CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill E.,i-;on resds the ClUMlflod Ads. U tou lo, sdvertu for It. II 5 ,u find, locst the owner, Wi iicvi'f ed, advertise lor It (iF.T "I i IIWIIT. tit. OA iylu'lUllU whleh Mr. Amour'i company is ARE QUASHED1 l iquor Returned When i i(ne Pail to Appear j Nov. 3. What ia -i echo of the aboli-r spotters by Attor- I'ooley. was heard ; prepared to take fifty per eent. i the citiaeas of Prince Rupert to provide the retaaiader. Mr. Armour said if the people wsflfsd it and ft couM be shown to be profitable his company would undertake it alone but they would have to be shown. He thought if the people of Prince Rupert wanted a boat aa they had often aaid they did, they should be willing to help back the venture. On motion of Alderman Collart. ecomied by T. Andrew, the que irt yesterday when , ton was referred to a special com- u I lowed in three , mittee to be appointed by the - conviction under president. An through evidence -tl pigeons, tor the Crown failed In n the appeal came i. i Neabitt of Nelson ' 1 hoice than to grant i i.i'ul. acting for the 1 witnesses failed to "I to the Attorney In. rtion. Mr. Potttey ' thi' witneaaea would mtinjr to WOO; eon-i .of and liquor per-"!.rMl to be returned i Irdny. ( M. Schmidt hniidt, . all of Silver- RAIN STORES NORTH ONTARIO COBALT. Nov. 3. Unprecedented rain caused louses, to many Mttlera in Northern Ontario mat may total more than a mIMion dollars. With hundreds of settlers facing privation after complete loss of crops, organised relief work is being planned in feafvnintr Ntf' 1 1 fill H alonir Temiaham- ing and Northern Ontario railroad und in Algoma. nil. RUSSIAN MISSIONARY Simmer Report .Making .Slow . I'rtaxro Again.t the Gale ! (,rt'n TJ ic ? rinc KuJ" U , lalkwinrf umuuaiiy i icaing up now CONDITIONS IMPROVED Terrirk Seas and Head Wind Re-IMrted Five lluirml Miles off Shore VANCOUVER, Nov. 3. The itortn reported off the Oregon oast had not reached Victoria r Vancouver this morning. The weather along the lower mainland coast and at Victoria continues mild with no wind. Some ahipn for Vancouver report exoeediagiy rough weather at sea. The master of the motorship Victoria wirelessed that he was a thousand miles from Vancouver and having a hard time, making low progress. The Japanese steamer Tai Fu Maru, 500 miles out last night reported she had made but 140 miles in the preceding 34 hours dut to terrific seas and head winds. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. Storm conditions on the Pacific sooth of Eureka were improved today although the low pressure area westward from Oregon and Washington coasts was threatening vessels on the northern transpacific routes. FIRE ABOARD THE RANGER i RUENOS AVIIES. Nov. a. ! Steamer Canadian Ranger from Mhiehbs' Ayres for Montreal was heading for Santon, Uracil, today I after her crew had successfully fought fire in her hold. Considerable damage was done to the cargo by water. AUSTRIAN PREMIER RESIGNS ! VIENNA. Nov. 3. Viatllla Kratianu, premier, resigned to- There are over five hundred carloads of grain on the lines of be Canadian National Railways today bound for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. This morning there were reported to lw 225 cars on the division west of Jasper Park bound and about 345 east of that point coming this way. The first fall grain train of the on of 20 cars is due tonight. OTTAWA MAN DIBS OTTAWA. Nov. George Henry Millen, president of the E. I). tiddy Co., died at Hull thit lorning aged 90. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper A NEW KIND OF DIAMOND KL SH" ViLUilals stjiicd :. "HiflmnntH ruth on the outftkirtft tit Pnllf P urtn rkav Aim-.-.A u r " - lufjwivfjm i nil where in the charred fragments of William C. (Wild Dill) Hapson'l wrecked airmail plane wove than three-score valuable diamonds worth approximately, $50,000. STORMS RAfiE" OVER FIVE " MEXPLOSION ON PACIFIC HUNDRED CARS OF GASOLINE ENDS FATALLY Woman Cleaning Rifle in Kitchen Burned lo Death and Husband Injured JUNEAU, Nov. 3.-Mrs. Harriet Conn, 28 years of age, wwa burned to death i.ere Friday and her husband John, baadly burned when be rushed to her assistance when their home was destroyed by fire. So far as is known the lady was alone in trie kitchen cleaning a ! rifle with gasoline. An explosion brought her husband rushing from another part of the house. The woman h a slater of Mrs. W. Elbert Day, evangelist of Everett. Mountains of Poles Stacked at Cedarvale Where Hanson Interests Steadily Expanding The spectacle of mountains of poles stacked just now in the assembly yards of the Hanson Lumber & Timber Co. at Cedarvale is an impressive sight even to those familiar with forest production on a large scale. When the company took over eleven acros of land for storage of poles they considered ample provision had been made for future expansion but the yards are now filled to capacity and a steady stream of material is still floating down the Skeena River which will necessitate more acreage to accommodate the polos' from the upper reaches of the k t b QAn Skeena end Kispiox Rivers. . , ., , When the big Bell Lake opera- are Lbuy ftf tions at Hsielton commence the ! ra,r1k't whJh ,B iC0Untly " business of the compaoy will be I pand,n,- Shipments amount to of great magnitude and further ,MVeral crloda provision will have to be made toi At various points along the river accommodate It. At the present new camps are being constructed time there are forty men employed, and in a few weeks the prodactien In the CedarvRle yards and they of poles for the 1929 drive will be re working long hours to handle 'under full headway. furnishing the delivery of poles from the var-j profitable employment for scores ious crews up the river. Many, of men in the central interior dis-lioii-e- .is well 'nkc nii;:n.js tii - (liM' iirh-l.-v LAKGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday nl(ht Irom 0 to 12. Dance Hall tor Hire Accommodations for Private Parties Phone 437 " " f'tA PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. SATUR DAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1928. om r. - ' -. - - a mvjii I 1 1 L 1 makes Proposal Is Made To Outfit and Operate a Vessel Out of Rupert J'rui Kuport Salvage and Towing Co. Ltd. Offers to Pro v ide half the cost if Citizens do the Rest. uj usal was made to the Prince Rupert Hoard of t its regulur meeting last night hy Paul Armour of the Prince Rupert Salvage and Towing Com-iut a boat in the freight and passenger service port provided proper support is given. The unite suggestion was that the Salvage Quem converted into a passenger boat able to carry : M-rh as well as freight. She is 186 feet long with tuam. This was the plan recommended by - Captain Barney Johnson. It wouiu I cost approximately 1100,000 to re-MlIIfTIAMP i model and outfit the vessel of DOiv MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS j Women Figure Largely In London Elections One Hundred and Eighty Secure Scats on liorough CouncilOne Uorough Captured by Labor with narrow Majority LONDON, Nov. 3. Final results in the Loudon Municipal elections show that out of 28 boroughs the Municipay Reformers retain a majority of 18 of the council. Labor controls 8, Progressives one and there is a tie between Labor and Anti-Labor groups in one borough. The gains and losses compared with the last municipal elections shows that the Municipal reformers gain six and lose 101. Labor gains Do and loses 18. Progressives gain 33 and lose 1G. independents gain one and lose one. Late returns from London bor- oughs brought great surprises. Although Labor made a series of inuY.iduaf gains, Finsbury was the only borough to change from the control of other than Labor to Labor control. Labor won by narrw majority on the Finsbury council. The London boroughs elected .taw ,180 .woman yroisn candidates raiKuaates out out of of CHAMBERLAINS ARE GUESTS OF CANADA OTTAWA a , tbttr-af 5l Wrio stood forijTfteK'wnowo ... hing . of -l'ro- I Bermondse, elected 15 women i poMl fo,r V3" to and Kensington 13. , Labrador Most of the Libo. gains in the . , nr,,,, TTAWA, Nov. v, 3.-Sir ! Austen province toUIlinr 111. were made at the expense of the Con- ftetrvr.tiva nartv rnnoAPVitlviM American Akutan, 27.800 pen wis, CARD OF THANKS AUin Fisheries, 13.5c and 6e. llene. 90.000 pounds. Royal Pish Co., 13.6c and 6c. Doric, 19,000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 13.9c and He. Nordby. 21,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.1c and 6c. Rolinda, 14,000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 11.2u and 6c. Canadian Ringleader, 3,500 pounds, Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co., 14.9c and 9c. YUKON RIVER FROZE OVER YESTERDAY MORN DAWSON. Nov. 3. -The Yukon River froxe ovar at a.ra. yesterday throughoutfltikiUre Jeiurlh of two thousand mm . Vvlnte. has set in everywhere iu the far north. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott and i- i ana lsqv UBamixr lain are 'to be gueata of the Gov- lost 65 .eats in the province, "f" of Canada during their while Liberals gained 16. j .HALIBUT ARRIVALS TODAY 104,500 LBS. American Fih .Receives .up lUc and Cc and Canadian. UJc and 8c to Halibut arrivals here today total 104,500 pounds. The best price of the day was 11.9 and 8c which the single Canadian boat offering received. Five American vessels received 13.5c and 6c to 14.3c and 8c for a total of 101,000 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as iu ww nwti. nn aanounee-ment to this effect was made last night by Premie Xing at the conclusion of a lengthy sitting of the cabinet council. The Chamberlains are to arrive here on November 10. No appointments wore made at Friday's sitting, the Premier said. Further sittings are being bold today. When questioned respecting the suggestion emanating from -fit. John. Newfoandland. that Canada might purchase Labrador from Newfoundland, Premier said "I do not know anything about it." ORANGE LADIES' BAZAAR TODAY Annual Function ' Taking Place This Afternoon in St. Andrew's Rooms The annual baaaar of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association is being held this afternoon in the St. Andrew's Society rooms. The general convener is Mrs. S. V. Cox snd Mrs J..G. Vier- leck is receiving the guests. Other ladies in charge are as follows: Sewing Miss Durrafi and Mrs. Urewerton . Ueene CookingMrs. Geddes. , Mia. Guyan and Mrs. Rod Morrison. Tea Room. Mrs. V. Houston, Mrs. Mrs. Moore. Mra. Mahaffey, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Moorehouse, and Mrs. Fowler. Raffles Mrs. Went. Mrs. Sam Currie and Mrs. J. II. Smith. Cashier-Mrs. McItobMc DETROIT BARBER WAS ROBBER OF TRAIN TORONTO, Nov. 3. Everett family desire to thank their , McKibben a young Detroit barber friends for the many kindnesses was found iruilty by an assise shown their father, the late J. W. court jury on two charges of rob-Scott. during his long illness, and , bery in connection with $800,000 for the many messages of aym-1 mail car robbery at the Union Sta-P th- revived. 1 (ion hen' on June 19 last. t;