* ‘ Sr Ree * + : « seovanane seier nema ‘ =a at REMEMEER WHEW | Prince Rupert Daily News e ’ : “4 ile | Tony Canzoneri, the former | Saturday, December 20, 1952 | Yl world featherweight, lightweight | ' PRINCE RU PERT } nS an djunior welterweight cham- t toy pion, decided to call it quits 1% f y | ] «i Saat as ah al BLACKWOOD on | To KETCHIKAN. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER (Bummy) Davis. In his 20-year) Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. of Alcoholics Aiwonymous t B ‘LASSIPIED eat ring career Canzoneri was one 0: | DA oS HED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREY the ring’s most efficient figures. | |) MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Ci ddan an jb . :) 1s \OUNCEMERES Fa Heer wet vt Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. 4 ae Shon, Bee. oe the Prince Rupert group ae Timber? ti 4 eatre day. Write PO. Box 1611, Public Auctiogall £1090 AM, on } vay Ghriatmna| Prince Rupert soe) aay. Pasa iy" the | By CALEY MACK WOOD ROUND TRIP... $2.7 .00 Deeember 29. | CARS FOR SALE . Bc. ae ie | Single Misplay Keeps Muzzy Card Party Jan FOR SALE 32 Chev deluxe Le dan, 13,000 mile heater eat 5 t Cregity 4 % side of Be : -—- “| covers. Real hi i or "iver, Cassiara ‘het : ert NOTICE pe y, cash ia tric woe haere” ELLIS. AIRLINES Mr. Muzzy had a chance to defeat today’s con-| won| ete, pee, Sant, Mckwen oa ee ehoeee traet and he was able to pick the right suit... but Contact QCA... or your local travel agent to Mr. and Prince Rupert Hot 200p ai | not tha weeks cord neonates tiene Phone 476 vs ingass a © POR SALE-—1950 Pontia like + i submit } sain £ . . i South dealer olen 7 SS TN eee Williams Lake new, 12,000 miles only. 1329 i _at the hour of | Mr. Champion led the 10 of} “Neither side vulnerable Prince: oo Ist Overlook (298p ee jelubs and Mr. Muzzy won with | a Dec. 19. 1982.) - ; may be ob- ; anh) ; ; : ~ ty Minister of the aee. He returned the seven) SK & 4 ° & Ellen a : LOST AND FOUND | Victor . oF the Dis- | spot and Mr. Abel’ elected to) B87 5 2 MSusiness $a M SStONA Y LOST Last Saturday—Mar hikistate ba iduck. Mr. Champion saw ne D—A 16 67 j a ; an 118,15.22.29, D6.13.20) ; ; C—4 3 4EMORLAM Elgin. wrist watch with nyk ; reason to overtake since, if ee I Went ast DELUXE PRESS fabric type strap ward. Red c Muzzy had heid a second ¢ Mr. Champion) (Mr. Muzay) 4 wing memory| 964 evening 198) irae Lise |honor, he certainly would have} ba 6 810975 2 “Gestetner” — © A in Prince Ru be oheved fie wile at jled it. Therefore the king and! H-Q 9% 44 BJ 6 bs) ady's % watch We , r ' j DEK Qo p—s 5 2 Mr onticnti peer om + : -_ = . : vet pune Auction, A! Wap Bt, on |jack were undoubtedly im Mr.} 2 919982 i Duplicating p UJ [ G r R tien othe: Cane ng inde pie - , ary. 1 96 in we aa i oe return to Daily News. Reward. 2" f the District Porester. Prince Abel's hand. south Circular Letters - Monthly * 1 you he 1001) | oo ‘ : ; os So Mr. Champion played the | Maat ct Bulletins -—- any kind of Q; / frist i. ‘aid daa S00) bic feet ot Spruce Really, Kilroy, I'm not worth it deuce and the seven held. There H—A K 10 Business forms. Direct mail prome rts ACOGUN £ANTS Lote 711. 11? |] is F foliowed a long wait occasioned: DJ 93 || advertising, etc. 30 - 40% less : nember thee PUBLIC ACCOUN VARY m situated 6 miles | a shy the fact that Mr. Muszy i Ce 7 6 than regular printing. ¢ Tax speciabist, 2 G. Puri r . te €: (West side of a FIRST ¢ The bidding | od by your loving Stone Baildine, ' os Awa mes Ye r), Cn a land Distriet. | LASS FARES thought somebody else had sere South West Morte — 7 Phone 383 P Oo Box 99 (itp) in , | ie vn geno - the trick. The trick was inspected; 1NT Pass 2@NT Pass “. BATTER mene From 1 it ven to him that| 3NT All Pass || 733—2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert John Bulger Ltd. ; TTE SERVICE f tin } and it was. pro Pa ; | : eer : ie ss ERNONALS |-—-—-- dn * vt m Provided ar e unable to attend | PRINCE RUPERT a ak in cine his lead. Ee oe rig eT | B.C. Give us your mailing iist ‘Third Avenue u ’ el Lery y Pate | this ction | erson y 8 e Return , cc ea | * had <¢ —_ , . bh and func” ere ee —. i . — aor we ee aed bi ee tae ce — Without hesitation he then | Mr. Champion would have f | We do the rest e Metab, Beemer’ pairs, rechargitut and rebuild ction and treated as one bid.” |i Ketchikan $15.00 $27,008) Panged down the jack of hee rts.|Safe return. = Oe ae ae Black 347 (301) | ing. Work guaranted micnue J eran ae Oe i aahannanad $44.85 $80.75 In this situation, leading throne |e ican eau bate ad) Ghipging and General john € Hughes BC. PHOTO STUDIO FOR SALI I ts, Vietoria, BC. or the District |B Seattle $53.80 $97,858) *POwn strength (because, of the | t the second high honor ont Moving, Packing, Crating CHIROPRACTOR A t Pigtures taken whi PEE: PS a ee ee $62.15 $112.65§ 5° trump opening) up to noth-| ou a | Cartage and Storage -30-12-30, 2:00-5:00 Bahy’s, Wed- POR SALE—Dry cedar kindliy (NG.15,24,20,0013.2027) | Sam Prameineo $96.30 $178.55§|'N¢ in dummy, it is better tojthe closed hand — on wie ee Bes Oe ran wonadle, (itp and Alberta : Fo tid) ' a = 3 : Calgary $84.80 $152.65 lead the low card from a double- j trick. This would have left Mr. Complete, Reliable and Effi- Eves.: by appointment’ only. ; ‘. 21 - 23 Besner Block Dally delivery. Phone TMC., , wis . at's fi 543 249.65 ton honor ! w only ’ - nite Baden, LC. re. conibente of Tite Ho, 2200-1 to |e mines $134.80 $242.65 9 ton ! Abel with only eight sure win-| cant Beatles: Sop septie Sa Mla gp nage : ; , ee 0 1iy Lot es (8) Sane thi 6 ’ ome $206.15 $369.30 See what Mr. Muazy’s leadjners and it is likely he would) Lid. ; 4 Kink: (8), Nine (9) and Ten oe . ‘ i OS Tne co et Block Porty-Six :46), Sub-|/_ Ask about substantia] savings§| did to his partner? Mr. Abel pave tried the spade finesse, || for Oxygen, Acetylene and all POR SALE—Ping pons atvi ton Set : || welding supplies dy wes 98. (6); ft by 9 ft. Also small wood ad Porty-Bix ¢706) eon | on Cone Sate SS ae ee Beg, losing his contract — ‘Ba es ecm ’ i y-8! 746) ueen | : , a los nis ; , hime “+ and canal stove 1357 Fiat Charlotte District, Man 1079. | and set up the diamonds by j * ‘ ee Overlook St 20hp)| WHRREAD mticacory ‘penet of leading to the ace ad returning » aes | LINDSAY'S CARTAGE H. G HELGERSON cae El uae a r ¢ the above Certificate of Titte | rawpord Moore the suit. Here Mr. Champion got! 8.C. OYS ye & STORAGE LIMITED LIMITED auigmen’. Tge| tepewricr, Phone buck 20 cua Ge thle iden, anced ol els els lead. VICTORIA (P)—British Col-|] Gor ond and Park Avenues Grapvile Island! a ae ii, at one | bir | A club return wouid go into|umbia now is developed its own|| Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68} | REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE . Be ttf? er ae , tea feat i | | eae — the king-jack. A spade recor oyster seed and will need to im-| Phone 96, Ev2nings Black 899 vsaieeew = 5 : ys bicycie $5.0 Pros . . te na would take the guess out of that - } NEST < — Provish Cert of 7 st f ar. | “EST CLEANER | 1 cookstove, coni; 1 heater, ‘7 ~ ee Se ee 20M | suit. Desperately, Mr. Champion | Pt very little’of next YeOl|! Geen & BRIDDEN LTD. wen ie} = en ep . vs sd iacabsteentiedlians led back a smali heart, hoping a "Builders and Contractors LING THE TAILOR = BP Mion TED = tae Lantt Registry once, | es |“. Muzzy had the 10. But Mr || New Construction, Repairs, f 2 TURKEYS r .C., this 10th day of | 1-WALLACE BLOG aoe won with that eard, giving {| Foundations and Re-Roofing fF Tailoring - Alterations va gb -iy e¥> lek jhim three tricks in the suit. . . #15-Ist Ave. W. Phone 909] | | mae Weat, Letourneau : THOMPSON, | Now, with nine sure tricks in tnese shes P.O, Box 721 - Dey ristrar of Tities | ‘ i i . " ww. ™ wy Prince Rupert Price - : (298) | The Complete Travel Service (sight, there was no reason to Bp 3. _ eee ve Soars sanded so ———--—-——— | ltry the spade finesse. Cashing { Chop Suey - Chow Mein : etter boxes tn ye ; the ace and king of that Suit a : | cf LA? . iy FOR YOUR ROCK a Syms tie. Pabes’ VOIR LOCKER PLAN? “ropped the doubleton queen | Open @pm.-3:%em |] wr CoNcRETE WORK SCOT! McLAREN é . (298) Grade C Purkev $8 It and Mr. Abel made four-odd. EVERY JOB GUA e" ic Xmas Trees— Grade 4 Turkey Announcement If Mr. Muzzy had led the six, ‘ ° re @ ee CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Aluminized., Order over 18 \be 4) of hearts at trick three, Mr.j e Pour Cement "Less James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. He — ~~ be Grade A Turkey All Oil Companies Abel would have won with the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Phone Blue 939 - Prince Rupert, B.C 4. Phone M.C under 18 lbs ' {king as before, and started the tele: Gntctn Sin . ; B ce (2989) Grade A Duck 0 ; ‘diamonds. However, when on Fer 0 ” ” - Tt Phone 347, P.O. 34 : ctrical Works, Mo- G@?ade A Geese Oe Ib . lead wfth the second diamond, . : ical Worka, Mo, Gena Oi ill Be wad with the cond diamond, __———_—_——— | PRECISION SAW FILING Train Schedule (tf) Hoekless Picnic Han ° i IME he cute i" All Types of Saws =), STANDARD TF 1 OLASS CO. Giass — oo a December 25, 26, 27 Relax and Enjoy eee hath ed For the East—_ 1M)54 Phone > If you have a turk borane et d 28 : i él arpen d iv except Sunday......8 p.m. oy gaa kr Sa ond28, nets, || REWELSTOKE LAGER ea ny prep ' From the Rast— ~ Pris | 2 Ave. W. “-_., : Prant solve it fo ; A FAULTY FURNACE co Set Daily except Monday 9:50 pam ree eee See ; CAN MAKE YOUR - he Variety Store re TROEL BILLS SOAR & ENGLISH DARK BEER BE OPEN aS ay “a eal - t} ee Let Us Overhaul Your Both beers awarded “Cross of Honor” for the Dominion ; me Green 488 bes : f Canada, Brussels, Belgium, 1951 A to 9 pm cones onal to i na a. oe Furnace Now Imperial Oi} Limited nee . ee ay - ; ‘ tween © oS on 08) _ so you'll be ready when . ag eS ie BE SURE TQ... i * oe pm . the southeasters rear. Standard Oi Co,, Lid. . , »9 pm. | FOR SALE—Three-plece moti ee ee Ask for Them by Name | ~~ 7 y oé pm chesterfield suite wil rd ame , oe est a te KR. ' ki table, im good condition om eet a stole ‘see cainian ile Enterprise Brewery Limited, Revelstoke, B.C. oe ce to our throughout. Apply to A. ¢ . Sores Also—ENGLISH 3X STOUT BEST OF FOOD DINING : end _ Abbott, 32 11th St 8 LIMITED ‘i B.A. Oi Company, Ltd. Ask for these popular BRANDS by name” FINEST OF COOKING ' (30) POR SALE Baby pi Me 253 First Ave, Phone Black 887 i ALWAYS THE BEST BUY FOR TAKE OUP ORDERS PLEASURE ' GHE chet and lady's coat. & N } This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control ae — coi Levin Apts 406 Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Phene 200 IN wm ambitious per- MINSMERE KENNELS. Fran m0 S . in dala tensa SPARKLING NEW ted in @ y + - enne eae erate ‘. Pore a ae eee : - ~ fome —_ Lake, have some ke : CHRISTMAS SPECIAL seetaheMaMeM Pata aaa a eae! Pra a ea aa aaa a ee oe Way a Q SURROUNDINGS aves. ie) puppies for sale. They w° by a 2 tions Reel 55 tondy te leave th | : a - ae be ready to jay : . \ TT Ne a Rupert, BC. (206) OF January. “Minsmere Ker 4 ONLY—FREEZERS + The Prince Rupert Realty Co. “Tita steamer || Commodore Ca _ leg ‘ ot . ' ike 20 ‘ bh r nels, Francois | B.C. ts 9 cu. ft. $280.00 19 cu. ft. $498.00 lg a g ff ; 1t-n : a eer STORE Special eee at fh 12 cw. ft. $298.00 é " cu ft. gry \5 take pleasuse in announcing ; PRINCE RUPERT nnowncement drapes, floral design on green | Apartment size refrig't, new 51, cu. ft. $169.00. fis that they are moving to j background. Cheap. Black 18 » year guarantee. Cabinets stighthy marked in transit. | 345 Third A ‘diese 3 SAILS FOR : . ‘ it ‘ } ir venue es OY$.and ® Phone New Westminster 1711 or 1% < a V ve ‘Tt’ (sootiess) coal ‘ 1G VERANES, etc |POOTHILLS soon witt write P.O, Box 460 i on : ancouver Co. Ltd (ec) ly January Ist, 1953 a Intermediate Porte Arrival, they must - FOR RENT s y ‘ 4 apd arcleas of cost r ‘ ‘ a 4 \& * : Each Thursday ROOM FOR RENT-—Across fre |e ¢ _ at 11:15 p.m. Booth School. Green 924 |e t" . q For KETCHIKAN VANCOUVER 299p) ¥ Compliments of the Season x WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH’ tx Gecenainn | we : : ann ¥ t many f ds," a Comfort and Service es FOR RENT Sleepin oom i] © our many friends. 8 SUNDAY 5 close in. Blue 433. 1141 Beach ¥ a R ti 8S. Camosun 8 p.m. bsom iGirl Dolls) Pe ot" ANTE AAAS ie , FRIDAY DS | Write or Call SS Coquitiam, 8 p.m. elties of alt | arate beds. Close in Phone Black 977 (298p) | shovels—Back-Hee—Clam and Dragline—Crane—Bulldozer—1 ow-bed Tt .* — se ase rratler—Dump Trucks—Air Compressor—Rock Drilling and Controtted A p GA N E R & ( O i /ESDAY | WANTED TO RENE Driving—Samd and Reck Delivered per Yard. | ° . ‘ Blasting=-Pile }fOR RENT—Double room, sep | ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN Resident Partner — Prince Rupe, > seine i CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 3, at 8 p.m | SINGER SEWING C ENTRE — Work ®tchourly or contract basis—Estimates given. ; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Dec. 17, 31 and Jan. 14 portable machines ad . SS Coquitiam, Midnight ‘ r | tc) F . } y - 864. “-}CE ANMMHEADQUARTERS — 347 EAST FIRST AVENUE . A. lio AUCTION ROOM| _*= OFF! way PHONE BLUE 884 PRINCE RUPERT, BC. Bl ALFRED L. BELL, C.A FOR SOUTH QUEEN Bride and Pourth Ave | MIDDLE-AGED couple require| BOX 452 furnished suite or small house. | CHARLOTTE ISLANDS : SS Coquitlam, Midnight 41 £908n) | Ave. E .0. Box mmm ne oman te ol | Urgent. Phone Red 811. ‘298p) | 4 $05 Prema Ave. Rast . 0 1247 Dec. 24, Jan. 7 and 21 gi f your Worthiaisd DALeY, | mame | Seneeees: Bat AUCTIONEER FRANK J. SKINNER "Dy toca aie ae "enn hi Myvoom. Phone | ¥ Terrace Prinee George Vancouver A Prince Rupert Agent By looking after r ousekeeping DOr ans . . g 0. our milk will look ater | Green 894 after 6 p.m. (302p) Feape ie ee ee Third Avenue “Phone 568 En cool. All milk|~ REAL ESTATE — eens — ate ranted (tf) | ———— q BLONDIE —One Woman in a Million! By CHIC YOUNG - -™ NWAN'TED HAIR. -Permanent-| HOUSE for sale—fully furrs Wit ® S 9 ere ~ |pr> = | SF ) fT Cnee on ee "TT DAGWOOO-- MOST 5. Tanager "oe isaae'sw S700 Hospital Bil? | eel Sreoge i "he most remarkbale OV~ wr easonable 5 ; ; | DAGWOOD, ASK THEIR HUSBANDS a rs the age, re M4 816 (298) | ' } waar woul Y RRS. 20 - WHAT THEY'D LIKE . tion iranteed to kill the roots) ————— ~ : (OU Like » YO LIKE SOME ee: ta hair and contains ne WANTED ; SUPPER HAMBURGER (tof cheno BRR | ase copa | Be Protected—Keep Your Premium | SUPPER , > (HAMBURGER : varold “ib. 679 Granville, ‘ancou- | CA ‘or SS, a * : 2 2 aro er, BO ee ( Oratterten and radiators. Phone | Paid up to Date ; ‘. : FO ——~-wmeennermnememn=s | 848 Call 630 6th Avenue West ei inst , ‘i Service phone 48) City (+e meee feo to O K Barber Shop. | CH% - nen WEST COST | (14p)|\ WANTED TOP MARKET LO | ES eRe i PRICES PAID for scrap iron, PROTECTION | P eRSONAL | steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. AGAINST CRIPPLING = ) ‘TP — Babysitter for Box-| Honest grading, Prompt Pay” SPITAL BILLS! | ht and New Year's Eve. | ment mace | ee St. Van- = } ‘\ldle-aged woman preferred Metal a » 250 cme PAcific Ee Ra | n TM or P.O, Box 57. couver, BC CED) | : , (2098p)! 6357,