t 1 e &, mor eee Dice SECC Cee Cees Prince | pert [ ly Newe HARD-LUCK HORSES red E Dowdie Git Certificate Dad his own Dad Can Always Use Them SLIPPERS - PAJAMAS - BATHROBE At Wallace’s Men’s Shop SRESRATR AARC ESE eee Oa i a \ Wallace’s Dept. Store ne > , -_. Xmas Time - , —_ a \ \dam Hat is such an easy . " ey ciit to give that Special Man e 7 5 Pri ire reasonable For oy : envenience, buy an Adam Hat = 4 can pick till 9 p.m Dec. 20, Dec. 22, Dec. 23. Wallace's will be open for your convenience Night) Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, WAELACE’S DEPT. STORE NicL EOD RIVER HARD COALS | FOR CLEANER, FASTER, AND LONGER-LASTING HEAT ‘Albert & McCaffery om LO * 7 Lid. Phone 116 - 117 - 58 |, . SCOTCH WHISKY a Dewar Sons L See. . Contents 26V2 ozs. DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND hese ees © This advertisement is not publi shed or dis played by #t the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, SRS ROCKER ROVER ORR re a A a * ‘ a SP DUD DUD Pe BD. De Di DH ® G . CT Varie | Filchock Declines New Contract If you | |WINTERIZE NOW! haven't done so already, NOW is the time to come down and winterizing done to your car, get that Have you got Winter-grip Tires, Chains and Anti- freeze? If not... ool Eas SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED || 3rd Ave. W. Phone Gieen 217 ert’s best-known ] ‘ v: | | . } . . “l and checkered career be- certifica CNR pe Graham Fight WATERFRONT Verdict Reversed WHIFES):2 2 watlertront ¥ m Squa jarden t this week } ¢ SCCK Hockey Scores WHI hark iver 6. ¢ iiga volo pehiug Bdonday a he ale From W (+ SCREEN x * eee Int CO-OP KIDDIES SHOW At Capito! Theatre Monday, Dec. 22. — 2:30 p.m. m | : ‘ ‘ members pase hay i r ticke t iy or ¥v ry mbers get your Clau ember will be there C tos Sante for the ir Bakery 2Uth A 4 PAOTTUSS! i ddies n id Ave a Dy Christmas Cake, decorated and plain, Shortbread Circles and Fingers, Mincemeat Torts and Pies are now in stock at the Co-op Bakery or order from your grocer. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DANISH PASTRY FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL TREAT PRICED FROM 5c PER PIECE NOTICE TO LATE SHOPPERS See the Gift items now on display at your local Simpson's Store. $115.75 169.50 5.9 cu. ft. Refrigerator......... 249.50 ““Emerson’’ Combination Radio. 229.50 Electric Sewing Machine. ... 125.50 )-pc. Chesterfield Suite... -.. 210.00 FEATURING 5-Piece Chrome Sef... T.Acu. ff. Refrigerator... $22.06 down $13.00 per month 19.94.80 ER CME NS SMS NEN NT PE LIN ELLE 312 Third Avenue PARR AR RADAR ARIA BID Down $12.00 28.00 26,00 24.00 Per Month $10.00 16,00 15.00 14,00 10.00 13.00 THE “LADY ARVIN” DINETTE SUITE— in Yellow, Grey and Red. im FREE DELIVERY FROM THE FLOOR TO YOUR DOOR SIMPSON'S STORE Phone 460 VA LDPE BRARVIEARBEALBBAXM DDB Bedi Dati DD; doe B Bi De Di Be Bt oe Dede DeDs de Bed DD Ch ae UK Boxers Ask Recognition For Turpin ON Box B ntrol has lined ehind R i Turpin N ntender f weight <« | Ray Robin idy Waltham, boa ; | he New York Stats leti { mission, the US jonal B ng Associati nd European Boxing Union on fay ying the Britis? ay Liveir upport Ar Qo thor si an atlempts track Tury B h and Dio wi n the i Ret i : 4 ‘ r New ¥ idd vt id rpi Re mn iQ CIVIC. CENTRE ; RRP RRR me wD * KRMRRERSE RS RKAAKAPSORALRARAARFAARAARRAPHARARL AWAD ARR RARMBRH HR BAR RMD I | ENDS TODAY 7: - 9: p.m. ‘SL ADYno TEXAS’ (Magen |? » ” “= CAROL SINGING * ROLLER SKATING \ » CIVIC CENTRE CLOSED—Evenings of ith and | DePed Bde ddd ABBOTT “nd COSTELLO ir “LOST IN ALASKA” Starring HOWARD ‘ti an MT ate Dennis OKEEFE OMAN On the Ruy Y a ROBERT KEITH « A FOELITY Pctumts Popuctgn t | Monday ¢: to 9 Wotnendey TOTE Show Starts 7 pom. Pe MOUS py ‘YERS Thopy RORY CAL og TODAY RORY CALHOUN GENE TIER) 6:90 - 9:00 in “WAY OF A GAUCHE Sunday Midnight Only J¢ ae “LARCENEY” Last Complete Show & 15 EDDIE ALBERT “CORP. DOLAND GOES AWOL PAUI HENDRID “So Young, So Bod’ CAPITOL A Famous Players Theatr ONE SHOWING EACH NIGHT STARTING 7. +, LORE he THT GOOD ANYTIME ANY. books y WHERE IN CANADA 4 AT FAMOUS PLavers £20 THEATRES m" omeone at the CAPITOL THEATRE Monda} Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons forsmelling Gift Tick CCM LMC ME CC eee TEE CCRC TE HOLIDAY CALENDAR Sunday, December if a %15 pam 23, 04, 27 January @ and 3 and —December 22 29, 30, 31a d Stamlents and’ A Af Lernoons——J unior Evenings—-Studen Youths tist and Closed ali day Dee, 25, 26 and January Ist REGULAR PROGRAM BEGINS JARVARY ith PR Dm come 6 Bi Ds he “SKATING DECEMBER 23 - JANUARY 4 CURLING RINK (Seal Cove) Date Day lto 4 PM. Dec, 23—Tuesday~-Public School and younger Dee. 24-—Wednesday—Pullic School and younse Hig Dec, 25—Thursday—(Christmas Day-—-no skating Dec, 26—Friday—Public Schoo] and younge! Dee, 27-—Saturday—High School Dec, 26—Sunday—(Open House) Dec, 29-——Monday—Public School and younge! Dec. 30—Tuesday—Public School and younst Dec, 31—Wednesday--Public Schoo) and younse! Jan, 1—Thursday—(New Year's Day--Open mn as ults Jan, 2—Friday—Public Schoo] and younse! . aah Jan, 3—Saturday——High School ? Jan4—Sunday—Open House ADMISSION—Public School and youns® High School * Adults 7 to 10 PM. Hig 1) Schoo Beh Adults sult High School High Schoo High School 1c ge 50c