Saturday, July 14, 1923 at Low Cost TF yon could hive exactly the kind of car yoa wanted, what are the features you would de. mand? You would want Performance . . stamina to stand long, trying trips. Then you would want Style, of course, the latest trend In body deiifn long, low, racy lines, the newest and most modish colorings. You would want the distinction of Body by Fisher. And you would like a Luxurious car . . one with wide, deep cushions that invited rest . . with rich - and beautiful upholsteries and fine interior appointments . . one with snug protection atainst the weather with cue and smoothness of riding. Last, but by no means least, you would demand Quality . . substantial construction . . refinements such as Four-Wheel Brakes, Air-Cleaner. Oil Filter, Crankcase Breather, Vacuum-Feed Fuel Supply, Safety Gasoline Tank in rear and so forth . . de-Vpcndability af all times and under all conditions I $ These are the things everyone would like to have in a car . . and that everyone CAN have, for the first time In automobile history, at the low cost of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet c-ts.r.tte Tit G.UA.C. . . Grnml UlmT nm itltmi Hymrnt flm lit i umnmt mmd iwuil m imft ym Cirtrdtt rn Imn. ttmimtt K2S.00 Tmvia . . . 6D.00 CatifM ..... 70.00 CWfc ..... 7400 SJJ.00 JB print 1 ftctvt, Okim-(WtMl Tttti, bumfal tni Sfwt Trt Hint. Inprrul M . . SS90.00 Coatmibl CaMU MJ.M CmaMrci! Chauu 4704 Ra4,m Dtlntrr Tm Trark Chans 4M B RaadMar ru 4300 AS frii4i it Ttdort. Otim Cttwmmrni Tditl,Bmmftri imd Sfft In iMrt. CHEVROLET WAI.KBR & ROSS, Prince Rupert, I1.C. PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED Now IS Kodak Te KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day Qi T apo m warm IK -Bl PI In yfic Pioneer Dtugtisls . THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?v200. COOl) FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES Firct Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first subscription, thin coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Dally News gifts with the grand total of more than 26,000 vote. This couin may be used only once and Is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Caiuli date's iame thenr1 i . A nAII I'flla. uih an ta coiirswrt will ewuni " ,;. ,lo ffi13amilgn Manager at the campaign office of hec Rupert Dally News, together with the first sub scription you obtain. It must be acrpmpamm Wij and - the auBwHpHon must be for f ltfrWTT flnw or longer. The 10.000 free votes nre IN AUDITION to the num-Tttf given on the auTjsrrTpnr.n'oS' per the regular vote acMcuuie. City Meat Market (siaviG imos.) 3rJAunuc - 1705 SIKAT. FISH, VEGETABLES 0 ALL KINDS OP "NOKWEfilAN IMIODUCE" at low prices, nmi Immediate delivery Obsenel All nrtlcles aro of superior quality and absolutely fresh. THl- d-mLY :ews PAGE THREE ?TT5 a- - t BURKE WINNER OF ' Local and Personal GRAND AGGREGATE BISLEY SHOOTING i a Taxi I'lione 4. Itig 4 Taxi. U BISLEY. July 14. Although official Dentlt. Dr. J. It. Qese .pione.e8a. tabulation has not yet been i made. It was reliably established today that Mi's. T. Moran nailed thWJiirhiiu Lieut Desmond Burke of OttAXa. .onl n the Cardemi for Alert B8JV the grand aggregate prize of the National Rifle Association meet with Ltlf Erifcacn's picnic to Osland. Jul;. score of 320 out cf 'a possible 555 ob 15. Boats leave Cuw Bay float 9C tainable In ten selected individual aer x.m. vice rifle competitions. " Mr. II. N. Brocklesby (alls by tbc Prlnco Ruperi Ujnlght on a trip to Bouer. Mrs. Schick and two daughters )'. Edmonton ull1 on the Princess floyn; last iilght lor Victoria. Mrs. II. M. D. Lam be and son arc ttillcf kf the Prlntie Rupert tonight for i holiday trip to Seattle. , Dr. QJckey, Bye, Eaar. Note and Throat Offlos Hotel Prince Rupert. Hour, 10 Uj 8 pjn. Evenings by appointment. 185 Mr. and Mr. C. O. Item returned to toe city op yesterday afternoon's rain from a holiday trip to Terrace Ai Until of the Swift-Canadian Co teturned to Uw ( ty yesterday siter- ".ocn't train ironi a business trip to '.he Interior. EE. Gregg, assistant dtatitet forest r, Mturned to th city on yesterday altemoeo'i train from a llf to Bums take on official duties. Mrs. A. C. Abbott, wife of one of the Canadian national Railway conductors len. Is sailing by the Prince Rupert tonight (or a brief trip to Seattle. Now then folCsl What about that double load of box cuttings? The kid-.ikes like to handle it. Can you beat It U at .10 per load? Hyde transfer lUoae 560. tf Howard White of th Kelwn Trading Co. is at present In Seattle and It Is understood may not be returning to the city, linv White and family are also in the south. Liberal Committee Booms are no open at the corner of Second Avenue out Fourth Street. All supporters of fidn. T. D. Patulo, minister of lands, ire cordially invited to vtaU the room. Thorn 229. tc A I "while Haitfet will be lirM In the Kxhlbltlen Railing en Tue. day night at e'rtoeV In honor of Hut- vMsrti eMmeaHsy f ii. m, m "Iterfcen." Adwlselon free, t:trry- tumtj wettwme. 1M 'Ptd Stork returned to the city on jcsUrday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Uak and Padfle where he addressed public meetings on behalf of Dr. H. C. Wrtnch. MJA., Uberal candidate for flkeena. Opportunity Beckons! Hear Bvalyn Davis l Free Lecture I Metropole Hall a pja. Learn laws of Health. Success and Character reading. Vocational ad vice. Character analysis by appoint ment. St. Brno Hotel. 164 L. S. Cokely, B.C1&, of Vaaosuver and party, who have been carrying out surveys of i teervationa on the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Indian Department, left yesterday for the Naaa River valley where atmller work wtll be done. The finest Summer trip In Ufe world via S. 8. Prince Charles, Stewart Anyoa, M asset Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert Monday, return Thursday. Or a week-end trip to Terrace or Bmlthers. Very low fares. Enquire City Ticket Office. Phone 900. 14 Bringing a prisoner from Smlthera who Is to be MM on a cfcstnja laid by the ' Canadian National Railway, Provincial Constable O. L. Hall arriv ed In the etty from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train, returning to Smlthera this morning. Mrs. Simon A. Swanaon left on this morning's train for Montreal where she will embark aboard the steamer Montflalr enraute to Bradford. Hng lnnd. where she will pay a visit to relatives in the hope that the change shall be beneficial to her health. P. T. Dowllng. chief engineer for the British Columbia Underwrltert' Association who had been here making Inspections in connection with the proposed reduction of the fire tnsumnce rates In the city, returned last night ou the Princess Royal to Vancouver accompanied by Mrs., Dowllng and yoimp daughter. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Clul) m-Riitta. JtUy IS. 192B 0 Use SAWS kMj Machine KniveSi SI MONOS CaNAOASAWCO. LTD. MONTREAl VANCOUVLB, ST. JOHN, N.B.. TORONTO 11 Dry Dock employees picnic Sunday Uly 15 potponed. P. W. A.'idf-r.'on is making a trip to Osland today aboard his gas boat. Bob Ar'liu' iiaa moved hie taxi land to Sneddon's News. Same number 678. 164 L. W, Stone was a passenger sailing .or Vancouver on the Princess Royal .ist mint. Hiss' i Cliiisele McLeod sails by the frlnce Rupert tonight on a holiday rip to Vancouver. This afternoon's train, due from the last at 3.30. was reported this morn ing to be on time. Mr. and Mrs. Trios. Priest left on ttvls morning's train for Bdmonton and Cal gary on their annual vacation. Mrs. T. E. Bush and daughters are calling by the Prince Rupert tonight )ft a holiday trip to Vancouver. i CPJt- steamer Princess Charlotte, :pt 9. C. Satntey, Is due in port at 130 pJn. this afternoon from Skagway snd will sail at S for Vancouver and ii Mr. and Urs. R. T. J. Rose and two liughtefce ' are sfiling on the Prince Rupert Jtatght for theVsouth to spend a vacation at Vancouver, Victoria and -ther rxjuts. ' Mm. tV 8. Trnllaae arrived in the tyt t ssAuitosrl(iy aJternooa's .tram front, pares,Ajberta, and .U tnr gtttM OT-het aTkter. Mrs. J. R. Slag ird. 106 Eighth Avenue Sast. A party of fifteen local girls left this afternoon aboard the Canadian Flailing Qp.'s tender Ednorlno for Wales "stand cannery where they will be .4kjyoO 'for 'the summer holidays. T. C. WUdlng of the CHH. general superintendent's offices left on this mcrning's train for a holiday trip which wfU take him as far as Wlnnl-I eg. He expects to return to the city about the end of the month with Sirs. Wilding and son who have been on a trip- to England. Mr. Alger, the Ftigidalre engineer from the, .Vancouver branch, will be In Prince Rupert on Monday and until Friday. 'At the clone of the recent Convention in Vancouver last week, many new features were announced, together with a general readjustment of prices, effective at once. Also a complete new line of household cabi nets on eory easy terms. Address any enquiries care of Prince Rupert Hotel. 164 Arrested at Smlthera by the provincial police on information of the railway police,,, Frrd ,FMdag, tram news aaeisy ws btought to the city from the interior yesterday afternoon and this nsonalng was committed for trial by , Magistrate McClymont on a charge of having obscene pictures in his pcseelon. Later In the morning appearing in County Court before Judge Young who fined him with the option f thirty days' imprisonment. Church Notices ST. AXIIIIEW.S ( ATlll llltAL (Churth of Kmland) Service 8 am., SMrtitiMt Of tfe Lord's Sup- Mwnhlg Mvtirg? front ' ! 000 (o II. IB A.M. The oftloers and Men of 1IA1.8. UurIMn" will attend this service. 1M pan. Evening Prayer. rilltlNTIAN sriKNCK SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning in the Hys Blosk. 345 Second Avenue Subject on, Ou4sy "LIFE.1 Testimony i.'uiiKi on-c 'Wednesday evening at 8 i'(i:hiiti:ki.n riuiini MiniM.r. Her. J. R. Prlaetl, DA..LLJ3. tirMi'nee, The Manse. Telephone 81S Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub- ji-cu "THE WIND." There will be no I'venmu service during July. Mi ! I'MTKO Clll'ltril Rev. A. Wilson. Pastor Miss I. Haddock. Deaconess. mg worship at 11 o'clock. Eve I'rviro nl 7 30 Sunduy School t meef. , CITY TENNIS TOURNEY IS BEING ADVANCED several (Samrs Played Yesterday and .More Schlull for Today and Tomorrow morning. Results in the city tennis champion -nip tournament yesterday were as cllows: FIRST KOUMI, L.IHIES SINGLES Mrs. McMordle beat Miss Catherine Harvey, 6-0, 6-3. SECOMl ItOL'.M), ME.VS SIMiLEK Llnzey beat Pryce, 8-6, 6-3. TIIIKI KOl'M) Howard beat Unrey, 6-2, 6-4. The following games will be played today: 230 pin. -second round, men's singles, Marentette vs. Clyne: winner to play Brand in third round at 330 pm. 3 JO pxn. Mtes Vera Smith .vs. Mn McMordle. second round men's singles. 220 pjn, Men's doubles. second round, Hlsby Vahd partner vs. S locum and Underwood. Further games are expected to be playtd tomorrow morning, no games being arranged for the afternoon be cause of the tournament with officers 'ram HM.S. Durban. A MYTH 'And now." said the eager English professor, "who can tell me what a myth 1st" "I can, air." answered the fraah. fresh from biology. "It's a female moth." The Teacher. D. McD. Hunter Is making a buabMaa trip to Osland today. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (IVetitern Keglon) TENDERS FOR TRACK TIES Sealed Tenders addressed to the un-Jsmlgnad and endorsed "Teosfar dor .rack Ties" will be received at the OTflce of the Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent. Canadian National Express. uiMlnc. Montreal, until twelve o'clock r :n July 2S. 1826. for Railway Ties to be manufactured from IMngU Pit. Teclcek. Jackplne, Tamarac analOedar Timber cut between September I, Ie8. J iua May j, ivm. ana aenverea oetween January 1. 1S29. and September 1. 1999. F.O.B. can Canadian National Railways. In accordance with soeclflcatlona 3JW-12 revised July IS. 1926. Tender forms msy be obtained at the Office rr we Tie Aeent at Winnipeg and from the Purchasing Agent. Vancouver, or General Tie and Timber Agent. Montreal. Tenders will net be considered unletis made out on form supplied by the RaUway Company. The lowest or anr tender not neces sarily accepted. U. f. MACLAKEN. Tie and Timber Aaent. 166. Montreal, Que. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Record Ins Dis trict snd situate adjacent to Alhford Bay, Moresby Islsnd, Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends to sppiy tor a lease oi tne following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the high water mark of an island; thence following the high water mark around the Island to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED. Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon. Agent for Pacific Mills. Limited. Dated Msy . 1928. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict and situate adjacent to AUifora Bay, Moresby Island. Skldegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mtlli Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation ruip ana raprr Manufacturers, invenas to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on tht high water mark of an Islsnd: thence following the high water mark around the Island to point of commencement and contalnlnt 0.25 acre,' more or less PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon, Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited. Dsted Msv S. 1928. Form No. 13, Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO PI lit MASK LAND In Prince Runcrt Land Recording DIs trlct and situate about 8 miles from the mouth of Khutm River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Compsny or vsncouver. B.C., occupation Minimi naupsny. Intends to sddIt for DermWlon to dun chase the following dKrl bed. lands: Commencing at V posv planted one loot distant iromnne' witness pom tm the West side of Lot 172: thence wesier-1 RQ chains: thence soUthrYlV 20 chains: thence easterly 60 cbalns; thence northerly 10 chains. ud containing loo seres, more or iem. F. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining C. Dated 18th April. 1928. Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely Relieved by SANTAL MIDY ttyUl by All Druggists It's Your Inning ! EVERY time you- light a cheerful pipeful of cool and fragrant Ogden's Cut Plug, it's your inning and you're due for a lot of solid satisfaction. Ogden's is a mild smoke'-in fact, a blend of exceptionally pleasing mildness, coolness and fragrance. Next time you buy pipe tobacco, say "Ogden s." Vl lb. vacuum air-tight) tins 15 and 20 cent packages CUT PLUB HiiHk MjM save the valuable IPn tP19VEjiV "P0KER HANDS" Royal SECURITY RST Insurance Limited Liverpool, England Established 1815 Total Fund $17:,l:t,t)0.".22. Co 9 S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. a a agents PRINCE RUPERT. FIRST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES This coupon, when accompanied with three yearly subscriptions or their equivalent, to the Prince Rupert Daily News, entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra votes if subscriptions are turned in during the, First Week of their entry. Name of Subscriber Name of Subscriber v. . .... . . . . . . Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name One First Week Coupon can be voted by each candidate, for every three one-year subscriptions, or their equivalent, turned 'ifi'darinjr the candidate's first week iti the campaign. I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace BlocL-Phone 131. Open Evenings