liia'etnety titfM, ta'W) the I".1 aenoMyl1ilJiredM 4 fwllt1f received whlM Dlaylna on the ""! at the foot of Twelfth BUeet ! 'oun.-h waa being burned there and ".uin to their wlata in aahea and ' i iik mud on the outaklrte ot the HALIBUT HKI'OHT SENT WWHINOTON, June 4. ReporU of ixt'lal joint conimltte on halibut "". have brij submitted to the '""iwn and American OovernmenU 1 bt made public in a few days- DENIALS A UK MAIB Of ALI.MIATIOXM AT MMOX OK IMJI'IHV VICTORIA. June 4. Attorney Oeneral Menson oa Saturday dend that any arrsngarrsent for protoctloa o dlaordTly houses tree existed between him and Mayor Taylor aa suggested in the evidence before toe police inquiry at Vancouver Friday. VANCOUVER. June 4. Km-phatie dental of the report that he bad ever made any arrangement with Attorney Oeneral Msnaon to the effect that oe tain dlaorderly houeea ahould be petmlttrd to operate In Van-couvrr. wan made Saturday by Mayor Taylor. CAR SHORTAGE FOR HALIBUT LOTS DUAWX AM MVK Ot MXTIXX 1IOATS OllfclUXO t'ATCIIEM TUIIAV HIM'OMi 01' K AKE8 Th were only three expreea jefrlg for pound rator cars available of halibut, requiring ton cars to ship, offered at the Ftah Baehange today. Ar.rrtmilv. the boau were numbered nlimMTI arwii VI . A . V. run local UOH " A- J.UMMlM llM .h.t .hould Mil today, we ruiuw.. until auch time ae owa being held over wriv, to relieve tne ...u.v-. . lucky American boat, tha wre ablcto diaper of their farea while elk Amerl- Canadian ooaia u the five r. are e.P- Wediwday unlea. they are brought In by apll Wain- fuim were aa i"""" 8Unt. W.0U0 pounds. AUln F1-r. 13.8c and 70. .h-rt Irene. 30.000 pounoa, 13 P " 7c' ikMni a id) Venus. 6,ow P"""- Amrrlnui .11 ittATIA: 38,000. nmisdlan Helen . i """"'-" .si. ..wl 7c Pacific Flanenw. - 77- Deep Sea Flab- took piaoe with Mayor S. P. MoMordV 9,600 M)lh4av Reliance. l.w Lumen, iiaiw; urunrou. . nrin. arsvlina. nbeo. 8,600: suns. J.. 0Uw. d, 'B WW Livingstone . . -mount apent on xne ov - r:it-nnce '" of Canadian provement .pprom.tly I4S.SO0.000. J.SOO; Morrla H.. Olbson, ia,ww. the lnv M giving tne aoaress. tne program vi sports then followed, feature events be ing the ecnlor and junior school boys' relay rases and the girls' relay races. The dayi proceedings will come to a fitting conclusion 1 with the hokHng toniaht In the Exhibition 'Hall of the May Queen crowning ceremonies and a dance at which the item of outstanding interest will be the 'Mining of a roe). live ehUd. ; THREE LOCAL MEN TO . JOIN H.M.S. DURBAN Members of ln Nul lirUrliment In Tuke M WrrkH' Trnlnlug on Light Crulwr E. Peaootk, Frederick Baulter snd Oeorge Dyer of the looal unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve will be leaving the city this week for BequlmeK to oln II M 8. Durban aboard which they will take six weeks' naval training. They will be here with the light cruiser next month In the course of the ship's crulHe to northern Pacific waters. N1 -a-'3-- PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1928 LADY FLIES TO NEWFOUNDLAND EN IMrUI-INO Or ll-IJ AMI SltHCTK TIIIH AI'TKKNOO.N TO UK IOL- utwtu iv Mtv o.ii:bn " CKtm-MMI TO.MOIir Under afeiea which showed promise of better things altar a morning of rain, he Bba Lodge and Fair Board decided .his afteruioon to pruxed with the aa-liual flag Day and May Queen festrtl-.leai. the holding of which bad bean uncertain on account of Inclement weather conditions this morning. The proceedings opened with the holding ot the precession immediately after one o'clock from Second Avenue in front of the old court house buildings to Acropolis Hill grounds. In . liarg ot Bert Morgan and marshalled by Sergeant 3. P. M. Hannah, chief of city polloe. the parade waa led by she pretty May Queen. Miss Peggy Smith, who, la her regal robea. rode in state n the caf of Inspector James M. Tup-per. RC MJ . attended by her dainty maids of honor, Miss Maxlne Hellbroa-er and Miss Olive Van Couten. Following the parade were the Sea Cadets, under Lieut. Robert Blanoe; Boy Scout troops' under Scoutmaster P. C. Miller. P. H. Unney and Ales O. Rik; (he Boys' Band under Bandmaster Thomat Wilson, and school children. On arrival at 'Acropolis Rill grounds, tickets for free Ice cream, swecu. ete. were distributed to the children and the oerecnony of unfurling the tin ROUTE M SBETA DIV'I, the heroine in "Shi rax," the mast cret film ever made, the cast being entirely composed of Indlans.nd thiswatene wWVittn In ttttTTssj Maharttelf-J-- A - ELKS' FLAG DAY IS BEING HELD Four Hundred Communists Killed ' by Government Troops in Southern China and Four Hundred Captured C ANTON, China, June 4. Four hundred Communists were kiliei ami tour captured on Ling Shut Island of Hainan on May 30 in a clash with government troops, tMiid advices received here today. Hostilities! between government troops and Communists have been sporadic in recent months and troops attacked the Communists after purposely permitting them to enter the city. Another Woman Starts on Trip Across Atlantic and Will Take Her Turn at the Plane's Controls Miss Amelia Earhcart is Boston Amateur Aviatrix and TO SnC IS lieipinjj lO 1 HOI lltC I' nenUSllip. . imsde to underUke work on clams way of TrepaBsey, Newfoundland, for the Antarctic expedition by Commander Byrd and waa purchased for him. Aboard the plane, which is named "Friendship," is Miss Amelia Earhart of Boston, an amateur aviatrix who will take her turn at the controls. U.S. TENNIS PLAYERS WON OVER JAPAN Will Now Play Winners of Kurojiean Zone for Kij;ht to Meet France CHICAGO. June 4. The United States won the American zone tennis finals for the Davis Cup when Tiltienhund George defeated Tohtf and. Abe-of Japan in doubles-Saturday 6-1, 10-8, G-2, The Americnn team will later piny the winners of the Kuro-peun zone for the right to play France for the cup in July. no nut: 1 ian nt: it. VICTORIA, June 4. There Is no Immediate menace from forest fire In Brltlith Ct.U.mbtn. it was stated Saturday followniK receipt of reports from nil over the province. keep in touch with the outside. HALIFAX, June 4. The monoplane Friendship carrying Wllmer Stults sad Pilot Lew Oordon aa night mechanic and Miss Amelia I. Barheart, took off from hare tbs morning for Trapses, Newfoundland. TRKPAS8SY, Newfoundland. June 4. The monoplane Friendship arrived here this alternoon FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ALBERTA DIED ON SATURDAY CAlmf.-peorMiff. Croas. former attorney general of Alberta, died tore Saturday afternoon after two days' mnees. County. lW'"wss born Ontario, In 1873. m1 HaeTings EDMONTON, Juns 4. Z. Mcllmeyle. assistant deputy minister of agrloujture of the Alberta Oovernment died yesterday aged S3. With returns not quite complete as yet. over SIM has been realised as s result of the tan day held on Saturday by the local branch of thp Navy League of Cnnada In ld of the Sen Cadet coaps' work here. 1 the Queen Charlotte Islands. EV YORK, June 4. The tri-motored Fokker plane which flew! Professor J. r. MoMurrirb of the from Boston to Halifax yesterday is bound for London by , University of Toronto was rejected 1 "" 01 "a " " "w" The plane is one intended , Dybhsvn of Prince Rupert was elected chairman of the Research Committee on fish handling and processing, which ts a new committee formed for the purpose of oc-ordlnatlng the technology The plane in equipped with pontoons for landing in the water work Pcific and Atlantic SOITIIEKN ( KOHS IS Olf l"OU lA OX WAY TOW.XItl) AIMTUAI.IA HONOLULD, June 4. The Transpacific plane Southern Cross resumed its Journey to Australia early Sunday morning and e peeved to arrive at Suva, Its' next stopping place, this sf tern coo. It waa reported last night OK. HONOLULU. June 4., The Southern Cross was 800 miles from Suva, FIJI Islands, at 740 Pacific time this morning snd was encountering bad weather. SAWMILL OPERATOR DROWNED ON P.G E. SQUAMI6H. June 4.-Malcolm Barr of the firm of Barr Bros. Sawmill operators 1 at Mile 43 on the Pacific Qreat Eastern. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cint EUROPE Large New Addition to Fisheries Experimental Station is to be Built Extension. of Work Here Authorized by Biological Board of Canada at Meeting in Winnipeg and Will be Rushed P .LANS for an additional building submitted by D. U. Finn, di rector of the Fisheries Experimental Station were approved by ine Biological Hoard at its recent meeting in the Univer sity of Manitoba at Winnipeg. Tne new building will probably be situated at the. foot of Mc-Dride Street on Water Front Block F. Its dimensions will be eighty by thir.y-sLx feet, two stories high, and of frame construction. The upper storey will be left unfinished to provide for future expansion. extenaion was necessary in order that work in cold storage regard-, could be undertaken which - - . 1..1W4 wurkiag apace had maoe tm- ,.xi..n. etetccre. lie uew bulldluj will contain a com-piete relrlgtratlot. plant on a aoiall scale and will be equipped to Iroeseflah by a quick lreezlag pr.ccaa. cold etsraee rooms wul be om-atructad. and will embody eeeerai new tat. ire In cold atorafe praetloe. The work of preparing peclIlctlon-. .uiug uutuodlately and it la hoped that the plant will be in oper ation by August. , Report of the work tern ffeo Hkrttte and Atlantic SzMrliitfntal mlMed by the cUreetom and ptena for J. W. NICHOLLS ILL VANCOUVER H IN IIOM'ITAL TIIKKE WITH EAR TltOlllLK KOII.OWIMJ Oltlll-TION AT tVINMI-tXl T. H. manager of the Oola Company, received a wire Stats jorolna stating that J. w. NlcholU. rot tteswiiiMi; hod r& a hospital at Vance uvor to undergo the stark ot the coming year wet dls- en operation for ear trouble. cnssM. j 'ut two - Colonel Niehotte A new refrigeration unit for the ntrl the hospital at Winnipeg sad Experimental Stat.on was operated on for sinus. He continued Prince Rupert was outlined aud tp-l4 tr'P Wednesday and on arrival proied The work which Is being un-'t Vancouver at the wweknd had to dtrtcken In the development ol by-1 s to the hospltel there, product) which Include oils, meals snd ' glues will be extended and extensive work on the dUcaloratlon of halibut ' during cold storage undertaken. Vor this putyoet she local station has secured the services ot two .eminent scientists: Dr. P. O. Harrison of MeOUU University and Professor W. Sadler of the University of British Columbia. Doctor Harrison snd Professor Sadler will arrive beta about the middle of June and wUl stay for the summer months. A survey of canneries snd of conditions surrounding salmon fishing will be undertaken during the summer with a view to aiding the Industry in aecur- r- --- of uniform quality. Dr. W. A. Clemens of the Pacific Bio- WATCHING B.C. LIQUOR STOCKS MIIIWIENTH MADE TO ONTARIO JUST lit: KKPT MOVING SAYS ONTARIO A.O. TORONTO. June 4. "We am only Interested in seeing there la no short circuiting of liquor back Into Ontario," stated Hon. W. H. Price, attorney general, commenting on the action of the British Columbia distillers in sending 1 lane Quantities of ltouor to Windsor lot-lad Station will extend the work on Uld othcr 0nUrl0 .0 lutauoc Uktt ot the northern Research on oyster propagation conttnusd and efforts will be of must keep their sttcks moving," added Mr. Price. BOYS INJURED ' AT VANCOUVER SKI LLS WEUK t KACTt ItDIl YKSTKK-DAY WIIKN TIIKV MKUK STKL'CK 1IY AX AITO VANCOUVER. June 4 Struek by an auto ob the Intersection of Granville snd Ounsmulr Streeu yasterdsy afternoon Albert Calverley, IS years of ace, and Thomas Blalkle. IS, It U believed were fatally Injured. Both had their skulls fractured and are not expected to recover. Floyd Pendergast, driver of the car, was arrested and shsrg4 with driving to the common danger. speakerwMey" plans to retire in british house HALIFAX. Snglsnd. June 4 -John H Whitley, speaker of the House of Commons. laUsaatad in a latter to .the, Halifax Courier snd Ouardlan that he, had decided to ash . Mm House of Commons on June IS to allow him to retire at the close of the next day'a sitting. WOMAN WHS KILLED BY AN AUTOMOBILE VANCOUVER. June 4 uutomcblle trnvelllnx Struck by an on Hastings was drowned when the .'lipping of s Street, Mrs. Alexander Harf. 71 years rope caused him to fall from a launch of ae. suffered injuries from Which Into the water. He aa uumHrrled and She dUxi Mnuitdiiy T1k car driver was came from Mission. A. L. Stevens. , J