save Money II K r:. . !i .; t.,i way to buy the .. . . 1 .Kn Kit 4Via i $6 00 and your , to your address just figure out the fnr tttla riallir ' ' " II i'.. 'ui-ive monthal .n city paOice court ur cou- i' "JJT " "i-t.- .nttvir-1 TSroml'' iIn that Tney ivueii nan Monthkai.. Peb. e.-. I, o. Olden " en-Hidcnt in charaa of fuaance for I'll orrvlre t th nd for over fan-it year In of the samnaav. la the laat aurvtvlrm oBl- roinpany at the turn St or- """ in iiaa. msvv, Hui'Rirr liuhhal J ASSOCIATION I' ' he annunl nonln f tKa 11,1 VI. fll n'tet Uunorl T.llrnl Aaan. latum will be held in the Metiopole Hall. Third Ave., "" Tuesday, February 7, at 8 p.m. ,;i-(U(iK W. JOHNSTONE, Secretary. U. SWIMMERS TOOK the other half oin to tbe Yrn Che Uiua MtwU and i the mouey. the fud Uh the bo.p:!: Thu opened .lataru Ohj l3 wre iwing requ'it"". wUl be '. '.n police court .n bceu adjounwd ix"!"!-of the appoul. ASK LIBERTY CAPT. PAMPHLET I NaliM Son I'fff HWi Ilfatht as Jim i-b Subject to Navlfale Columbia :".:i Feb. . The liberty of , u irt Pamphlet la being .tne Native B n ol Briian ( i: iler what It claim are thr ' Br, luh mbjrcta under iH48 in U navigation of the 1 . Hivtr. The executive h : i "'n,ir King and Sir Atuten ' i i take tfc matter up wltii ' t s:jto overnmaut. REDS EXECUTED CANTON, CHINA (,"t of Two Thousand Arrested Ilae lleen Executed Say Den patches i'AN(UtAI. feh. . Canton de-210 iieraotia out of 3,000 ' within the laat few daya aa "'i 'uii. tx,, carcuted. Six hundred 'ir.M.n in Canton and the per- M- vrn aeleeted from tbeer VICE-PRESIDENT OF C.P.R. PASSES AWAY n.m.niui Oil Lit OtS httUl abd. 00 h .tiev chii M belnngtat to the Na- tianaimt 8.c:v and thoee Identified with no organization whatever. : Mini ttn.o I.IH; IHOVI TKtlNH Tlll !IIE IMCIIIC In all hla aeventaen yeara of Krv'ce adong the tower Skeena River. Chria Oraliam. well known loconot ve engineer for ine Canadian National Rallwaya. reporti. that he haa never aaan a greater abundance of wild life than Ii to be otnerved thla winter Mr. Oraham who In at present running grain tralnn between Pacific and Prince Rupert, states ..... ih. rwnw haa been virt- ...iw tramced down by wolf. . , mink marten, wolverine. J. Ilaher and en raooii. mr .- 4. mMtloned apaclea being found nearer the mouth of the river this winter than usual. ALL THE PRIZES Al BANFF.YESTERDAY B.C Silver Big Missouri tr.u a- Athlrtes from B3., a 'dean sweep of the ''" ace. her. Tom wenouru . captured the 100 yard ana me relay team cleaned up easily. Cork Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper 'aiaclar Gladstone .Qolcouda Indian Laadsnillh l I.I.N MAUV II I- Lueky "m Marmot Vetala !Premlr Porter Idaho I Richmond Silver Cret SBverimlth - Sunlocli Torlr Wheat ... a , oupen Mnry .1 !ONlxw. -,1. confined to her P'"lVb-l ' .a and will not be able 10 opening ofjarllamcnt toniorrow. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Dld. Aaked 1.45 1 .50 .3 .se 2a' 6l 09 10 .00 V, SI .47 .17 "Vi .10 n ai 3.78 1.45H AT Till, lu ll ly a SLOAN URGES NOT TO BUY """OUTSIDE B.C. Snys Government Has Power to Invtstigate Home Mines Hut Not Foreign VICTORIA, leb. .- In u Male-menl made Hatardav. IKtu. ttllllani Hloan Marnrd liiveslnr. against foreign mining enterprise, declaring that ItrltlHb (Mumbla mineral prw-pertlea olleml plenty of w?prlu-wHy fat Intektmenl. Wlillr the government aan empawered In Inteall-gale and re.or' " enterptKe It had em any of i linking ( loreifit aperatloita. returPf" B.C. LANDS Umed Upon Federal Government ly tommiHCioner m no imeaw tigatea Aiaticr OTTAWA. Feb. 8 - In the interests o nubile economy, the land ahould be restored to the province thua avoiding expenditure madel n connection wur 1 1 oue (mm v far to year by Mm Dominion authorities Such la In ettec the finding of Mr. Justice W. M Mar tm. commissioner who enquired lnt lh claims of British Columbia for tlu .mm nf three and a halt mllUon aeras of PeocS River land and other landa along the railway belt of the Canadian Pacific. WESTMINSTER COLD STORAGE Hie Plant at Koynl City to be Sulh sldlied by Dominion GovernmentAll Plans VICTORIA, Feb 6 - The establish ment of a ga.OOO.OOO cold atorage plant at New Westminster will be aubsldlatd by th)-. federal ajovernment. Mayor A wells OraV oaVthgt c.ty announced- afttr Mtaa advlca Jrom Hbn oaracljy relhll,Banent. All ar Itangemeiiw lor tw nnsuoiug, wiupn by Valautlne quinn rormeriv raenuiiev with the Oranby coniouaaieu Aiming Hmeltlng Power Co., have been completed and approved at Ottawa. Mr Oray ald. Construction win sisri souu TODAY'S Will' AT I'UH'KS. VANCOUVER, Feb. 8 The price of Number 1 Northrrn wheat today on the local exchange w.ts l l JILL CARSON harged by Tiwub of Detroit and Will Not Play Hockey for a Few Daya AMERICANS WHITEWASHED or on to Tied With Ottnwa For Second Place in the National League TORONTO. Feb. fl. Toronto ties with Ottawa for second place ten pulnts be hind the Canadlen made their iirsi .hutoue of tbe season by defeating De mit Saturday two noaja to nothing, but lost BUI Oaraon who was injured when ha was charged by Ttaub. He win or ut of the game for severs 1 daya while Hanny" Day. Injured In Montreal, wui irobably be out for tbe iwat of the mm- on. In Utc game bet wean the two Mont-cal teams Saturday, neither tbe Can-'dlena nor the Maroons could penetrate a oh others defense but tbe Can tilena had mere of the ecarln chances. lowever Benedict, goalie for the aaroona was at hi beat and did not t on past. Yesterday Pittsburg beat the New York Banger four goals to two whlU hlraao whitewashed . the Americans, Harold Cottcn scoring three out of the ii Pittsburg tallies. A casualty waa Riddel of the Americana. Scores were ATI HOW Detroit 0. Toronto 8. Canadians o. Montreal Maroaoa 0. N Y. Rangers a. Pittsburg 4. si M.V M.Y. Pangers 2. Plttaburg . Chicago 0. N V Americana 0. TERMINUS MINE CHANGES HANDS Fifty-two Per Cent of Shares Be ing Sold and hxtetwlve Development Proposed VANCOUVER, Feh. 8. The sale of 6a per cent of th Terminus Mine at Portland Canal to a Vanouwvwr group, who plan extensive developments. Is announced by Harry Hay ward, director and principal shsrrhi-Ulera of the Terminus The names of the Vancouver men 1 not announced EMERGENCY SUPPLIES i SENT FROM HERE TO PREM1B SATURDAY With a cargo of provisions and sup-piles to meet the emergency following the disastrous fin at Premier Mine last week, the BC Towage As Lighterage Co 's power tug B iivae Princess left Saturday afternoon i r Stewart. Tie vessel is exTi tol ii It In a day or mo. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper THK MINK S1IAKT at W.- Krankt'.-rt. illinoi-. where !"' were and 'Jl were ;ii:ed. Tt,, ..ti.i.uianee.- awaiting tl.e injured as the rescue party Kel tin -: t l he surface was in! J hired; IIS V A . w m. . ASHBY NEXT GRAIN SHIP Uritlith Steamer Due Here This Week to Load for United Kingdom or Continent Tlie Klramer Alil, ahkli will arrive In port Ihh week, will le l-rlHce llfrt fllleentli grain ship of tit season, she H ewnilng (rem the IMil Cnuiilry and e.lerd) was t;u ,nlle fraet (ape llattery. Tlie vessrl, ttlileli luis been lliinl enmule. ll ImI lull far the I lilted Klitg-dun ar Oatluent. site lietoaf ta the Hopnrr Une and l similar In lse aiMl buiM la utlief hlim f the Miine tine which have been here llils seuMHi. I land pngrrs Is liettig made at the Alberta Wheat INI" Iftnre l(Hrl elevaler In I lie leaMlIng ot the saedMi ship sagnlaiid and It h es-peHnl khe Mill get away within a day r mi with a fall eargw fee Ihe I nlteil Kingdom nt ('entlnewt. It was ststrd last Meek that Ihe Hrltisli sleanier Mabrltan would ,ar-rhe here In a few ilays t ll gTaln. No further wnrd f Ihi ship Itaa klnre been rrrrlved. ltMeee. FISHERMEN TO HOLD MEETINGS Convention of Northern H.C. Salmon Fishermen's Association to Open Here Tomorrow Under the ausnices ot the Northern British Columbia Salmon Flaherman's Association a convention of fisherman of this district will be opened In the elty council chamber at 10 o'clock tomorrow infirnine. Proooaala of the oanneryiBtn . .uivnmMit rsmedinst rhatieaa of w .i" T regulations to effect coiuervatloa of the . salmon will fcrm the principal topic oi discussion st Uk convention wnien, fnm iim viewoolnt o( the flabermen will thoroughly canvass the siwmwob aa pertalna to the fishery at th present time. Tie convention may possibly run into two daya' tune. A meeting of the executive of the Association waa held last evening for the purprse of arranging details for th convent ion. WILL ATTEMPT A LONG FLIGHT itrtNTRKAL. Feb. 8. - DenU Rooke. late Royal Akr Force pilot, the first to ever accomplish s-tlo ntgnv m a ngnv airplane 7.000 mil" from England to ImllH. will be here shortly In an attempt the Dominion frni van t i fly across eouver to Halifax In one hop Advertise lu The DsIlT Ne i giiil ami OI its note. ,wr stanron's bold del.very sdoo bad the ppot.tlon rjuiea u pi-te.. and culuiinaied In the tudden oe,arlure ol i K ri lo.iey. Conseivaavc l.'iUcr. Iroui the House. When Mr. PoUey a;;.-.npll , rcp.,cd., to luieir.ip1 Mr. Jjjii. u anl he At'.orney-Oeneral refuaed to give way auu atop ni s...-ecti. ao; -yr-"-- l:on lesdtr appealed to Mr. Speaker j Buck .mm. Mr. Si.Hkrr repi.ed tnai r.! polcy knew a well as auyoue what a t cUd not li;e to alii. ah In terruption Whereupcn Mr Pcoley aprang to hla leet and walkid -ui ol tne ciiamber. hurling back the remark:! Well. Mr. Speaker. I leave the chamber ...ii w - . thmiiah nn vntir ml Ins V . Boston Grill La rife Upstair Dining Hal), with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457 --- Priee-FiwLenM ' . vv!i; PRINCE KUPEKTJU FRANCE SIGNS ARBITRA HON TREA TY WITH UNITED ST A TES I V W s S-vsI What Looks Like long ! f War Opens in Victoria with Shooting of Wong Iii puii Arose In Connection Willi a Levy by Chinese Freemasons unu iJiapsMiion oi ine runu in n.v. tapuai i ();1A, February (i. Wong Lim, a Chinese cook, member :, i i,i Kong Tong Chinese Freema.ton. was shot in the jaw i , ii ly injured yesterday afternoon on Herald Street by as-, ,i yet arrested. The shooting is said to have been the , : a laclioiial feud between the Freema-iotis and Chinese Na- , hI dwii in KMthiny with excitement a a result of the affuir. CHINESE STANDS uri el Appeal Sustain Decision i M ui-irute McClvnwnt in r,,i,,i ( ourt Lat i S P. June has o" iK- British Column. C -jur .rtorU tiu qu whed ' ii) Yeu Che. Uoal Cii!." i.,Mliw atirf flu of i6b November by Magistrate aid ii-1 Accruing to locmi Chinese, who cvlae..'-l not surprised ai tu trnufolr in ll.e Vicuna cotouy. the Chinese Frc.-.w. n have lor aonw yean levied .none? gonrrally fr.aa the countrymen in the capital, it bring stated that the lund thm r.M(l vara not devoted to any cstnmon mue but rather went directly to the jeneilt oi a few olttoen of the Frecmn Bociety. That yew when the ?Mmtuiii went about to ralae th; none, the other Chinese, Including vome t the Premaona who are not of-iccrs. rtrmsnded that the funda ahould allied to some cannon cause, the Tv. lie? ios;.nI. which haa keen having -ii-tii.' financial difficutttaa, being menitontd s worthy of rawMag Mca Th rmaiMoaa imfmgH- 4 Leader of Opposition Walked Out of the House When Manson Refused to Stop His Oration VICTORIA, February 6. All public men in British Columbia, regardless of polities' should unite in seeking some means of stemming the tide of Oriental penetration in British Columbia, which threatens to make this province an Oriental-British community, At-Ki.ney-General Manson urged in the Legislature in a spirited address. Mr. Manson coupled with his warning against Oriental domination a vigorous defence of the government and a detailed explanation of its work at the Interprovincial Conference, lie added ihe declaration that he was very hopeful of a solution of tho l-ucilic Great Eastern HaUwuy problem. tle gu.tfruu.ul aa devoung S! IE DALY UI..U Sva ' I j mmm After that Mr. Manson was allowed lo : en.ea nerseu si puuee "-I" continue his address without serious In terrupUon was S si:t Tditv chaos Tbe Atlarneg-Oeneeal laaaartad at ihe Lb. m sa "ehsoa and dlaerder a - . j. nttnTtSfc "ft Vlie uVBURSAyA." Ml. IflarlJ first important apeecb. falling to deal with any Important matter, showed the reason for the Conservative party' troubles, he suspected Be declared the Conservatives In the House hculd re veal to the country the policies of their j arty instead of shrouding them in mystery. The Conservative' fear Wat fhalr tmttr!4M would bS Stolen bV the ite- while taking a liquor oafgo Into United States water In order to ave an American crew In dtotres. AimiTHATION TREATY .HAH SKlVKIt TCUIAY BY IKANCK AM HTATBH WAtWINOTOM. Fab. 6. - An arbitration treaty between United 8 lata and France, under which these two nations agree to submit all dispute to arbitration rather than to the arbitrament ot war. waa signed today by re-preecn tat Ives of each country. TWO LOST LIVES IN FIRE AT MONTREAL aVWTREAL. Feb. 8. Two persons were burned to death and two injured when fire destroyed the dwelling oi Vllle Emard yesterday. The dead are B. Lynch. 17 year ot age. Sidney V.evenson, 31. WINDSOR TRADESMAN HEIR TO A FORTUNE WINDSOR. Fab. 8. Wtlham Cook, lo cal plasterer, haa been notified that he U the missing heir to a W0 000 fortune left by aa uncle. Dr. James Racier, in the Yukon territory, who died leaa man a year ago. TRIS SPEAKER SIGNED PHILADELPHIAATHLETICS NEW YORK, Feb. e.-Trl Sneaker the famous baseball player and manager, baa been signed by the Philadelphia Athletics but the term of the contract are not announced. WKATIIKH Ki:i"OKT. Prince Rupert Cloudy. wind; tcm'Mmittre. 43. SAYSSHEWAS NOTMURDERED Strange Case in Montreal Where Woman Allege! to Have lieen Killed Appears MOKTRBAL. Feb. g. A woman data-ins to be Bessie Daly. MtogrUIIed Friday aa ttie victim of Jules Qcutane. pea- yesterday. Caul ."me. who la aa -pc)lrimaa, ad-mitted kiuiM BaaaMi tWy and mourn baring her body after Ma arttst aa the IsBunsarer of ArtnuT BtssJaafd. aatt Of nMas rear of his home. KING RECEIVES " government he considered unworthy, as was the duty of public men .o aa-, farmers riuin i . -- in. thM ,nr Til u. i snceinent of the provlnoa. The Attorowy-Oeneral anawered me icmand of the opposition by explaining that he had sought clemency for rapt Pamphlet. Canadian sailor, who jailed in tbe United CANADIAN PARTY itura at Buckingham Palace, Also Navy Ledgue LONDON. Feb. 8. The party of tew ing Canadian farmer saWavad rrom Deutnark Saturday ana we received a Buckingham Palace by the King and Queen with whom it renainea an hcur. Their Maejstlea alao raoalTad members of the Canadian Navy League who are here Inquiring into the poeaibUlUM of nava! men migrating to Canada. FELIX PENNE AGED EIGHTY i Well Known Vancouver News paperman Died Ii8t Mrm Ending 20 Years Qn Coast VANCOUVER, Feb. A picturesque figure in B.C. Journallam. John Tranent Bursiu. better known to newspaper reader a -Felix Panne, wtsd laat night aged so He was horn In North London. England. He came to Vancouver 30 yeart, ago after 90 fOtra In WUI Street. BERT BARRY IS GIVEN OVATION Complains of Lack of Interest Taken in Event at Vancouver LONDON. Feb 6 Bart BaBf. world "a champion sculler, was gtVM a rouatng reception at Waterloo seat Ml Saturday on his return from Canada where he defeated ciocdnell ot Australia Bt Vancouver on December 84J, In an Interview here Barry eo-plalned of the amaaing lack of interest in the championship' ah Vonco'uVer; U.S. SECRETARY VISITS CANADA orrAWA Feb. B. Kellog. secretary of state for tho United State. atrong BJf accompsnled by Mm. Kellog, amvea this anern-'oii ')li a vlaHt to C'aOtdi. (