fft-tlm-.-iwy. PMWfler 5, l'J28 ' '' r " v Man in the Moon pi a QQjmr THE .WW HE773. .PAGE ;d advertisements - FOR sale, for rent, LOST & FOUND !-, beware of the clock. It's ulti: tu.xt. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT ,IS . FIJLL QF. HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Tucre's one thing about Ili.i ttli: ili., 'I I.; A V,c 'Jl .1. i. i hi, I!' 1 .Of m-uiist; he is not likely to . to keep your mouth shut. CHIC M one. no doubt in the world- thpy can't settle it in the lore or at the newsstand, ,u the world is it to be net ,; Mother is heavier ii was thought she wa i. , the ease with many people Ah nt advanced it) years'. .inry vrtm tent out from New ti lling of. a letter that was ,i r.r in the mails and the.i re, I to the right person, has us beat!) if pnly in the part of the stutement. Angulea has o the flu. the climate !i I were you, And you were me, A i". ut the Mine I his world would be. I in re'd be two bums U ith little cash U h i wrote and talked thiiiK but trash. ith this sod lies rill that's a rtanwfll thought he "lurht'er mm more" "clothes than did hi w4f--- wit his flapper daughter. a dear little lady diets to .pvnt being -tout i pads herself all up with l urs ' never she goes out. -,, Ten Years Ago in Prtnca Kupert December 8, HUH I i nment Agent S. 11. Hs-) Sniithers has come into! of a diary whivh Uc-' ' how a trapier. ( harlewj ' 'i perished in a lonely, hetween GlKUiicihog Pusk " ,'Krhph Creek m the north. ( hief D. H. McDonald , i ived a letter from Jamesj who is with the army of' tinn in Germany. hven 'he war, Hun atrocities l-een " eoutinued. Parks I ' i t nightly Club of First i' nan Church has elected 'as follows: president, Mr. "lid; vice-president, Misn secretary-treasurer. 8. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 ' rt ago, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano nna Furniture Moving. TRAPPERS let every cent your FURS B'v worth. Ship them r bring them to HOYI) YOUNG Port Simpson, JJ. C. far lb tlx lfondT. FOIt KENT people can live cheaper ( FOIt KENT - tarnished house- It nil depends upon says it's four weeks today! hristm.is Day and?4ben hit's j in stay at home and receive! sent the neighbors bring. I bring any. I Din of you wives if you want a t your husband's hui you'd . i p t it at once while there is M't. I ket;)iriR roomH by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf i DKlVUItaBLF TAXI , 'V-'. ' lit For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Ulue 389 WALKEK MOTOR CO. LTD, WANTED WANTED Camp cook (woman) 1 wants position. Clean and cap-i able. References supplied. Ap-1 ply liox 16:5, News Office. 288 I SHOE REPAIRING LOUIS schiiw; nominees the opening of the old i;i!omith shop on Second Avenu" ;-.nd is now busy MAKINt; AND KKl'AIUINR. SHOES The Iwfit leather, the finest workmanship and over BO years experience awaits your orders. LOUIS SCIIIIIIO 33ft Second Avenue RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING 5 We sell 8 kind of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT gMRRAVEl Our, price, .weights and measure are right. So It our Service " Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. vUui e Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellintrton Sereen-. ed Nat., Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard bootless Lump. Beacon Hard Bootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advice you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 11 G nnd 117 (JUL tlUlNS- t n so m .ram l Imp Ki"!--Sundny. Tuedsys 3:30 pm. NO i K"E IS HKHUY OIVW Ut M .nniimtlon will b msae 8cili'i of llir sod sjatuntays and Thudr tt t the next i LegMaturc of th Prov- REAL ESTATE WANTED Residential lot cloae in, on sewer. Corner lot pre-ferred. Phone Red 720. ." (f,6k "sal FOR aIiFur coat nearly newA Bargain. Daily News Box 107. 3t JJ'H ! JUJ- . t it, it; A practically new Remington por table typewriter, 18 Chocolate trays. IG inches by C'a inches, sliding glass doora for shel ving, showcase and cash register. Apply IIox 16G Daily News Office. . W FOR SALE Oak library table, portable grarnaphone. with rec- arucies as new. .j.an eve- rttml,u. tWb swventn fyenue iu. PRINCE IIUPEUT Al MART ICTION I Auction Sale on Friday, Dec. 7th at 2J0 p.m. Consisting of New Chesterfield Suite, Orthophonfc Victrola, 2 Dining Room Suites, Oak Desk, Kitchen Tables, Centre Table, Odd Chesterfield Chair, Motrin Chair, ft Cribs, 2 Buggies, 8 Tapestry Carpets, Upholstered Chair, Library Table, One Range, Washing Machine, Dicycle, OJ1 Stoves and miscellaneous articles. f IP u 'Mi any fdmjture to dispose of, let me hawlle it in this sale. K G. J. DAWES, zet "STlVATJE" ANlfTdWING "If It's on tr under theuwater we I Row Coats and Canoesior hire. Bargains in Gas Engine,. AGENTS FOB Van Merck, Easthope, Hicks & I'iallantyne Engines, i Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, S6I P. O. Box 15GI HOWE'S SHBET 31ETAI, WORKS Chimney tops. ave troughs, conductor pipe, roof "flashing. warm air furnaces, pine or pipe-ess, stove pipe.? and; elbows. Out of town orders prhfnpily attended ' to. Phone 310. iBox 4G7. 2t7 Second AvW TuVrioK Candldates prepared for all Un- iversity and Professional entrance j examinations, in English, Mathe , imatlcs, Ijitin, Greek4. History,! Geography, Individual tuition.. Particular attention to those lear-j ning Hngliih. Terms on inter-: I view. j P. McKennn. B. A T. C D. J Care of Box 153, Daily News j Office BRINGING UP FATHER i r AdiM ft KIN CO OH-HERE b 'MAT NEW COMP05EO- lit rnv it. ciiuiofimctic TRY CHIROPKACTIC For Headaches, Backache, ficia-tica and Stomach Trouble ,, You will be surprised how they disappear .... Consult W. C. ASPINALL G nnd 7 Exchange Building . Corner Third and Sixth Streets Open Evenings Phones: Green 241. Black 283 DR. K. E. EYOLFSON -Aided by his new analVte unfailingly picka the correct ne-ve centre to be) adjusted, and1 ords; large flower and. hold the rigbt ndjuBtTfMtI1t at the right; ten plants; wicker Wk stand. time hrinv. Mr and better All Inquiries solicited. . - I Consultation Free , w! 'hone i Office. Blue 85 Res., Reo 389 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkthr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prinee Rupert, B. C. GOOD BATS CAFE Under management of Mrs R. Pet wpp A good pla to eat MEALS 50c Home Cooking, Hpme Made Bread, Pastry and. Cakes BARGAIN Irt USED CARS Ford ton truck. 1924. Chassis only $100,00 1 Ford Roadster Delfvery, IP24 $100.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1926, A. 1. condition ...... $875.00 P1MNTR imPRHT SAtX'AfJE & 1 Hl i? J f th TOWINOCOMPANY LIMITED i FThevrtlrtVotln-nl.l L-..H.. a . jm Chevrolet,, Continenlal and and General Salvage Work.. Coats and Scows of slit descrpl- tions for Charter. K....L . .1 4 fiinMiM "Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Wrecking service day or night Phone 32 289 I WHAT IS IT ' that keeps you always ook-; ing well and smartly dresj-ed? i OUR SERVICE ! PHONE (519 to have your clothes pressed. I We call for and 'deliver to , al) parts of the city. For that Suit . . We have fine Fall , and r Winter : Suitings and Over j coatings, on hand. Cpm Jn : today and let us take 'yopr measure. Culling, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 liorvliur, Capitol, tonight. n milllllT 1 1 1 1 nm fkm Crl VMl H mmmt I BATHS FINNISH SWEAT BATJIS-lay now be had at the "Rupert Baths," First Aye. arid McBride St. Private sw4t(roo'rn. jpbower bath, and dressing' 'room .tor .aaies. uesi remeay lor rneu-,matism. Fine for preservation 'of health. A quick, safe and pleasant way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold in pne treatment. Rub-down and mas? sage if desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince you of the benefits to be de riyed front Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WICKWIRE, . Attendant. II AiUt D UES S.ING New Method . PERMANENT WAVE ; ... Giyen by Mrs, AIJen;vf4 p'Mf'L'ADY' BEAUTY SIIdPPE ihfi Also Finger Waving, eth. Phone G55 NOTICE1 In tb UisUturc. ' NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that M application will be made at the next esslon of the Lexlxlature of the Prov ince of BrttUh Columbia or an Act to , IncorporaU a compaojr uoder the nam of rrcrlnctal Telephone Company with an authorlwd capital of five Dial ion dollar! with IU head office In Ute CHj of Vancouver and with tbe following pow- era: To pperaU telephone, mrtutM tele. 1 phone, radlo-telepttone and almllar ser vice including aervlceB or tne trans-mlulon ' of aound, picture, writing or algnala; to hold and dispose ot land. 1 ttnemenU and hereditament of any description: to prpvld and rtialntm, all iuch building, works, plant, apparatus, materials, office and exchanges a may be necessary r lu ovtlpeas;, ,fOI tne purposes of Its business to. provide and operate ateanuhlpa ' and' othet vessels; tc acquire ana use any.pnvuege granted by any Federal, Provincial or muni-' cipai sutaorttyi t acquire .ana . patent right; to advance, money i to. any corporation, company or penons foe' pro-. vldlng building or operating. ny , telephone ytem. to do anything a contractor of others which It might do for its. own purposes; to Invest -and , deal wtth It surplus funds: fo enter ppon and break' up highways, street and public bridge and to construct telephone line along, acron or under the sama. or In. under or over watercourse, river', and Jakes, subject to the approval of the city or municipal council where the proposed works are to. b situated within a city or municipality, and In other cases subject to the approval of the Minuter of Lends; to oonatmct work on Its own property; subject to obtaining content under the Navigable - Water : Protection Act of the Dominion of Can-1 acta, to construct, lay and operate uo- marine telephone cable or caoiea m any lake, river or water to which that Act applies, also oetween any isiana in irit- isn uoiumaia ana oetween sucn isianas and. tbe mainland; to cut a passage for lie lines vhMv fliirh llivs nAJtt threnffh I wood ubject to ccmpenaattBK tbe own-er thereof for dsmage, and to trim .tree on or extending over highways In i order to prevent interference wtth mod I telephone service to purchase the whole 'or any part of the undertaking of any iqther company having objects In whole lor In part similar to those of the company, er to amalgamate with -such Other company, and to transfer to the company cr to the amalgamated company. a the case may be., all or stiy of such franchise or statutory powers a may b possessed by such other company; to enter Into and carry put soy agreement i With any company whose pndertaktng D purchased a aforesaid In the natur of assuming the payment of ofguAnnV9 t Ing the payment of prlhcllpal 'and In-' tetatt. or either, on bonds. . debenture I stock or debenture, or asauming , or guaraateeing the carrymg cut or Its o ligations or any fmrX iheraol to kiur Into agreement tor ednneotlpR lta.j-Urn, pr line with those of other telephone oprtor to txproprjat,.)! under. Jl he powers or the hauf Oansef Act; to tnak regulation tor ns tnlerattl management,- to fhtironiilfa. to.Umgja tariff of charge tor lt aervloea. S8 to! collect.- tue for ahd rectwrr the seoie: tc borrow money; to iu orefenHic shares debentures or debenture stock, either redeemable or Irredeernable; to i4ue shArea with or without m;iiJ pr par value1, to change it nana pursuant, to the Comph,ls Act a&d other :nclantal powers. DATED the 1st day of November. 1928. McPHILUPB. DUKCi A mc?IU4P9. B34 (ytt?u( Otftet . f Vanooavrr. IV C. BolsUter for the AppMce.hU. Tueii J8J Advertise in Thr News. Me -! OUKEiy EMBARRASSING. MOMENTS ) SICJ - ) aiou CO. fAVETo : Tiv? y w wit-urn : vc& 'HERE COMES THE BRIDE" London Opinion. TTrr 3y George McManus f WElXr Y GOLUYA tT THE. FlRtiT TIME H6 EVER. OAMC IT TO ME. 1