So a nuicn Built By Natives Listrict INews Local And Out-of-Town Talent pe gon ee Mgavarday’ Doomaber 26,1982” _ I on VANCOUVER. (CP)—-Mrs. Nancy; Saturday, December 20, 1952 | - Lr i oe. h th V, 2 h * Anderson celebrated ner 102n : i e eer yeO cated at Metlakatla rele Wid Lael oe ee Toget. er at E 5 ariety S Ow birthday recently by choppinz CELE CE CEE CE LOLOL LLL CS 7 ee ae dere ior a small. tree. The little old | 3 i n the new year. wi Christmas concert Wednesday, A local talent show to em-, Elks’ grand secretary-treasurer Nae (heir compict e with Tl enuren ‘ Cathed i eavineg os ” " Wak 7 ~EECRS ', Jady has regular visits from her 2 Sa t ¢ | tr a i ‘anding room only in brace one of the widest selec- Cet. Royal Mwurritt, DSO, had gee ; 7 HEY KIDS ! n a aus ‘ ‘ daughter, who lives at Ladner { Prince Rupert enter- this to say, when informed that ag will be at talnment stars on the same the Prince Rupert lodge was She's not oid like me,” she ray? % ! i witn stage as out-of-town perform- planning the cencert in aid of “She's only 70 3 . en- torquoise green paper over the ers is billed as a feature affer- the Children’s Fund 1 replic Kalla most ¢nlire backdrop of which had Christmas event here local effort ‘ , Cad . & 4 senier citizen " Notes Sivan ont bees fast : As this fund is assisting chii- ~-—-— The ( a itol Theatre f i Wi- \ é j Pn ene , aBLEN eK wane enlarged The Eiks Lodge Variety Show. dren in need everywhere in the : Vest Le Othe: we iowflakes and rec nies 5 % the aivin a1 Ho : a ‘ ce a W oe - nat . 1 pap can- in aid of the Save the Chiidren world, regardless of race or SHOPPING if 6 rether , On, ICO Es 68 with yellow flame, A most Pund drive, will be “erammed creed, it merits the support of WEEK LEFT a Tuesday, Diceuihen 23, at 2 p.m. yrcit i oncern for the welfare wih 2 ‘ FREE MOVIES, CANDY AND ORANGES y ' : Mel Thompson, Pat Bolton cf helpless children through- | cali ¥ All Kiddies Welcome at: the ib ncert é ee if On m Dave Abel, Art Williams, John cut the oad Fis ¥ . , a= Seon ip was led by ¥* Currie, Sev Dominato, Miss Inez J) y “ held B p kter St. An The daily bus called for the 4 ‘fa 4 , Leight k sid . Howard Interesting background froni with entertainment” when it everyone hte Won i in ba l every whi t} ' | 7 ‘ : ‘ . , 3 ' ke f Ww h the pupil rades one cy at the Capitol Theatre oe said in a svecial message GINE. WE. so 6B ? é ind coffee through eight, presented var- Der ¥8. Here are some of the that he ccs t i » ae WHAT EVER. ¢ andwiches and ied and entertaining ‘ 5 ‘ as <7 i wished > “pay tribu ee ' sn ing pregram. — \« ists who are scheduled: t, ty Py Me help ‘ ‘ 1 Prince Rupert Elke for is Filled 16} i ‘ leaning ip During the evening pupils not to perform : r j ip. "4 were takin on t tag were in tne! le Mel ; | iM i i? $ 4 eee ; | + + adia and her Italian singers A R d } ee ae a ; ¥ in Prince Rupert. Several children, at 6-20 pan. a Ti Ronnie Schecter, Meni ATmones Keay 5 | e city accompan ae i them after the concert. Pirkiand, the Elks Hillbilly _ BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS RERBBR LRM HAMA ARAR RAR HRARRHI HABIT: RBAERRHRE AIT Ee : for the occasio liver collection will be used Gang, Reg King, comedian, the i Cee p alled thay 10° the assistance ie Civie Band, Bonnie Sprinkle or arty | From a tarm to a tiddle—Daily News Classifieds 45 yea Bishop DuVernes %POF and practical art trio and the Flks’ Accordion, The fay. in. the are being put | ‘ P Runert ; ecter up today in the armorite or BURNS LAKE Bar ’ } py Mike Ce ce op oe o 1 A be ae yy 1 monn, at equent M , } . Visiting taient nciudes isiting | nx ‘ ) over to Met : sa . Sts | Snow aa * ‘Gea i pany party on Monday night. em Metlakat) nd hospital to be built on the S®°w and his Country Lads to a Frat But the hope Regge re " : baci 6 es ea A big night is planned for e , nore re Se ee ae meservation, es" he latest in western’ employees and it will follow the +. Roy Wich ; » tn ko ee nas - Our meme ongs and snappy “fiddling pasty for their children in the a: yaniment os : ; 3 ; for Skeena, E. T. Applewhaits In support of the show, the: afternoon. ‘s ” , : t ‘ : consid t ativisable to : 7 : ers SPONSORED BY THE -y “ 4a whe Jam However, he has asked for the y a Curine | p vas Port Sinp- [opinions of the mastd ot mene (A ee ee Phone 372 ae ink the , 194 the ¢ bitantiies rn ’ , — B Duve moved | ar h ganizatio whict GIFTS : 4 to I R I ed wi al Tt neen pp i ; I t parator } . ect 1 m if “are ( hour wa 1 . am 18 . no} : : , he irat ask | Ce its : parote fol | oo -Biect | Wat re , We carry a complete line luring _y , oo ee his a ppl : . , ine comes in Fet y will be t ;, A, af of Imported Pipes . . . with the co-operation of ers AM Tobaccos and Cigars. The International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers—Local 708 ‘ : Also a good supply of aa a Dont be Vague... SRY BOXED CHOCOLATES Fr} ; : for the ladies. A R NM O U R F DEC. 22, 1952, ‘ E Haig ane nte — hi GROTTOS ————> Ai! Children of Columbia Cellulose Employees Welcome. SCOTCH WHISKY . +2 6S C'S <2" 2S MEE EEE SE SUELO EE CMS SES SEEKS SS SCC SC SSCL Sy (02 RE OOO PLEO CELT ee ome Ce RC yc Ot a wee : Le aE yeu Credit Belongs To You— It’s One Of Your Assets a “WHY NOT USE IT? | oe | GEORGE COOK Juli” SHOP at MANSON'S NOW and PAY LATER = PRR AS Re Store Open to 9 P.M. We Are Open Every Evening Till 10 p.m. he office of || SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY | DEFINITELY! ee PRINCE RUPERT'S Sunbeam LARGEST SHOWING Terre vy MRBIBVIISISSSIISSVIRVISBS { , Wl 4 Jor k MAN'S CHRISTMAS 3’ 4 May We Suggest BATHROBES yr ‘ e pure-woo!l authent T rt Wns Pure wool flannels in A\ ’ / olers Gnd bec yutiful te ird silks Priced from $2). 00 to $40. 00 yp. $14.50 and up $6.50 and up $12.50 and up $27.50 and up a 2 YES! \. S&S f Le, satis era ~~ selection in Northern British Columbia. JUST ARRIVED 3150 | Sec our world-famous OMEGA WATCHES and aiso all the other famous makes you hear so. * much about .. . If we don’t have them, they're not worth having. fs NN pus : : engraved. ; : ; : Watts & Nickerson. i MANSON’S JEWELLERS | “Hu MEN‘S CLOTt HING PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SMITHERS, B.C. | Service é [COON CEES CROCE ELE COE PRADA AMAA RAMA MA APARNA ARARE IR RMR © Wed oy ey <= PIII IP IIIA baa a; Be 3 t3 eae PEt 09 ai 98 RD