= 4 Prince Rupert Daily News CE EEE EE EME EE EC OC ONE EE yg ad a ta UE NS NE NE NE OE, EN tenet We ee ee WENGE MEME eae Eee Ce ec ee | | Si day, December 20, 1952 First Presbyterian Church CHRISTMAS SERVICES Sunday, December 21, 1952 5 MORNING—Family Service (No Sunday School) 8 Subject: “God's Supreme Gift’’ ‘ Speci Mus by Senior Choir in the morning 4 io 7 Evening Service 2 Cs me 3 A Minister : Rey. E. A. Wright, D.D a Organist; Mrs. E. J. Smith, John Currie THE SESSION EXTENDS BRD. BUN DH i BPM THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON , TO ALI 231 Fourth Avenue East TO ALL a i ARARRERRMRD: WRB WB MRBRID | Mee UTE ee ee eM eee eee ee ecweeoowres | FIRST UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.—CHRISTMAS SUNDAY FAMILY SERVICE Sermo 4 Anthern E en S Kenr 4 { i s nt I L Ear P ) ' } No S ’ or Conrad r CHRISTMAS DAY f Service at 11 a.m. } Christmas Carols Meditatian: Christ: Is* Born Children: Doliy’s Christr Presént born in obscurity, His coming was noteworthy be cause of who He was Come Let OMI. pa n Church, Prince Rupert rick Each year we commemorate the birthday of an nfant born in a manger near the town of Bethlehem 900 years ago. The Child’s name was Jesus. Thoual to sing the praises of the new PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue West SUNDAY SERVICES 19:36 Sunday School and Bible Class " One { Prince Rupert's Sunday ‘Schools 11:36—Christ mas Mornir Service “JOR” 7:30—Evangelistic Meeting ‘FLYING SAUCERS ROUTEPY largest ‘ Sunday Tabernacie ed Ch tecostal 4 Sle Green 331 Pastor: C. Fawcett SEO SOS HE TSS CE CSE EERE IN THE CHURCHES : Us Adore Him © Christmas isa +t ! thoroughly Happy Time” hides Hod so. Perrace, Admin trator, Diocese of if Behold, I bring vo Caledonia 1 kOod tidings of great joy.’ St Luke il We all think of Christmas as a very happy time, vat is, all right:thinking people do When Charles Dickens wanted to describe o| unpleasant, cantankerous person, : Set Sf eK OEE CONE COLO, he | : : ote | called Ct : } If two newborn babie one born. King, though the shep wrote a book called “A Christmas Carol in which f royal blood ahd the other herds were not far behind the chief character is a man named Scrooge f low degree—are placed side them. No sooner did the an Old Scrooge was a misce who - by at it is pepetinte to gels depart when the shep hated ae ound of Christmas came io banish fear and to | ell them apart And yet herds made haste to. the bells ape i Carol - ae bring joy to the world. It is | is a real though hidden manger. . With the exception ed & € ei ps OF merry only as We banish fear from rence. The difference be- of Mary, His Mother, and peopie pa ‘ , ' pur hearts that the true Chris- | n the above two infants Joseph, her husband, they Christmas Day ; tian Joy of Christmas can be | ial compared to the dif- were the first members of the c had a eam which ours ‘ | between the Child human race to bend their nged his whole outlook i humar g neu tinh +5 on Have yo “ ; t to Mary and one born to knees before God made Man will do you good to read m ny toes gin ong — any other woman God's preference generally al! about it sometime in Dick - , 8 our Lord uses This Child—the Christ Child s with the poor. He Himself Christmas ¢ l ow hose two wortls “Fear not" or | his Child—the Christ Child ee B , ~ | Serooge came to like Christ their equivalents? In St. Matt- s God. He is God and Man chose a life of poverty hew, Chapter 6, He says “Do ¢ ae ae ii ‘ oe ‘oie Ps mas ) ’ ‘And the Word was made Sometime later Wise Men I do not think that there are ™0t be anxious about tomor« Flesh and dwelt amongst us fr the east made the jou many people tod ike did row, for temerrow will bring | God is a Pure Spirit.. We can- ney by caravan to Bethlehen Scroowe Ms own anxieties, evéry day not see spirits. God wished to A_ star cted the step Aivinat : has trouble enough of its own.” come closer to us; He wished stopping over the point wher: a : ; ase Reap take Himself more ac : i : #H Child * Like t Christma is a very happs He says that He has striven iaAK aii ai Vi Al ©S5S- iit oiy mid ‘ A “ 5 , ; is, sO He assumed a hepherd the ther So we shou eeing that to teach His diselpies at least the birthds f our Lord one great principle ppi- an nature; He became a went into the dwelling and ‘ m : * . . eae = . M ; i Divi Theat ind Saviour Je Chr ness. Fear nothing, if you trust Mé adored ee a : : ur The word Christmas is really in God. Your Heavenly Father : e the y | . nine t Ir storé o rei He wa tne son of God the Oper ng oa . ( ee Christ-Mass, meaning the has control ef all things and Second Person of the Blessed ee. Sey Olen Him gi Feast of Christ t as St having banished fear your Trinity. Now He became & of gold and frankine ense anc | Michaelmas means the Feast sense of joy Will be fof and | Man, taking the title, Son of myrr Thu he Divine | of st. Micha lasting. : Man. He was (and is) God*the Saviour received the homage : fan. He wa and is) God “the viour oe a . “se Age Christmas should be a time He is a wonderful example of | ee or eer er a ature not on! of the Jews, but als Son, but with ta natures no - on — aaa +. f joy and ; ads to a fe full of the right kind of | r ar livine re au entice e Ma or ; n 1 ms — oe -~ 2 i¢ - . ee aac rue happiness more surely happiness ' - ae ge is a ; e th Ge ti} ’ wrk " than having a good conscience Christmas is a happy time from the less- peopies of the sentlie ¥ 1a 4 ws * ’ fro € ¥ peopl i vir for all who know the Christian How did this God's ways are far different ther secret of perfect faith and t Through th from ours. Many things which Tr twviin thine } ; grey gp Se I rue that we living trust in God power of the Holy Ghost He does appear impossible in » world of unre ind w , : ‘ ¥ ai ‘ if ng ath », : ’ yy “ Is it any wonder, then, that our eyes. We are hemmed in | quietness. a sense of fear broods a Mapa yee & been Gite he Christmas story is so be- © by limitations, but God is not. | over this world of ours day in the city of David, « loved? Looking back, we see He is worthy of the highest Yet He who was borr, on this Saviour, who ts Christ the shepherds guarding their honor; every honor shoul@ be | day constantly insists that He Lord.” flocks in the fields through the showered on Hin After" His | > . : loc n. Aft ee eNO eer ee eele eee ‘ey chilly night. Suddenly an angel birth the angels, shepherds g a De eT te tag appeared and broke the glad and Magi, paid Him hontage : Christian Science Society rue basen, ao tidings to them he greatest joy in heaven RANCH te ( } The greate y in heaven ¥ BRANCH OF THE PIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST has been porn to you _—iwill unending uni with | IN BOSTON MASS today in the town of David a God. We will possess Him, He | ¥ ‘ . ' y Sermo 18 THE UNIT Saviour, Who is Christ the will possess us, f ¥ ERSE CLUDING MAN 1 ' ‘ DING MAN EVOLVED &Y An s shall be a sig If we ever hope to see God 2 M FORCE A i will find an in- in the next life. we must be 2 far wrapped in swaddling united with Him hers g Wee Me We thes and lying in a manger A life that is separated or |% P suddenly a igellags divorced from God i man . Roor i and Frid gel a multitude of the tragedy ¥ ‘ 3 ly host praising God ne f tt 2 E ne wore 1 we ~K WI we ‘ saying, ‘Glory to God in Th aia oO : ee y ay : carol should be our lips and the highest, peace on earth ArOL Bt : ys me BiB De Be De DD Be Be Be Bi Wee De We Be WD DDD De De Be Me Be We De Bee Ded Dede De ee ae DDT rT men orc t n our heart aay ar very among men of good will , sites CUCeCKS LCL CTT eS Cee eT eT ee ee eC eee eee ee Cee eee! Luke 2, 11-14) day, ‘O Come lk i iim The angels were the first Christ the Lord 4 The Regular Baptist Church WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US OVER THE CHRISTMAS SEASON SUNDAY MORNING, 11:00 A.M. spies ¥ & ¥ Rector—Rey. J. §, Twining, B.A, L.TH. 4) iG ¥ = uae eee ais 4 | , “The Just Shall ‘Live By Faith” a: p.m.—Sunday School w iw “ m4 ’ a | ¥ 7:30 p.m.—Salvation Metting v4] % CHRISTMAS SERVICES a | ’ COME AND, WORSHIP ¥ ag Sunday, Dec. 21st v ke A y | SUNDAY SERVICES CHRISTMAS DAY ¥ & is ; | December 21, 1982 Thursday, Dec. 25, 1952 y aly 11 a.m—Christmas Family Service. a\ Morning 11:00 as xu ’ ae . i a Sermon: “A Tre ais lorning rvice 11:00 i CHRISTMAS DAY: a| % 4 p.m.—Christmas Service at Port Edward 4 , Gobfouton" r ’ , ‘on « i : ne ae an | Choir Anthem ‘ on: “The Child of ¥ 10:30 a.m.—Special Christmas Service. aig 7:30 p.m.—Carol Service of the Nine Lessons a Evening 6:00 p.m % é Manger.” , ¥ Major and Mrs. W. C. Poulton (in charge). aig j ¢ Sunday School Program “Choir Anthem ¥ : : Al j > a a ¥ “Remember the Christ of Christmas” a\¥ Christmas Eve., Dec. 24—11:30 p.m.—Holy Communion ‘ A BLESSED CHRISTMAS 9 Deb Be Ba Be Bi Dee eB De De By % ois | irate owe wouws coureetan 4 | < « _(COOFOOC CROCS eer REE eee ces 3 i «eet tc ct eet etree MOC Ce Hee Cee eee St. ANDREW'S” CATHEDRAL CHURCH \ Christmas Eve 11:30 P.M, Christmas Day 11:00 A.M. The Children Nativity Play in the C! Christos Sunday, Dec. 28th at 3m Sunday Services as usual. CECE CTE ee Pet eereerereres Seeeewet eet eee cee es Christmas Sunday Service - 4 “CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE at Il am WATCH-NIGHT SERVICE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Leh RRRDRRRRIM Dec. 31, at 16:38 p.m RHRBR RWW RBM AWM DD ree cree ere oe DR RB DD BD oro Te TAS the a Aanuncialio Church~ of tarch> o CHRISTMAS 1952 MOST REVEREND ANTHONY JORDAN, 0: will celebrate , ‘ ince rt, Vicar Apostolic of Prince Ruper the sermon Midnight Mass Thursday and preach jes P. BoM ariation m of Char « . P or the direct A four-part choir, unde s will sing Mass in Honor of the Nativity Christmas Carols invea Christmas carols The Congregation will sing beloved CM TICKET HOLDERS WILI BE ADMITTE THE CHRISTMAS MORNING MASSES will be held at 8, 9 and 10:30 Benediction in the afternoon at 3. p First AAD ARAAAAAAADARAAAAT DANE