oMORROW'S i PROVINCIAL LIB! ini ~TIDES— 118 Ll, 1962 ‘ ’ . ; x rime 20.0 feet 20.6 feet 22 74 feet 35 feet DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 2 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’s NEWSPAPER ' Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"‘P tince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL, XLI, No. 298 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1952 Plane Crash Carries 91 To Deat Freight Bis Worst Accident “eo in Air Hist Rate Hike | ‘isn Soe MOSES LAKE, Wash. (CP)—The giant globe- | Approved © | master “Christmas Special,” flying servicemen tor holidays, crashed with 118 aboard early today and the air force announced there were 91 known dead— ‘Will Compensate ‘For Wage Boost 0 TEN CENTS (including comic section) i n rican iccchiniecninrctihealeiasitineinde { the worst accident in aviation history. i Light snowfall had begun just before the plane took off from Larson Air Force Base at 6:30 a.m. for Kells Air Force Base at San Antonio, Tex. _ Some of the survivors were in-¢ field ste wappee't te | Crippled Ship Proceeding To Vancouver HARRY M. DAGGETT Many City Homes Under-Assessed OTTAWA.—A nine per jcent general increase in freight rates was author- ized today by the Board wreckage of the Globemaster, | which was consumed by gasoline- | fed flames which flared an in-| stant after the crash. | The C-124 is the biggest US. | military plane in service. aa | of Transport Commis- _ Big as a five-room jnouse, it} yANCOUVER @ — The crip- “ , I jum public better | Sloners. is capable of carrying as many pled 10,000-ton Canadian Pacific ae : . a ity hal}, The Daily News hw Ni tin ae ah ete as 200 combat troops. , Steamsbips freighter Maplecove -f mn ts aes © ao aks co $43 $80 088 ps aul so The plane crashed only mom-jis proceeding to Vancouver at + o * Gus waned ta’ Eee ents after the takeoff. Pirefight-|10 knots under her own steam. i a : - rd oO ee ee | ing and rescue crews raced to the | Spokesman for CPS said late aa By LARRY STANWOOD oe ior s a 16-cont-an- Eur ' seene but were unable to save | Friday Capt. R. A. Leicester ot Bt all property owner ae asain < : en eee ie w all property owners, business and r nplo ‘i :. ; Highest previous loss of life in| ship’s damaged rudder could be & The application ior higher cE Oe ig on ee * “4 a plane disaster was March 12, ysed in favorable weather and s rates was filed after the rall- 1950, at Cardiff, Wales, when 80) been under way since 8 . ways decided earlier this month Steamer Battered by Storm soccer fans were killed. {Be _ . if large, your buildings and property have issessed for many years and the city has i lot of good tax money—one of the big city streets are crumbling faster than to grant increases effective Dex 1, but while they and the non- operating unions were still in- voived in wage-negotiation talks a.m, The C-124 normally has a crew | The ‘tug island Sovereign, A BLINDING SNOWSTORM and heavy winds harried the steamer Cadillac, owned by the [of about a dozen. Most of the/ which left Vancouver Thursday Hamilton Harbor Commission, slowing the ship’s passage through the Welland canal locks. (Passengers Were military men | night after the captain reported Standing by winch engines are Henry Tupper (left), mate and Warren Dean, almost obscured | Hitch-hiking a ride home ‘or | his ship out of control with rud- F : : aeeemens was reached yes- by the snow. The rough trip from Detroit was made without the aid of radio or radar. Christmas. |der trouble, is still proceeding repaired, why the water system is on its| “T04” oF the 1¢-cent figures, - min | The skies were, heavily over-| toward the ship more than 1,200 : : h . . s retroactive to Sept. 1 least, and the snow continued to} miles away. d why a new telephonesystem has been| Today's formal board order filter down as the dying flarhes Historic Meeting of Natives Liting. > implemented the announcement flickered earily in the winter * P DBs “ : Dec. 16 that the increase | gloom ssekament of municipal law, “without inter- | ° : : i ai ‘Susan feren 7 by the city comsell would be granted if the board ° S Officials said, showever, that a . aia ca | was satisfied about the accuracy weather conditions were not a . very high taxa How much homes and busi- : eat | $ |major factor in’ the crash ls. one of the Desses have been under-assessed of the railways’ cost figures in = . : higher wages, which were sub- mitted earlier this week the province. | Unt) now, or at how much they Profit ‘Down } The biggest and probably most/ali B.C. Indians.” elaborate, pending formation of} appalling sit-|4re going to be assessed,. what : historic convention is being! Main items expected to come a brief by the Brotherhood ex- ; «(P) nell finally took| Percentage of their present-day} At the hearing Monday, the|pjanned for next April 25 at,before delegates representing ecutive. Other points the con- | Eaters etapa peont months ago, Value, Daggett will not say two big companies said higher pazelton by the Native Brother-/B.C.’s 30,000 native Indians, are/| vention would bring up, he said, — ne is = nike — full-time aa- But he says that even before wages will cost them $52,700,000 jooq of B.C }the legality of Income tax paid were discussions on an educa- a *. d Sao ates oe a vs n the city’s his two-year program of reas-|°" all Returning from an organiza= by Indians, problems of trap-/tional level of certain sections ctl . - ” ‘ sessing js completed, citycol-+ 4 raliway witness indicated pAdnal.trp..igiathe... interiondpine registrations, aboriginal tim-\in. the revised.Indiam Act,.such L424 annpel ZeRott, fii afi rene * Bs ‘ ; ‘al i This is approximately one- Harry M. Dag- fers should be swelling as a re-{ the c anies might try te FT@nk Calder, MLA for Atlin and ber and fishing rights, and cont /as election of village councillors, 4 : ai pioneer aa sult of his efforts ks ee oaha of a aide ‘secretary of the Brotherhood, | mercial fishing problems. and the voting rights of women || third “lower than net profits of said today “this convention will) Of these subjects, Mr. Calder H. R. MacMillan Export Com- siderman abd For instance.” says Daggett.) by increasing express raies . , “By the time the convention | ee my own house is far Seton | and clacena sonee be one of major importance to' said he was not at liberty to;taxes place, the new Act will| ee aes tae i pes be some! valued by the city's books. Many! ..., have operated for two years. We| * " : Pp hf Daggett, homes, and lots as well, hold) The ome today - - = . —y — ue the ———- poe +) i heat nes program de- much more ve oday oq 'S customary ‘Feasons 10) B Ball Ga M Da will review the act after that : . eT: aoe a ~ oo _ today than 20) | Gement” explaining its deci- room me, occasin nce time and listen to our proposals | bia forest industry, the two moe oe ea rege sion. It merely*issued an order Ti k Sh All Si Fi Gi / for possible amendments or sug- | companies merged in October, ome Homes Assessed to the Limit 2: ‘8 "ves me my FUP ey oot et ror Curiers gestions,” Mr. Calder said. 1951. Last year H, R. MacMil- put the increase into effect Jan (Col. Laval Fortier, OBE, de- lan Export Co. Ltd. alone had a xample. A house provements—finding their true) 1 provided they get out the new Tonight is the big night for curlers. |puty minister of citizenship and net profit of $15,611,138. t $3,500 to build! yan: a vig job. Daggett|rate schedules before Dec. 31 The Prince Rupert Curling Club’s social evening begins /|immigration department and - . the — a hink going take two), In announcing oan ths at 7 with a curling shoot for turkeys. jhead of the Indian Department) Le Ff | , 3) ian? et combined jot 2 he lingering wage 8 } 4 6 tn 0°44 . - at * eon i at . a On a Da * sessment was | Years to complete the whole city.| pajiways said the new contract ne oe _— pe Panama . eae oe wa _ : a ae aka tae Gk ok the Ven. PREMIER BENNETT of BC. y ys : Right now, he’s setting up Alaiso provides for checkoff of of broom ball—five minutes each way. Then two teams from | » — awived in Bémonten wee : wt the women’s club match wits jeral government's intention to, @ttived in ” ¥y l ft For Bo and business) filing system which shows not) union dues ? The “championship” will be played between the winners -|"°™*¥ the Act.) ier a one Gay contesenng Maine e ys wever, are either only exact diniensions, age and They thus reached settle- vat : ls ) re ae we no . With leaders of Alberta's Social > : ssessed to the condition of buildings, but also| , : of the men’s and ladies’ events | MAY ELECT WOMAN | Credit government, He was ac- ment pretty much along the A said Gane will beeti ab th i a Travelling with Mr. Calder was , 0. in ze present-day their design and a miniature) jines of the majority report A moccasin dance egin at p.m. on the curling ice. | we it ) . ad 4 | companied by Finance Minis- drawing of the lot on which the! of the federal conciliation Few are expected to be wearing moccasins but there | William Beynon of Port Edward,’ ter Gunderson. The B.C. Prem- hi denen building is located ; toy th: : should be lots of rubbers and_ overshoes. advisor to the Brotherhood. Meet-| jer was greeted at the station | _ There are only three shopping ny inequali 4 si a ha board which three weeks ago lings were held at Kitwanga and | by Premier Manning days left until Christmas, and set-up—some ae : oe” ie ; cuokiaee recommended check-off of Hazelton Se Sa eee : only THREE more days before too much in quired = ore - sol a . ra union dues and an average | . ' ‘ Women, tov, have been mak-’ The Daily News subscription ially subsidizing be gins ‘ste work ne increase of 16 cents. Christmas Cheer Donations ing great strides in Indian af- I e contest ends and contestarits paying too it~ pleted in a oe es tob The new settlement, placing fairs participation, said Mr. Cal- ean bring up their totals to win ol Lg PSE es og: des: "| the inerease back three months ‘ \der, who expects that at least WEATHERMAN a prize. a ee acag on indicated concessions were won S t R d O D one may be elected to the ex- Far in the lead‘with 26 new ssessor WwW kin Da and Night by the unions in the final stages e ecor on pening ay ecutive of the Brotherhood at . |subscriptions is Robert Jensen, 29 or g y of negotiations ie |the convention. a. ys while in second place with 14 is two months, the On the coast, he went into| ‘The announcement made no| The Salvation Army’s annual accomplished by the Army with! If a woman is elected, it, will “ORECAST Raymond Sklapsky. Victor Mas~ r has not had for himself, but after) mention of original union de-| Christmas “cheer-pot” began the use of last year’s Christmas/be the first time in the group's FORECAS kulak, with 11, is in third place. inws off, or Sun-' two years found didn't pay, mands for union shop and cost- boiling in front of the Post Of- cheer fund: 21 years of operation. North coast region: Gale warn-| To date the carriers have add- ‘tter. He starts that he was broke. He moved) of-living bonus. both of which fice yesterday morning and by Twenty-eight hampers of food _ Native women received their ing issued. Intermittent rain,}eq 92 new subscribers to. the his work late in north, landing in Prince Rupert|were turned down in the ma- |nightfall $200 was donated to|were given to the needy; 323 right to vote in village affairs showery after midnight. Not 50/pgily News since the contest got piling records and April 3, 1909 jority finding of the conciliation make it one of the most re- treats to children and hospital under the revised Act two years cold tonight. : under way Nov. 24. * veteran of civ! a if iia phd apneere sponsive deys in history here. patients, jail inmates and mem-'ago This year, a woman was, Winds southerly 40 in the area; The boy with most subserip- naa dercoun Son © s _ eae him.| Frank H. Hall, chief spokes-/ The Army reported today it bers of the Pioneers’ Home; pecsok a aS chief eo of a of the southern Charlottes, and/tions turned in by 2 p.m. Dec. 24 tings, which he “i fae ae a work the}man for the unions, told re-| was “very happy” with the re- 9,000 garments collected in the wee —s B.C. village, the first southeast 20 elsewhere, becom-|will be winner of the Grand cecal vel! ee = : . _ puina| porters later he regarded the sponse to the campaign which district, of which more than 7,000 such oce urance in Indian history.’ ing southeast 45 over the entire/ Prize. Each boy who obtains five ) up with events, -— ee a Ru-| settlement as “a very good features a red and blue uniform- | have been distributed in an area She ved Mrs. Grace Vickers of area during the forenoon, shift-|or more new subscriptions also : a house where the Prince Kur) ment.” ed man or woman ringing a bell/from Hazelton to Japan; more /|Kitkatla. ing to southwest and diminist . ell, born in New nswered early the Arriving her¢ incorporation, en route was Al took up ranch- 11 to 1907, when he tak again and Vancouver west ys pert Hotel stands today Wages were 75 cents an hour for a 10-hour day, “good money,| those days as Daggett re- marked Following years were spent as government wharf superintend- ent. on the halibut exchange, and as a carpenter Old Country FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I Arsenal 3, Aston Villa 1 Blackpool 3, Portsmouth 2 Cardiff C’ 0, Wolverhampton 0 beside a Christmas Cheer Kettle Last year’s receipts from this campaign were $840, a 10 per cent increase over the previous year Here are some of the things $500 Reward — than 400 meal tickets issued and temporary shelter provided; tem- porary relief given to families, care given to children without homes, and many tickets issued for Christmas dinners. Over and above the $200 col- lected in the ‘Cheer Kettle at the Post Office, donations have come in by mail. One was a $100 check—the same amount which’ Of this, old Native chiefs have the women are taking over.” ing after dark. Low tonight and pert, 40 and 45. P-T Council Takes Action: j will receive a prize. ; : So hurry, boys — reme a reserved opinion. They shake high Sunday at Port Hardy 35) only three full days left in which | their heads and say, “looks like| and 45; Sandspit and Prince Ru-' you can qualify for a prize in this contest. mber, Safety Drive to Begin Soon To protect the lives of night-;ures for cyclirts s very great, bicycling youngsters, the Prince and the use of “Scoteh-Lite” wil] Rupert Parent-Teacher Council greatly minimize the risk of shortly will: begin a campaign | night cycling to both cyclists and to apply “Scotch-Lite” retlector | motorists,” said a campaign tape to bikes of all city school director. children. | Red strips of tape will be ap- clined Nomination First Time was first approach- election, then returned as alder- for alderman on city} man until he resigned last sum- e declined, Twenty-|mer to take on the job of as- he accepted | sessor polls for a two- Standing erect as a newly- driven piling, Daggett Shows few) of his years over three-score, Chariton A, 3, Sunderland | Chelsea 2, Manchester U. 3 Derby C. 4, Bolton B. 3 Liverpool 2, Preston N.E. 2 Manchester C, 2, Stoke C. 1 Middlesbrough 2, Burniey 2 Newcastle U. 1, Sheffield W. 5. W. Bromwich 2, Tottehham 1. Division fF Barnsley 2, Doncaster R. 2 Birmingham 4, Rotherham U has come from the same person for more than 10 years. This person, explained one of the. red and blue uniformed Offered For Safe Robbers ‘isis: iret nova to i VANCOUVER —A $500 re-|Operates today a well-paying ward has been offered for the |Dusiness but in depression days Strips are cut to proper size with scissors, knife or .ragor blade. Parts of the bike where the “Scotch-Lite” is to stick are cleaned carefully and dried with some non-inflammable material, after which the strips are placed and rubbed down firmly with iler ne tt resigned from his . post at the end of} although there are 12, and with mackbare =X oe P. 1. |eapture of robbers who escaped |e was broke—and desperate. An order has been placed to plied on rear fenders and silver|finger pressure to run for mayor.| his energy and fervor to things) Diy ©’ 1 Everton & from Whitehorse, Y.T., with a| “He claims that help came supply all school children’s bikes,|for the front fork and handle-| Application musi be made at ted by acclamation,| accomplished he takes no back; seeds U. 2, Hudderafield T. 1 railway safe containing nearly) from the Army just in time, and/and it is hoped three or four| bars. a temperature above 60 degrees for the following| seat to most men half his age Lincoln 0, Brentford wi | $100,000 in cash and cheques. jhe's never forgotten us.” “working bees” can be held as} The strips reflect auto head-| Fahrenheit. When the time comes | is a record in the een en ah every — 2, ree 2 las We Eee oa. ad jeoce. ee is received, to make lights brilliantly at night, due|to make application the work oe es ae place of business in Sheffield U. 1, Se : DON’T LIKE RED | 8PP i to their coating of 30,000 micro-| probably will have to be done Southampton 1,,West Ham 2 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division A ili ‘ | Aberdeen 4. Parsiek: 7 2. jaway from the station on the | way here, announced the reward | | offer Friday. He said the safe was carted another record: in ‘efeated at the polls| tes when Mrs. Nora} Children will be notified of| scopic glass spheres on a rer the time and the place that the | flective plastic film. & ud a « this Norfolk town officials seine Mecteh ae WA be ayeoen The “Seteh-Lite” indoors so bikes can be to the proper temperature. While there have been no THETFORD, England (P)—To t brighten municipal houses in 7 the city the next two years. While there may pass many & : against him, “the| friendly exchange on these ViS-| Givge 1, Bast Fife 2. | Parent-Teacher members in /jizes the bicycles so they can be/deaths here this school season yoralty rae lits, they will have but one main) paikirk 2, Celtte 3. |night of Nov. 30 and loot in-/€d some front doors red, some the cit to enlist seen by m ] i ; ralty race in this! its, they aa eavtuate equitably; Hearts 3, Third Lanark 8 | cluded $2,500 in cash and $o70N0/@reen, others blue, All y hope Support |seen by motorists from any/as a result of bicycle accidents, “OSE: : were for their safety campaign from! angle of nh “ 9 j purpose: a nerweil, 2, Dandes bo ~ gle approach. several “close scrapes” have oc- ain elected as alder-|the property and the land on|* QUSnrsr's ") ‘aiernian 7 in cheques. He doubted the oat except the housewives other organizations, and parents! The tape is easily applied andj curred. The reflectors will reduce large majority, was| which it stands—to give the city) Raith R. vs. Airdrieontans pstpd thieves would be able to cash | With red doors. A new shade will/of children who own bikes. [becomes a permanent pert of the night cycling hazards both to another mayoralty! and its taxpayers a fair break. | Rangers 4, St, Mirren 0. the cheques. be found for them. “The need for safety meas-’ bike. ; 5 motorists and pedestrians.