PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS estholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. EDUCATIONAL PICTURE hi .Road HODGE PODGE Evenings MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We aUo have facilities for accept it p Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C DRYBRCH JACKPLNE AND CEDAR Single load . v $3.50 Double Loud $6.50 IjUKe Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.23 Alberta Sootiess Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootiess Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. I'hone 580 139 Second Ave. Strictly Up-to-Date Novelty Dress Goods French Flannels Polrct Twill Fancy Wool Crepe .All Wool Faille Chiffon Velvet Printed Georgette Elm Etc "The Nobby" COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Hulklcy Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 53 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. th 6 AN'D COMEDY 30c Free!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY One Tea Pot value 75c free with every purchase of 1 lb. Braid's Blue Label Ten 80? 1 lb. Braid's Best Coffee iKii or 2 lbs. Braid's Blue Label Tea '$ Good Ripe Bananas, while they last, per lb, .... 100 -r ... ' i . MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Home Dressed Boiling Fowl, per lb I Of Pickled Pigs Feet, per lb. ballot or Cold Pot Roasts, pe - lb :tr Real Money Savers Mussalleni firmer CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 1 NO BETTER Coal ! is obtainable than the varieties we handle. We have made exhaustive tests of them all and the pick of the lot are the coals we recommend to you. TEST OUR SERVICE NOW before the cold weather catches you unprepared. Albert & McCaffery re.S!.!5a Limited Phones 11G and 117 H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. 36 inch DRESS VELVETS In Navy, Tan, Reseda, Black, Wine, Pckin. $1.95 i'ard 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone U '' i.i K Dr. Alexander HIONE 373 IIF.SM.Il lll.OCK DENTIST THINKS ESKIMO DOOMED PEOPLE Dr. Agnew is of OpIni6ri That They and Northern Indians-Cannot Survive That the Eskimos and Indians of the Arctic region are doomed to extinction is the opinion of Dr. It. Agnew, who is returning by easy stages by this route to Edmonton after having gone down the Mackenzie River and returned by the outside route via BehrJng Strait. The Doctor says that the Es kimos living on the Arctic coast and the Indians of the region depend almost wholly on white men for. their living and the change from native ways is so great that they are unable to t;md against any disease which may overtake them. Last year hundreds died, mostly from in-j fluenza. The Mounted police, Hudson ; Hay Company and Anglican miss-i Dairies all do their share in ooking after the interests of the natives with the result that they ook almost wholly to white, men for guidance and aid. NOTsCE TAKE NOTICE that an application for its restoration td the eg'ster of Companies will be made on behalf of Delta Copper "nmnany Limited, N.P.L., to the Supreme Court at the Court House, Vancouver. B.C., on Mon- ry, the eighth day of October. !928. a 10.30 o clock In the forenoon. , Dated the 10th day of September. 1028. BLOWEY & RICHARDSON, " Applicant's Solicitors, Vancouver, B. C. w eek-end i ; Specials Mcintosh Red Apples are well known as the best flavored Apples on the market. You cannot af ford to be without a box of Mc intosh Red in your home at the prices quoted below. Fancy grade, per box .... S2.05 "C" grade, per box Household pack, box $1.00 Flour, Fire Roses, 49's, sack $2.50 Purity Wheatlets, 5 lb. sack Xif Bovrll, os. jar ItfC Milk, baby size, all brands, 4 tins j 23 , Rogers' Syrup, lb. tin . . ... 50 j Clark's Catsup, bottle IMf Norse Crown Kippered Herrings, tin 20 f IUUn Prunes, crate .... $1.00 i I Singapore Sliced Pineapples, 2's, 2 j tins .' 25 , Fresh Tomatoes, basket .... 50 ' Lifebuoy Soap, 3 for 25 ! Lux, 8 pkgs :5c Alberta Market P. C.AMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. x Phone 208 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage a Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. tVe Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. There's only one quality of MAGIC BAKING POWDER and that's the highest Jiade m Canada NO ALUM C.W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CAN. PATRIOTISM IS SUBJECT OF ADDRESS Rev. W. F. Price Expatiates on Truth and Falsity at Rotary-Luncheon "All some petfple do for thei. country Is to knock it," declarer Rev. . Fv Prlee. Baptist minister, in addressing the Rotary Club yestcrda, on the subject ol l ainousm, J rue and False. ' M Price urged an active patrioiisn. mat wouid maKaiCaaiaua a coun try of wnich we iCouid be proud. The speaker mentioned tha. there was a group of Internationa, socialists that was trying to oo-literate nationality. Soviet Kuasiu seemed to have the same idea, toometimea patriotism was " The jast resort of a scoundrel," as Dr. Johnson had said years ago. It was a cloak for graft and means of satisfying greed. There was- a false patriotism of the windbag type which saw nothing good or estimable in any other country. This was false patriotism. No country had a monopoly of it. Also there were the little people who could see no farther tnan the town pump, parochial in their sentiment. ; Mr. Price urged that true patriotism and internationalism and world brotherhood could well go side by side. Patriotism was a solid substantial fact of history and human nature. It could not be stamped out go he suggested it might be trained to work out for the benefit df the nation. It should induce people to make the nation worthy of pride, make Canada "a land to love." Plague Spots The speaker said that the true greatness of the land was moral not material, shown In the character of the citizenship. It would not tolerate plague spots such as were seen here and in other cities. It would be set against vice and dishonesty which militated against the best citizenship. True patriotism would set itself to eradicate these cancers. That patriotism is good for Canada was also good for other countries was brought out by the speaker. If it was good for Can ada it was good for Japan. We must recognize the right of every man to be proud of his own land. This led to a general respeat for others and if it be came general would bring about great change in foreign policy. The vision of a world brotherhood was only an Ideal. It was far from realization. Dreaming of this Ideal unfitted a person for the real life at home. He quoted from the Bible, "The eyes of the fool are -In the ends of the earth" to show this was no nvv. idea. Nome duties were kept out of sight while seeing the things far off. True Patriotism True patriotism was the love 1 of country. Mr, Price said, which J would seek the best for the people of that country. In speaking of Canada it was not only the land that was meant but the people, the country's history, institutions, laws and Governments, school., churches and homes. It meant all that fashions character and leads up to Uhat is best. It will make business honest and keep down i drunkenness and vice. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Creighton, Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Russell, Smithers: K. Bonallo. Balmoral; H. McMillan, Balmor-il ; R. M. Maclean and R. S. Fleming, Winnipeg; G. H. Tycho. :-'!nithers; W. E. Wright, Sheffield,. England; F. S. Taggart and A. W. Hepburn, London, Eng- ;!.md; S. J. Parkinson' and J. A. Bray, Vancouver; Harry DeGroat. Ceorge Alger, V. Davies, G. H. Taft and P. M. Monckton, Stew- I irt. Central H. White, Smithers; Mrs. W. Nrmstrong" and Miss G. Riley, Hutchison; Eric Westin, Usk; J. Koske, Port Bsalngton; J. Wels. fr.N.R.; 0. Acker, Port Clements; Paul Sather, Seattle. Royal L. .Bundy, Port Edward, John Anderson and L. Ward, city; R. Wardrop, Vancouver; N. Veen and Miss D. Russell, Stewart, E. Mathison, Ketchikan. Savoy I). C. Ault and A. Hansen, Queen Charlotte City; D. Mac-Lennan, Premier. MRS. ORWIG OBSERVES HER 77TH BIRTHDAY Many Friends Offered Congratu lations at Tea Yesterday Afternoon Mrs. B. Orwig yesterday enter-ained a number of her friends at ea, theN occasion being the celebration of her seventy-seventh .irthday. "Grandma" Orwig was n the best of health and spirits. She is a well-known and respected old-timer" of this district and er many friends were glad of in opportunity to show their retard for her.- C. 0. Rowe sailed last night by he Prince Rupert on a business rip to Vancouver. Phone 9 District Friday, October s, H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. SPECIALS for Saturday Only i PUREST SPUN SILK In 16 shades, 2 yards for $1.0(1 WHITE FLANNELETTE Beautiful soft quality, 6 yards for JS I .Oil CHILDREN'S VESTS AND HLOOMEKS Cream, Fleece lined, fall weight, short sleeves, vest., 2-piece 8uit -10 LADIES' RAYON SILK HLdOMERS Fine qualHy, Bobette style, in Peach, Pink. Has, Maize. U Black, Nile, etc. Per pair . SI 110 CREPE-DK-CHINE :'.6 inch, Pare Sltk, in Pink, Manve, CaatlHen, Sand, Black White. Per rrd SI 2 PILLOW SLIPS Hemstitched, 12 inches wide, fine linen finished 3 for SI.Oi FOR FELTS There Is nothing mre comfortable during theM? roM damp days and evening than to ssltp on a cmy pair of If If Slipper. We hare just received our Fall shipment conitin-of Gentlemen's, Ladies', Boy and flirl' Slipper In numer out styles and colons reasonably priced to' suit every pur- ranging Children's Wj" and up Indies' $1.00 to sa.-o Gentlemen's S1.T.0 to JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 615. 7th St. and 3rd Ate TheD of. Readers aily News 3rd Ave. and Fulton 'A Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit S.'J.OO and have every copy mailed to their-address for- the nextyear. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of itl