I! fi M M ( f! i a i! M It n It PAGE TWO Badminton Last Night In tjie badminton match be- ton tween Prince P.upertJ&dmlntc and and the the Armories, Armories, at at tl Club the home courts of tha.former,-Princ Rupert won two Trarrwsfljut j three. 5 7." The following wese the scores: Mixed Doubles Lambie and Mrs. Bryant lost to Johnson andjlra. WUsonw4-16, ! LadiesiDoubles H Shadwefl and Silas bar die and Mrs. Evitt, 15-5, 15-10-Men's Doubles Bryant and Russell beat Nicft-oils and Youngman 15-3, 15-4. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CLERGYMAN IS DEAD VICTORIA, Dec. 18 1 Dr. S. J. Enander,, Swedish Lutheran clergyman and noted" botanist, aired 84. 'was found dead in a The mo.uest is to De neia to morrow. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK in . . j . .. AND MEN'S COljiUlS-f-Stile price MEN'S WORKING SOX Sale price BOYS' SUITS--Snip price BOYS' (LAI'S - MEN'S II ATS-Values up to $5.75, Sale price,-.. HOYS' PENMAN 71 S1IIHTS AND DRAWERS Sale price . .MEN'S OVERALLS OR SMOCKS Tor .- LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS Stile price CHILDREN'S PURSES--Lowly Tor flirts. Sale price STATIONERY BOXES FOR CHILDREN Sale price -L WHITE OR GREY COTTON 7 yanJs for WHITE FLANNELETTE CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS - : CHAMBREYSale price LADIES' SLICKERS Red, Blue ttiid Green. Regular -17J)0. Sale MiiCC Ut, r -.-- imii.j !t iii'tMi tirvvrt; !.,.r in,,., ,i f!n.i, z.n AfcJI)lBSnSL! IJVlf I ti LIllV filial J1IV..W nK.HX jpfAKlNAW'S- Up to $12.50 Sale price Store Opens Every Evening Till and Including Monday, the 24th. JABOUR BROS. LTD. -ilCjf ' .....l!)c i3.70 .00c jl.98, ' .79c -$i.ooi;. : ' c.Mc .0c ' . $3.08 ! ....S2.!)8 ;ir ....$5.08 ; 1K2 THE DAILY Nmn'; Tuesday, December is 1923 Hotel Takes Big Prizes Crib Honors j49 ceremonies and 146 was eaaWer. 144! 143 142 133 12S From Elks Prince Rupert Hotel won the First Half of Series of Whist and first half of the Cribbage League (Bridge Tournaments Cornea I which came to an exciting finish 1 to Close I last night. The Hotel men scored .1 1 " i the st nfghf.n the Elks Home. Aj 1ua,ifiea to toff for now RURIEI) IIIJMFI) YFSTFltDAY ESTERDAi 4i , play crowd in attendance. was emblematic of. city , JV 'r ' l. i-irthjrA hamnmnanin wirn wfct41. inn Grand 'prizes, tyiL' garet Palmer beat Mrs. McMor-i died Friday was buried yesterday. iQn Qup I Canadian National Steamships SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, " Machinists, Boilermakerx, Blacksmith Pntteii makers, Founders, Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 AVIKNIPEf!:' Dec. 185 William lL ' u i.t, of cash, for the first half of the I age 15. Final Standing M W reldirStorage - 11 I6S CanLeglon 11-IC0 . Orange Lodge il 153 Kj .of C. ..... . U 152 (LN. Operators 11 149 Grotto ..11 146 Moose 11 144 jNew Empress 11 143 Eagles 11 142 N. Sons 11 133 CN. Mechanic 11 128 Does Dollars and Cents Mean Anything to You ? " IF SO, ASK YOl Il NEIGHBOR ABOUT OUK Pre-InventorySdle BUT TO GET SATISFACTION HEAD THIS PAPER AND ANALYZE THE PRICES. BETTER STILL, TO BE MORE SATISFIED VISIT OUR SALE. WHICH CONTINUES TILL MONDAY, DEC, THE 24TIL and Save! Save! Save! We Mean It! WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT, WE ARE SELLING OUT OUR BOYS CLOTHING, ETC. ;" WE WANT TO REDUCE OUR STOCK, i ' TUP 11P.VPP1T 11 YniTHS " i- i i I J I) I KS'l I ATS M re rwhictiuifs -a..jL ...Jl GIRLS' HATS - LADIES SiniN SILK DHUSSES Value $ U05. Siile rtcoUii HYItA&CT t ltlt)tllC .tll. l...ll... ...I on ri ii m rwj oi.i i I i.inijn(iiiliwiiivi jii.j, yinii t ., Sole prkp.for L$i.f!;: 98ej 128 134 437 144 145 148 151 153 154 155 164 169 1 rxue Winners on ine evemnK , . play were : j Lakes' first. Mrs. H. Skat-teboi; second. Mrs. Janes Stur-Pts geon;, rami's first Joe Howe; sec-169 ond', C. K. Biggart, 163 After eards, refreahotents were jgO served and dancing followed with J53 musie by Bob Arthur'a orchestra. W. V. Vance wap maiver ox C. R. Biggart SPORT CHAT Minor leaguers are demanding that the major league owners give up their minor league . holdings. CommWioner Landis is canvas-'sing the situation before making a' decision. A check up on the .situation reveals that Brooklyn jis interested in 'Macon, Ga.; Bos-ton Nationals in Providence; Chicago Cubs in Reading, Pa.; Cincinnati in Columbus, Ohio, and Peoria ; Pittsburgh in Salisbury, N.C; anti Colombia. 8.C., and St. 'Louis Nationals in Rochester, N. Y, IlSU'ttOfj Texas, Danville, Ills.. Daj-fon, (fhio and Topeka Kans. lit the American League it is revealed that Cleveland has an in-' tere'st in Fredericksburg Va., and !a workihg agreement with Terre ' Haute, Ind. Also that Detroit is 'Interested in Evansville, Ind., Fort Smith, Ark., and has a working agreement with Hanover, in the Blue Grass League. Philadelphia Athletics hold an interest in Portland. Phil A. Ball, owner of the St Louis Browns, admits the ownership of the Tulaa and Muskogee club. ' In addition, Wm. Wrigley, Jr., owuer of the Chicago Cubs, also owns the Lo Angeles club of the Pacific Coast League. PROF. HEATHEBINGTON .DIES AT WINNIPEG yiNNIPHG, Dee. 18. Prof. A. E." ICftherfngton; agod 61, In charge of the department of re ligious edueatioa at Wealey Col lege and ' pioneer missionary to thV 'Yukon In 1898, formerly of Vancouver, died here today. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Dec. 18. Wheat was quoted on the local ex change today at 118 1-8. MOTHER OF TWINM ELPED Reilored to Health by Taking Lydia , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mitchell. Ont.-"I had little babies and for quite a while after I was lso weak I could not do my work because of paint all the way up my less t the back." I also had headache and got very littla slepp. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vez- ctable Compound, and soon I was able to get up and do rriy work. I have taken three hottlM and I am fine, do my work without trouble and am Mining In weight and trength. I will gladly recommend the Vegetable Compound to anyone." Mas. F. Station, Box 220, Mitchell, Ont. Kid Lewis Left Ring in Huff After Two Minutes Fighting At Toronto With Chorlie Boulanger TORONTO, Dee. 18: Ted r.t the instructions of referee .... w Mot!- nf , u k.ir v,., (Kid) Lewis, the English welter- Louis Mursh PCdsuu uti tiiv; jvii iui vuo Allot uait, ja nic pcasuu 1.1.1 At. l m gas filled room in a local hotel. ' Canada and nosed out the Cold of whUt and bridge tournaments , wel" champion of . t , A- Gtrnrra Storage and tin .4 PntinHian Canadian T.ou-lnn Legion wVin who hi) by 4Vi the ,T?ll,' Elks Lodge I r,A era featured fnoturul awa,K I WaiKea OUt out 01 Of the ine rU r,n tne woria, xeianKer, wnu n:iu ine uesi 01 ln a nu" ine Ui w8 . T . were beating each other. successful and enjoyable card! 'rt ln th f,rf ,;ouInd of, proclaimed winner. . . ...... ,rf a.,.. Kii, o. k.i.i his bout with Charlie Btlanger Lewis was suspended by the The ine Prince rrince Rupert nuperi Jiotel jioiei is is ; T.'.""V. , . TV . 7 . ,. 7 nf V U'inM.,, hliw fr th Ontario Board of Boxi Com- heavyweight championship of the ' missioners and his 20 per cent fairing taking th the frm farm i i Br' urnisn empire. .1 , snare ui mw xruon revcipta hqbb Lewis was apparently annoyed to charity. , . .. i j- winners ui me secuim iiaw, iuscis , . II. Cross, western financier, who - .r niflVkoff aVn(r thp New- season were presented as imwvw - ' - -- . - " . . n t .i ti' r itn i uy . u, mice anu t . iu. u- . Hscroft: TDT AT CPADC Tnin n Cmntt SnulU Last night's scores: Bridge - Highest aggrwate U IVE.A 1 ; . "l """" New Empress A. C. 11, Orange , score, Mrs. G. E. Gulkk; 2 Lodge 16. (name drawn from among tho$e ; N. Sons of Canada 6, Prince jn. attendance more than 75 per- ! Rupert Hotel 21. cent)f Mrg w. D. Vance; 3j C. N. Operating 1G, Moose 11. (hidden number) Mr. Jophj C. N. Mephanics 11, Knights Howe. . of Columbus i6. j WhistHighest score, Mrs. H.j Grotto 9, Eagles 18, katteboi; 2. K. J. Fuller; 3. Mrs. ! Canadian Legion 12. Cold. Stor- B- R. WTilson. , i IN CRICKET ! TEST MATCH SYDNEY, Australia. Dec. 18: England completed their first innings for 636 runs in the fecund test match between England and Australia making a test match record for scoring, bettering the Australian's 600 at Melbourne in 1925 and England's 589 in 1912. ' Failing to beat It. E. FoslerH 297 record for an English score against Australia in 1903, Wally Hammond nevertheless contributed a great 251 to the high scoring records. Australia's xecond inning score stood at 39 for one wicket. They need 315 to avoid a single innings defeat. BOLIVIA- PARAGUAY MATTER TO RE SETTLED LAPAZ. Dec. 18: Bolivia today announced the accepf f the Pan-American conference offer to investigate the BoKvian-Paraguayan frontier- fighting. Paraguay has also accepted. ' T TV, With 'Xmas People First Group of Northerners Go Ing South for Festive Season Leaves Thin Afternoon Departure of the Union steamer Catala for the south this afternoon wiR mark the departure of the first people -from this, city going to Vancouver and district for the Christmas holiday season. More passengers were offering this morning forthe Catala than it was possible to accommodate and she will be a full ship on leaving here. Among those booked from here for the south on the Catala are: I F. Berg. C. Bryne, A. Balsam, D. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Deacon, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Silvcrsides, 0. Anderson, II. C. Whiteliouse, P. A. Patterson. S. S. Phillips, T. Hartley. Col. F. E. Leaeh, B. Taylor. II . II. Peg-ler. Mist M. Caatell. Mr. and Mre. M. Gilchrist, A. P. Allison, Cant, and Mrs. E. II. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Berg and family. SI.VTV.P1VB TEACHERS OTTAWA HAVE GHIPPB OTTAWA. Dec. 18: Slitar-fire tetfehers of Ottawa public and HENN Br and 0? WW This advertisement la act published or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ninvn ni n nv nt EDMONTON DIES EDMONTON. Alta . De 18:- 'John A. McDougal! ' f ind til separate fhooh are abeent be-.imn f Edmonton cause, of '"grippe." day aged 74. yVr THREE STAR BRA aAJ-Ji rVi t!.t:J jester- HI ThU advertisement Is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Board or by the Government British Columbia.