October 5, 102S PHE 2AIL7 NEW3 PAGE SEVEh - . nj , . . ,v i , . -ii i . ' . ... . . . LEARN TO ERECT II AM , LjnV & . . i ; . 1 K oh-i thooght yo - Hwelu? Mj H l?!?.?.,- fli rr. sav-rvs bee w. ,l j i nunt it 1 i n- AVIATION MASTS OT, HOME NOW ANWHEN HE COMEMM I'Li vracrra. - TLU HER I'VE! George Kinch Left for Wnlen for BEEN IN Course of Instruction II' , " M i,.!orge Klnch and two other ..,- officers from the Royal . .dian Navy left Esquimau a v days ago bound for Cardigan, ; ,v-. There they wllPtaljl a , mnnlha rniirHR fn thr erUfilnn - - v. y V" mooring masts for airship?, and , i- completion of the course I erect masts on this side o( , Atlantic, the first of which ! Xf....)T M ! f- ; , .,rge Kinch was petty officer ructnr with the R.C.N.V.Ii. , umpany here until abotit c m months ago, at which 1 .. wbh transferred to the z ':i)PK company. cacheSrsfound farm near moosejaw Mounties Take pire of the Loo: : i,d Huild Dummy' to Replace it '. I N'll'KCi, Oct. 5. When of. f the Royal Canadian , . 'd Police found a $10,000 f furs, located on a farm Moose Jaw, they seized theni l h-n built a "dummy' cache. of rain stocks and four Then they hid in a nearby -his J. Penicard, known to MisoHates aa "Dapper Dan, . iip near the "dummy" cache niirht of September IS, Htfi- I w his car and was imme- arrested. At a p'rellmln- . .-.ring, Penicard was charged heft and shop breaking, and . Mtnmitted to stand trial at .ill assise, opening here in ! fur had been stolen from ! furrier on September 9. )l "Whltey" Rorger. an al i m complice, who surrendered .il police several daya after .ii'ture of Penicard, has been . .i preliminary hearing. ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, October 5 i I '- 5.4 a m- 17.1 ft. 17 pun, 10.4 ft ! MM a.m. 9.1 ft Saturday, October 6 I 7.26 a.m. ICS ft. 19.03 p.m. 18.2 ft i 6.28 a.m. 5.4 ft 12.36 p.m. 104 ft Su , October : 8.M a.m. 16.0 ft 20.86 p.m. 18.0 ft. 1.10 a.m. 6.1 ft 14.20 p.m. 10.9 ft Mondjy, October 4 .....7. 10.OS a.m. 174 ft 21. 6C p.m. 18.4 ft 8.1G a.m. 0,1ft. 1RJ1 p.m. 9.9 ft. Tuesday, October 9 Ilirh fk.m. 18.G ft Wednesday, October 10 "iKli hl'm a-m! 10.6 ft 2SI4 p.m. 10.8 ft. 5.1C a.m. 5.2 ft. 17.M mil 6 ft. Thursday, October 11 "'rh 12.11 pjn. 20.4 ft. , C01 a.m. 4.9 ft. 18A4 p.m. 5.4 ft. Friday, October 12 "iyh 0.S7 a.m 20.3 ft. 12.45 p.m. 1 6.30 a.m 19.10 p.m 4:s fl FIRST DOCTORS Then a Skin Specialist Then a Bottle of D.l.P. "How gratoful I am to D. D. D I a a un r.T ftim acai-nia for twrlvK yraia. I triad ary otnlmaat ailvirtiani (or the dianaa.' aun Sav m tntnporarf rrltnf. 1 .Sla -nt in diKinraad anecMlata 04. nh tha dlaaaen7faruthaiae, I1 to rr thalr bllla. i trl4 l n t). and aftar tha artond botlla. tf.nn (e aaa alma at kaatlng. I ir.i thraa and ona-half buitlta an.i "iy 1 am romplatalr haalad." l. W HutUir. duita C.ntta Ulock, rr unborn-, ilka., Wlalpr Why not try this IYwrlptlon that Mr llutlnr found ao n marVaUo. Wo ill fimranUn iwlli-f on the Hrat 11.00 iwttli'. oryourmoper bsrk.Stepthat llch toHar. Try U.U, p. Soap. too. o.ii l tall FsJrtc. Im. Cnrt Briui. ritl.tt " "" j " ' " " . - - - . T.-:. r" -T1 "Jtl " 1--,'Jtf ? f ft r r " " 1 r -- CT-. 7- "I " ' ' ' ' " -Otl-V- THOE Ml in WOULD VOL) LIKE TO i "rr: I Id B"V COLL.V- IF I CO HOME J I IF YOU CAT CtT THE I WAIT- IT MAV t.VZ? fl? 1 a Pw PURCHASE A BOTTLE VjrTH THIS PE.RFOME OW PERFUME OUT OF THE i EAM OOT- ' LU ff "il j' 1-: jl rrr . ; : : 11 ' , ; 7zz .- 1 ; z : " '- ' - ' " - - j - , A VtRV OLO HO$? g WMEREDIOTH16 ' pT$3 WEHEn'T TALKING MOW LOOK TjCK. I iHlffi STATUE OF ' TAKIMIAM H FuNKlV LOOKINl' T&a ABOoTntR! AT THI Ov ( 1 A ROMAN iNTtRtST IN I K&SGm V . , 7 cabinet - . "gTaai,-! -JWHB THibi 19V cOME from? J fQl'Kl - fnTTTTlMfi.lilf iRT 7t-r f ' WftHHta STOP ' V r-r T CWAT. FYINC' J I lj TfT "1 . . PllMWl TALK IN' FOR A MIMOTt )5 i -j- - rwm No. 16 (Section 84) I2AND ACT. .vqTio: or intention to vrrLY iok lbisb or roiiBMioKC la tivt 8kna Land Koordlnf DU- trtet, Mid imute. rrantlnc on part--or Lot M. Rna S. CoMt Outrtct. TIe- TAKE NOTICE tltat tb Brltuh Ool- urattfe nahinc 4t PMklnf c Ltd.. oi VMieMitcr. S C.. ocotipattefi PMhina and o( tb following fiMM fornix: Wtmincim mi m pox pjmmea Bnvi twHUf ehtlM ort&wmurlr from tb outbuMt eerntr ot aaM Lot M, tbene tnl. tea Bhir. Ifctaet BorthMUrt. Ml to the Mifti run of the tnor rtftrea OM&m; Utene Mt u mean wA. ton ebaln. more or Umhc MutftMtKl)r. following neta site wtier avi vo poun oi odb-teaeeioeat. conUtolnf fifteen acre. " BRiTiBH ooumaiA naniNO PACKIhfO CO.. LTD. By Jttvf HearfBuelUMU. Aent. Qtg Auut at. iMt ata farm No 16 (flection N) LAND ACT. notice or intention to .trri.v roit LE.ISE OI' t OKIIIOKE In the Skeena Land Necordlng D'.-trtct. and altuale. fronttng on Lot 127. Ranee S. Ooaet DUrtrlct. fnvemeaa Paa VlaeoMfeeBq.. voeupatioB rawai bm Tfrttlfit. tttda to apply foa leaae iieTfoUewti deacrlbed forrtbore: qShmrtiUar at a poet planljd th nortneait rtbesst corner oorner of m said Lot f iff: thence u.) t man twenM ehiilna. chains, more more or leaa. to u intervMloil vHh the vaet koun- daxv 6f Lot Iff produced north: thence following said production of the west boundary of Lot 127 scum to mean nigT chains, more or leas, to the southwest water mark: thence easterly, following comer 0f Lot 3: thence easterly, follow-the mean high water mark to point rf tn the mean high water mark to the aMnmencement. and containing ven acres, more or leaa ,.,w a. BfUTloll UUi.Vjsaj"n r PACKJNO CO . LTD. By James Henry Bushnei;. Agent. Dated August .'M SS RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND SAND C! GRAV1X at' ,V s ana measures are rlgjji. So Is our Service Phone' us apd Save Money and Time DAY & NIOHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. r ,nr. No 10 (aattlon Ml LAND ACT. no1 , ol intention to aitlv ron icint ur roKEmioitc . In thr Skeena Land Recording Ola trti-t iltuatr and fronting on- Lot 11, Hnf S. Cot Dt'Tlct. Oxtail River, i T.MCK NOTICH that the Srttlah Ool- umbi F'-Miv ft Packing C. Ltd.. of; Vvnruiivrr BC ucrupatlon PUhlng and Parking. Intends to apply for a leaac ol -.he fallowing described fnre!)3ra: C mmenrlng nt a post planted at the northwest ccrner of aald Lot 11: theaee et. ten chain, thence aouth forty ebalm. mcrr cr leu. to an mtenectloa ' irtth the aouth boundary of Lot 11 produced wt: thence east, following aald production or the aouth boundary at Lot 11. ata c. a!n. mere or leaa, to mean h'gh ot"r n.ark: thence northerly, following the neat, high water mark to point of cocnaiencement. and containing thirty acrea. in re or leaa. BRtTtSH COLUMBIA rWHINO PACKINO CO . LTD. By Jamee Heavy BuahoeU. Agent. Dated August 39. IN 366 f . . . . Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION TO trn.Y ICit LE.E OF I OKE?IIOKE In the Skeena Land Recording District, situate and frontntf on Lot 3, Range 4. Coast Dtatrlnt, Jgywa Inlet. .-. (All MOITCS that Wt British Dol- Bhta Hahiha at Packlnc c Ltd.. of Vanoouvw. BA. ccupatloti Tiahlng and Packing, intends to anoty for a lease of the following described foreahore: nnanmannlna at .a mat blanted at the southeast oomer of aaM IM 3: thence aouth. south, two two chalna: chain: thanee west forty tains, mors or to an Intersec- tten w)tn the wen boundary Jf Lot t produced aouth: thence north seeen pom: or coin mencetnent. and containing eighteen r.crea, more or less. BRITISH COLOMBIA FISHING it PACK IWO CO.. LTD. By Jsmes Henry Bushnell Agent. Dated August 98. IBM. 3M Form No. IB (Section M) LAND ACT. MTI(X Or INTENTION TO APPLY 1011 i.ha: or roitKHimitu I In the Sktena Land Reoordlng DU-i trlct. altuste and fronting on Lot of the British Columbia Dshlng At Pack-. tng Co'a Cannery Bite. Townslte of Port Raslngton. Bkeena Hirer. TAKE NOTICE uM the Brltuh Columbia Plahlnk At Peeking C Md., of Vancouver, BC. occupation Fishing snd Packing. Intend to apply for a lease of the following- deacrftytl foreshore: I Commencing at a poat planted at the ' northeast oomer of the said Cannery arte; thence northerly, following ttie ! production of the easterly boundary of ithe BC. Pishing ft Packing Co.'s property, six IAMrd feet: thence westerly, at right ahgUi to the ssld easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty feet, i ismisTjr iCii i indjui mini 1 1 hi i with the wMtent boundary or' the DC. Fisn- uaa J? .MaoijlBa. uut .PTODertY nroaucea northerly: thanes Southerly, following aald westerly onurniarr produced aix hundred feet, more or lea, to mean high water marKt thanee easterly, following the mean high water mark to point of commencement, and containing six acres, more or lens. BRITISH COLUMBIA F18HINCI it PACKINO CO. LTD. H Jhiimw Henry Bush'ttll, Agent. DntM August 37. 1918 W V anted , For Sale For Rent DAILY 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken WANTED MAID WANTED Apply Mrs. forcer. tf WANTED Small well furnished apartment; heated. Good locality! Apply Harry Scott, Royal Hotel. 234 EXEBBlgNCEp wftJU wanted, for general housework. No objections to out of town girl. I'hone 9Jie m or write Box 667. Jf CAPABLE LADY Wknta poajtion 'as housekeeper U) "a gentleman. Apply" BoxTS6 Pilly Kewa Office. 285. 7 GEN U'AVTPn AGENTS 1 WATBDi-22i5 for distributing religions literature paid man br woman; spire or full tltrie. AVrite Mr. Conrad. Tower Bldj?., Toronto. WANTED Calendar and Specially Salesman. Full or part time Good contract, hfgheaf "commla-aions, exclusive line. Experience preferred. Start ' immediately. Apply, " stating Qualifications, to Box 6fl, London'. Opf. 24 WANTED A real live man to take over Ihe sale of our products, supplying hundreds of satisfied customers in Prince Hupert and district. Real opportunity for good man. ' For further information apply The J. R. Wntkins Company, 8M Hornby $t ' VancO)lrer,"B.C. tf FOUND FOUND Man's tap. Apply Daily N.ews Office. Bje-Oertlfloate of Title No. 144396-1 to Lot s, ujock 8. aunaiYuion oi un OBO0. Rlnge- S, OoasS "Dlatrtctf Map WIljntEAS proof 'f lees of the above Certlflbate t Kittle issued hi the name f U tSlIf. nfereby gTtSi Ut rl'Maall. ftt the expiration. tt one month rroOl the date oi tne iirsi puouoavron Hesvof, Issue, a provl tonal Oertlflcate of TtUe In lieu or the said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to IM ftv wrfllivg. DATED st the LsikI .Hrglstry Office. Prince' Rupert. B.C.. thiiP 2nd f day of October, AD. 1918. v. 11 F. MACLEOD. 358 " 11 Regtttrar. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT rurnlshed housekeeping rooms by the day, weeTt, or month. Phone Red '07. tf FOR RENT House 893 Borden Street Phone Black 512 after 5. o'ejock. tf FQR RENT Piano. Player-Pianos,' Phonographa and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT Furnished front room for gentlemen, centrally located! Phone Black 280" after six.' FOR REXTr-Moderil" suite aartly futnish'euwr Hi! furlitds(rf will rent flat to suitable parjy. Apply 25 Second A'v-rifie."" if FOR RENT Clapper! on House, Nlnth'AYenuV Eswt. Rem reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf J-'QR RENT Four rponied house with batn; convenient w j?eai Cove arid Dry Dock." Phone frreen 235. 287 FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen cupboard. $25.00. Phone Illue 322. 285 FQR SALE McClary heater, Sanitary coiich,"box couch, bVds, dressers. .C&irage for rent Phong Cjtjg ;28. 230 FOR SALE Six oak dinlnj? room chairs', carpet, dresser." beds, linoleum rug. tables, etc. Phone Blug"'ml per six. ' Jr FOR SALE Launch Gwcn, four horsepower Easthope engine, ail complete and In iood running condftlpri. "Ap'pl'rullen. ' Daily Nrf 1 tf FOR &LE Sj'ecinl. Lots 20. 21, 22, 23, block 7. Section 5. frontinj? on MpBride Street. Price $1.0j&.QD ; ,$4Q0 cash ; balance $2JJp, yearly n't 7 per cent. App.ly VXP.er,' V. phln. Man. 247 1;f -Li. -i Articles Lost and Found, &c for lest than 50c . I FOR SACK or ..harter Work apd Tow Boat "OgopoW AUSb'H. D. Engine, Cheap. Cruiser 'Vera S; Fry" Atlas H. D. Engine. Sleeps five. Suitable for hunting or survey parties. M. M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE Unprecedented values in used Trucks 192 Fisher Fast Freight 1 tdn truck; 192G Day-$lder Worm Drive ton truck; 1 V ton Reo Speed Wagon; 14 ton Minom inee; I Patriot and others east terms arrange- Send fpr complete partlchUr?!. Ifayes-Anderson Motor Co., Limited. 125G Granville Street. Vancou ver. B. a 248 GOVERNMENT LiqUOJt ACT XOT1CE OI" tri'LICATlOX FOR HF.CR IJCENCK - NOTICE 16 HERKBY OIVEN that on the Sth day of isoeeaster.'lsae. the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being part at the building known as Queettl Htet. MaaeeSt. Graham Island, altuste at MsseeNi Orsham It-lahd, upon lite huld deecrlhrd as Lot S. Bloek No. 14. Subdivision of Lot V. Queen Charlotte Islands. Plan No. 948. Massett Towoaite, Prtnee Rupert Land Registration District, la the province of British ColumhH. for -thf Sale f oeer by the gleet -of by the ofyr bottle for eonsumptioo' oh the prenrtssa. ' DATED this 1st dsy of October, ivjh. lot IsAND'ACT NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO Pl'ltOllASE UNU In Range 4. Coast District, Land Recording Owtrtct of Prince- Rupert, sad situate shoot 4 mUes freer the month of the Khutre River. TAKS NOTICBTllAT'Alexander Btusrt Macculloch of Vadot rj . B C., ' rocup-txgi Broker. Intends tb apply tor permission to. purchase 'Uie ieUowlng ds4 ''oeneting st a' post feUh'tedf 'netr the southwest cornei of Lot 204; thence west 20 chains: thence outh40 chains: thence esstsSCt chains: thsnte north 40 chains: t)Ktidoweat 20 chslnsi and'OoU-tsinlng: lBloatrw More 'orflest. t a ALEXANDER STUART MACCULLOCH. J W , ,t- Applicant. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkerh General lffnoVMan. Furnaces and Sieves Cleaned and nA.r..t tpared Phono 3 pri nee Rupert, B. C. CHIROPRACTIC UR. W. C ASPINALL. Chiropractor and Efrctm-Thf rape u list. , Exchange jjlxk All Diseoaes Successfully Treated ' Phone Green 241 or Black 2S3. Chiropractor DR. It. E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now to Blue 85. Residence phone: Red 589 Aeute and Chronic Disorder successfully treated. Established 1924. ' TUITION A. F. WILLIAMS Violinist of Westholrne Theatre ALL CLASfi$ FOR VIOLIN TUITION studio, 213 Fourth Avenue East Pupils now being enrolled. For terms Pfeone Blue 489 SALVAGE ANli fp'1. prince Rupert S,avaije & Towinff ' ' Co. Ltd. jlARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Eathop Engines, Coolldge Propellers and fexlube Oil Hoatx of afl description for y Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Pays" on'tne hours 1 p.m. tfll 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 i.m. till 8 D.m. 561 Ijftonc- tyl ' ' PRINCE RUPERT AVCTION Federal Block Furniture of 'all kinds Bought, Sold, or Exchanged Cratlnand Packing done Goods sold on Commission ,.. . U ,G-.J. DAWES. Auctioneer pack,120 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street nrtU'Second Avenue Under new Snageilnt. Clean single an'f d6olJTll housekewping rooms Mrs. John Dalherg Advertise in The Nttwa,