2 Prince Rupert Daily News A Child's olif of Nests au tndependent d er devoted to the jing of Prince Rupen a N t i ¢ B sh « I a Vember t 2 E 4 Ctreulations Ca I N I A tion Publishe I e Ru Daily Ne ws Limitea J. PF. MAGO! Pre I PERRY, Vice-President @y carrier—} ey mai Per @uthorizecd as * re Post Ofwe Departm A Gain to the City r year, $10.00 Ss they HIcN pe ) 70 or over get together, a hie ea P ert ft S week, an onl looke} wetner signals ippreaches to advanced realizes t ‘ too Many alarm a\ ‘ age, Not ns as the years roll by ex- cepL t ! ts t ie sonalities mellow and ; est ‘ il f¢ Senilit ! ses has no applieation, for the truth see at the mind at 70 and beyond “ ii) | virorous than outward w appearances g i iet, 1s continulng to row. W ( ‘ e seve t world figures bel TTD ., further proof is being «* aT wi oe , C } t YOOT 1S eln : oa : 7 _ ee, - > earried etacular level by a British oe pa oe. HwWUSt! \ f Owen : “T love you, my dear sen,” He said, “I ar happy that you have Head of e) eering firm in Eng land, Mr. come home to me.” Owen believed that the 1 ajority of old employees A ¢ if Jesus is one of the last books written by the late Pulton . . . Ou auther of sue lunes a The Greatest Story Byer Told difi not want complete retirement and should not be Th Book Ever Written, ete. This presentation of Mr. Oursler’s . e . . Ox ei specially illustrated for newapaper wbiicath \ the nl - fabced He efore put 15 of his pen- ee po ong ad fe wWwspaper publication by the weil slaners TO WV op converted from an unused CHAPTER IX We ¢an ali see for ourselves ahead at their own When we do things that Jesus Why Jesus told this happy story asks we feel just wonderful. We He wanted us to knew that our feel gay and glad just as He Pather in Meaven feels like that said we would No matter how foolish we have He liked to tell stories to show 2@e®. He will always hug us to what He meant, like the one His breast if we will be samy about the Prodigal Son. (Prodi- 984 make no more mistakes, gal means someone who wastes /! We cam help it building and told them to go seed. Althou the old-t ft 2) ‘ y ’ +f ayve:5l a.m., a our iat imers are supposed to report than the other employees, they do not have to punch a time-cloek and ean work pt as long as tne lease, knocking off te loaf for things.) One morning Jesus, who loved at hour or so if they feel inclined. They are paid for It is the story of two boys.,2Mimals and trees and flowers L ; ; , ° ‘ athe wa rich. and SO much, told a story about the what tl ey tul it and their regular pension con- white, woolly lambs. Phere was tigues in f } or ne in the table where He was son want to n member? Now that = be thd 1 it a boss, where every he prodigal. He a Jesus ¥ grown-up man, He worker | was ; f 76 there tx ne Wakenoces avid whaentnoiee ins his part rieht away J his called self a Shepherd and 70. there la en ss and absenteelam Is as ie sana CA ales tie poopie were Sb eta Ee in any factory in England. Although the) . .,.. time “He told the story ofa raat : wisi : ok 3 nt Mee es ae ea 4“ shepherd who had a huhdred owner expected the program to run w a joss, it has ae — a noe sheep. One lamb did mob stay consistently turned in a clear net profit al p0ve Wages i, 4 ii she ae Wasieé | near its mother but wandered . ; He BAG. Be Sens tO WOURD sway by teat dnd & ae ie and overhéad. This year the number s6 employed igs. Soon woney was all 7 ie. Then he was hungry and go on increasing until had nothing to’ eat. Hewes tifed retirement will, if he wishes, but he had no bed to sleep in na He went to work feeding the The hogs for a farmer. He had to 99 00d was a dark, cold night So what did the shepherd do ibout it? has been incvea ed. It will every man eligible for ‘ rood shepherd left th: he included. sheep: in their warm 1 “7. . ° a ele ¢ . th ned while he went out in the 1 the oentie twilight. vear ‘ ape : eat the same food as the pigs ned wht wen i t In a ed 4 “oe yore, % Appear there * He had, to sleep on nab beliels colt and the dark to search for much chance of happiness and accomplishment | in the pen with the pigs: He was’ the foolish lamb that had lost seat tte + opoy Which 18 nov generally blanket. He) itself. When the shepherd found Those who met oe eo sheep, he gaye a shout indersteod. erled and wished he had stayed the lost this week have rightfully gained admittanee to that at home of joy. He lifted it up and put . . . , oo “ . , it on his shoulder and carried attractive world, and the city is better fer having At last the prodigal son $ald),) sae to the fold . ‘ : , to himself I will go back ta’ ™™™ , , them | 1S MAST, my father’s house. I will ask Then he ealled together ali } 1 to ss hic neiehbor } i friend ' We do not patronize these older citizens, We |™¥ father to take me as his D'S neighbors and lene 7 hired servant MG eonerat its nd e7Y them. — Come and be glad with me started to walk the long ’ he walked for I have found the sheep that And when! W4S lost and ijt was not eaten lhe was still a long way off from | UP by the wolve thome his father saw him com Our Father in Heaven is like As j See it ling. The father ran to meet the | that good shepherd, Jesus said, on and threw his arms There is joy in heaven, when about him and blessed him one foolish person steps making BY The father took off the som’s' mistakes and comes back te ragged clothes and put on him God Cif V); [ la fine new robe. And he put a FP more Phi poll gold ring on his finger Copyright, 1962, King ae res Syndicate, Ine. This text is taken from the . book A, Child's Life y F n Oursier © TOTAL PEACE ON EARTH Published by Pranklin Watts, In way back. Por day the hard dusty road prodigai Monday: The Last Supper AS A SW SPAPERMAN who, for thirty years, his written about 500 words per day I never THE cease to marvel at the superb craftsmanship of th : inspired writers of the Holy Bible. ET | ERBOX Take the wonderf tory of} " - thé birth of the baby Ji (which I doubt), then all I can BACKS MAYOR toid by Saint Lak ) nine conclude is that the men who Editor, Lally News vetse eight, chapter tw produeed the King James ver- May I, too, be permitted a few He takes on 0 words %0|sion were more truly, divinely|limes in your paper regarding tell this wonderful story com-| inspired either than Luke or the | the previous election. Frankly, | mencing And there were in) recent translators. think ‘Just a Rupert Housewife se ee nephercs,| “rhe whole point of the teach-. has the wrong slant regardin oe ciake ‘ae { reir’ HO€X) ing of the Prince of Peace Him-| Mayer Whalen. Who is better a shepherd sailine ieund self was that the Kingdom of/ able to give advice on suitabl the new. bor: ee : heeasd | God would come to earth when candidates than the Mayor their job “glorifying and prais.; 2220s were willing to do what) Of a oe ering 0 ing God for all the things that Jesus Himself demonstrated, as| free country and did not have ibe bac: Mis Sean th ced een did Gandhi, much later to follow tnis advice, but as ne Ye have heard that it hath Save an outspoken and muen- What power, nobility—but|peen said, Thou shalt love thy meeded opinion, it was up to us ahove all, what economy ther ’ ‘a tt ma onomy there | neighbor, and hate thine enemy 1 i€ ora uch ¢ wher : the plc ine 4 ' : ‘|But I say unto you, Love your, As for “dictating, 2 glory of he ord 1one ’ enemies, to think and decide for ourselves. did not Mr. bless them that curse | Casey practically insist we vote round about th nd they!, s a i _ - ° you, do good te them that hate| for his choice in a pre-election were re afraid : : : ss you, and pray for them which! speech on behalf of other can- = despitefully use you and perse- | didates? Where is the differ- HENCE my kick about the new! cute you; That ye may be the ence, may I ask Rupert House- transiation. For hundreds of! children of your father which | wife? heavenly years unnumbered millions of|is in heaven, for he maketh his | Mayor Whalen is doing a good people have learned from earl-|sun to rise on the evil and on| job, We need more like him, iest infancy that the the good, and sendeth his rain A HOUSEWIFE, TOO. multitude, which aceompanied | on the just and on the Tet | ore cmeeneres the angel, said + + * “Glory to God in the highest,| HUNDREDS of years before the and on earth, peace, good will baby Jesus “was bern the PRINCE RUPERT toward men.” | prophet Isaiah wrote: For unto Now in the new Revised|us a child is borm, unto us a DRYDOCK | Standard version we have it|son is given, and the govern-/| watered down like the quibbles| ment shall be upon his shoulder, AND SHIPYARD of the cold war antagonists at|}and his name shall be called ‘ C , Hf UN or the peace-words-where- | Wonderful, Counseller, The 9 ‘ae there-is-no-peace-will at the|Mighty God, The Everlasting truce tent in Korea. Father, The Prince of Peace.” ei a | ; Tron a C The Revised standard gives| The whole purpose of the birth, iron and an Joon it: “And on earth, peace among | life, death and re-life of Jesus Weldin cr. men with whom He is pleased.”| Christ was to bring peace be- . + + ¢ tween Man and God, patron and IP THAT is the literal trans-| nation, race and race, class and| lation of the original Greek| class. It was total, not partial, | words as written by Saint Luke peace, SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY | “ A os 1 SSS Sa SRA Sa RS - —_——. two. The hatchet, of course, had §)949 Plymouth Sedan Smart frightened them gray, reconditioned moter ‘We will cut down a tree for good tires. Real family ear you,” offefed the Colonel, Only $1435 Pell sion mente nee 1950 Pord Fordor N pial radio, beater, overdrive, Try ua il it a S1845 By JOHN STURDY Yesterday I went out to eut a Christmas tree that it was one advantage of living in the a small holding—there’ must country and having s none Oo} this business of paying out three or four dollars for a scraggly bit of evergreen that some sharp-face yrofiteer has the audacity to eall Christmas tre N 1 tt country ust gran your ittle hatchet N i id firmly l at walk nto the woods On your o% t down my own tree. 1 an operty, and tak your pict { apable of itti down : Which is ist a well this, tree year, because right now I have They looked at me doubtfully not the price of tick of pep t} lwavs do when I ar per i vi ot Hy i ywreed to pay the m for a ica bo nd rt ; out the turkeys that Little Augie ; tily and. stamped off int shot last week we had a tu e woods key-shoot on the Island, an nat easy te find , Little Augie took the term lit nd..of Christma ; erally. While the members f as ok splendid whe th the local Red and Gun Chil ‘ icking in the round i were in the field behind tho! oon vou : hop them down some hetei. firing at urdboard tar necu hang@¢é seen ois gets for the prize turkey, Little | pay e. either ‘ n oF 4ugi Wea ; i 3 rng turkey o-« op» Augie is goim# other tree. It was about a bun to be so sick of eating roast dred feet hiech and it was mo turkey, and boiled turkey and ing | thought Certainly is a fried turkey that he will never strong wind today to make a want to hear the name again. giant tree like that bend ove Well, our Christmas dinner had eost me plenty, but the Christ mas tree was something , again. All I had to do was cu down a small tree on my own 4; and then it suddenly struck m that there wasn't any wind to day 1 dropped my own tree and I pped my hatehet and I start property, and I eoulkdn’t €0 ed to run w there. It uldn't cost me Two hour when they ‘ dug me ou branches of I wa i ew the faller the Colonel! he when I : ally Sorry old and Col. S. boy. It should have toppled the Ret und other way I knew they had You've meased up the branch on the ground and ¢ aid Hamish ruefull And were trying t wrest the axe it was such a lovely tree fram my grasp Yes, sir, that’s one thing pleaded Hamish. ®°0ut living in the country . Think of You can go out and cut down your own Christmas tree and it doesn't cost you a penny Of course, in this case, the Don't de it ittiny on my ¢hest your wife and child! Well, it took some explaining te convince them that.I was merely on my way into the woods to cut down a C tree, and not, as they thought to split Little Augi head in AEN — RRS i eT Al PICK OF THE MARKET ristmas CHRISTMAS 1951 Pontine Pear Boor—Nee , Truck Department The Ught truck mer: "40)- fant uy ane lef , ‘ iMG Dodge Pane —~ WE nase ei cenai ft : , aa truck $835.00 Heavy Duty 1946 176" Cab and Chassis— New motor ti year, f For a Fine eae ~ Selection of Bob Parker ld. Christmas — a Cards See , Dibb Printing Co. | a If you are not sure which size to select then : # play safe and give him a Gift Certificate. of FASHION FOOTWEA nat the Colonel and Han, h had felled happened to take il the power lines with it, ang) ""™® 9"¢ they wis tii tiie he telephone line, too, and both | °°Pfngly ana thats : f the power company and the Cheque by return ss telephone company say T am re Oh, well Mr tr; Ch ponsible for the damage, be ee ' verybody! He GILBEY‘’S Governor- General IMPORTED PPS TAY a ty This adwerticement ip net Giplaged the Secornment of British Claes,” mr Wants Contes bend y went tet ereee 6 EEE eee te eg ‘ete WRC Cer, | 4 “ Get Your Christmas Tree Lights ' EARLY ! | » “NOMA” Christmas Tree Lights ; 2 ae - RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ¥ YOUR EXCLUSIVE “INGLIS” pRALER : Phone 644 Box 127 NE NEE ee er tee ire of er Oe we wy <% a it’s Nearly Christmas Agai “aa"4ez Cc eCe fs SSS eS OS SESS CE CET CERT KE tte et At this time of year, as you shop { gifts for your friends and loved on our charge account become ay gee ee exe valuable # You should guard the privile & wetully promptly the Tenth of the Month iment accounts on Guc PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL CREDIT GRANTORS'/ASSOCIATIC ARHPADAPPAARERRAERLARS BRALSRD a wD shy ‘ Pay your charge occount oo or of he fore ¢ and inst t* “'s J Yau Seu etae< oat ky ) SANTA SAYS: “BE WISE... an