PAGE SIX PROGRAMS FOR WHOLE WEEK ON THE RADIO J. Bulger (GT) .... 1 J. Reealey (G) 1 W. H. Jarrann (GT) . C. L. Youngman (GT) t TBAM STANDINGS (Second Division) G. T Grotto 5 4489 Grand Terminals- ... 4 3561 Grand Terminals ... 5 4349 J. May CS) 2 400 Individual Averages J. IHllman (C8) .... 4 790 C. Bantle (CS) 4 780 W. Bailey (CS) .... 4 774 M. M. McLftchlan (G) 5 ' 96J R. D. MaeDonnJd (G) 5 952 John Bulger (GT) ..5 5 ?25. Ben Blf (GT) W. E. Willlseroft (G) W. Mitchell (GT) . . . W. II. IHllman (GT) . 5 4 5 5 J. Beesley (G) 4 (!. Howe (G) 5 J. Campbell (CS) .. 3 G. Krause (CS) 3 PJ9 730 9ii) D03 fid 897 515 467 c. L. Youngmnn (GT) 5 ,712 J. Dougherty (G) ... 1 129 Bert Morgan (G) .... 1 101 SCORERS IN BASKETBALL (Senior League) J. Johnson, Kipcolith . . . . . - iKifow8ra;rromtiub :: Wednesday December. 5 R...Sankey, Port Simpson , . 10:30 a.m. "Woman's Mag- j, Alexcee, Port Simpspn .. azine of the Air" KHQ, KOMO, Tom Kelsey, Players' Club . K(,W, KGO, KPO, KFI.. Dido Gurvich, Native Sons . 11.30 a.m. "Hands of History" c. Robertson, Kincolith. .... K(:0- KFI R. Mathers, Port Sinipspn .. 7:30 Yflllow Cab Gayeties, T Stewart, Kincoith ...... K,'' KFI. . W. Mitchell, Player C?ub . 9:00 Correct Tijne, KQMQ, s. Gurviph, Native Sons' .. KHQ, KtJVV, KGO, KPQ. J. McNulty, Native Sons .., 9:00 "Roads to Romance," G. Mitchell, Players' Club. .. KHQ, KOMp, KOW, KGO, KPO, 1L Menkes, Native Son?' . . . KFI- George White, port Simpson , 10:00 The Trocaderans, KGW, jj. Trimble, Kinqoli'th. KGO, KFI. G. Stewart, Kincolith 11:00 The Trocaderans, KqW Eddie Smith, Players' CJob ., KP0- 4J E. Ratchford, Native Spna , , B. McDonald, Native Sons . , Thursday, December 6 jj. McCall'um. tfa'tjve Sops , G:00 Seiberling Transcontin- v. Menz'ies. Native Sons ental Program, KHQ, KGW. KGO. Dudinich, Native Sons . . . KOMO. KFI. w. Lambie. Players' Club . . . 7:30 Standard Symphony p. Musgrave, Port Simeon . Hour. KHQ. KOMO, KGW. KGD, j KlWolith ........ K t . 'A. Cross, Player's Cub 8:30 Memory Lane, KOMO. j. Gosse, Players' Club .... KGW, KGO. iA Phillips, ' ' Players! Club . . 9:00-Correct Time, KOMO, ' " KHQ, KGW, KGO. KPO. , l 4 t 9:30 MawBll House- Program, (Intermediate. League) KHQ, KOMQ, KGW, Kliq, KPO, H. Macdonald, II. S KFI. , 'A. Cross H. S 10:00 The Troeaderans, KPO. E. Ratchford,. Big Four .... KFI. H. McCaVlum Eagle's 11:00 The Trpcaderajis, KPO. ' G. Howe, R. C. N. V. R. . . . ' V. Wrathill, Big Four ..: Friday, Jcember 7 J Underwood, Toe H 5.S5 Land O'Health. KHQ. KGW F DimrweU. Eagles KOMO. KGO. D. Morrison, II. S 6:(jp Wrigljiy Transcontinen- J Pierce, R.C.N.V.R tal Progrnm. KJIQ, KQMQ, KGW, B McDonald, Eagles KGQFI. jFred McDonald, R.CN.y.It. 7:P0 m Apgeles Studjo Pro-IE. Dingwell, fcagjes ..... gram. KfiO, KHI. Eddie Smith, Toe It 8P BtA Hoqr, KH.Q. KOMO. A. Styles, C- N: R.'.... ' . KGW, KfcO, KPO, Kfl. Eddie Smith, Toc)l. ...,!.. 9im-0fwt Time, KOMO, ;R. Sommers; C. N. R. .... KM4 W'KGO, KPO. J. Harris, Too II ,.. W M?gic, KHQ, KGW, i j). Stalker, C. ."n. ft Trppaderana'KpMolS' lA.AA TU T 1 - 'VAfA W. Bairshaw. R.ONA F. Morrison, Tb' H. t elf .wzi u. scon, , 41. & . . . WOT-,u ';D Staker, Big Four "rogram. KJIQ. KOMO, hGW, . . J u 7:00-Lucky Strike Hour, KHQ. ; ' V, "1 " ' JO KOW KGO wju, KPO. nru, KFM"'. xK'v.J .-.-? ..-,.. nri.i-, n r 9:00-CorCt Time, KOMO. Eagle. BILLIARD STANDING iBert Walters, Tpc II. .. j George; IHlls, Big Four ;L,ousi Aston, v. S. k. The first division standing t Elmer Smith. Eagles . date is as follows: M. Comadina, C. N. B PI. Til Ay i D. Scptt, if S. Grotto 6 5602 120 E. Robe,rts6n, Big Four .... Grand Terminals ... &56Q4 1121 -i). McKehzip. R.CN-Y.R- Canadian Legion .. 4M44C. 112 J. Currle, Qig Four mmviouAOYEiiAqEs uVrSlviii::: Hrt Division u lrv,ne( h. 8. W. E. Williscroft (G) 2 50 250', McNulty. Big Fopr W. J. Nelaon (GT) .. 5 Wt 24?.'. f Dr. J. A. West CL) . I 27 247ji (Lodles League A. Donald (G) 5 123C Hi l Lowe, Maple L?afs .... W. H. Long (UT) .. 8 iHli fi4 C Irvine. Drill Team J. Hamilton (GT) ..a fi 239 MaytNes. Maple eafs ... G. P. Tlnkfr.CM,..3iii3?v4pe;Bnddle. JlajfleIafB , . p.-PfW--..--5 231'v Smith( MnpIe its Col. Melftflllem) . 4 9(4 229 E. Drm Team .... W. MitehDll (OT) .. 2 43J m sue Boddie.Mhi)le Leftf. w j . rr i of I nidi A. jj 1.. ii m. rtfiuiewn iv.ur . .v oi.--.y Gurv kW; Drl Team D. Brown (G) 5 10f0 214 Alex Murray (.CL). 3 637 212 A. A. Eaason (G) .... 5 1040 203 J. Andrews (CL) ... 4 830 209 136 136 135 135 131 131 108 lb3 Julia Watlers, MapIe lipfc M. Thompo0i Maple Leafs LM. Gilchrist. Maple Leaf? . BASKETBALL LEAGUE Senior League P W Port Simpson 5 4 Kipcqlith 5 &uilva Anna ft O layers' i,b 5 2 260 i r 198 495 194 192 J90 m 181 180, J79 lit 156 142 129 101 High School Indies' League t'P W Maple Leafs 5 5 Drill Team 5 0 Intermediate ...5 ,5 lig Four' &; 4 ;t. C. N. V. It. .... 5 2 5 be II :.. 5, .2 Kagles , 5.2 P, N. Hi 5 :5 Junior League High School 5 4 Colts 6 1 .62 414 41 33 3i SEATTLE WON HOCKEYGAME a hp mvrnni a VICTORIA, 30 att(e's bawl of Dec. puck 5: Se- chasers Jwp o nil win. The locals were badjy crippled by the absence of Cliff Q'AIeara.. Victoria fought hard al! the way Ijuelj short pf the exhibition ijrjjjuced jiy the Eskimo htjuad wjig jjjjjwejj tafJinjt tjvree man combination rushes and tore notes in the local defence on several occasions. ' Roth of Seattle's goals were Scored In the second perfod. t - Around The World With Sport Fans . Uj XUr Tramp) 43 Mayor ,Burtop of Hamilton has oQiBianeo ipe civic machinery with d8 a view to securing the next Wrig-3? I Jf y Marathon awim for Burlington 36 1 Bay In the neighborhoqd of the 3i 29. 27 16 K Humr Bay to wtreme. of jtw0 o them unJ ptMl8ib,y Ste ""T.1 t0"fva. purely a matter of 15 12 2 12 8 .. 8 I L Pt 0 10 5 0 L Pt 0 10 1 8 Jey that the competitors will not "unif, cold." In any Dart of Lake Ontario pr other of the Gfeat' 11! tme daily nam SPORT CHAT For years it has been Rogers Hornsby's ambition to be a mem- A I V II. 1 111 I A Ler P the Chicago Cubs baseball Heat jCubs Two Goals to Nil Outplaying " the ifonie Team team. As long ago as 1925 Hurjishy aakttd If it would be pps-1 Bible to negotiate a deal that iWbUtd take him to Chicago. Since then he has made a"Cook's- TgOtr" around the .league. Always ja .great ball player, the best :riirhth:inHpl hitter in nithor slrepgtheijed their grasp on j league, a conscientious workman, their leadership pf the pacific jgivlntf his best every day, for Coast Jjckey League here Jast Isome unknown reason he has night, syhen they invaded the proved a "whit elephant" on the lars of the Victoria (Cubs and .hands of different club owners. J - L 1 "it A !1 . I... ... .V .... grgoncu on iwh points uy a jwneiner this is because of a big salary, a dynamic, independent personality mat will tolerate no opposition, or some other reason. !the fact remains that one of the i g-reateet ball players anil hitters I of all time is shunted about from club to club. Hornaby believes hs Will have a good chance to tie or break Babe Ruth's record of sixty home runs in om season, if he plays with the ihieugo Cuba. The Cub bill) park is made to order for a long; right centre hitter like llornsby. It will be interesting to see if Rogers' pet ambition is; ever realized. j lust about the funniest shuffle i was the shift which ! sent Bill McKechnie, who won a pennant for St. Louis Cardinals to manage the Rochester team in j the International next season and . brought Billy Southworth back1 AmDiuous City. He and other tn st trnm n..hi..r in representatives of the corporation McKwhni(s plllce. ,t i8 realv prppose to interview the n.Lakes.fJie qn y .mean. of avoiding1 d not a thinjf htly to dIl!. ''v; 7 1 7,-r "r. regarded, no matter how u "),vWi vo-hiukb alternative nates imnv h a for the sw m. The women's Mar- 9 MfjPJV ' hero was contested "in water 8of quite, suitable temperature.' A 7 . week-later the mercury plunged 6vheir ihe tempejatiire was taken. 5 A -few. days after theTnen'a swtm 5 jlhe ..waer .was even warmer than 5 jon th4- occasion of the" women's 4Marathbn.'.-. 4 2 . i rOrcw are beinf? lined up in 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 tle Statb of Maryland to fight the racing interests at the forthcoming session of the Legislature. Maryland is the racing centre of the east, having supplanted New Vorlc .to a considerable deem- nfost Mtrable :' i '' ;HQTfL ARRIYALS Royal Glsll Jonssen, Osland; Gus Peterson, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Watson, Digbyi C. H. Underwood and II. Howard, C.N.R.; D.McAlisfer, City. Savoy J. Randall Black, Kewanee, III. els Llndclty. Central VfilICa , o ftKtttiiru in rlonuptmuninl Vwu .id ' aiiu iiiHiitrss uimn nim if n j i A. r oi tie same organisation. oft . 0 possible, - i.f il the merits nf the fnmnita . . . . .. .22 10 17 I ' -'".' 1 iru a mimhAr n T i.m uii. 1 1 uuf ub a course ior me long paddle. If the .waters of Burlington Bay are as subject as those J. Weis, ; Mrs. Mpnes n and Miss Maggie Jones, Smithera. JJLE Or BUSINESS? The Customer It's wonderful the way you can read that ftinny w'ritjag pn those prescriptions. ! ihe, Urug tierK-ftpn)e pi it h hard id muko out.; Then we ajwaya pick put something harm- f.1. i' w.....,0i.,.. jti.;..i.i.o fievlew. '' Ben-Hur, c,!!U0,'grJK,lt There ' stores in the Curdinal chain. Just how1 many it is hard to say off-hand. But St. Louis and Rochester are the shift policy as the Grriinal Chain Store Corpoi- ation hps shown a desire to make Jhee annual ahifts in the past. Ann. nftor nil. 11 rmliv ia a nnlirv TO CULTIVATE BOXING CHINA NAftftfNG, Cliina, Dec. 5. ; Some',of (Sene Tunney's sut eessors jimy m)l n Chinese champion one of these days if the aim of China's1 boxing promoter ! is achieved. The j gqvernment hau organited a box-! ers' bureau and elimination con tests ere to be held in various parts of the country for a tourna- Since the antl-be.ttlng laws become i meat in Nanking. ppej-ptly In the Empire State. The Dr. C. T. Wang, minister of for-1 ffitht will be -largely political, al- eign affairs, has taken a great ia- th'bugh.lhdppanderit intereals have 1 11' ifl the new national iit-j allied themelves with the oppon- tuc of boxing, of , which General i 4iitR at the Admlt)istraU6n. The, Chang Chi-kiang. former miliUry, njWj'rncrug factions' hajve imet8overn'i" M Charhar, is the di-j With some succesa in Ohio.'-but! rector. The general plans to pre-, tjiey will riiect with, nw? Aub-!"erve the old style Chinese box-j born oprwsitlon In Maryland.! whi(h originated here a-bout Fei'e:thert,4ia;ieet)biAilarl4.'V- ''-T' )ptod at same time ; tlrmluce Ahf weatern type fj niid where 4t is coirducLed c?n a ngting,Hlch.viW8 make w nos sible for tb Chinese tc meit op-pannts'friHfl other ptw is o;f the Wprld. I The Chinese system of boxing, as practiced thousands of years. s more of a graceful exerciwe than ,n r- J V "ne o7'w . I'oxing aa it is known in the Uni--SD.-Umpbell, R. Slattery apd suleg Bnd no ,)lows Hre G.. S. Clark, Vancouver; A. Mar- utrnv Khali, Anyox; J. V. Turner and General Chinntf has reouested Dr. i II. C. Bamford, Smithers; JL.ihi. ,,rr,,.in..lal niithnrltles to Mend & .McKenney, Terrace. Icandidr.tes for honors, as well as experts in the sport to the boxiny tournament here this fall. I.1MBHRINO-UP EXERCISES They had Just met at Atlantic City and were sitting on the beach. SHE What a wonderfully developed aj you ha-HE- Yea. I got that playing i)al itball. By the way, were you ever -im a tracx team. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Why- Children need Bovril to fortify them against cold and illness. Bovril is the best of the beef in its most concentrated and digestible form. The special body-building powers of Bovril are due, partly to the actual nourishment in Bovril itself, and partly to its unique power of enabling the human system to derive far greater nourishment from the ordinary diet It assists development and increases stamina. Give the children Bovril every day for a month and note the difference. The Body-building powers of Bovril have been proved by Independent investigation to be from lO to 20 times the amount taken. mmm GovctimMv Sinn VcWs mmc i FOR all occasions when a pure, and full flavored whiskey is desired choose SEAGRAM'S 83. It is luscious whiskey-made from an original formula and fully matured and ripened in individual oak casks. IhC oldest stocks oi WtvUVwzv tai i Thin advertisement i.s not published or di pi.i.v by the Mtiuor Control Board or by th ujvorn. SPORT FIXTURES FOR THE WEEK WwlnaadajFlrat Dlvlaloo llilllnrds: Canadian Legion vs irotto. of British Columbia I I II w - . ii nnis: uon Mi.r.'.i't- j .roi i. ' . . r Mans Whisl: Kiiit'lil' "I I v .. . , ! ' Intermi'iliiit- iii thias vs Seal vi.' i 'Hi-; i l.- ii if l r,, i-icl' i Bp vs St. (iiMii-gt-'s ; Ni-w Kinprifss XuvhI Uaaerve . i.-kIh - j.,i vs flrtilto; Moose byi-. I'J'enm vs Map'11 '' ' Boxing: Liido (.iunicli vs Uddlejlligh School v '