'I :? n St t; i! V X it V, u v i. i n i Ii K !5 i 5 v i ft w I ll News and Views BE COMPLETED Grand Terminals Leading In First Division and Cold Storage in Second ' rirMit Tupminili nro Jendlnir "V ...... ' - T, ' . FOR THE WEEK r-. . I ' ' jb . Va-. : - : - - ENGLISH LEAGUE Division 1 Division 2 Hull Gity 4: West Bromwich 1. Jllddlefcoro'5; Brandford 3. Milwall 3; Bristol City 1. Kotos County 4 ; Barnsley 1. OWrfsm 2; Swansea 1. Portvflle 4 ; Notts Forest 2. ...' i i Preaton 5; Grlnwby Z U. nelson nun vurjieu iiiwtmws" ; Q, . ,-,u . break, of 42 and 41. ,d'n ; .Sll Jn. Southampton .8; Blackpool 2 Second Division Tottenham R: Clauton 1. In the second division fixture' also uncompleted as jjat. Cold Storage is leading Grand Terminals 590 to 5689. GanMts-o far played follow: W. Mitchell (Grand Terminals), 200; J. Hillman (Cold Storage). ioo. ' A W. H. Jarman 170; John May! 200. John Bulger 199; J. Cnmphell 200. '2. Wolverhampton 1 ; Chelsea 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division 1 Atrdriea 1; Dundee 1. Ayr United 8; Aberdeen 3. Celtic 8; Haiti) Rovers 1. Cowenbeath 3; Falkirk 1. Hibernians 1; Ranaers 2. Motherwell uaw. 2; r Kilmarnock 3 ku ca ariwH Partick Thistle 2; Queens l'ark ,.!, comititor in sight foi Ben Self vs. Charlie Uaptie and St. Johnstone.0; Hearts 3. -Charlie Younffman vs. W. Ilailey! gt. Mirren 1, Hamilton 3. will play tonight. j Third Lanark 2; Clyde 4. SCOUTS GIVEN !enjoyablewhist Mr.ur nunrrc: DRIVE AND DANCE From the look of the line-ups. Aston Villa 2; Derby County 3.' ok eomnlaint tnat the laple Burnley 2; Everton 0. coraIIed , Sury 1 ; Sunderland 3. ' e" nd n0 " s 8 L'hanct Cardiff 1; Arsenal 1. ' t nulla Tiniti a- Portsmouth 2. should bo heard no more. Not Ljecester 1; Sheffield WediMS- mee thn Jwo of the former ly . 1. I Maple Leafs regular stars wer. canuatiHi unman ami w o.j in umr ....... ... w,KVhcomplted first di virion I Liverpoo l; wmm 'put on In the first, game last Manchester United 1, notion ... v , . ftilltaru uxiure. uames so mi , P played bave retailed as follows: . Wanderers 1. ....... , rT . c'lordie ( Canadian I Newcastle 4 ; Huddarsfield 1. -- - . , T.-..4 .! uiuPirhiirii i , Lta. MO; W.-Il. Long (Grand j uu "r,. 'Jvl-w fV wIL Witn the i,ne-ups sucl Tet-nifhols), 0 J. Andrews, 174; J. Nelson 260. M. Andrews 211 ; James Hamilton JMl,v G. K Tinker m; W. Mitchell 216. Alex Murray and C. P Balagno will play the fifth game tmHght. 0. uight. Qn the other hund, the I Drill Team has a bright array of i .-.taunirth and some new plyyer. ,. o. na tlM nre. there shou d be manv HaklL mirmi ilurinir tht winter m ..... " - - -n - between these two groups oi .lyourig ladies. Quality and close-ineoB of play in all the opening 'games last night auguret well for the success and interest which should follow basketball uctivj ;ties In Prince Rupert thin win- B JI racing is to be renewed on the Atlantic next summer, with the -former America's Cup ysstchs Bettolute and Vanitie retuvnd to their single-mast rig. E. Wwlter Clark of Thiladetphia. owner of Resolute, became convinced last s Timer after she continued to trail Vanitie in schooner dress that the old cup defender was not rigged at her best, ami he decided to change her back His decision left nc ' I.. - t Tl 11 A. 1 Vanitie, ana ti. r. vnuney, tin latter owner, about decided U keep his racer on the beach a- nother summer. Now Mr. Whit ;ney has decided to follow suit t !Mr. Clark, and return Vanitie t Ithe sloop class. The change wil be particularly interesting, as th ,thi nauilnto nn Vanltit BY MOOSE LADIES iLV?!?d sirrfe the last America's Cup year . , . . c i. l'resenUrfb,r ,M. e to Scout mhster had gaff main- Mooseheart Le- 1920. when they Ircy Miller Uit , . in h Mn isails and. dub topsails. In addK Bvel,in -S oiled a series of whist ion, a, sloops, the two will ha . T. drives and dances which will be as competitors several other blj. n Rupert m Troop No,3 o ,t. (Baptist) t! prid njffht of raclnB 6raft. met last evening at thejr head- h comln(C quarters and spent a jolly time . , amk uta ne. 1 in games and fun generally. w,nter sea8n; Jf fJL The suggestion that membe, tio" Proved During, the eenlng several . . Jdanee bod,e the Cnatl,n 110x11,1 badges f merit were printed a ZZZTSS Federation affiliate with the Nev at eards. I-d to those who had won them. The! .Winner, y t. Mra. B . J . wcot "i fallowing received the Scout Ten- wJH unanimous derfoot badtfe; Joe Naylor. Ing- fn- 11 :C?r: 'J .lapproval, comments the Towmto word Wicks. Bob 8hrubshall, j ' ' u?. ,f nTc IGlobe. The National Boxing n men s - George Vierick and Garnet (Juick. ! nGrf Jochu. ,n recent Bnnua, con. Lahiff third, S. A. u- men s :"nd' ; One vear service star to Walter hQW cgn Smith. Musicians badge to Ralph Swanson. , 'payed in boxing, and the Canad- Johnseq. Secod class fireman's After cards, refreshments were of thrfr wHh. badge to Clifford Ba'rtlett and a s'ved a"d dancinv en"ued "n 1 drawal from the N. B. A. The first class badge to Duncan Mil- 2 a.m. Music was by Dave Eas - , to ,lt in wllh the New imon's Orchestra and J. M. Morri- organisations kr yofk anJ afflUated Aid. Linxey in making the pre-'" MXer of fZ " dertlnK the fry,nB' senUitione complimented the boys Mrs. R.'B. Skinner and Mrs. Char- Mo th fre For on their efficiency ana progress - ; several years me we " during ring the the year year and and made made special special uwjr oor anu anu tne e commixiee ""'- in w m h has Mt set iUejf itself on on a a pedeetaJ pedestal of the consisted of Mrs Einar Larsen. buIldingi and looked reference to the winner j of Qwn firr.t class badge, Duncan Miller, 'convener. Mrs. I .J. ,-lyan. Mrs. d(jwn Jn conternptuous hauteur who has the distinction of hold- A. Wick. Mrs. N. Pedersen and, M .d 8Undry iKnoring con-ini' the oly one of JU kind in the! Mrs. Sam Hougan. Istltuted authority everywhere. If city. The speaker urged the boys to remember the pledge of honor and ' called upon them to build up a character worthy of that pk'dge. At the trlose of the nddrese Aid. Linxey presented Scoutmaster AliHer with a leather purse LIEF'ERIKSON SOCIETY nronosed merger Is an effort to "show" the N.B.A. the move U. i-ntw MMImPfl and unnecessary. ENJOYABLE MEETING 2STS" SE Recitation. Pete Sunderland. Stories, Pete Sunderland. Musical numbers, Miss Bowen nd Mr, Porstad. March. Norwegian National iSong. "Jn, vi Elsper." Refreshments were served and a raffle of Norwegian Confect ionery took place. 7 00 p.m. Lucky Strike Hour. I Officers "Will" ln ejected KliQ KOMO. KG.W, KGO, KPO, ; January. ihk I iilil KFI. 8.00 p.m. Pbilco, KUQ, KGW, KOMO, KGO. KPO, KFI. - .00 p.Bj.-Ijnglnes Correct Time, KIIQ. KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO. - O.oo p,m. Golden Igends KliU. KOMO, KOW, K0O, KPO. lO.(M) p.m. The Big Show, Kilt. KGW. KGO, KOMO lO.Ofl to 11.00. KPt) liXSO tr "lffiOO.-. " in ARCHBISHOP BECOMES BARON IN ENGLAND LONDON, Nov. 3. His Grace RirnJall Thomns Davidson the retiring Archbishop of Canterbury, iffns been elevated to the ieerflge title of Baron. Inent U.S. statesman, are apt to . o. I.... 1.-1.1 i i,nntlfnrtnrv as was the Jhe t-eii uriKson nocieiy neiu - L- with the Nations ..wiM. 0Hn i.t niht brief alliance .... ... ......v.I.k...,(.!"" v;v.v - . n--!.. A.-wi-Hnn TheVShOUld one warn.-, on iwunu ui me Ui.onj wnjch Jack Selvig presiaeo. ,uumn - in rumembrance of his birthday. !.ft e bu8ine88 regarding be entered into with extreme .. . " ... ... ...... nriBnimte reservations. .isiimK u"; wuvi .v jn( organiiation or tne society, c Hn oi.'tt anu J. unuerwoou w;i, fnin.Hni? nroirram was given: i will he a great help In advancing the movement. After (refreshments were served the iy were dismissed and returned to their homes tired but huppy. RADIO PROGRAM Song, 0 Canada. Piano nnd violin duet. Miss Bowen and Mr. Farstad. Old Country songs, Ivar Pet- ter-ei. Going Upstairs Had to Sit Down Breath So Short Mrs. H Hrounneau, Majtog, Que., write: "For many yean I auffemi witli fhortncua of lireath. then four years ago 1 had palpitation of the heart, and was so bad 1 had to ait down two or three times when going ujwUir. 1 read about so I got a box, and in no time I felt better, so I took three boxei more and 1 have never had hortues of breuth siwe." PriM RfW. a hn at all fIrittfiFlata &ni dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of prlte by pi T. Toronto, Oat. .Miiburn an-, wo., .In he World of Sport p.niii, a i .4 in f v u rv ;i 1 1 1 1 ft-1 1 u tr 1 1 1 1 1 v i , laskeiball League Games Open ; With Good Attendance In The Exhibition Hall Last Night ' League basketball opened last evening with a record ttendance at Exhibition Hall. Merit of play was supe-ior to last season. Senior and Ladies' League play was an excellent exhibition of basketball because of the clean jlaying, good teamwork and the quick decisions of Referee R. B. Skinner. These gamees were very much anioyed by the basketball fans. The referee was the sub- ii feet of much pleasing comment Dy tne various spectators ind players who appreciate his attempt to have clean, fast basketball played this season. T Kincnlith forfeited the game t he Native Sons of Canada aftei laving played a full game which nded in u tie score 18-UJ. Dur ing the first ten seconds of thr five minute overtime period, J. Johnson .of Kincolith vas rulec' off the floor with four personal fouls. Being unable to replace him with another substitute, hav ing already used all available substitutes, rather than play with four men. Kincolith gave tb game to the Native Boms. The brand of basketball ana sportsman lp displayed by these II. Menzies . . B. McDonald . J. McNulty 4. V. Mensiee' . . M. Budinicb . IS. Gurvich . Total lHs Per T. Stewart 0 P. Stewart ............ 0 P. Allen 0 C. Robertson, 6 H. Aksidan U... 0 u. Johnson .,. t G B. Trimble 1 C. Stewart 0 J'ta ! ,. 8 .. 8 .. 1 ,. 0 .. 1 J 4 0 8 4 0 4 4 1 Total 10 20 Nntlvcoii 1 1 2 8 S Ladlea Senior '.. The ladies' gatfte wm tvery interesting througliout. Mapnc Lvnfa won the game by two points from GIHk' Drill Tasta. All players showed improvement over last (year. The game was clean, fnst And open. The Drill Team played with only four plnyers for the entire Heeou'd half nnd part of the .second quarter. Maple Iealt also plad with only four filtyerg during the last half. Beth teems played hard to win the game, thereby giving the spectators something to boiler about. Drill Team Pts Per Oath Irvine 3 0 Nellie Out-feti 2 . 4 C. Morgan 0 K. March 8 Kite Keen 0 Helen Sim 4 Total 12 Maple Leafs L. Lowe ................ C M. 0ilJvrit it.,. 0 Sue Bmldte X two team was worthy of morel,,";, uiWiPt rAU. 4kA MmMIo Tt . J- ' 1 itiviriuul mnMM man mm fnttawB! I '" , m KlnMlith Thompson 1 Total 14 I'. Peterson 0 ,C HFr pottltpr". 1 MD.'Mndiremiic 0 0 1 4 8 12 Pts Per W. IJoyjhrtw o 4 .2 4 S 3 2 18 Intermediate League H. C. N. V. It. defeeted C.N.U. 18-12 in the Iptermediate League !leih teams being new entries in the basketball league, lt was hard to tell who would win the igame during last five minutes. The Navy, been use of superior stamina was able to turn defeat Into victory. At the end of the first half the C.N.U. were leading 11-0'but during the second half, the Railway boys weakened and the. Navy was able to overcome the lead and win out. The C.N.R. with further practice, will be able to give a better account of themselves in the next game. The Individual score was; C. N. It. Sommer Pts Per Styles 0 Skattebol 0 Stalker 10 Lotton 0 Meyers 0 Ilorton 0 Total 12 0 1 4 1 0 0 10 K. 0. N. V. It. Pts Per P. McDonald 8' T. Steen J. Pierce li. Nelson . . N. Gurvich 4W4,- J. McNulty Total 1 1 tgli School W. Johnson J. Bryant J. Comdrna It. Bacon T. Smith 0 ToUi! 18 8 Junior League Colts defeated the High School In a good Junior league gam: 19-13. High School will improve considerably with more practice The Colts have a few player-that should play intermediate 'George Mitchell refereed thi.- game and the younger boys ap pretiated the services that ht rendered. By having a competeni referee for the boys, they will learn to play clean awl faeier basketball. The individual scon ' " follows: Pte Per . 2 8 11 ..: . o . 6 It Total 13 2 1 3 3 12 Pts Per ..8 0 0 1 t 1 4 Oke Jackson was scorekeeper , . W. Alien, doorkeeper; 8. D. Mac-denald. timekseper; George John- four- Uim urut Ernest Andersos, urn- ing English Women's Hockey Te mi. shakes with Annie Tewnsend. jplres. It. B. Skinner refereed ln- captain of the American team, which was beaten hy the visitors. . termediate. Ladies moa V" nd MHch' tb 9-r. at Marion. Pa. ! Junior match. WHIST LEAGUE 1 SCHEDULE OUT i Game Will Commence Thursday VI..M ,.f ThU Week t . l.V JS- V. y ' The following schedule of fixtures for first half of season la Issued by the Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League. i NovemWr 1 New. Empress A. C. vs. Geirge's Society 84. Knights of Pythias vs. Grotto. Seal Cove vs Moose Ieif Erikson Society a bye. November 8 Leif KHkaoo Society vs. New Empress A. C Mnoee vs. Knights of IfMo. St GeefNM's Sue My fa. Qaotto. Seal Cove a bee. Will the person wWo took the ; wrist watch from the Exhibition jllsll about a week ago kindly i return It to the Dally News A Present for You In order to get the great ' lienefit from the iro c( li Chase's Nerve Food . tt-a; . must be continued i - e time and n-t a tir o c .; should be mwned. Since the rugular "i -Isrje to carry cunveiiiw the pocket or in n lui bag, we have hud r. tw. quantity ot nt slim : n Mthesueofasmui.': . This box holds tww. K Food Pills and i rwi:-.-r ' slipped into the v order that wherever y. i v. be at meal time yn ralsa your reeular d'-c Chase's Nerve Food, Any one who has r -a box of Dr. Chiis. ftad is entitled to tuc t aluminum box free i: MsH eeupoa to-dy. Be. ...... ...... (OOITOV The Dr. A, "W Chase M... ' Ltd., Toronto 2, Car. Veu will p4e semi n,.- le el toe uumimui. EXPLANATION IS ASKED OF Rewigmition of Assistar' f chasing Agent is Sul'K of Inq'Juirv t VICTORIA. Non " tioo waited on Vm and II oh. W. C. She lb ! and asked an iconeerning the n 'Major A. V. H.mtili purchasing agent Ion which was led Twfgf M. L. A. in ' Carmicboel, Thoma- V old Bray, E. D. T..,., (Mllesple. Lt. (! Henderson, A. Goro ; nsrd. ' The Premier a.ur' gation that the wlmi-be reylewed and the en in a week. "! ? - " ww--a-"-i s as- 1 -' f 4fm cm Mouwn I - ' - ii in if -.inaiiia f 1 if