ft NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. SMITIIERS James II. Groat has tendered his resignation as president of the Smithers District Board of Trade and chairman of the game and fisheries bureau, giving no reason for his action. Many Smithers residents were in attendance at the opening of the season's dances at Duthie Mine last Friday night. Music was by Sart-y Qaseiey's orchestra. The reported visit to this dis trict? of- thrfci members of the new Tolmie provincial cabinet is off. Willis Trousdell of Hums Lake h-K Nwn. brought to the local hospital suffering from a frac-turxu elbow. tht4 result of having fallen off the porch at his home. Peace River Pass will be the ultimate route for any railroad to be built from the Peace River to the Pacific coast- stated- D. Barr, who was a recent visitor In Smithers. The first carload of wheat to be delivered to the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator this fall was from the Chapman ranch near Smithers. Mountains overlooking Smith ers are now garbed In a heavy cloak of white following a week of snowfalls. The snow is the .heaviest for this time of the season, in many years and bears indications of being permanent for the coming winter. The restaurant in the Smithers Hotel has been opened by Mrs. HC Ness who recently arrived here from Vancouver. Operations on both the King Tut and Victory properties, which have been under development for Capt. J. J. O'Brien of Philadel phia, have-been suspended for the winter and James. Kerr, who has been in charge of the book-keeping end,-.has left for Detroit NEW, HAZELTON W. W. Anderson, chairman of the board of directors of the Hazelton. Hospital, presided at the graduation exercises for Miss James and Miss Castell which took place last Friday evening; Rev. T. IL Wright, pastor of the United Church,, gave the address; Dr. H. C: Wrinch presented the diplomas, and Mrs. Ma-theison; lady superintendent, administered the Nightingale Pledge: Contributing- to the program were Miss G. Miller, Mrs. Sealy, Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Dun-gate, Mrs. Roy Cuss, Mrs. Tomlln- son, Miss Rock and Mr. Camtron. Refreshments were served and dancing followed. t'Aj:;a 'meeting ' of citizens--on Monday nlgjit in W. J. Lark-worthyV stora it was decided to send an Invitation to Hon; Nela ivougneea, minister oi public works, to come here and investigate the Hagwilget bridge situation. He will also be shown the poor condition of the main highway west toward Carnaby. An epidemic of measles, which has been prevalent here recently, seems to be just about over. Mr. and Mrs. Castell of Evelyn were down last Friday to attend the graduation exercises of their daughter, Miss Mary Castell. Mrs. C. II. Sawle spent a couple of days in Smithers this week, the guest of Mrs. George Wall. Hazelton residents plan on cultivating many bulb plants the coming winter. Kenneth Morrison, 'carpenter by trade and resident of HaleUon Bgfagfw m wj nnK.'Vi. -W&salaH.al TERRACE Mis? Jessie Sherwood' of Birm? Ingfulnv England, who: has spent the '.past summer at the hnme f her uncJe, N"?el Sherwood left on Tuesday for the south en route home. She expects to. meet her father in New Vork and accompany him' home. Mrs Nigel Sherwood also left on-., Tuesday and will accompany Miss Sherwood as far as Providence, Rhode Island. W. Hi Cavanagh of Rbswwood who has been spending a few days In Prince Rupert returned on Tuesdav and left for hi mfn- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rix of Prince Rupert' are spending a short holiday In town. A. E. Dix of the Kalum Lake Lodge, was in town during the' week. Miss A. Fountain, B.A., field secretary for Girls Work in B.C. who was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Allan while here on a visit to the local C.G.I.T. group left on Tuesday for the Interior. W. A. Burbank of Frince Ru pert was a visitor here Wednes day. Mrs. J. B. Colthurst returned on Wednesday from Vancouver where she accompanied her daughter Dorinda who is attending Crofton House school for girls. Alva- Moore returned on Wed nesday to resume his high school studies after spending the sum mer at Stewart. ROAD PROBLEMS NEAR TERRACE Council of Board of Trade Deals With Several Matters at Interior Town TERHACE, Oct. 6. The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Terrace board of trade was held on Tuesday evening in the municipal hall and was presided over by J. K. Gordon, president. The secretary reported 'that as a result of the complaints made by the board regarding the planking on the Terrace bridge, work has been started at putting a new longitudinal flooring on it. He also reported that when word was received at the beginning of the week that H. L. Frank's camp on the Usk to Copper Road was closing, a wire had been sent by the board asking the tfoveriinient totry t( carry onthe work for,, another two weeks, it being estimated; that by that time for about twenty years, passed i81"' the north and ask him to away in the Hazelton Hospital last Sunday after a lengthy ill ness. He was 68 years of age and a native of Cape Breton. The funeral took place on Tuesday with Rev. T. H. Wright officiating Pallbearers -were George McBean, Joseph. Bosenn, William Larmer, Ed. Sweet, Charles Donaldson and A. K. Falconer. siop on in lerrace on his way south. CROIHHNG HIS STUFF Young Lady Your novel has a charming ending. Author What do you tlhnk ofJ the opening; chapters? Young Lady I have not got to them yet. r Market Prices J Prices current are as follow: APM.Es Mclntnuh RH fnncv . S9.Q0 "C" grade M.80 j Parsnip. 4 lbs. ing claims at Kalum Lake where ! f""."11" !!!!! , ( , ' tt,lU. 1 11119, WA improvements this winter. 111 TfKR No. 1 creamery 62i No, J", creamery 47 He iuii;u titi-ir.' Lemon and orange pert 36c fiupi peel ... Bfak cooking fig, lb. 18c WWte flw. 2 lb ... 2e Currants. 2 lbs 3ie Apples 25c Peaches, peeled 25c Apricots', lb. 250 Prune 90-100, 4-lba 35c 25 lb. box 11.95 Prunes!. 60-70 lb. 2 lbs. for 2t 30-40, b). 15c 40-50, 2 lbs 25c 25 lb. box $2.80 Evaporated pear, halves, lb 25: 25 Ib box tSW FluCR Flour, 49's, No. 1 bard vheat .. 12.00 Pastry flour, 10' 85c Pastry flour. 49 12 in LARD Pure 26o Compound 30c KOCIU B.C. fresh pullets . 50c B.C. fresh flrsU ,. SSc B.C, fresh extras COc Local new laid 70? .NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencia! ........ 65c Brazils .1Sv Walnuts, broken shelled 46c Walnuu. ahelled halves 66c Almonds .' 3V Peanut 20c Xlanchurlan walnuts ... .......... 36c California walnuts 40c No. 1 mixed nuts , . 36c New filberts 26e Wheat, No. 5 Cottage rails, ib. FEED Oat M.18 Bran ...i 2J6 Shorts H-34 Mfddllngi .70!lmin Barley (IN Laying Mash 4.7t Oyster shell M 8cr4tch food M Beef scrip 5.00 Oround oil cake tM Baby chkk feed 84M Fine oat chop , Jt Crushed, oaU HM Fine barley chop HM risii 8moked klppera. lb 16c Kippered aalmon, lb. 2&j ftmcked blaek cod. lb. joc Finnan haddlea. Ib. ac .MKATB WwJ..Np 1.1b. Rbtstiuf chicken; lb? Breliers lam;)lced rtt fcale TrwlgoTraTra? Horses to travel over Ham. picnic, ib and would thus save considerable expense in moving camp now and setting up again in the spring. No reply had been received up to the time of the meeting. Considerable discussion took place regarding the most necessary public works to be carried on during the next year, it being felt that this should receive early attention, and recommendations made to the local member and the departments of public works before parliament convenes.. Roads in the Kalum Lake district were discussed and it was decided to send an invitation to Kalum Lake ItaOQi aek. sliced Bacon, aid, sliced Pork. Jry salt AyVshlre bacon, Ib. Pickling. Cukes, 2 lbs . 25c Vegetable marrow,, lb. 6c dasaba melon. Ib ,15c Honeydew melon, lb 10c Pumpkin, lb, 7c Citron 7c Sweet potatoes, 'J lbs 2S6 Corn on cob (Oolden Bantam. .) .. 35c Jumble pack .4 W.lOj Satk $3.35 Green cooking applet (B.C.); 4 11. 25c ; Spinach, 2 lbs 25c . Local 'Radishes, bunch 6c t KlIT California peaches, dos-en . . 35c to 60s Oranges, Valencia, Uoceu , . . . OOe to 89c Ltmons, Sunklst, down,.... 40c to 50c Imperial VaUey grapefruit .... 2 for 25c Bananas, 2 lb. 35c Extracted honey,, per Jar SOc Comb honey. Dates, bulk, 2 lbs. for Raisins, bulk, per lb, 16c California Dainty Dates, package- . . 25c Cantaloupes 15c, 20o and 25c Cocosnuts: 254 Oreen Cooking Apples (B.C.). 3 lbs 20c Seedless grapes, lb. ... 25C Tpkay drapes, lb; 25c Bactlett Pears, dos. 35c to 52e Bon M.75 lb. 100 lbs. I For Alaska t Cfated onion, 4 Iba Mo Vancouver local lettuce 10c Oreen pepper, lbu 2c Hothouse t&matoea, lb.. 13He Meld' CUk.es 10c B,C. Celery 2 for 36c Cauliflower 2Se nd 36c UIEKMK Camembert cheese, 8 oi. pkg. Kruft Llmberger. ft'a as? . . . 5C .... 350 Ontario solids 36e Nv Zealand solids . ......... ....... 30c Stilton. Ib ........ 40e 30,.. Kraft 46a J65 Norwegian Ooat ...... H.Sfl Naocon Llmberger , 70ej Roquefort 75 Swift' Brookflei. lb. 46o Gorgonzola. lb 76a McLaren's. Cream. Jars . .. 45a and 86o Breokfleld .Swiss cheese,. lb. pkg. 800 Gruyere ...,45t lirosklleld .Oaiif.dlan cheese, y,. lb. pknv , 250. Golden-LoaJ, Ib .. 46c Jak,. lb. . joe 10a Itomano 8erdo. lb 65c Oiunmeluafe Ib .. . .'juc MKMR matte per 100 7J5 Yellow. pr 100 aa.75 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS lor Vanroutri 8$Mr--ta. Prince Oeorge ..11 pm. teda . GaUla 3 pjn. flftradayv-m. Prince Rupert.. 11 pjn. ITteaf-s PrlncM Royal ....i0 pjn. . FHai s. oatdena .... 12 midnight Oct. 3 bs. Princess Louise .... pan. Oct. 14 as. Princess Alice pjn. Oct. 24 s. Princess Alice pjn. From Vanronvtr Sunday s. Catala 4 pjn Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 10.30 ijn. Friday as. Cardena pjn. Friday as. Princess Royal .. 4 p.m. Saturday as. Pr. George 10.30 ajn. Oct. 10 as. Princess Alice jn. Oct. 30 4s. Princess Alice .... ajn, Oct. 34 as. Princess Alice am. for Port SInipMin and Naas Elver Sunday -m Catala 8 pjn. ITsm Purl Simpson and Naas River Tuesday- -s. Catala 11.30 ajn for Anjov and' Alice Ann SunOay m Onitta t p m Saturday m Prince Oeorge 4 pjn, I'rom An)u and A lire Arm Ttietctay m. Cauia 11:30 ajn Sunday m. Prince Oeorge .. 7 pun. lor Stewart and' Premier Sunday as. Catala S pjn Wednesday as. Prince Rupert 10 pjn. From Mewartand Piemler Tuesday aT Oafala 11 JO ajn. Trruradayt-. Prince Rupert 8 pjn. For lueen Charlotte Island Oct. 6 as. Prince Charles .. 8 pjn. Oct. 20aaf Prince Charles . . B njn. Black Diamond California soft ahellerl J From QueenJ Charlotte Island walnuts, lb 40c: Oct.' 4 n. VrliKe Charles ajn. ucx. is m. rrince Charles .... ajn. 13.00 , Saturday-. Prtneat Oeorge . . 4 pjn. 3S and-40c 4&J .v45ci -SB : Mo 2014, s-QM eoe 36c Vtal, shoulder 2 ftp. Val. loin-. , 40e Val. Ufi jft. Perk, shoulder asc Pork, loin ,6c Pork. le oe Beef, pot roast 16c to SOC Beer, boiling Ufte U 18 Beef, steak y to 48 Beef, roast prime rib 36c Lamb, chops &oc Lamb., shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 4fic tjnb. leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c residents to attend the quarterly Mutton ahouider aoc meeting of the board of trade on Tuesday, October 9, when a gen eral discussion on necessary public works will take place. ' The secretary was instructed to try to get in touch with the minister of agriculture, If he was VFOKTAIU.KS BeeU, lb. so Beets, sack .i Carrot a. lb, s Potatoe.. aaV aajtjQ Parsley, bunth 06c GsrJic. Imported,, per lb 36 New . Cabbage, lb ac t New gieen onion, per buneb 6c Oct. 10- -a. Prince Alice ajn. Oct. 30 . Prince Alice ajn. Oct. 31 as. Princes Alice s ajn. llimka Sunday i Prince Oeorge Oct. 3 as. Pr'laceM Louise Oct. 14-as. ritscea Alice Oct. 34-. Princes Alice MAIL SCHEDULE Fr Klewart ami JTenner 7 pjn. .. pjrl. .. pjn. .. pin, Ff the Hol Meetday. Wedneadaya, Saturday, mall ejoaca . . 10:30 iu Irani the Kmt anday- Tueday and Thursday raaal due .3:30 pn, l Vareuer iim(ty 10 pJu TldW Thuradar JWdgjsj; ....... OaJt -r Oct. 3, 14, 30 Sunday Vp.mJ WedMadaya 9 pjn.. I nmi Mruart and Premier Tuesday 1130 a jn. Tauradaya 8 pj lit Xaaa Klrr tln( Sunday From Ssiia Klter Pulnl Tuesday Turnip. 6" Ib jiI-nmii queen Cliail.ilt 2.16 pJiu ..... IQ.pjnL 11 pJn. pm. - . - , I'rimt. VnurMua a, i . g indk . ....4 pm: WttlrwMiay . ..IUSU ui- Friday pjn. feturday 10:30 ajn CJ"J.- Oct. 10. 20, 31 am. For .ny ami' Allre. Ann Sunday 7 pin Saturdays 3 pm From Anjox ami Alice' Arm Sunday 7 pjnJ Tuday 1130 am, 7, pjn 11 JO ajn. To A !; Piiinta Oct 10. 30. 31 ajn. f rom Uk l-olnie Oct. 3. 14, ii pjn. To queen Clarliitu Oct. 0. 30 7 pin. Thursday 8 p m, Oct. 4, 18 a-m. I.KTTI.K IH COLLECTIONS A,M,,P.M' Oraham Atlin Ave-.... H00 7J0 1st Ave. At 8th- si." 8U6i 7J Green Beana, 3 lb 24c ! oih Ave. at Pulton Bt. B.io. 7.40 Hubbard Squash, lb 7c 8th Ave & ThTnpn.St. .. 9.16 7,ii Field Tomatoes, lb lu- lltb Ave. Ac Slwrbroofa,., . . . 9i0 7.65 Brown Piekllug Onlon., 2 ihv 26' nth Ave & Oonral 9 26 7.66 9th Ave. & Hays Cove, Ave.. . 930 Bth Ave. it Hays Cove Circle 955 8tb Ave. ft'eottru St 8.00 6th Ave. Oreen St. (Hsptl). 9.40 8th Ave. & McBrlde St 9.4$ Prov, Oovf. Building 9.60 Prov. Kijf- vrtiarf 985 a.TJ. Wharf lo.oo O.T.P. 8tatlon .. 10.04 11.25 8.00 8.05 7.00 8.10 8J8 8.30 SM 2nd Ave. & 2od St 10.10 8. 3rd Ave, it rulton Bt 10.16 8,4 3rd Ave. & flUi 8 10.20 UM Sunday On collection only. same a p.m. collection c.N;R. mm For the Fust Oajy. exorpt Sunday at 1140 From the EjM -,. Dully except Wednesdny Somejfne annlcH ..;. McRue ranch nt Tr s ' ' m '" in.. I I, H Vindow. They an- r nu" d:iquality and w.-ll , ,ir,,,!'' s FOR ' A L L YOUR FLOQRS I: DOMINION. 1 JQ Mllll HHIHIM8 a j Q WWWV V Wfli finish Wpm?r;:.rii You ivill Marvel at its Beauty X-NOMINION Inlaid Linoleum, long J noted lor beauty oi colour and design, is more attractive this year than ever. It now has the DOMOLAC Finish, a mellow soft-lustre lacquer, imparting an appealing; softness of tone that must be teen to be appreciated. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with the new DOMOLAC Finish, it a real harp in home decoration. It i at ain proof and wearproof and retains its taatre indefinitely. You could buv no more beautiful or practical floor for any room for anything;, like its reasonable price. Polishes readily . . . and beautifully . . . with a minimum of effort Wl The Domolac Finiah in Tins This new and enduring finiah it alto available in convtMrient bad tint for application to your present Dominion floors. Other Beautiful Dominion Floori Wider choice than r it offered in Dominion Linoleum R-jj and Dominion Printed Linoleum. Long -wearing, beautiful, easy to rieaa . . . priced even lower ?.ou "P1 ihr make aa ideal floor for any room. Dominion Linoleum Ruja and Dominion Prin.rd Linoleum do not haVe tbe DOMOLAC Finish. At Home Furnitfw'njr and Departmental Stora Mt in ry4r4 Pv Ma - i IAoafM IAT you cat at bmtkfut dctf rmlnrs Uie kind of tlnv you will have. I .ark of balance of ciKeutki food elemen Li resulta in heavy, liallcss luornniga. Eat Quick. Quaker OaU. It lias the most jxTfert lmlaneo found in cereal. Containa protein. 16, v hicii builda tlawio and stamina, carlKihydrolca which supply eiwrgy, G&. Minerals whicli time the blood ttirtl build bene; roughage, a nnturnl laxative, nud Wtauiin 1), which aidaf Um aanmilation of all foods. . vr You need Quick Quaker to sustain you through lrtiiy morning hours when inot of the day's wbrk is done. He sure always to get Quirk Quaker. A rouiHtti in each package, with which you can can secure secure nmiiyt nmiiyt lioucehold Jiouwhold anj and HTiMirini articles oi grniiine ie v package, wraicd and seftW. Jed. Quick Quaker value. JJjjf, fuD! wulgul family '''- I aW' Cook In sVfc to 5 mlnutet The World's fastest cooking cereal OATS The Quaker Oats Company, Peter borough and Snskato on i J Get This Fsvst Straight IM