fa4 si it n PAGE TWO Tut, DAILY N aw 3 News and Views In The World WINKER OF WORLD'S TENNIS PRO TITLE A splendid action photograph of Karel Koesluh, Czechoslovak iawn tennis wizard, snapped' during the final and tiering match 'With Vincent Richard .(inscti for the world's 'pifoseionajj tennis title, which Kozeluh won. ORANGE LADIES . HAVE BIG LEAD toe Canadian National Ladies, -the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Asso ciation is maintaining its longi lead in the ladies' section of the ! Fraternal Whit League The Ladle 6. C. N. R. Ladies 4. Orange The standings are as follows: -r1 W- L. - ' irrorB.-.f.-r.r..r 5" o Have Not Lost Game So Far In ! C N. R. Ladies 2 8 Whist Iieague; Last Night's Results , St. George's Moose 2 8 1 4 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Toronto S, Canadjens Y. New York Rangers 0, Boston 2. ALICE ARM CAUD PARTY ' Orange Ladies, so far this season, " have not lost a game, while the ALICE ARM, De. 5: A card three other teams have each lost party was held in the school more games than they hve won. house last Friday evening by the Results last night were as fol- Alice Arm Junior Sports' Club. lows: (Then- was n large attendance and Moose Ladi'-n St. George's ' every one had a fine time flayers' Club Won 26 to 20 ! Over Kincolith Last Night I ., in Fast Basketball MatcKfc 5SSSf Overtime Encounter; High School Beat Toe II. a basket for the Players- Club. middle of tb iloor for some time, i The Players' Club started out Kuu-oiiUi caiieu time out. With I strong and took u decided lead be- tke starting of the game again, I fore Kincolith scored a point. Poli Kincoiith started Lo sourt and add. j lips scored on Robertson's foul. Stewart fouled, Gosse, who scored. G. Stewart made a long shot from I centre and then scored on Smith's foul On Phillips thrown-in, iMitcheH added another two points. The half ended with U. Stewart scoring on Mitchell's foul. Pli.yer' Club 18, Kin-, t olith 12. ' Tom Kelsey opened the scoring Christmas Special Gift mroduce ridsbOmsois fo thousands of smokqrs a Special Christmas Price: Tins or so toiih anffbrana. At Any Price. JInu Smoker witl krfoiv then why British Consols h&s become: d3Aanci mi Qme'uci TfiQre is No Better Christmas Gift No Defter Cigprctfc TINvF OF i LS W. C. MACDONALD INC TOBACCOS CICARCTTCS, MONTREAL, CANADA re For. CHRISTMAS ONLY also TINS of ioo I Ast A 4444AA 444 444 68 7 6 1 1 1 Mi rr C. Robertson S J. Johnstone 7 M. Trimble . . .,1 1 P. Allen T. Stewart Total 80 1 t t 1 Intermediate league The Eagles defeated the R. a K. V. R. 24-2.1 in a f ive-winute ! overtime game. This rr.;tch was very exciting from the . jry fiest, both team playing a hard game of basketball with little o choose between them. This i. the second game which the N.ivy boys have lost in oyartime. The; Eagles had mgoy shots t the hi I ket but wer not able to score' often during the first period. : During the seaond half the Navy missed the basket quite frequently. At half time the score j was 7-6 in the Navy'a fiivor. At tull time the score was 20-20. In I the five-minute overtime period,! Pierce sen red first for the Navy, Dingwel) made two nice baskets for the Eagles. Bagshaw scored on Murray's foul. The game end-: ed with the Eagles winning by one point, 24-23. The teams were: EagleB Pta Perl H. McCiillum 6 Cy Manning 9 B. McDonald , 2 E. Smith 0 F. Dingwell 6 W. Murray 1 R. C. N. V. Jl. George Howe 8 1 J. Pierce 11 F. McDonald S. W. Bagshaw i 1 D. McKeneie ! 0 G. Dyer M'' Total 18 8 High School VS. Toe II. The High School boys defeated Toe H. :5-l6 in a well played game. Toe H. was not able te neore, although hiiving many Hhotn at the basket. The High ttrhool played a good combination game and did not miss as many shnt! un To 1L The Toe If. boyW are showing a gradual improvement in their playing and should soon able to give any of the teams a good game. The teams we're: High School Ps Per Doug Scwtt EagJesiWon From Navy in Exciting Intermediate League' A1Un Crw - Bob Irvine 0 Joe Scott 7 The "Spirit" ofjtbe Three m<cifs . 0 TMmI ... .4J . fi The Players' Club defeated Kincolith 26-20 last night! Toe h Pts Per in a fast and furious senior basketball game. . The first J. Underwood . 4 o half was played fairly clean, but during the second half Eddie Smith 0 the players were inclined to rough it a bit, but Referee ""f! J Skinner was able to check up on such plays. Good com-1 ped Burdett g . . . .. .. . 2 bination was played by both teams, with trus Players' w. Collision . . . . . . . . , . . 0 Club having the better of the game. Because of the sim- F. Morrisson S ilarity of jqfhseys many passes - - .- , were intercepted by the opposing in the second naif on Howard's; Total J5 team. One such pass resulting in pas. pUj, centred around the ! R B. Howard was nigft point man lor ed three baskets in us mtmv min-1 . Allan wa n tne floor. the Players with 12 points. The us. JohBsu.n,' scored on an-'There was a Urge crowd ol fans combination of Mitchell and Howr ard wits very effective and netted ight point in the fi-st five min v 0 0 8 0 3 Skinner Skinner referee! refereeffl all games, assisted by Dong Frltaell and G. Stewart. Oke Jacksbn v-bs ifficia) scorekeeper anil 5D. Macdonald official timekeeper. other long shot, as did G. Stew i in attendance, j irt. JoUaatone ugain scored on ' The executive of the Bket- Stewart's am. The sDectators ball Association held a meeting utes of the game. Kincolith played became qte exciied and began after the game and decided to hard but was not able to hold the to urn thir favorite team on ' suspend B. McDonald of the Players' Club. Kincolith had a JlS CB too a shot at the basket, ! Eagles and George Howe of the ' lot of hard luck from shots under The play became .uther rough ' R- c- N- V. R. for fighting in the the basket, while luck was with and Referee K. H. Skinner called dressing room. The question of them in long shots. a B umber of fouls, but both teams water spots on the floor was alao Poli Howard opened the scoring Mled to kwc on the free throws, discussed and an attempt will be for the Players' Club with a nice Th PUyara' Club called time out. made to remedy the trouble be-shot from the side on Mitchell's After the two-minute rest period f the leagne night, j jpass. Mitcfleil again passed to WW ware executed wun ngm- i Howard, who scarad datiae a mix- ning aaeed, Mitchell scored on Al- KNOCK-OUT WHIST I up of Dialers. Kincolith naasad l"0' foul. (louse scored on his Charles Nickerson and 4. Le tc Howard in errqT, Howard scor- own reboand. Mitchell scored on roux were winners of first prizee ing, Howard again received a eiey s pass. Kooertson touiea last hight in tne weeKijr icnef Mfwi pass from Mchell, to score. Kelsey, who added another point, whist tournament for rflefljbers of George Stewart scored Kincolith's Trimble scored on Johnstone's the Moose Lodge. Seoend prizes first basket on Trimble's pass. P. After numejous passes and were Ukaa b? Nels Jflh.neji and Howard scored on Smith's re- attempted shots at the basket the, oie 8tegavlg. Many playerl par bound.. George Stewart scored on Rme endeo: with the flayers tieipatesL Johnstone's, rebound. Johnstone MuJb leading b-zo. scored fl point , on Goaae's foul. The team were: the rlajMrn Club called time out.! Players' Club Pts Per Players Cluh 12, Kincolith 6. George Mitchell I Un the resumption of play m Keisey i Trimble added another point on Poli Howard Phillips' foul. Roibertaon made a long pass from the other end of Art Phillips the floor to Johnstone, who Eddie Smith scored. Phillips passed to Mit- Tetaf .. chell, who netted another. Thil- Kincolith G. Stewart . . . Bep-Hur, CapL,Ji of Sport-.': CANADIEN AND TOOX SECOND PLACE IN INI ERNMIONA L SECTION HOCKEV LEAGUE TORONTO, Dec. 6.-The Maple Leafs without hr,P regular certtfe, Doc Carson, who was on the injuro ! , t beat the Cartodiens in the first away from home Yii.t,ir, gnd as a result take aacond piaca in the interna; i.nai ci tion of the National Hockey League. . The Canadiens bore the burden of the attack, but were baek-cheeked by Toronto defence. Bailey mrn i goals. tviuj ujcix icuiax uciKiux iimu uui ui tne pal IK1 York Rangers were defeated at Boston. CRICKET TEST PTCH GOES ' TO ENGLAND I1RISHANE. -"Anstraiia, I)ec. 5: England won the firnt cricket teat match of the pr exeat' tour in Australia today by 675 runs.. In the trnt inningH England Hcored 521 and Australia 122 and in the econd England made 842 and Australia G6. GROTTO WINS OVER GRAND TERMINALS Outstanding Game in Second Division Fixture Played Iast Evening I W. Mitch! (Grand, Terminal) '.defeated I. Dougherty (Grottoi j last night v a score of 200 to 129 in an outstanding second division billiard, game rand th. seere of last week' !, ,;. a result, '.till to 7K , the Urotto. The iiidi,,i . were as follows: .ItV-M. McLitchlin .;r..f Ben Sell' (Grand Ti i r; J. Dougherty 129. VV j m. W. E. Williscroft : V Jarinan il8. Ceutge Howe 190, ( ! 'i man 200. S. !). Macdonald 2n rer 12S. WHEN THE MUSH STARTS "Ah! You should h-.r : play Bach!" . "Goab) Yoy should ii .dad pUy gof!"-Th. .. Additional sport'- PAIN in BLADDER lYnrapU) T-Mtl t' 6ANTAI. MIDY Be urt to srf tbt Urnsta "c4ll for One - "jAU for 9nc and one for all" . . . a flyaway feather in the cap and a I J sword glittering in the hand . . . Musketeers of the King! Days when Puckingham loved Anne of Austria in the gardens of Amiens ... Think back, you Musketeers of 1914 . ,. . old France rr . memories . w and .... THREE STAR HENNESS T MB His law. Bottled at Cognac, France The Safest "Spirit'1 in al t Emergencies ANDY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the tiovcr of British Columbia. rime"1