PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. EDUCATIONAL PICTURE EiFlcI Oi to Road' HODGE PODGE Evenings MINING Stocks Noon aud afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We iLu have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeir Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, RC. DRYBRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg 312.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Albert Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coat Hyde ! ransfer AND COAL CO. P h on e 580 2 39 Second Ave. Strictly Up-to-Date Novelty Dress Goods French Flaanels I'oiret Twills I'ancjr Wool Crepe All W4 Faille Chiffon Velvet Printed Georgette Etc, lite "The Nobby" COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Dulklev Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Mill MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. AND COMEDY 50c Free! Free! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY One Tea Pot value 75c free with eveo purchase of 1 lb. Braid's Blue Label Teu 80 1 lb. Braid's Best Coffee H5 or 2 lbs. Braid's Blue Label Tea J? 1.55 Good Ripe Bananas, while they last, per lb lOr MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Home Dressed Boiling Fowl, per lb 40 Pickled Pigs' Feet, per lb. iWe Hot or Cold Pot Roasts, per lb 5? Real Money Savers MussaSlem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 84 NO BETTER Coal! is obtainable than the varieties we handle. We have made exhaustive tests of them all and the pick of the lot are the coals we recommend to you. TEST OUR SERVICE NOW before the cold weather catches you unprepared. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 i H.S.Wal!aceCo.Ltd. 36 inch DRESS VELVETS In Navy, Tan, Reseda, Black, Wine, Pekin. $1.95 yard- 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 Dr. Alexander nioxr. S7S nr.sNKit ni.ocK DENTIST YOUNG MAN IS LAID TO REST Obsequien for Late George, Osborne This Afternoon, Followed by Interment in Jbir Cemetery With friends of the deceased and his mourning family in attendance, funeral service for the la.e George Osborne, who lost his lite last week in the Canadian General fc.iecl.ric Co.'s plant a Peterboro, Ontario, where he was employed as an electrical engineer, was held at 2.S0 this afternoon at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers. Appropriate words of respect to the deceased and comfort to his heavily stricken relatives were spoken by Canon V. F. iiushbrook of St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral who officiated. Hymns were "0God Our Help in Ages Past" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." W. Vaughan Daviert proided at the organ. After the service, interment took place in Fairview Cemetery, i all bearers were W. M. Cruthers, David MjKcnzie, Alex. McDonald, J. C. Brady. M.P., W. Bailey and K. G. Macauley. The remains of the unfortunate young man were brought to the city from the East yesterday by W. M. Cruthers, an official of the Canadian General Electric Co., who will proceed to Vancouver tomorrow. Among those who sent flowers! I were : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and fami mily, Miss Wilma Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodsell, Mr and1 Mrs. David Scott, Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lore and family, Mr. and Mrs. I). McD. Hunter and family,! Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, Mr. W. Tattersall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rod McLeod and family, Mr. (and Mrs. H. Halcrow, Mr. and j Mrs. W. K. Love, Mr. -and Mrs.' I i. Mu.sallem and family. Mr. and Mr. Publicover, Mr. and Mrs. A. I H Bai'ev and f.imilv, Victoria.! B.C., J. D. Mi Vicker, Anyox. B.C. Canadian Service ChiistmasSaili ailings j IHOM MONTREU ! To nF(.. Hwrat aud l.hrrpovl I Aiiuiaia Oct 12. Nov Lamia Oct. 19; Anaarra ort 25. Nov 28 AUMnis. Nov. a i T'i I'lviimuth. hrrtaurg, London 1 m.u bii 12. Nov 9 Auranta Oct. Acanta. Or' 28. Nov. 33 Alaunla. No. 3 FRMM HALIFAX To 111 mouth. Havre. London Alaun.a . .'Osc. 8 Tuacanla .. Dm. 14 T IVIfii-l l.lverjMHH. Ota'fnw Letltla Dec. 14 FBUM NT. JOHN To Hrlfat, LIvrrjHm), (llangow Lotltla Dec. II Also weekly Milttaja from New York and Boston to European Port. ! Money Oitfrra. Draft and Traveller!' , ch.u.- at i -weKi ra- Full mforrna- ; tisn :r?m :eal ugnu or Company a B.C. wmmm 2? I HOM MONTREAL Ta l.ltrrMMil tiOct. IV. I 'Nov 16 ... Duobeaa ot Athott Ort m. i Nov. 33 MMatSftlro ; Nov 2 Ducheaa of Be3sI ,Nnv 8 Montclare tVla Olaafow 1tVla BelUat. Olaafow. To CherHri-fcutlitiniton- Amnrrp Oct. 34. Nov. SI Mttte T hrtHHif-outliuniptnn-lUmburf Wov. 10 Meilt FROM QUEI1EC T flwrur-wtl'niton Oct. 1 ataprexa of fieetUnd To VrW No. 34 mw ot Autrtlft To He1faat-4HaatwUvrrMMl NOV. 38 Mlwnodoaa I.S. OMtral Pms. AinL C.P.B. Itatloa, Vancouv Taatphaa ttymout 2119 POWER SUPPLY IS ESSENTIAL TO DEVELOPMENT OF CITY DECLARES MAYOR McMOR-D1E IN AN ADDRESS. (continued from page 1) of 50,000 people and the intuition was to keep it. Sewer System Problem Speaking of the health of the city, Mayor McMordle said one of the greatest problems at present was the building of sewers. There were two small systems in Section 1 and property owners had put in many . conLections themselves while others had built septic tanks. This was not altogether satisfactory. A city could not be built without adequate sewerage. They had now built a trunk sewe-and laterals were to be built in Section 5. It was planned to provide others in the more densely-populated parts of the city as time and money permitted. In opening his address the Colonel complimented the board of trade on its quarter luncheon, which had proved such a success. He did not plan to speak abon the possibilities and resources of the city. All knew them. Tnt city was being built in a perman-ent manner. When incorporate'1 the population was small and there was nothing but a few plank roads, small frewers, a telephone system which had been rescued through the public spiritedness of a few citizens and a mino-water supply. The difficulties had been great but they had ihe spirit of the west. He believed no city had. as great difficulties to contend with in the building as Prince Rupert but the people faced the difficulties and progress was made. Roads and Sidewalks One of the first jobs for the first council was the building of plank roads. At one time there was said to be 25 miles of these in the city. As they began to need repairs it became an unbearable burden and the present semi-per manent road system was initiated with the.reaujt that tpday almost all the plank had been replaced Now the problem with which they had to deal was the replacing of the wooden sidewalks, whicn were breaking down. The city council was opinion that concrete should Replace wood in the business sections and 19 block: were being paved. In doing thi only one protest had been re- ceived. In the outside sections sand or cindef paths were plan ned. Speaking of utilities, the mayo: said the telephone system had proved very successful and wa KintT ont pperaiea nrerated at ai a a DrofiL proiiu The inc service was meat creditable. The one in . Vancouver ..... wa nothing ,u: like iii,. as prompt The power plant had been successful to this point btr the demand had exceeded the f up ply and the drydock plant was be ing utilised. While its operation was expensive there was no over head to provide for. The demand for electric power had doubled within the past three years and waa irrnwintr everv month. A new , ... source of supply i was now becom imnerative KITCHEN SHOWER FOR LOCAL BRIDE TO BE Miss Margaret Eyolfcon (JueM u. Honor at Interet(ng Social Hvent Mrs. J. . Boddie and Mrs Jas. W. Simpson were hostesses at the home of the former ir honor of Miss Margaret Eyolfson, whose wedding take place this month. The entertainment took the form of a kitchen ahower and a feature of the decorationa was a miniature bride nd groom which centred the tea wagon, laden with many netful gifts foi the prospective bride The gueata included Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Meedames T. Williams, II. Foote. Eyolfson Sr.. Eyolfaer Jr., J. Wood, Mis Molly Cross. Luey Plllsbury. D. McDonald, Ini Woods. Lorna Maelaren, Ven Smith. Margaret and Jan Eyolf-hon, Ahnie'Dalbr, D.iarp. Mar garet Martin, Edn Dobbin Bdnc Gllker, Besale Derry, WinnU Ulbb, Ethel Christie, B. Bates, Agnee McKemtie, Nancy Rorie and Messrs. Albert Wood, Poll Howard, J. Underwood, Alf. Slogan, Norman Moorehouse. PeU Sojem, Eric and Bud Church, Dr. Eyolfaon and brothers Harry und Albert, and it. v. W. F. ' ' nCT v was LINDSAY'S Cartage nd Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and OisuriUuiiug Team or Moiir Service. ( oal Sand and Qravet. sJpeclaliir In Piano and Funutuiv Moving. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITUHE AND PIANO MOVING We hell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND G HAVEL Our price, weights and Rteaeuree are right. So is our Service Phoae us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. District Saturday, Octnlii i- r gPIOiJ SAW Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than any otcr made., This guarantee has never been challenged SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, t aiHi araitr ab teonn aviauc. MONTSIAL. Out. VANCOUVER. BC TORONTO ONT 5t JOHN Nil. U. FOR There is nothing snore coesfortable during the-damp days and evening than t slip m a cwsy pair t. i Slippers. We have jnat received mt Fall Moment cnM 57 GeMlreatea'a, isnW, Rmyw' and Uirls' StifaperH in nun ou styles and color, raMMMfchr priresl to suit every pu: ransririf Children's H&? and up ijadiM $i.oo ui tnssi " Geatieasan'a $1.50 tn Xil.'2r JABOUR Phone 645. ot i;sj;i;f FELTS BROS. LTD. 7th St and 3rd V The Daily News , Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the New of the Mprth, coast and country, f7oulf5 ipecial correspondents, as Well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of itl